Thursday, February 26, 2015

Reporting What is Written on the Wall

The following site looks at tracking, aggregating and the profit involved in targeted web site user interface with the World Wide Web.  It is pervasive, extensive, involves big bucks and relates to personal privacy issues that those targeted mostly totally unaware of.

Commercial exploitation for profit motive of personal information gained from a variety of information sources in addition to the WWW is the doppelgänger of NSA personal information gathering for security motives.  Means and methods research and development by the NSA have broad application and spin off to private industry.  First adopters in private enterprise are probably those that had contracts with the NSA/National Security agencies.  Certainly a bigger and faster revolving door than old school traditional warfare/hardware defense industrial complex.

Maybe the difference between information aggregation models differentiates government and commercial info gathering and aggregation.

NSA is centralized.  The private enterprise twin is decentralized but rapidly becoming networked through sharing aggregations of data.  In the end they both arrive at the same end poor.  Every individual or tracked entity has a unique identifier to which all related information can be accumulated and associated.

That model is exactly the one that I have chosen to associate all digital uniquely identified digital dollars (say ten trillion) in a novel debt free monetary system to entities (any entity spending/receiving dollars in financial medium of exchange).  

Buying/selling is just another form of communication involving an information payload and communication system that is the fundamental core of our Information Age.  

Our intelligence created the Information Age and it is as old as when abstract concepts related to the real world were painted on cave walls or communicated in codified grunt packets.  We only do it faster and to greater degrees of abstraction that make it look like a new ball game.  

There remains the basic source of abstraction:  Things and Actions.  Things related to themselves or other things by a relationship implementing action.

Things are called nouns, actions are called verbs.  That is the first abstraction of our real world.  Used to be simple, now it is so abstracted the Forrest is hard to see for the trees.  One is simply the aggregate of all its instances.  We always knew that every person was unique in all eternity.  Now that uniqueness can be biometricly identified absolutely in a new world order of information where every person or chosen conceptual entity is approaching a real time conceptual identity to which everything but our secret thoughts can be attributed and known for profit or security.

Where does that go?  Maybe the end point is where the thought police (in charge of knowing what we want to buy/sell or harm intended to the buy/sell power structure) will be able to read our most secret thoughts. 

That is science fiction stuff.  Perhaps we will be saved by reading their most secret thoughts and the truth will finally set us free.  We knew it all the time.

Is this a plot outline for my novel to become a movie?

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