Monday, November 4, 2013

The FBI's Bit Coin Address

I have examined Bit Coin in the past but perhaps not deep enough.  I have dismissed it as something that was not as a monetary system close to the system I propose but did  have interest as an example of a private money system that might have some merit related to my concepts.

Traceability is a key concept in my object oriented monetary system model.

The subject line is from a story in Aljazeera and  is an excellent example of discovery of a process by the FBI leading to the identification of the object oriented structure from which the process comes.  Objects don't move, processes are inherent in messages passed internally by objects and externally to other objects to request or induce their behavior.

The FBI followed the transaction message related to account and money.  They followed the message not the account, not the bitcoin money itself.  Those objects do not move, only messages between them move and internally any "Unique Account" has an attribute object On Hand Balance to which Unique Account sends an internal  message to do a behavior of increase/decrease on hand balance and Unique Account sends related external messages to other instances of Unique Account to initiate their internal messages calling for behaviors.

The way the FBI did it is very cool.

A list of crypto currencies is here

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