Wednesday, December 27, 2017

FedCoin "Utility Settlement Coin" This is not a debt free Cryptocurrency
"We definitely do not want the banksters to co-opt this movement.  Blockchain technology should be used to free humanity from debt-based central banking, but instead the exact opposite could end up happening.
If someday independently-controlled cryptocurrencies are completely banned or suffocated nearly out of existence by oppressive regulation, the way would be clear for the banksters to force everyone to use their own digital currencies.  There are many nations around the world that have already gone nearly cashless, and the potential for tyranny in a cashless system where all digital currency is controlled by the banksters would be absolutely off the charts."
"Fedcoin, by contrast, would be decentralized to various Federal Reservebanks. There would be central control over the money supply, just as we have today, but meanwhile, the technology would offer vast improvements in transaction efficiency. Digital transactions are quick, cheap and potentially a lot more secure than the system we have today."
Of course.  It is only obvious and logical.  Central Bank Cryptocurrency.  Private walled garden cryptocurrency incorporating lite (non-distributed public ledger) blockchain.  Is it possible that this would be an application of Cryptocurrency units of value in a debt based balance sheet Central Banking System.  Central Banking can never give up its debt based monetary system that is how the currency system is controlled by government franchise to Private Banking.

What is the fundamental nature of FedCoin?  Debt Based Private Central Banking Monetary System?

FedCoin is a wolf in sheep clothing.  It is a pseudo cryptocurrency but in fact founded on debt based assets for underlying value.  It is not a true debt free cryptocurrency and any implied connection to a cryptocurrency is deceptive.

Saturday, December 23, 2017

Michael Hudson - Debt and Jesus - Birth and Redemtion

29 April 2018 update to my most recent (at this time) blog entry relating to Michael Hudson:
Thank you Michael Hudson!  The intro tells more about him than I knew before.  He is a hero.  a moral Truth Teller.  This is why I have admired him for so long by numerous entries in this blog.  I rarely go into past blog entries even though they inter-twine thread over time.  This is my first blog entry relating to Michael Hudson dated 2012:;postID=1192697726711885523;onPublishedMenu=allposts;onClosedMenu=allposts;postNum=11;src=link

Michael: No. You asked what is the fight about? The fight is whether the state will be taken over, essentially be an extension of Wall Street. If you do not have government planning … Every economy is planned. Ever since the Neolithic (era), you’ve had to have (a form of) planning. If you don’t have a public authority doing the planning, then the financial authority becomes the planners. So globalism is the financial interests, Wall Street and the City of London, doing the planning, not governments. And they will do the planning in their own interests.

So neoliberalism is the fight of finance to subdue society at large and to make the bankers and creditors today in the position that the landlords were under feudalism.

Original 12/17/2018 blog entry......................................................
Thanks Michael for your perspective on the social fundamental nature of debt over history and how it frames our social structure (what society is) and what society does.

We are a debt based society.  Religion is a debt based requiring redemption concept.  Money is a debt based concept requiring mandatory redemption or punishment if not redeemed.  The concept of Jubilee is an interesting one.  A free pass on debt forgiveness.  A gift given by a power to the gifted. In the true nature of a gift it does not diminish what the giver has remaining but enhances the giver as much as the receiver.  An equalizer.

Maybe the ultimate game plan of society is to equalize.  Not on a debt based balance sheet model of what is owed on the negative debt/debtor side driving the basic nature of the social system but driven by the asset side of abundance.  Debt is an absence concept representation of Zero and Less giving conceptual substance meaning to what is One or More.

It is a Paradigm Shift to change from a Zero (No Thing) base to a Some Thing in Real Existence base.  No Thing is the reality of an Alternate Universe Like Dark Matter.  Dark Matter is conceptually out there be we do not live in that world although the perversion of religion to a debt base sets the frame of our existence as if we did live in that alternate universe and when our debt is paid off we go there for reward or punishment.

Thanks Michael for drawing the perception of debt to that No Where, No Place, No Time, No Thing foundation concept that our social existence is based on.

Our salvation will be the day that we make the paradigm shift to recognize existence on a purely positive base of Unity rather than its flip side a negative base that is the existence of Nothing.

It is like a chicken and egg.  Which came first?  Nothing then Everything was created from Nothing?

No, there was always Something on which Every Thing was based.  There never was a t
Time when there was no Time.  It is Eternal.  Always was, always will be.  That is a better asset based concept for our society.

Money that always exists as uniquely identifiable granular units of measure in the real world.  Not something continually coming from nothing and going back to nothing as debts are paid off.  Something we all "own" as our collective wealth resource to use as a decision making tool for allocation of real and conceptual resources.

Consistent with this paradigm shift concept is that Jesus came into the world only once from a place that always was and never had to pay off a debt with redemption but remains as a gift that never diminished the nature of the giver.

There is no "Zero Sum Game" in that Positive Based Concept.  We all win because by human nature always were debt free and always will be.

Merry Christmas!

What will rise from the ashes of debt based money Extinction Event?

It will be Positive Money.  Gold, Yuan or Crypto?  Not gold as a physical positive money but it will be Crypto currency as a conceptual Positive Money that never goes out of existence.  It will probably be Yuan based Crypto Currency as China takes world leadership.  That leadership will be pried from the cold dead hands of the US Dollar unless the USA makes a First Strike change to Crypto Currency.

The USA deserves world derision for its debt based monetary system used as tool of world domination.  The victor will reclaim the People's ownership of the Positive Based Crypto Currency Money Ball and establish a new game on a new playing field where players bend a knew to honor a better game and a better anthem (Joy to the World?) instead of protest of the one being currently played.

Tuesday, December 19, 2017

If Trump does this then We Do This!

Excellent idea!  A Contingency Plan idea when the event is of epic proportions.  Plan in advance to go to a certain place, perhaps one associated with the event (bank?) or a public place (park) at a certain time after the event happens.  It is a flash mob model.  Keep the place of gathering secret until the trigger Event happens then alert by cell phone text the time and place.   Authorities would also be notified and ready.

The "Event" website would be sign up and list potential major event probabilities, numbers that have signed up and associated cities.

It is a trip wire crowd sourced model response for application to epic social events.  When those events happen people do not know what to do where to go, how it will be organized. 

Monday, December 11, 2017

Extinction Event Date Prediction

My intuition says some collapse of the Monetary/Financial system will occur during the this Christmas holiday period.  The date 23 December seems to have some crystal ball meaning with some writing on the wall.  Not the Extinction Event but a tremor like the one that precedes a shark attack or the approach of a dinosaur.  Those that detect the tremor pay heed!  Run!

Perhaps not the total collapse but a significant run up event leading to it by design.

Run up (down) to tomorrow when the big shoe drops?

The run up hop today leading to the leap over the edge?

Friday, December 8, 2017

Appearance Shaming By Popular Political Satirists is Bullying

Along with my morning coffee I enjoy a double pleasure.  Viewing the prior night roundup of political satirists.  A double wake up shot to start the day.

All is fair in politics and satire?  Like all social things there are boundaries of societal norms.  The F word was one of them.  Now it is not.  Its common vernacular use offends me.  It is just a word but words matter.  It divorces a physical act within a frame of an associated conceptual meaning that I hold dear and wish to believe created me.    Maybe I have not changed with the times.  If someone offends the meaning of something I firmly believe is either right or wrong then.....that's life?  Theirs not mine.  Get over it.

What I find hard to get over is the use by the satirists that call attention to social problems by ridiculing personal appearance as a tool to introduce the serious presentation of a reason that person deserves public social ridicule.  In another context it would be called bullying.  Appearance or body shaming that draws laughter and ridicule that has little or nothing to do with the reason that a person's actions or statements are the object of ridicule.  On the other hand when actions and statements fit the shoe then the target deserves to wear it in  a conceptual "Laughing Stock".   A term literally derived from times when people were put into a stock for sanctioned public ridicule as well as inescapable physical abuse like actual rotten egg on the face of a person held in the stock or on stage.

It is unfortunate that a social norm of well deserved scorn has gone into the media domain of associating a  valid social judicious reason for public scorn with direct association to personal appearance of the person scorned while presenting a picture of the person shamed.

The phrase "looking like"  used by political satirists makes the direct relational connection to things like, for example,  a turtle.  If a key word phrase search was done on all the times that popular political satirists have used "looks like" or "looking like" while displaying an picture of the person appearance shamed it would probably be amusing for the few pictures.  Then what?  It would be an interesting analysis test.

The result?   I expect that initial laughter would quickly die as the audience becomes self aware. Aware that the initial reason for laughing based solely at a person's appearance while presenting valid reasons for ridiculing was not fair.  That they had been manipulated by a bully's trick outside the boundary of a social norm.

Bullying derision based on person's appearance is body shaming.

Bullying is wrong and should not be tolerated.  It is not tolerated on school grounds because it fosters an unacceptable social behavior. It must not be tolerated in our social media.

Bullying is off limits. 

Our political satirists deliver the truth of our social institutions in a way that news does not.  Someday a political satirist is going to stand up and deliver the truth that their use of ridicule of personal appearance to make a relating connect to what they deserve to be ridiculed for is wrong and that they personally publicly apologize for having done it and will stop doing it.

I will have immense respect for the decency of the political satirists that does that.  That person will lead the parade of all other apologizing satirists to the extent that any one of them that ever uses that trick of association to get a laugh will be in the "Laughing Stock" to receive righteous public scorn.

It is bullying.  It is wrong.  Those that deserved to be publicly shamed should be.  Media is the court of public opinion but also shapes that opinion.  There are boundaries to the how that is done objectively and subjectively.

Associating ridicule of appearance with ridicule of actions or words of the object of ridicule where there is not association and no intent beyond appearance shaming is pure bullying.

Bullying is wrong and as socially unacceptable as unwanted sexual advances.

It takes courage to stand up to Bullying.

Who among you political satirists that I so admire will be the first among your peers to Stand UP?

Appearance Bullying by political satirists is a cheap laugh.  I admire them but they can do better than Bullying from the gutter of Appearance Shaming.

“As an American, I have the constitutional right to say that Donald Trump looks like a rotting haystack made of meat,” Colbertadded, “but you cannot!”.

Yes, Steven you can say it but.......should you? 

Comment on appearance was a bully insult.  An insult to your own gifted talent to do better than that.

Thursday, December 7, 2017

Extinction Event - Crypto Currency - Monetary and Finance Crises

This is the first time I have seen the term:  "Extinction Event" applied to Currency.  Applied to what Currency "Is".

Researching the term it is found to be recent:

The Extinction Event is the Currency and Finance Crises that I blogged about in my 7 December entry about a remote but world wide crises level event bringing down an abstract Conceptual Operating System structure.

How is this future "Extinction Event" that may go down in history Infamy go down?

It is not just a Futures Bet on its happening but a SureThing bet that it will when it is designed to Happen On Purpose.  Making it happen is not the end game but capitalizing on what will take its place is the end game of the masters of Money and Finance.

The "Crises".....I will call it the the "MFn Crises"(meaning MF'n Crises but expressed as Monetary Financial Crises in clear text)...maybe the MofAC...MOFAC ....Mother of All Crises.  Take a pick.

The MFnCrises will be an Extinction Event.  Call it E Day.  The Monetary and Financial analogy of D Day....H Hour.  The exact day of launching the Extinction Event.  It is the greatest kept secret since Normandy.

Following Normandy was another strategic Plan:  Market Garden.  It was a two pivotal strategy.  Market and Garden.  Airborne and Ground Forces.  It was a Bridge to Far and the Allies failed.

History does not repeat itself but it rhymes.

Market Garden was plan with the real world implementation constraints of Time and Space where success was a function of Real Time and Real Space as was the establishment of a beach head at Normandy.  The creation of a Planned Surprise Crises by one side against the failure to see the real crises coming on the part of the other side.

It is no coincidence that this blog entry is being made on 7 December.  A First Preemptive Strike

In the domain of Conceptual System Structures a paradigm shift is not significantly constrained by physical Time and Space providing that the change New Conceptual Structure is a facilitated by a data structure exchange translation mechanism.

What exactly is the Extinction Event of Money and Finance destroys an old system and immediately replaces it with a new system?

I believe the Extinction Event will be a  paradigm shift from a debt based balance sheet Monetary Finance System to an Asset Based Monetary System.  Nothing fundamentally changes in the Paradigm Shift if the power of Entity Ownership of Money and Finance remains the same with benefit of greater Fascist control.  Everything changes if in the planning of the Extinction Event meets its "Bridge to Far" and power goes to the People.

Power to the People?  Every major crises event functions (can be designed to function) to increase Authoritarian Corporate State power.

The run up to the Extinction Event will go like this:  Crypto Currency is debt free money.  It is public created money with no debt counter party like our current debt based balance sheet Currency.  In general, it is the Public that is buying Crypto Currency that is running up its price value conversion from legacy balance sheet debt based currency into a new debt free Public Ledger Monetary System.  That new Debt Free Monetary Operating System will do the same functional thing that the Legacy Debt Based Monetary System did.  In the paradigm shift from a Debt based to a Debt Free Monetary System there is the ultimate question of who will control the Monetary System.  Will it be an Autocracy or will it be a Public Utility?

This is where the Autocracy of Government and Finance will make its play for domination.  The run up of Cryptocurrency is being fueled by public purchase.  The run up is going geometric and pole dancers are getting rich.  This is simply too much for Big Finance not to jump on and make big bucks big investors are getting in and will run up Cryptocurrency to Astronomical Levels to a point where the bubble will burst.

The timing of a future bubble bursting point must be carefully chosen by Government/Finance.  Timing the Extinction Event Crises is everything.  What will be extinguished in a Paradigm Shift Flash is that the  Public Debt Free Cryptocurrency System will Federalized with central control of the Public Monetary System (the Sovereign Right of control reserved to the Government) is franchised to (gifted to) Banking and Finance exactly in the same manner that it was franchised to a debt base Banking and Finance System (Federal Reserve December 23, 1913).

The new Debt Free Cryptocurrency Operating System must totally ready for implementation at paradigm shift time (Extinction Day) to seamlessly change the State base of the Operating System from debt to debt free without any change in the fundamental Application Programs purpose of Banking and Finance to extract Profit to Few at Public Expense to Many.

A small segment of relatively small number of "pole dancer" small amount of investors will make a large amount of money by their standards.  A few renegade big time investors will make huge fortunes.  The Masters of Finance will make their share but will have enhanced control of the entire Currency and Banking System.

The Masters of Finance will make their initial killing in accordance with this plan:

They will hold off on mass investment in Crypto Currency until they have in hand a replacement Privatized CryptoCurrency System on the shelf ready to install as the new Privitized (Government Sponsored Privately Franchised) Monetary Operating System to replace all private Cryptocurrency Systems with a centralized system.  It is the same as replacing State Banks with a Federal Banking System in 1913 except in this case the State Banks and their independent Cryptocoin creating miners will be shut down.

The Big Trick of swindling the Public rests entirely of Big Banking in collusion with Big Government manipulating the fragmented Public Cryptocurrency market by a huge buy of key players in the established Cryptocurrency system then poking a pin in the bubble by pulling all of their investment out and transferring it to a private government sponsored ICO as exclusive initial investors.  The government sanctions the new Cryptocurrency ICO by making the Cryptocurrency legal tender for all debts Public and Private and Mandatory for the Payment of Government Taxes.

The exclusive Initial Coin Offering of the new Government Sponsored but Privately Franchised to the Banking System Crypto Currency Operating System will establish the Loanable Funds of the Banking System equal to the total amount legacy debt based system Money Supply.

It is class warfare.  Public Control vs Government/PrivateBankingFinanceComplex Control of the Monetary System.

Extinction Event is Coming.

Who will win in the End?

Pump and Dump Crises Creation Strategy.

What kind of Contingency Plan do we the Public have to protect ourselves from the Government/Banking Autocracy that has a self interest Plan for us that is not in our best interest?

The run up to Extinction Event lift off leading to Crash and Burn.  When it does then Government/Banking will be there to save with a National Cryptocurrency System.  How did they know that it was going to be needed to respond to the Crises?  Smart of them to be working in advance it.  Good Contingency Planning!

Contingency Plan un up to a physical crises made to happen on purpose?  More true than false is the test, not beyond the shadow of a doubt:

Some future analysis of the Monetary and Financial crises will explain it all clearly....after the fact...and how Central Bank saved the day with a new system that the totally control.  That control will be handed to Central Bank.  The run up plan is to create great public fear and mistrust.  Driven home by a great run up in Crypto Currency value then a total collapse of value that will be stunning.  The Big Dumpers witll get out early and short the futures.  It will be blamed on the government lack of control of Cryptocurrency.  Private Banking will solve what the government could not.  Concurrently, trust in government to do anything right must be attacked.  Public opinion must be emotionally and actually polarized to foment Us and Them classes.

Old school legacy Power is planning the new military crises?

North Korea?  Maybe a stepping stone in the plan to prove the power of military might to shape and rule the world.  Shape maybe but not rule.  General Butler said "War is a racket"  One that serves a Money and Finance Master.  Perhaps North Korea is the victory needed to reinforce the status of the military to solve power problems with their narrow solution?

The older and more powerful legacy system of Global Money and Finance benefiting from war has their Parent contingency plan for world domination with Money in the form of total control of a Debt free Cryptocurrency Stem being the defense of the fortress and the offense tool of domination and rentier extraction from the Common Good.

There are 44,000 tripwires to start the crises.  They are not all in one place like Pearl Harbor or the Twin Towers.  Only a handful of losses like Niger would be sufficient.  The assassination of one person was sufficient to start WWI.

Their was an unintended run up to the crises General Custer faced that was not recognized until he was surrounded and only discovered that fact when he was already in the middle of a battle he believed he had control of.  The bigger picture of that run up to his crises was not seen by him but a piece of a greater plan that used defeat as an alternative to victor as means to an end?
When the herd changes course those standing in the way of a power pivot get trampled.  The power pivot is a paradigm shift to "Power to the People"  to pivot from a the ownership of the monetary system (the sovereign  right of our government of the people) by the Federal Reserve debt based Operating System to a Government owned Debt Free Monetary Operating System (Owned by the People that choose our own form of governance).

The Bubble precedes the Revolution that will rise from the collapse of Cryptocurrency that is the Contingency Plan of the Central Banking System to rise Cryptocurrency from the ashes under the total Fenced Garden Silo control of Private Banking.

There is a time frame window in which the Bubble will burst.  I don't think that Wall St. yet has their privatized Cryptocurrency Operating System and  Application Programs ready to step in and capture Ctyptocurrency control exclusively and totally to itself under the Federal Reserve.  Neither does the growing power of Cryptocurrency as a debt free Monetary Operating System have the political power to retract ownership of the Monetary Operating System from the Federal Reserve and reclaim its sovereign right to determine what the Monetary Operating System is to be.

The who matter of the fundamental nature of our Global Monetary System is on the horns of a dilemma.  Will the basic operating system:

A. Continue be founded on a debt based creation of Currency Operating System where it is created out of nothing by a Central Banking System and return to nothing (debt extinguishment) when the debt is repaid.
B. Undergo a paradigm shift to a debt free Cryptocurrency  Operating System where the Currency Operating System perpetuates in a Time Line continuum the chain of past currency ownership and transaction proof to its "Real Time Now" proof of current ownership and right to use that ownership to transfer ownership along a future Time Line forged by future Systemic transaction Application Program  function.

The Problem Domain Frame is one of a choice of the Monetary Operating System and who has the power to make that choice.  The Operating System can be either Debt Based or Debt Free.  The right of choice is invested in our System of Governance.  We are not governed by Wall St. Federal Reserve Banking.

The choice of a paradigm shift of the  Monetary Operating System to a conceptual Debt Free foundation structure will not have a significant change impact on the Application Programs running on the current Debt Based Operating System.  Debt as a conceptual existing thing created buy an Application Program function called Loan will continue to function in the same contractual manner in a Debt Free System.  Banks making loans on one side of the contract and entities receiving Currency as a function of the contract commitment will be exactly the same.

The Currency used in the Loan Application Program will continue to demand rental (interest payment) if the Banking System makes the loan but the Loanable Funds come from a Cryptocurrency Wallet "Owned" by the Bank.  A wallet that was loaded by a one to one par conversion of existing Debt Based Currency Money Supply (Total Money Supply = Total Debt = Total Savings) to Cryptocurrency.

What the Monetry Operating System conversion from Debt Base Dollars to Asset Base (Debt Free)  Cryptocurrency Dollars does is to change the equation:
(Total Money Supply = Total Debt = Total Savings)
(Total Money Supply = Total Assets = Total Savings)

Our governance system is based on an Operating System concept of Freedom founded on and created by the consent of the governed .  In that Operating System we are individually free and have the right to choose what broad conceptual "Debt" obligations we choose as a matter of individual choice and those that we as a nation collectively choose as social obligations.

The concept of Debt is binary.  It is forced upon us individually or collectively with no freedom of choice or is conceptual Debt obligations freely chosen individually as well as collectively within the framework of governance we choose.

Live Free or Die.  We would by choice live in a conceptually Debt Free society owing nothing as a society to any entity other than our collective selves and individually to one another.

Our current Debt Based Monetary Operation System in the hands of Banking System enslaves us to a Problem Domain defined by Debt and who has the Operating System Power to create Debt as an accounting balance sheet function creating a Debt from nothing by defining it as equal to something and that is owed to the creator of the Debt.

That might work in Higher Level World above the Real World where we have the right to believe in a Higher Level World Operating System (or not) beyond  Real World.  In Real World  Operating System and Physical Application Programs as well as Conceptual Abstractions founded on the Real World we have the self endowed rights to our Real World Operating system of our own choice and we have chosen to live Free  the rather than live in Debt to a System created for us.

Currency and the use of currency as a social decision making tool to allocate resource things to satisfy needs and wants is the the Global Operating System of choice that defines and proscribes our Global Collective society, regardless of social sub system category.

In the age of Globalization the New Revolution will be Global or we will continue to be slaves to a Debt Based Monetary System controlling us, not created and controlled by us.

Debt Free Cryptocurrency is within or Information Age grasp to establish a greater Global freedom of choice to choose a Debt Free Monetary Operating System in which we can all create participate in the design of competitive Application Programs of Choice available to all sectors of society to compete among themselves to create the greatest benefit for the common good.

The Debt Based Monetary System will only be given up when it is pried from the cold dead hands of the Central Banking System that has always had the upper hand in controlling the system of whatever power entity, autocratic or democratic, claimed control on a geographic boundary area.

A Debt Free Cryptocurrency Global Monetary Operating System to which all segments of society subscribe by allegiance to freedom of choice as an Global Public Asset Based Operating System of Medium of Exchange Ownership foundation for all social allocation of resources decision making Application Programs will free the World from domination of those that control the Debt Based Monetary Operating System which enslaves us to the dictating controlling power of Rulers that have historically owned the Debt Based Operating System.

Wall St. does not yet have their Contingency Plan ready to take over control of Cryptocurrency.  It is therefore desperate to buy time.  It will do that by creating and then bursting the Bitcoin Bubble therefore creating the public belief that Cryptocurrency as a Pivate Debt Free Monetary System cannot be trusted to be in the hands of any entity other than a centralized authoritarian controlling entity doing business under the guise of a Federal Government Franchise.

China is going to be the winner that establishes a Debt Frees National Monetary Opertating System that will be the Global Reserve Currency System.  Perhaps with a coalition of  Russia and India perhaps even with an EU coalition or even simply Switzerland?
There is enough of a paywall story here to show that it is China that is buy up Bitcoin.  Imagine this:  Wall St. wants to get in and make a marker bubble to $50,000 then crash the market at the same time taking an short position.  Millions of Chinese buy on the dip.  Wall St. sold all of its Bitcoin into a mass China buy.  China become the Bitcoin Reserve Currency Country.

Banksters must pump then crash the Cryptocurrency system to capture total control of it.  There is too much money involved.  Too much money?  Cryptocurrency will be all the money and the only money.  Banksters cannot permit it to be public money!

The debt based banking monetary system is a Control Fraud business model.

Wednesday, December 6, 2017

J. D. Alt Gets It Right Again

This is how it works:

J. D. gets better

The comments are relevant to Yves stated reasons.


A very interesting crowd source model that I have not seen before.  It builds on my go to favorite: Wikipedia.

Amyntor Group

Public Contingency Plan - Social Crises - December 7th - November 11th
"A contingency plan is a plan devised for an outcome other than in the usual (expected) plan.[1]
It is often used for risk management when an exceptional risk that, though unlikely, would have catastrophic consequences. Contingency plans are often devised by governments or businesses."

The obvious implied framing of the phrase: "Public Contingency Plan" is something created by a established Planning Entity equipped with the Authority, Responsibility, Accountability, Resources and Tools to prepare a Plan for future implementation to address the occurrence of a Contingency with exceptional magnitude risk related to probability of occurrence.  The exceptional risk in the case of a Public Contingency Plan is obviously focused on the Public.  "Public" citizens.  It is a plan for what an Institutional Planning Entity will do to mitigate the effects of a disaster upon Public Well Being.

There are may entities that have Contingency Plans aimed at the Public in advance of situational occurrence.

What Contingency Plan does the Public have for itself, devised by itself, for itself in the event of a Public Nationwide Social Crises of extreme magnitude.  It seems that there are enough contingency plans created for us focused upon us by government and business when the public is in crises.  It seems logical that the Public at Large should have its own Contingency Plan to respond to the cause of a crises created (by design or by default) by Government and/or Business.  A plan beyond duck and cover or grab your guns.

The Public in General has had little agency standing in itself to devise a Contingency Plan for a social crises of major magnitude with low risk of occurrence.   For example:  What is the Public at Large, national or global going to do when the monetary financial system collapses?  A crises of great magnitude and what degree of risk?  Contingency Plans apply to all kinds of improbable scenarios.  Some would say that world wide monetary and financial collapse is not an extreme probability.  Some would say that the creators of the monetary and financial systems might have an opportunity to restructure the system to their continuing benefit if it does collapse. Some might say that plan is MIHOP?  As outlandish as any contingency scenario might be, perhaps even approaching conspiracy theory, it is candidate for a contingency plan.

If the government has a Contingency Plan for the event occurrence of total Monetary System and Financial System collapse then it must be Top Secret.  It would acknowledge the remote possibility of occurrence.  Might the government not have a plan for that contingency?  I doubt that.

A Contingency Plan for Social Crises cuts two ways.  It resolves a crises through mitigation of damage to the Public at Large.  It is also a standing threat to any Agent that may initiate a social crises.  Our government is not much of a threat to the Monetary and Financial System that runs our country and initiates a financial crises for their self interest.  They do not fear our government, they should however fear the Public.

In the remote event that a Monetary Financial System  Crises of Epic proportion occurs there should be a Public Contingency Plan adopted by the Public and immediately put into action by the Public as as a well planned Public expression response to the Crises.  That Contingency Plan should be a Public Plan of specific Citizen reaction.  It should stand as a specific action plan to marshal immediate public response to a crises caused by Political and Financial Sector manipulation of the Monetary and Economic Systems.

Social Media would be the repository of the Public Contingency Plan organizing flash reaction in every city and its focal point as well as guidelines for effective mass action.

Who could have foreseen tomorrow (December 7th) or 9/11?  They were anomalies in history.  Contingency Plans are for future anomalies that are only bound by our imagination to predict probably risk analysis.  The Time/Space Problem Domain of crises level Social Change is compressing in Time and expanding inversely to the Global Space of scope.

Some Big Thing crises on the Social Global scale of Time/Space was in the Industrial Age Nuclear Warfare.  Prior warfare was relatively localized in death and destruction.  In the Information Age the magnitude of Conceptual Destruction is as great as as the prior age Physical Destruction.

The nature of Conceptual Social Crises detached from a tight binding with associated Social Attributed Physical Death and Destruction crises invites opportunism for Social System restructure in an increasingly shorter Time Frame and expanding Global Scope.

While we must continue to be concerned with the capacity for Physical Destruction and associated Social System Destruction handed to us (by ourselves) in a Legacy Industrial Age, in the new Information Age we face potential crises detached to a great extent from a Physical Destruction relationship Crises.

We prepare plans to defend from Physical Crises of Death and Destruction.  Military Contingency Planning.  We need a Contingency Plan that recognizes the Information Age Social Crises risk to our Social System Structure of Money and Finance.

It is a new War Threat and the threat is not defined as between geographical boundaries.  They are no longer geographical boundaries threatened by Territorial Acquisition Aggression of the last century but Aggression to Acquire dominating control of the conceptual Social System Territory of Money and Finance.  It is warfare on a Conceptual Level that has Physical Level destruction outcome than Old School Warfare.  Destruction is not however measured in Body Count and Property Destroyed but in Gross Aggregate Misery of Social System Crises with benefit to a ruling powerful Conceptual Entity.

There are those that die in war and those that make a killing.  That is no less true in Conceptual Social Warfare fought on the field of Money and Finance.

What is the degree of risk that there will be a Global Attack on what we perceive as "Our" Monetary and Finance System.  A system that is not really "Ours" like our nation is "Ours" but owned by is under Conceptual Global Territorial control of the masters of Money and Finance?

We will not actually die in any potential remotely possible (?) crises and inevitable rebuilding of the Global System of Money and Finance but will potentially become more subjugated by it and those that rule it with their rules for Extraction of wealth from Social Territorial Gain.

The UN outlawed aggression by sovereign nations for "Territorial Gain".  That was the proposed after the fact remedy for the National Warfare crises of the Industrial Age.  A military axiom is that we always prepare to fight the last war.  The Battle Problem on my ship always concluded with defending from a Glide Bomb attack.

We are currently in a Cultural War fought on a physical level among Cultures that captures our attentions with geographical location scenes typical of legacy system warfare.  The greater war that we do not see as clearly is a Social System Structure War being conceptually fought on a global scale where the opposing classes are not divisions of quasi territorial cultures but opposing classes on the global field of Money and Finance as a Class Culture of a new Global Ruling Class.

What if this Global Ruling class that transcends geographical boundaries and cultural divisions sees and opportunity for acquisition and domination of the Global Conceptual Social System of Money and Finance for continuing and increased extraction of wealth from the the most granular element of society that is the singular of the Class of All of Us?

Old Royalty Rule is New Again.

What is "Our" Contingency Advance Plan to defend ourselves from that Planned and Designed Surprise Attack on All of Us?

There is no Contingency Plan.  There may be a Contingency Response Plan to the extent that Martial Law is first response to Social Crises, normally in the frame of Social Crises as a function of Physical Crises.  In a more conceptual Political or Financial crises Martial Law is the Government Contingency Plan that works in the Physical Crises Domain that we are becoming increasingly aware of.  In the absence of a crises of epic proportion related to death and destruction but related more to instances of relatively low level magnitude of death and destruction that have relationship to a greater frame of Social Injustice the Government Contingency Plan is.....What?  The same.  Declare Martial Law or some equivalent degree of it with weapons aimed a people.

That situation is conflict between the Government and the People.  It is a showdown as to whom and for what purpose that the institution of our governance operates.  Of course in the framing of government it is Public Safety.  It is really often Class Warfare between a Government and it People dressed up to preserve Domestic Tranquility with subjugating force of Government operating as and agent of an Entity that says:  Let's You (government) and Them (The People) fight for my benefit.

The point is that a Contingency Plan has two plan aspects:  Pre-Crises offense/defense Post-Crises defense/counter offense.  Government that is an agent of Money and Finance is not going to prepare Contingency Plans for a Money and Finance crises in advance of the event (maybe other than declaring Martial Law or a new "Riot Act" after the fact.  A Riot Act that is in effect the wet dream of unrestricted warfare on civilians sanctioned by "Free Fire Zone" after a given period of time (as short as now) to leave the area.

A pre-crises Contingency Plan demand both the precise determination of what the future crises may be as well as, once the plan to address a future crises is established, eternal vigilance.  Military style vigilance is formalized to identify future threat analysis at the earliest possible advance time frame threat detection point, have the resources not only to detect it but defeat it with a Time/Distance stand off capability to deter it. That is a universal model related to any future Problem Domain.  All else is comes down to real time implementation of the plan.  That is what is trained for.  That is what is done when the potential threat passes a threshold of point in future time that counts down to real bang.  Winning is defined as defeating the threat at a point in time before real time hit.

Eternal Vigilance.

Our own collective social governance liberty depends on "Eternal Vigilance".  Our Government undertakes that responsibility as well as accountability.  December 7th was a lapse in vigilance so was 9/11.  Single exact days as well as physical places of extreme crises in Time/Place history.  The future may hold a Crises Date we do not yet know when and where it will occur on a single date at a certain time and certain place.  An epic event that runs a range of probability of occurrence from "saw it coming" to "total surprise".  Nothing in our wildest imagination is "Total Surprise" the surprise is at what really happens that we have the imagination to foresee.

Eternal Vigilance.

Perhaps the best counter action detect and deter in advance of an approaching crises is to announce to the Threat Entity "We see you coming, we are aware of your potential actions that may harm us and this is exactly what we will do when you attack or employ Social Institutions that are the foundations of our society.

Perhaps MAD applied to legacy Industrial Age threat warfare is a model for Information Age Global Social Conceptual Class Warfare.

If the Masters to whom we have granted an Operating System franchise to manage the our Sovereign Right to establish and control our own currency use that franchised Operating System for which they are System Administrators in the development by design and intent of Financial Application Programs serving as an attack on the Common Good to create a crises with the intention of capturing total private control of the Public Monetary Operating System then in the event of a de facto immediate collapse of the financial system We the People will withdraw your franchise and reclaim or Sovereign Right to the Ball and the Rules of the Game.

We the People have a Contigency Plan to do that.  It is called Blockchain Crypto Currency Operating System and a Blockchain driven Financial Application Programs holding the Financial Sector responsible and accountable for its operation to serve the public as a business enterprise in accordance with the Sovereign Government Monetary Operating System.

But it will never happen.  The future total Global Monetary and Financial System Collapse Crises will be done by the design and to the immense benefit of those that intentionally create the crises.  That Deep Global Entity will by necessity align with a selected Nation State to resurrect the Monetary and Financial systems from the ashes to serve themselves better, first and foremost for global domination.

North Korea?  Perhaps a stepping stone to prove the ultimate power of the US Military to save us by a massive "Defensive" attack.

General Butler said "War is a racket".  It is a simple tool of those that benefit from the operation of the racket.  Some die in war, others make a killing.  The greatest prize to be capture is total domination of the Global and Financial Monetary System.  Elevation of that system to one of world wide governance with the creation of Puppet Power State at the head.

Maybe a two state solution?  The USA and Russia?  It is ironic that China was in warfare the common enemy of both nations once.  Perhaps the People's Republic is clever enough and have the winning contingency plan and be the first to declare itself to be the Cryptocurrency rulers of the Global Cryptocurrency State controlled Operating System.  All other nations will merely have their collection of Application Programs to run on China's Operating System?
There are 44,000 tripwires around the world to start a war. They are not all in one place like Pearl Harbor or the Twin Towers.  Only a handful of lost souls like Niger would be sufficient to start a crises opportunity of some planned design.  It only took the assassination of one person to start WWI.

Military Tax - Crazy Thoughts

This appeared in Military Times!

What are Taxes for anyhow?  They take money out of the Monetary System which is input back into the the Monetary System by Government Budget Expenditure.  At the Federal Level Government Expenditure can be Deficit Spending when it increases the National Debt.  The National Debt is in fact our National Savings equal to our Money Supply.

The Monetary System at the Federal Level is not like a Household or State level budget.  Federal level can and must Deficit Spend.  The Cumulative amount of  Deficit Spending since the birth of our nation is equal to our current Net Savings which equals our Money Supply.  It is all not as simple as the direct hard wire Revenue = Expenditure that the link states:
"Ultimately, about a quarter of all federal tax dollars goes to the Defense Department. But that money must first be collected through a general income tax, then put into some theoretical pool of all federal tax dollars so Congress can argue about it every year."

This has some substance of an excellent idea.  The only thing that should be added is that it is a voluntary tax.  A citizen's direct vote for a tax collection purpose.  The only thing to add, initially, is that it is only a memorandum vote.  It has no effect on the Military Budget.  No effect until after 5 years of data collection.  Then a ratio algorithm is applied and it actually does have an impact on the Military budget.

My prior thoughts on paying tax in support of the Military Budget was that the loss of a family member in combat would for life exempt a that person from paying a "Military Tax".  They paid dearly in other terms.  They owe nothing more.  An statistical analysis of who does not pay in relationship to their Income Tax bracket, location, relationship, etc. would be revealing.

During the initial period of time in which the Voluntary Military Tax is only a statistical measure of tax not paid a statistical analysis would be revealing.  During this period there would be no validity to individual choice of payment because the tax payer choice would be arbitrary without any factor shaping the decision to statistically pay or not pay.

In order to apply a relationship that has some degree of assuring the honesty of the Military Tax payment decision a mechanism would be applied at the end of the statistical period that would inversely apply to an accrued deferred payable tax over a time frame equal to the statistical data collection time frame over which the tax payer would face an additional tax payment but it would be dedicated to the General Fredral Budget exclusive of the Military Budget.  The additional purpose of this mechanism is to assure a soft landing introduction for a new method of tax collection.

During the period of statistical Voluntary Military Tax the actual Budget Expenditure for the Military would be payed for by deficit funding adding to the National Debt to cover a shortfall if during the statistical period those that chose to pay the Military Tax made actual annual tax payment in their chosen amount. 

The scheme must define exactly what amounts of Budget Expenditure are by definition for Military purpose.

The bottom line is that the public (a living breathing citizen tax payer) has a direct dollar related vote on Public resources dedicated to the Military.  It puts Military Expenditure in the Domain of a Charitable Organization supported with voluntary contributions.

Mandatory contribution to the Common Defense becomes Voluntary Defense of the Common Good in which Conscientious Objectors may exercise the Freedom of Choice.

In the drafting of the Military Tax payment algorithm there would be refinement of the concept to assure the purpose of its intent.  One of the primary refinements would be a fundamental categorical choice selection by the tax payer.  For example:  Foreign and/or  Domestic Expenditure.

Direct Vote by tax payers with dollars to counter balance the vote of our elected representatives.

That is the Information Age additional governance Check and Balance entity that is required on those that we elect in a three part self governance system.   The fourth part has historically been Media.  Freedom of the Press.  That has been declining as direct Social Media has been increasing in influence.

Consequently those that do not participate in Social Media for their own self interests as citizens are in the same class as citizens that do not vote for elected representatives.

Look at where that has gotten our governance system in Common Defense of Freedom.

Who, what entity, should shoulder an equitable share of support for the Common Good.  That segment of the Common Good that is our Common Defense.

What is the nature of what constitutes our Common Defense form all enemies Foreign and Domestic?

Enemies of the State?

Enemies of the People?

We have met the Enemy and it are.......?

Tuesday, December 5, 2017

Facial Recognition to Open Doors - Welcome, Come In

Great idea!  Why didn't I think of this!

Recently I had to verify my identity by using my macbook to take a picture of me holding my proof of identity (driver license or passport with picture).  Good proof of identity, at least for something that would not be worthwhile to go through extreme difficulty in spoofing.

If that kind of proof was provided to an Airbnb renter and used to open the door as a function of a camera matching the face at the door then it opens the door to the right person.


This method would seem to have many applications.

Facial Recognition can open a lot of doors:  Are any market "Private Do Not Enter?"

Things Don't Work Anymore - A Fight to a Draw in the Art of the Deal

The subject line of this blog entry received a great amount of public attention in the media because.....Things Didn't Work Anymore.  The time frame for this anguish was, as I best recall, in about the 1970s maybe the 80s.  I thing it was on the front page of Time or Newsweek back then.  "Things" meaning primarily the physical things produced by the Industrial Age and all the physical processes that produced things.  Perhaps what pins the attitude to a time frame is when other nations, like Japan were making Things that did work better?  Their Things worked better and our Things were in comparison "Crapified".

In retrospect perhaps it was the late 70s.  It was then that I was selected to run the annual Navy Relief fund raiser.  The main fund raiser was a car raffle.  Local American made car dealers had always donated a car.  The base was a big area employer.  The auto dealer that had always donated the car said "no deal this year"  Other American car dealers said the same.  The only dealer that was glad to donate a car was Toyota.  I got some hear from the union on base, some did not buy a raffle ticket but the raffle raised more than the previous year.  Most people wanted something that worked better.  The Toyota was in fact rather ugly in my opinion worked.  The only thing that Japan had to work on was the aesthetics, maybe more investment in marketing!

If we had the World Wide Web back in the day it would have shown a bubble of public sentiment agreeing with the subject line.  It was a bubble in that society either learned to live with it or it was resolved by making things work better.  Maybe a combination.  Maybe mini-skirts came along to distract the interest of half the population?

In the frame of the Information Age "Things" become more abstractly conceptualized.  They are not so much physical Things but conceptual Things.  The "Thing" is not a car but but a social system that is not working for Society.  The Information Age is about "connecting conceptual things up to make physical things that work better together in an integration of hardware and software.  The Software works great on a computer.

The monkey wrench in the gears of Software in the Information Age is a Bug.  Because legacy systems have been encoded in software representations the System grinds exceedingly finer.  Bugs identify themselves as screaming sore thumb exceptions.  The biggest bugs are the legacy system failures (intents when bugs in the legacy system were self serving features to the designers of that system).  They surfaced as anomalies, outliers.  Things so far out of the bounds of standard deviations as to cause amazement that they existed under our collective noses.

The Information Age is a Bug Killing age.  The new Bug in the System is called an Alligator.  The frame of the problem is a Swamp.  The Swamp is the Legacy System.  Alligators are Features, not Bugs to those that benefited from them in the Legacy System.

Drain the Swamp.  Replace the Legacy System?  It is most ironic that the King of the Swamp wants to drain it.  Draining the Swamp  however is a Feature when it is sold like snake oil to the Public using the sleight of hand flim flam of Political Fakery to term a Thing by What It is Not.

The Legacy System Swamp must be defended at all costs by its creators.  It wasn't the swamp that gave safe haven to the Alligators.  It is they that created the swamp to inhabit.

Draining any Problem Domain in the Information Age is conceptually connecting conceptual things in a logic design with the aid of an Operating System and Application Programs.

The Penultimate Operating System to be subjected to the Information Age is our Political system in this century.  The last will be Religion in the next.

How to bring Politics into the Information Age?  Facts and Truth.  What to call the agency entity that focuses on the the need for a new system?  False News.  It is the ultimate last weapon of the Legacy System of politics to call a Thing by a term that it is not.

What is working toward toppling the Legacy Political System is undermining a system that was built from the top down by working from the bottom up.  Pulling out like Jenga.  Pulling out the structurally critical things that identify themselves as anomalies (Alligators) in the system foundation bottom one at a time until it restructures itself in a paradigm shift.

Pulling Trump will cause the structure to fall.  In the age of more accurate scientific estimation of future probability of an event and element relationships that are causal factors we have the Information Age Market.  Driven by Quants that turn old school Legacy System guesses into Information Age better bets.  Not just better bets on something but better bets on shorting something and when that something that is a foundational pillar collapses having its it replacement ready like horse to jump onto in midstream.

Politics is a Legacy System that is shaking and ripe for a fall.  The parent system is what Politics is all about to the few that benefit the most from it.  The same few that benefit the most from the Parent System Structure of Politics:  The Monetary System.  One way identify the relationship of Money and Politics is to call it Military/Industrial.  A higher order relationship is Politics/Money.

The crises in Politics will be the opportunity to Restructure the higher order Monetary System in accordance with the design for both the Political System and the World Wide Monetary System created by those that will benefit the most to preserve and perpetuate their control of the greater system for their self interest and continuing benefit.

The legacy Social System  of Politics founded on a premise Constitution created to serve the Common Good associated with a Free Market Monetary System designed to serve the Greatest Good to the Fewest that control that Operating System and its Application Programs is going to conceptually fall like the Twin Towers.

No good crises goes to waste and those that will create it have already designed the system to replace it and the functional mechanisms to implement the replacement that will best serve themselves.

They are one Class.  We the People are the other.  It is Class Warfare and "We the Few" have all the Big Gun System Control........

Or Not!

The Industrial Age created the Weapon of Mass Destruction.  A Hardware physical entity that could only be created and used by a very few.  All other weapons were popguns in the hands of many.   The physical power of the biggest Mother of all Bombs controlled by a few was matched with the conceptual destructive power of an even smaller few in number  using the simplest of all physical weapon devices.

In the Information Age there is a new battle and "We the People" that endowed ourselves for the benefit of the Common Good are going to lose to "We the Few" that will endow themselves with a new Information Age Monetary Structure and a Political System to implement it for their continued domination and control.

The threat to the Few is essentially the same as it has always been: The Many.  In the Information Age "Many" being the relatively few "Best and Brightest" among us analogous to the Best and Brightest the created the structure of our Social Political System.

What will these few on the Good Guy Class side hand to us as the Structural Conceptual Design of Information Age System to bring down the blessings upon us and our children?

It is this:

Open Source World Wide Monetary System based on Blockchain Crypto Currency.  That model will be the lead model in restructuring all conceptual social relational systems.

On the  Bad Side Class side will be those that want a Fenced Castle fortress of control over the World Wide Monetary System outside its fortress walls that is dominated by the fortress Royalty and to whom everyone outside the Fortress of Control must pay dues.

History does not repeat itself.....but it Rhymes.   The Few have always maintained a Blockchain Control over the System and its progression of transactions.   They will continue to maintain that control until it comes into a stalemate balance of benefit distribution equity.

It is Class Warfare that has the best outcome of fighting to a draw in the Art of the Deal.

The War?

It is all about Their Money.

Monday, December 4, 2017

Class Warfare -- Bring it On!

It is a war.  Time to fight it on a fair field of battle.  Tax Reform draws a line.  Choose your class side and let's fight to the end for domination.  The two sides are not to be represented by political parties but by the We the People vs Ruling Class.  It is how our country was born to fight extraction of wealth to Royalty.  That was fought with flintlock and cannon.  The modern weapons of warfare are at the finger tips of an overwhelming army with boots on the ground.

There is a clear division of Class.
"File under Class Warfare Doesn’t Repeat But it Rhymes."

Technology Has Changed Social Life Style? Old is New Again

The link looks at a social segment life style shaped and defined by the Information Age.

Maybe it is like fishing a stream.

Some will stay in one place and catch fish as they go by, if they go by.  Usually they do.  Sometimes more or less but enough to remain in one place.

Others beat a fisherman path along the banks of the river.  There were not enough fish in one place to sustain them or they lacked sustenance simply because the fish they caught were pass thru and not a meal.  Maybe some simply had the same desire to be footloose?  Others were running from something rather than to something, somewhere.

A multitude of reasons but at rock bottom for an increasing number?


I retired at 43 and joined a footloose group.  Bicycle tourists.  Adventurers mostly by choice.  I had a small trailer and then a larger one.  Now I have a 25 ft. RV as well as a home of 27 years.  I migrate to warmer areas in the winter.  I will go to Hawaii on 12 December on a one way ticket.

Maybe some live the lifestyle of the link by choice.  A rejection of the social norm perhaps.  No doubt the greater majority would choose a life of more want than need satisfaction.  I can identify with those that choose life on the road a function of choice but can only empathize with those for whom it is dictated by circumstance. They are the "other half"  of life on the road.  Actually more than that compared to me, a 1%er.

Technology is a displacing thing as well as an enabling thing.  Historically its function is as old as wandering hunting compared with static gathering to satisfy needs and wants.  The range of wandering has increased while the means to wander have increased mobility speed and facilitated movement.

Technology elevates the quality of social life.

On the other hand technology perpetuates old social problems as well as introduces social problems of a new nature and state of being.

"Grapes of Wrath" was required reading in American Thought and Language first year university study in 1961.  It remains a social system functional model pattern applicable in the current time.

This are the new Pickers and Packers of the modern age Grapes of Wrath.
After five weeks undercover our ­investigator told last week how “pickers” at Amazon’s newest warehouse, in Tilbury, Essex, were given targets of processing at least 300 ordered items per hour.
And we photographed “packers” asleep at their stations where, if they achieve 120 boxes an hour, they earn seven pence per box. Ironically, seven pence is also the cost of a Celebration.

Another view of "Life on the Road":
UBER DRIVER: “Oh, it’s pretty good. On a good day I’ll make a hundred bucks, sometimes even two hundred if I really work it and stay up late.” MMM: “Is that your profit after subtracting the cost of driving?”
UBER DRIVER: “No, that doesn’t include gas. But I’ll only use, like, not even a full tank – maybe thirty bucks”
Mr. Money Mustache is worth bookmarking and following:

Globally there are more people on the road every day.
They are headed for the cities.  In the Great Depression they were dispersed to the countryside with jobs in the woods.  That political move avoided blood in the streets and probably rich hanging from lamp posts.  Roosevelt had something to say to the rich about pitchforks.

It is simply another example of catching fish and passing them thru while on the verge of marginal starvation.

Total stats for the day:
4 Rides
1:51 hours
18.6 miles unpaid
17.2 miles paid
$32 including tips
~$18 of car costs
roughly $7 per hour net

Subsisting on a starvation diet.  Let them eat candy bars. 
Amazon bosses try to raise morale by giving exhausted staff two 7p chocolates each after shocking working conditions were exposed.

Creatures of Thought

I ran across this today.  Fascinating reading for those that like to read this kind of stuff.

I have marveled at the progress that marked the span of my father’s life.  1903 - 1974.  We was born the year the Wright Bros. flew.  Cars were introduced.  Electricity was wired to homes.  His father being a doctor had one of the first telephones in town, a car as well.  If people could get to a phone to call him he would be on his way out to the country. 
What a change in his lifetime.

An equal change has taken place in my lifetime related to technology related to society as well.  I was fascinated with science fiction in the 50’s.  Now it is science fact pointing to an even more accelerated rate of change.  

The link is a look back at the origins of the Information Age over my lifetime.  What a change it has been!

Sunday, December 3, 2017

The "WayBack" Machine is Operating

Google "Wayback" goes back to 1999.  It is a fantastic backup storing website sate over time.  It is also an Information Model.  A model that stores information over time.  Library of Congress for example.

Information stored by old legacy information storage media...books for example before computers could store such things an a mass scale, are valuable pools of information that can now be mined by technology with data interchange tools.  Data brought from storage in a non computer readable format into computers.  Not just the old pre-computer stuff but the newly created stuff in the more recent past.  In addition there is stuff in the aggregate server domain that is now grist for the data mining mill.  Not just to aggregate granular data into macro level meaning but to search in data and information domains beyond the World Wide Web.

This "Wayback" possibility to look at all things, media, from long ago  to more recent using the latest and greatest search algorithms all the way up to boardering on AI draws things from the past into the present for comparison.

For example:  Things said by someone in the past compared to what they say today.  The comparison is done on speech to text translations.  Something relatively more recent as we see applied to closed caption TV and now on iPhone transcription of voicemail to text if we want to look at voicemail that way.

Everything said that is gathered by news media can now be converted easily from speech to text and achieved for search.  Text from video can be linked to video.  All it takes is the application of the NSA model:  Capture everything.  Hang 'em with their own words.

You Just Might Be Right Mr. Beal..............

Network 1976 "The World is a business" GOD Speech scene

       Is (a Thing Type of)
         Created by
       Does  (What Does Globalism Do?)
             Globalization (Duh!)
       Function (of)

Globalism is a Function of?  That is what the link at the top explains so well.
"The system is CurrencyNetwork 1976 "The World is a business" GOD Speech scene

That is one way to look at a Point of Entry to the Problem Domain.

We're Not Going To Take It Anymore

You  Tube  ??

Network 1976.
"A television network cynically exploits a deranged former anchor's ravings and revelations about the news media for its own profit."......?  No.  I think it was much more than that review comment. In Frame of Time that was the general beginning of the Information Age.

Genre: Comedy Drama? Sad day when we laugh at the truth.