Saturday, February 28, 2015

J. D. Alt

J. D. Alt publishes comments on monetary matters at New Economic Pespectives.  This is his latest.

I have commented previously on how much I appreciate his structured thinking. He is an architect who is skilled at creating structural concepts that turn into real world structures that support functional requirement use.  Not only basic forms but creative structures with inherent aestetics.  Elegance and beauty in simplicity and style.

He takes the same architectural approach to monetary systems.  Each time he publishes something new I see progression toward completion of the final design product.  His latest indicated how close he is to publishing the final design in book form.  A narrative that is no less than a traditional set of a broad scope architectural structure plan.

The design, engineering, building model is fundamental.  Easy to see the product in the real world every time we walk through a doorway to enter a building thatsy be centuries old or the threshold of a new home.  They all started out as ideas and dreams emerging into the human mind as if out of nowhere.  That is where.  That is where everything we create, be it as empheral as religion, language or as solid as a car comes from.  Somebody individually thought it or far enough back in time thought its conceptual building blocks
Into existence.  J. D. Alt is doing that with the design of a better, more elegant and structurally sound monetary system structure.  It's a beautiful thing to behold and comments on what he publishes reveal that many can see the truth of his design.

I enjoy what J. D. publishes as much as reading Ken Follett's "Pillars of the Earth".  It is about creating things that spring from nowhere into the human mind into things of form and function to serve us.  In the case of the monetary system that J. D. Is creating it is a far better model and future structure than the our current edifice built on a faulty foundation that is the temple that serves the banksters who designed it so well to serve their schemes and dreams.  They hold the keys to that monstrosity that will one day collapse because that is what structurally unsound things do.

Structural failure is as much destroyer of faulty structures that are primarily conceptual as real structures that can't stand the functional load placed upon it due to age, lack of maintenance or progress that makes it unsuitable for current use.  The rubble often served as a foundation for some new design, new structure that is a better design.

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