Wednesday, December 6, 2017

Public Contingency Plan - Social Crises - December 7th - November 11th
"A contingency plan is a plan devised for an outcome other than in the usual (expected) plan.[1]
It is often used for risk management when an exceptional risk that, though unlikely, would have catastrophic consequences. Contingency plans are often devised by governments or businesses."

The obvious implied framing of the phrase: "Public Contingency Plan" is something created by a established Planning Entity equipped with the Authority, Responsibility, Accountability, Resources and Tools to prepare a Plan for future implementation to address the occurrence of a Contingency with exceptional magnitude risk related to probability of occurrence.  The exceptional risk in the case of a Public Contingency Plan is obviously focused on the Public.  "Public" citizens.  It is a plan for what an Institutional Planning Entity will do to mitigate the effects of a disaster upon Public Well Being.

There are may entities that have Contingency Plans aimed at the Public in advance of situational occurrence.

What Contingency Plan does the Public have for itself, devised by itself, for itself in the event of a Public Nationwide Social Crises of extreme magnitude.  It seems that there are enough contingency plans created for us focused upon us by government and business when the public is in crises.  It seems logical that the Public at Large should have its own Contingency Plan to respond to the cause of a crises created (by design or by default) by Government and/or Business.  A plan beyond duck and cover or grab your guns.

The Public in General has had little agency standing in itself to devise a Contingency Plan for a social crises of major magnitude with low risk of occurrence.   For example:  What is the Public at Large, national or global going to do when the monetary financial system collapses?  A crises of great magnitude and what degree of risk?  Contingency Plans apply to all kinds of improbable scenarios.  Some would say that world wide monetary and financial collapse is not an extreme probability.  Some would say that the creators of the monetary and financial systems might have an opportunity to restructure the system to their continuing benefit if it does collapse. Some might say that plan is MIHOP?  As outlandish as any contingency scenario might be, perhaps even approaching conspiracy theory, it is candidate for a contingency plan.

If the government has a Contingency Plan for the event occurrence of total Monetary System and Financial System collapse then it must be Top Secret.  It would acknowledge the remote possibility of occurrence.  Might the government not have a plan for that contingency?  I doubt that.

A Contingency Plan for Social Crises cuts two ways.  It resolves a crises through mitigation of damage to the Public at Large.  It is also a standing threat to any Agent that may initiate a social crises.  Our government is not much of a threat to the Monetary and Financial System that runs our country and initiates a financial crises for their self interest.  They do not fear our government, they should however fear the Public.

In the remote event that a Monetary Financial System  Crises of Epic proportion occurs there should be a Public Contingency Plan adopted by the Public and immediately put into action by the Public as as a well planned Public expression response to the Crises.  That Contingency Plan should be a Public Plan of specific Citizen reaction.  It should stand as a specific action plan to marshal immediate public response to a crises caused by Political and Financial Sector manipulation of the Monetary and Economic Systems.

Social Media would be the repository of the Public Contingency Plan organizing flash reaction in every city and its focal point as well as guidelines for effective mass action.

Who could have foreseen tomorrow (December 7th) or 9/11?  They were anomalies in history.  Contingency Plans are for future anomalies that are only bound by our imagination to predict probably risk analysis.  The Time/Space Problem Domain of crises level Social Change is compressing in Time and expanding inversely to the Global Space of scope.

Some Big Thing crises on the Social Global scale of Time/Space was in the Industrial Age Nuclear Warfare.  Prior warfare was relatively localized in death and destruction.  In the Information Age the magnitude of Conceptual Destruction is as great as as the prior age Physical Destruction.

The nature of Conceptual Social Crises detached from a tight binding with associated Social Attributed Physical Death and Destruction crises invites opportunism for Social System restructure in an increasingly shorter Time Frame and expanding Global Scope.

While we must continue to be concerned with the capacity for Physical Destruction and associated Social System Destruction handed to us (by ourselves) in a Legacy Industrial Age, in the new Information Age we face potential crises detached to a great extent from a Physical Destruction relationship Crises.

We prepare plans to defend from Physical Crises of Death and Destruction.  Military Contingency Planning.  We need a Contingency Plan that recognizes the Information Age Social Crises risk to our Social System Structure of Money and Finance.

It is a new War Threat and the threat is not defined as between geographical boundaries.  They are no longer geographical boundaries threatened by Territorial Acquisition Aggression of the last century but Aggression to Acquire dominating control of the conceptual Social System Territory of Money and Finance.  It is warfare on a Conceptual Level that has Physical Level destruction outcome than Old School Warfare.  Destruction is not however measured in Body Count and Property Destroyed but in Gross Aggregate Misery of Social System Crises with benefit to a ruling powerful Conceptual Entity.

There are those that die in war and those that make a killing.  That is no less true in Conceptual Social Warfare fought on the field of Money and Finance.

What is the degree of risk that there will be a Global Attack on what we perceive as "Our" Monetary and Finance System.  A system that is not really "Ours" like our nation is "Ours" but owned by is under Conceptual Global Territorial control of the masters of Money and Finance?

We will not actually die in any potential remotely possible (?) crises and inevitable rebuilding of the Global System of Money and Finance but will potentially become more subjugated by it and those that rule it with their rules for Extraction of wealth from Social Territorial Gain.

The UN outlawed aggression by sovereign nations for "Territorial Gain".  That was the proposed after the fact remedy for the National Warfare crises of the Industrial Age.  A military axiom is that we always prepare to fight the last war.  The Battle Problem on my ship always concluded with defending from a Glide Bomb attack.

We are currently in a Cultural War fought on a physical level among Cultures that captures our attentions with geographical location scenes typical of legacy system warfare.  The greater war that we do not see as clearly is a Social System Structure War being conceptually fought on a global scale where the opposing classes are not divisions of quasi territorial cultures but opposing classes on the global field of Money and Finance as a Class Culture of a new Global Ruling Class.

What if this Global Ruling class that transcends geographical boundaries and cultural divisions sees and opportunity for acquisition and domination of the Global Conceptual Social System of Money and Finance for continuing and increased extraction of wealth from the the most granular element of society that is the singular of the Class of All of Us?

Old Royalty Rule is New Again.

What is "Our" Contingency Advance Plan to defend ourselves from that Planned and Designed Surprise Attack on All of Us?

There is no Contingency Plan.  There may be a Contingency Response Plan to the extent that Martial Law is first response to Social Crises, normally in the frame of Social Crises as a function of Physical Crises.  In a more conceptual Political or Financial crises Martial Law is the Government Contingency Plan that works in the Physical Crises Domain that we are becoming increasingly aware of.  In the absence of a crises of epic proportion related to death and destruction but related more to instances of relatively low level magnitude of death and destruction that have relationship to a greater frame of Social Injustice the Government Contingency Plan is.....What?  The same.  Declare Martial Law or some equivalent degree of it with weapons aimed a people.

That situation is conflict between the Government and the People.  It is a showdown as to whom and for what purpose that the institution of our governance operates.  Of course in the framing of government it is Public Safety.  It is really often Class Warfare between a Government and it People dressed up to preserve Domestic Tranquility with subjugating force of Government operating as and agent of an Entity that says:  Let's You (government) and Them (The People) fight for my benefit.

The point is that a Contingency Plan has two plan aspects:  Pre-Crises offense/defense Post-Crises defense/counter offense.  Government that is an agent of Money and Finance is not going to prepare Contingency Plans for a Money and Finance crises in advance of the event (maybe other than declaring Martial Law or a new "Riot Act" after the fact.  A Riot Act that is in effect the wet dream of unrestricted warfare on civilians sanctioned by "Free Fire Zone" after a given period of time (as short as now) to leave the area.

A pre-crises Contingency Plan demand both the precise determination of what the future crises may be as well as, once the plan to address a future crises is established, eternal vigilance.  Military style vigilance is formalized to identify future threat analysis at the earliest possible advance time frame threat detection point, have the resources not only to detect it but defeat it with a Time/Distance stand off capability to deter it. That is a universal model related to any future Problem Domain.  All else is comes down to real time implementation of the plan.  That is what is trained for.  That is what is done when the potential threat passes a threshold of point in future time that counts down to real bang.  Winning is defined as defeating the threat at a point in time before real time hit.

Eternal Vigilance.

Our own collective social governance liberty depends on "Eternal Vigilance".  Our Government undertakes that responsibility as well as accountability.  December 7th was a lapse in vigilance so was 9/11.  Single exact days as well as physical places of extreme crises in Time/Place history.  The future may hold a Crises Date we do not yet know when and where it will occur on a single date at a certain time and certain place.  An epic event that runs a range of probability of occurrence from "saw it coming" to "total surprise".  Nothing in our wildest imagination is "Total Surprise" the surprise is at what really happens that we have the imagination to foresee.

Eternal Vigilance.

Perhaps the best counter action detect and deter in advance of an approaching crises is to announce to the Threat Entity "We see you coming, we are aware of your potential actions that may harm us and this is exactly what we will do when you attack or employ Social Institutions that are the foundations of our society.

Perhaps MAD applied to legacy Industrial Age threat warfare is a model for Information Age Global Social Conceptual Class Warfare.

If the Masters to whom we have granted an Operating System franchise to manage the our Sovereign Right to establish and control our own currency use that franchised Operating System for which they are System Administrators in the development by design and intent of Financial Application Programs serving as an attack on the Common Good to create a crises with the intention of capturing total private control of the Public Monetary Operating System then in the event of a de facto immediate collapse of the financial system We the People will withdraw your franchise and reclaim or Sovereign Right to the Ball and the Rules of the Game.

We the People have a Contigency Plan to do that.  It is called Blockchain Crypto Currency Operating System and a Blockchain driven Financial Application Programs holding the Financial Sector responsible and accountable for its operation to serve the public as a business enterprise in accordance with the Sovereign Government Monetary Operating System.

But it will never happen.  The future total Global Monetary and Financial System Collapse Crises will be done by the design and to the immense benefit of those that intentionally create the crises.  That Deep Global Entity will by necessity align with a selected Nation State to resurrect the Monetary and Financial systems from the ashes to serve themselves better, first and foremost for global domination.

North Korea?  Perhaps a stepping stone to prove the ultimate power of the US Military to save us by a massive "Defensive" attack.

General Butler said "War is a racket".  It is a simple tool of those that benefit from the operation of the racket.  Some die in war, others make a killing.  The greatest prize to be capture is total domination of the Global and Financial Monetary System.  Elevation of that system to one of world wide governance with the creation of Puppet Power State at the head.

Maybe a two state solution?  The USA and Russia?  It is ironic that China was in warfare the common enemy of both nations once.  Perhaps the People's Republic is clever enough and have the winning contingency plan and be the first to declare itself to be the Cryptocurrency rulers of the Global Cryptocurrency State controlled Operating System.  All other nations will merely have their collection of Application Programs to run on China's Operating System?
There are 44,000 tripwires around the world to start a war. They are not all in one place like Pearl Harbor or the Twin Towers.  Only a handful of lost souls like Niger would be sufficient to start a crises opportunity of some planned design.  It only took the assassination of one person to start WWI.

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