Thursday, November 7, 2013

Trans Pacific Partnership TPP Object Oriented Model

I have been searching for and reading more about TPP recently.  Yes, Yves, I heard your alarm and am at my battle station, manned a ready.

One of the things I read, don't have a link but one is not necessary, used Ross Perot's presentation regarding NAFTA.  He simply used a piece of paper and a market to draw a couple of objects and implement their relationship with a "giant sucking sound".  That is all there is to the simplicity of the object model.  Object attributes and behavior.  It gets more complex after that but the logic of the initial approach as he displayed it extends to the all levels of complexity.

Is it a coincidence that NAFTA was signed on December 17 and TPP was fast tracked to be signed at about the same time.  Is December the Friday of the news cycle when we all have our eyes on Christmas.  The Federal Reserve Act was signed on 23 December 1913?

Ross Perot - 1992 YouTube here.

One year later NAFTA was a done deal.

This is a very informative interactive map published by Brookings showing: "Metro North America: Metros as Hubs of Advanced Industries and Integrated Goods Trade"

Interesting note from looking at the interactive map:  Regina, Canada has a population of around 180,000 people but has a total import plus export value of all goods traded with the US of 2.3 Billion dollars.

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