Saturday, February 28, 2015

Who is Going to Build J. D. Alt's Architectural Vision!

J. D. Alt drew the architectural plan for a new monetary system.  Who will build it?

Sir Tim Bernres-Lee laid down a plan for the World Wide Web structured on a simple foundation building block of the Internet Protocol to identify unique conceptual identities and connecting IP addresses with http.  Who built on that?

Christianity was created by a guy, or Guy if you prefer that gave a unique identity to each individual entity and a basic protocol to connect them.  Who built on that?

In each case it was early adopters of a system architecturally designed to elegantly expand in range and depth.  The ones that saw the beauty in the relational truth associating the things in the system through functional interaction.

Sir Tim had an easier task.  He created a new system that had no established predecessor but established conceptual component modular concepts.  With a predecessor system it was not so easy.  Likewise the banking system with its vested interests in serving itself well, even  better than its users.  Serving itself by using its users?  A moral hazard?

J. D. Alt suggests that hmm... I have to go back to what he suggested here at New Economic Perspectives:

Millennial a pick up the plan and take it to fruition.  An interesting idea.  I would have otherwise thought that it would happen relatively quickly like a Google or a Facebook.  Things happen quicker as the Information Age progresses.  On the other hand J. D. might be right.  Speed of change is somewhat constrained by the speed of generational change more along the model of Civil Rights or religious fundamentalist thinking where the system of belief has to die progressively with the people that hold them.  Some beliefs take longer to die inspite of their fallacy.

One comment on J. D's post called the generational change theory basically unsupported junk science.  Maybe unsupported but I think an idea that may have merit.

Side note:  Sir Tim Berners-Lee is a Unitarian Universalist.

I could have guessed it.

Sir Tim says:

"I believe that much of the philosophy of life associated with many religions is much more sound than the dogma which comes along with it. So I do respect them."[57]

Why do I write any of this stuff?

Tilting at windmills amuses me.  

Keeps my free range mind active?

J. D. Alt

J. D. Alt publishes comments on monetary matters at New Economic Pespectives.  This is his latest.

I have commented previously on how much I appreciate his structured thinking. He is an architect who is skilled at creating structural concepts that turn into real world structures that support functional requirement use.  Not only basic forms but creative structures with inherent aestetics.  Elegance and beauty in simplicity and style.

He takes the same architectural approach to monetary systems.  Each time he publishes something new I see progression toward completion of the final design product.  His latest indicated how close he is to publishing the final design in book form.  A narrative that is no less than a traditional set of a broad scope architectural structure plan.

The design, engineering, building model is fundamental.  Easy to see the product in the real world every time we walk through a doorway to enter a building thatsy be centuries old or the threshold of a new home.  They all started out as ideas and dreams emerging into the human mind as if out of nowhere.  That is where.  That is where everything we create, be it as empheral as religion, language or as solid as a car comes from.  Somebody individually thought it or far enough back in time thought its conceptual building blocks
Into existence.  J. D. Alt is doing that with the design of a better, more elegant and structurally sound monetary system structure.  It's a beautiful thing to behold and comments on what he publishes reveal that many can see the truth of his design.

I enjoy what J. D. publishes as much as reading Ken Follett's "Pillars of the Earth".  It is about creating things that spring from nowhere into the human mind into things of form and function to serve us.  In the case of the monetary system that J. D. Is creating it is a far better model and future structure than the our current edifice built on a faulty foundation that is the temple that serves the banksters who designed it so well to serve their schemes and dreams.  They hold the keys to that monstrosity that will one day collapse because that is what structurally unsound things do.

Structural failure is as much destroyer of faulty structures that are primarily conceptual as real structures that can't stand the functional load placed upon it due to age, lack of maintenance or progress that makes it unsuitable for current use.  The rubble often served as a foundation for some new design, new structure that is a better design.

Thursday, February 26, 2015

Reporting What is Written on the Wall

The following site looks at tracking, aggregating and the profit involved in targeted web site user interface with the World Wide Web.  It is pervasive, extensive, involves big bucks and relates to personal privacy issues that those targeted mostly totally unaware of.

Commercial exploitation for profit motive of personal information gained from a variety of information sources in addition to the WWW is the doppelgänger of NSA personal information gathering for security motives.  Means and methods research and development by the NSA have broad application and spin off to private industry.  First adopters in private enterprise are probably those that had contracts with the NSA/National Security agencies.  Certainly a bigger and faster revolving door than old school traditional warfare/hardware defense industrial complex.

Maybe the difference between information aggregation models differentiates government and commercial info gathering and aggregation.

NSA is centralized.  The private enterprise twin is decentralized but rapidly becoming networked through sharing aggregations of data.  In the end they both arrive at the same end poor.  Every individual or tracked entity has a unique identifier to which all related information can be accumulated and associated.

That model is exactly the one that I have chosen to associate all digital uniquely identified digital dollars (say ten trillion) in a novel debt free monetary system to entities (any entity spending/receiving dollars in financial medium of exchange).  

Buying/selling is just another form of communication involving an information payload and communication system that is the fundamental core of our Information Age.  

Our intelligence created the Information Age and it is as old as when abstract concepts related to the real world were painted on cave walls or communicated in codified grunt packets.  We only do it faster and to greater degrees of abstraction that make it look like a new ball game.  

There remains the basic source of abstraction:  Things and Actions.  Things related to themselves or other things by a relationship implementing action.

Things are called nouns, actions are called verbs.  That is the first abstraction of our real world.  Used to be simple, now it is so abstracted the Forrest is hard to see for the trees.  One is simply the aggregate of all its instances.  We always knew that every person was unique in all eternity.  Now that uniqueness can be biometricly identified absolutely in a new world order of information where every person or chosen conceptual entity is approaching a real time conceptual identity to which everything but our secret thoughts can be attributed and known for profit or security.

Where does that go?  Maybe the end point is where the thought police (in charge of knowing what we want to buy/sell or harm intended to the buy/sell power structure) will be able to read our most secret thoughts. 

That is science fiction stuff.  Perhaps we will be saved by reading their most secret thoughts and the truth will finally set us free.  We knew it all the time.

Is this a plot outline for my novel to become a movie?

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Becoming a thing on the Internet of Things

A step closer to a person becoming a thing by virtue of biometric ID associated to a personal device on the Internet of things.

Friday, February 20, 2015

P3 - Public and Private Partnership

I am from the government and I am here to help you.  Reagan instilled mass fear with that phase.  Loathing too.  Nothing like the double whammy of fear and hate.  Combined they are a very powerful tool to attain certain objectives.

I am from private enterprise and I am here to help you.  Maybe even more chilling.

We are the government and private enterprise working together we are here to help you.  Cooperate with us because my government partner says it is the law and if you do not then my partner also does law enforcement and collections.  I tell my partner what laws to write for our joint business.

When a business model entity becomes sufficiently established to be identified by the short hand of letters it is entrenched. Who on the street knows what P3 is?  PPP in my town is Pole, Paddle, Pedal.

Some terms are for back office use only, not for public consumption.  That is why there is a PR department in the front office to change the face with lipstick if necessary.  Say the right thing to consumers to promote profit.

Perhaps the biggest opportunity to make big money in the Information Age application of technology is P3?  I  certainly am beginning to believe that.  When government entities have deparents of public/private cooperation partnerships staffed by government employees and top level managers tasked to seek out P3 opportunities the door to the hen houseis open. 

When the top level government official running the P3 .gov department is also a vice chairman of a K street firm lobbying on behalf of a P3 sector of interest re the fox is in the hen house!he

Of course, the fox is there to help you!  Don't mind it's partner that opened the door, it is just its stooge.

While there is legitimate benefit in P3 there is also significant opportunity to invade the public domain and control it for profit and political power.

Jim Whitty is the manager of the ODOT Office of Innovative Partnerships and Innovative Funding.

Jim Whitty was also vice chairman of for 4 years until the spring of 2014.  He is succeded in the position by Norma Ortega of Caltrans.

Norma Ortega:

According to this site her's is a voluntary position.

Very cozy partnership with no money changing hands of course but on the other hand are there benefits that money does not buy?

Like P3 a good thing or a bad thing?  Depends on where you stand and where you stand is where you sit.

Thursday, February 19, 2015

Is OreGo Paying SANEF for its Commercial Services?

If the answer to the subject line question is yes then SANEF is making out like a bandit handed a bag full of money.

The value of information obtained by SANEF in the operation of this system for sale to data mining entities will probably be far greater than anything ODOT pays for servicing the usage scheme!

Maybe SANEF should be paying ODOT!

I can see the future SANEF pitch to ODOT:  Would you like to super size our services.  Automatic pay as you go parking charge?  High speed lane use charge?  Congestion city charge?  

Partnership with McDonalds:  The car road use device as a device to charge for burgers at the drive up window. The car itself becomes a mobile wallet!

Mbufa Milage Based User Fee Alliance

Mbufa is a K street lobby entity.  Its membership list is here;

SNEF, a French toll road operator is a member and the partner of ODOT in the OreGo plan with a commercial volunteer sign up site here:

Note: at this time there is no link to a privacy statement at the site but this is the privacy statement at its UK operations site:
Quote follows;

11. Privacy

The Subscriber is informed that upon registration for Subscription and during the term of the Subscription Agreement, personal data will be collected by sanef. This data will be used for the performance of the Agreement, the management of the relation between sanef and the Subscriber and the transmission of business offers by sanef

The data may be collected by sanef and/or the Toll Charger Companies. Save as expressly refused by the Subscriber, personal data collected may be communicated by sanef to its partners.

Pursuant to law of 6 January 1978, the Subscriber is allowed to obtain access to their personal data collected on this website and can request correction and / or deletion by sending in email to

In registering for the Subscription Agreement, the Subscriber expressly agrees that anonymous data collected in relation with its Subscription can be transferred and communicated by sanef to partners or third parties.

Pay As You Go On The Road To Serfdom

Excellent by Michael Hudson

Pay to a rentier as you go on the toll road  to serfdom made possible by your unique identification as a Thing requiring/consuming resources owned by  rentier and controlled through ownership of physical and conceptual Things on the Internet of Things.

OreGo - Trojan Horse in the Internet of Things

Oregon reports on the Oregon milage charge program at this link:

"1. You can sign up to be a road-tax guinea pig, er, volunteer starting July 1, 2015. Initially, the program will be limited to vehicles under 10,000 pounds. It will allow only 1,500 vehicles that get 17 miles per gallon or less and 1,500 in the 17-to-22-mpg range."

5,000 is the total volunteer program.  This is 3,000.  Obviously there is more but what that may be is not stated.  

The proposed usage charge is 1.5 cents per mile flat rate for everyone.  The Oregon state gas tax is 30 cents per gallon.

17 miles x 1.5 = 25.5 cents.

Duh!  No brainer here.  I would think there would be a lot of enthusiastic volunteers in the under 17 mpg category.

Break even is 20 mpg.

The problem is that there is insufficient state revenue from the gas tax to support the state road needs.  While OreGo payoff to the state is claimed to be a reduction in state gas tax collection admin cost just how much is that cost?  How many state employees would otherwise not be required and their cost savings applied to shovel ready road programs?

22 percent of ODOT's budget comes from state gas tax revenue which is 1.106 billion dollars in a two year budget. Info at this link giving other sources of revenue:

Without any further analysis I conclude at this point that OreGo is a Trojan Horse with a hidden agenda inside.  What is that  hidden agenda? 

At a guess it's the usual suspects;  Politics and money.  The political agenda of privatizing the public domain structure and function and the money to be made by private entities as a result.  This has potential for general public expense increase and private entity gain. 

Tax collection at the pump in the existing form of state tax of 30 cents per gallon is currently a functional responsibility of private enterprise that remits collection to the state.  A responsibility burden and associated expense that would be lifted from gasoline dispensers.  Note that there is also a federal tax of about 18 cents that is also collected at the pump bit remitted to the states based on a federal formula that could potentially be incorporated into any state usage fee collection program.

Qui Bono here?

Is this an outsourcing of tax collection to a pay as you go free private enterprise entity that takes its cut in the collection as a revenue sharing scheme?

Revenue sharing is certainly not the primary profit opportunity appeal to private enterprise here.  There is a gold mine of information to be derived for processing and sharing as the automobile and its associated driver  become a uniquely identified. Thing on the Internet of Things.

Look at the bigger picture.  Road usage fee is a foot in the door of a much broader agenda.  

Pay as you go fee systems are rapidly becoming the business model as the Internet of things expands in range and depth to attribute or allocate cost/revenue to uniquely identified things such as automobiles on the Internet of things.

This is not simply a state tax revenue issue.  It is a broad social issue of the Information Age.  An issue that will not get the attention it deserves because if it did the those that would benefit mostfin terms of making money would make less.    Therefore the "tell" that reveals the big here agenda is how much PR is involved as opposed to in depth analysis of what the program is all about and how many special interests are involved at the K street level.

A main feature of the plan is milage recording and reporting with a dongle attached to the car computer.  There is a ton of money to be made in associated areas.  Progressive Insurance is already doing this as I have noted in previous blog entries.

The Internet of Things will be a pay as you go world.  A cost accountants wet dream.  Enter what used to be a public park?  Pay as you go by a perimeter entry sensing device.

Why should I pay for some kids education when I chose not to have any?  Just because my parents paid taxes to support public education?  There is a creep factor in the destruction of the general welfare and the common good far beyond the flow of money to the 1%.

The Internet of Things has the potential of making a person a Thing Product not a Thing Customer.

Monitoring the Imternet of Things:



Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Road Use Charge Program-Oregon

Update:  12 May 2018:  More than 3 years since the original posting of this blog entry:
I was wondering about the stage of development related to the OReGo idea :  This looks like the latest info.  The name has changed and it is now a regional study.  This is a bid solicitation:

Following on to the last two posts this is where the rubber meets the road and where the invasion of privacy makes money.

It is truly a monument to the advancement of the technology of the Internet of Things and slick marketing in a  public/private effort to get people to enthusiastically become a Thing in the Internet of things.

"Freedom. Adventure. Responsibility. Oregonians expressed these values most often when asked to describe what Oregon’s Road Usage Charge Program should represent. By popular preference, the road usage charge program is now named “OReGO” and has a new logo to match, ODOT officials said Wednesday."

What did I just say about the great American Dream of the open road in my prior blog entry?  There it goes into history.

"Presented with 12 options, the OReGO name and logo shown was chosen by 80 percent of participants. Comments included: “It says ‘Go with Oregon’ or ‘Oregon here we go’;” “It is a fun name…I visualize a dog with its head out the window…and going out and exploring Oregon…it has that kind of fun, forward thinking;” “Gives me an idea what the program is for;” “Over time …everybody would know exactly what this is.”

Chilling!  The dog will of course have a biometric collar on it connected to the Internet of things.  The driver will simply be wearing a biometric iWatch.

Unbelievable but it will happen. There is money to be made in this "public/private" partnership.  The public side being the enforcement agency to implement statewide law.  

Oregon is the first state to do this.  What happened to the unofficial state motto of "live and let live".

Who exactly is the private entity in this relationship??? 

OreGo website:

Partners in this public/private enterprise:  

Raytheon and IMS Insurance are associated with Sanef, a French company,

Azuga:  GPS tracking via the car's OBDll device.

Verizon:  obviously the communications provider.

The Oregon Senate Bill that set this up:

This is the Road User Fee Task Force:

Tammy Baney is the OTC Commissioner.

This is really a toll road system in disguise to privatize revenue in a revenue sharing plan with government from the use of public roads.  It is in fact the privatization of public domain assets for the extraction of profit.  

"The fee — 1.5 cents a mile — will roll out July 1, 2015 through 5,000 volunteer participants. ODOT and the volunteers will see how it works, and then the Oregon legislature will decide when it will be expanded to the rest of the state’s drivers."

Read more at:

This at this link:

"“On the commercial side though, we intend for the account managers to start a business,” said Whitty. “They will be able to recruit and choose volunteers. They will be able to use any type of mileage reporting technology that meets the standards of the department and they can change it over time. … They’ll be able to sell value-added services. … They will be able to bundle those services in a single billing and combine their account management practices with other value-added services. They will be able to sell mileage data if they can get approval for the sale and they can retain it beyond 30 days with consent of the road usage charge payer. … The commercial side is where we want to put all of our effort. We want that to be very successful.”

Look at this closely; "Value added services" that is where the money is.  That is where to exploit the government granted monopoly to operate this program.
Whitty is the ODOT point person for this program:
Whitty: Senate Bill 810 demonstrates that the legislature is willing to go forward on this topic. They want one final demonstration with 5,000 volunteers, and when that works, they’ll be willing to go forward with mandatory mileage charges where people are obligated to pay."W - See more at:

Note well the words mandatory and obliged.

Based on a program used by 5,000 volunteers we are effectively giving them the vote with ODOT approval on mandatory program legislation.  They would pay 1.5 cents per mile in lieu of gas tax of 30 cents per gallon??  Is that how it would work?  That hardly figures.  Must be more to it.

This is a revealing site:

"Mr. Whitty currently oversees development of a permanently operational road use charging program which will deploy cutting-edge approaches to road use charging under an open technology platform with motorist choice and implementation through public private partnerships as central features.

Mr. Whitty is a co-founder of the Western Road Usage Charge Consortium consisting of states engaging in road usage charge information transfer and joint research on the topic of mileage charging. Mr. Whitty is a co-founder and vice chairman of the Mileage Based User Fee Alliance, an entity with a mission of educating policymakers on road use charging and headquartered in Washington DC.

Mr. Whitty brings a private sector perspective to his role in transportation policy. His prior experience includes 10 years working with transportation finance and environmental public policies for Associated Oregon Industries, the Portland Chamber of Commerce and six years in private law practice. He obtained his bachelor’s degree and Juris Doctorate from the University of Oregon."

Note:  Reason Foundation supports libertarian principles!  

Whitty is vice chairman of the Milage Based User Fee Alliance:

Is he entirely impartial to the private enterprise interest in privatizing government functions?

From this site:

"ODOT’s Jim Whitty, the architect of the program, has been on a whirlwind tour, responding to requests from states for more information about what they’re doing in Oregon and how they’re pulling it off. Last week he came to Washington, DC, to speak with members of Congress, key Senate committee aides, White House staff — and this reporter. I got answers to these 10 questions I had about the new plan."

This smacks of a government official selling a plan sponsored by a special interest group.  Conflict of interest here?  Is his vice chair a paid position?

This is what Whitty said about GPS tracking;

How did Oregon get past privacy concerns?They bagged the idea of requiring any kind of GPS tracker. “You can’t mandate GPS and get this done,” Whitty said. “You’ve got to give people options that don’t involve GPS.” Though a GPS tracker isn’t really more of a violation of privacy than your cell phone or E-ZPass, the issue has been an obstacle to rational discussion about the pros and cons of a VMT system. In Oregon’s first pilot VMT program, they gave out trackers, but people didn’t like having government surveillance devices in their cars. For the second pilot, this past winter, people could pick their own device from the marketplace, and they found that more comfortable. Plus, there’s an option to just report mileage from the odometer."

In other words don't worry if the GPS is reporting to private enterprise instead of the government.

"Why would anyone choose to participate in the program? That’s a question Whitty couldn’t really answer yet. People whose vehicles currently get less than 17 miles per gallon will have an incentive to sign up, since the VMT fee will probably be less than the gas tax rebate they’ll be getting. But the program will only accept 1,500 people with such low mileage out of 5,000 volunteers."

Note that this is a referendum with 5000 voters.  1500 will surely be very enthusiastic.  The rest would probably swing the vote at least?

Jack Basso chairman MBUFA congratulated Whitty for his efforts here:

Finally, I would like to thank Jim Whitty (Oregon DOT) for his key contribution in helping launch MBUFA and for his valuable service for the past four years as Vice Chair of MBUFA's Board of Directors. At the same time, I want to thank and
congratulate Caltrans Acting Chief Deputy Director Norma Ortega as she succeeds Jim as Vice Chair.
Must be busy handling both a government job and doing so much for a private entity related to and having interest in their government job.

Note the Executive Director's comments about Whitty at this site and also she welcomes SANEF as a member.


Invasion of Privacy Motivation

IThe primary motivation for the invasion of privacy enabled by modern information systems has been governmental and private enterprise Security.

Government funding of tech advance my of security systems and methods have trickled out to civilian enterprise like the previous generation space program, the motivation and payoff in the invasion of personal privacy is now at this point in time shifting to money.  In my opinion.  

Money in exploiting privacy.  Money in protecting privacy.  
It is a self licking ice cream cone that generates money far beyond the old school way of robbing a bank by owning one.  

This blog entry is a follow on to the previous one simply exploring one of the many ditections it was going in.

Interesting application of biometric technology to cars associating the driver to the vehicle;

It is called "strong identity management"
A Thing Person strongly associated with a Thimg Car together strongly associated to time and place and anything else that would make money for anyone that could design sytems for profit exploiting the Internet of Things.

The automobile is simply another but bigger device that a person can be intimately and deeply associated with.  Bigger than that is their home or job.

"Dr. Kim comments on this increased range of application, saying, “Iris recognition was highly utilized by military forces and government institutions but to make it into the B2C markets such as mobile devices, wearables and automobile, IriTech’s ‘outdoor capturing technology’ will become a requisite.”

Car to Car Communications

Things and the Internet of Things.  The relationships of Things to Things is rapidly changing as a function of the ability of a Thing to communicate directly with another Thing.

I use the word Thing with a capital "T".  Grammatically that may be (T)otaly correct.  How so?  "Thing" is becoming a proper noun.  Study the linguistics of a proper noun.  A deep study here:

Forgive me for not hyper-linking.  The blogger app does not seem to have that functionality.

Basically, a proper noun is a specific person, place or thing.  In object oriented language it is defined as an instance of a class, a unique instance with a specific identity.  Like a one dollar bill with a serial number giving it a unique identity among the class of all dollar bills.

This is going to be a good post when I get to the point, which may take awhile because I am on vacation in Austalia and it is raining.

Perhaps in New Age linguistics and grammer things with a specific unique identity by virtue of a unique communication ID will be referred to in text form by its class name with a capital letter hyper - link capital letter going to its specific unique identifier on the Internet of Things for anyone wanting to know exactly what specific unique thing is being addressed.

In the future car to car communication requires that every car have a identifier address.  This will take the place of a license plate attached to a car, which is easily removable.  Perhaps it will be a VIN number.  Because there will be a business interest in the car and the owner/driver it will certainly be a unique identifier of the car and probably linked to the owning entity as well as the unique identity of the car driver at any given time as well as the spatial location of the car in real time or any given time in a history record.  Progressive Insurance is currently a leader in this direction with a device that attaches to a vehicle computer system.

Here is my prediction and where this blog entry is going (among various other directions at the same time, each with its own unique conceptual identifier existing only in my own head):

Some specific date in the future cars will no longer have license plates on them.  They, their owners and drivers as well as insurance companies, state of registry and all other related information will be associated with the vehicle's unique identity on the Internet of things.

Because a vehicle life span is longer than the time period necessary to introduce this car to car ID for all vehicles a dongle will be retrofit to all older vehicles having the computer diagnostic system that has been a standard feature since about the year 2000 or so.  The dongle will broadcast ID and GPS constantly in real time.

In this future system there will be a security level structure applied with various levels of controlled access on a need to know basis. This structure will be a challenge regarding privacy issues and who needs to know.

The great American icon of the freedom of the open road will be a memory existing in the future only in period piece movies that romanticize what driving a car used to be just like we romanticize the Old West now.

"Old West" being a proper noun because we all have a specially unique concept attached to that term identifying a mythological period of time just like the future will describe this period of time as the "Old Privacy".

The times they are a-changing.

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Local News - catching bad guys

Guy walks into the local chevron a robs it with a threatening hand in his hoodie.  Probably not too smart.  Probably had a cell phone in his pocket pinging the local tower every few seconds.  Some detective work might identify him with a cell phone dump by police but not worth the effort to them. A 
murder involved then maybe and attribute the source to an informant (parallel construction).

Much better:  A femtocell in the store recording the imsi of every cell phone in the short range vicinity with a time stamp.  Entry is de facto permission to record the Imsi info like a security camera.  Big opportunity for cell phone providers or independents to get into the business.  

Maybe Is already being done?  Simple, cheap.  

Surveillance society should have some degree of return for invasion of privacy that we can't do anything about anyhow.

Cell pot is a concept that could do this?

Face Recognition - Deep Detection

Artificial Intelligence face recognition is a fascinating thing.  An algorithm can detect a specific face like we can.  Probably even better?  Probably and with  an increasingly greater degree of accuracy as well as decreasing time.    

This link comments on the state of the art development.

Face is only a single data point, combined with others such as walking style or clothing, or cell phone IMSI. ID becomes relatively absolute.

Beyond the technical state of the art it would be interesting to create a metric of how frequently and to what extent degree of accuracy we are identified by biometric and location data.  The ultimate metric being real time, all the time with absolute accuracy.  For the sake of metric measurement of absolute accuracy the only metric I can unfortunately think of is the same probability of a drone kill on a person of interest?  Hardly even that current degree of accuracy in current application.  Prison execution?  At least the person to be executed is positively identified is not the cause for action.

If the all info all the time metric for personal ID was established as a 24 hour clock then how close to midnight would we be today.  On just the NSA clock how close would we be?? Bb