Monday, May 30, 2016

Bank Secrecy and Whistleblowers

Excellent story:

Also this:

Whistleblowers are hero crime fighters

Sunday, May 29, 2016

Digital Communications as a Model for a Monetary System

Evaluating the privacy properties of telephone metadata

This is only a sample.  The NSA has all the communications meta data.

A digital monetary system can be structured to essentially operate as the communication system.

Single medium of exchange: digital units.
Single door through which all communications/transactions pass
Transaction identification associating exchange to individual entities.
Date/time/location information.
Total information capture and retention ability.
Single authorized legal capture authority under government control.

Our security depends as much on the security of our monetary system and its protection.

Monday, May 23, 2016

Transaction Banking

Transaction Banking description.

Transaction Banking gets its own distinct name because it appears that the only difference between using cash or a credit card to buy something is the magnitude of the purchase price.  This problem domain which is more accurately called "Big Buck Buys" has a vehicle that plays in the transaction that also has its own distinct name:  Invoice that has associated contractual information such as products or services and agreed up prices and terms.  The kind of things that in a purchase at a check out counter don't come into play until after the fact in the form of a receipt.

The idea is to apply blockchain to the Invoice system.  Good idea since the invoice is a  kind of quasi payment thing.   A contract that has a follow on trade transaction settlement in actual payment of funds.  If there are two invoices for the same transaction (doubling the purchase price payment) then there is a problem.  Not exactly like counterfeiting which produces a new illegal copy of money but more like a cloning of an existing document in the trading process and presenting it as a false basis for payment.

In my monetary system proposal currency as well as accounts are block chained.  It is logical to extend the excellent proof of blockchain on an open ledger to Invoices in Transaction banking.  Since that category is by definition it would obviously have priority for blockchain technology application.  Similar to stock trading.  Probably end of the day clearing functions between banks as well.

In this view of blockchain application to monetary transactions the adoption of blockchain becomes a top down progression of application starting with the Big Buck stuff first.  A shift from the bottom up progression of application to the common day to day use of money in small amounts as a medium of exchange.

If the real impetus push to blockchain currency transactions is at the Big Buck level then it will be more or less in the background but so much more important to watch than digital "Small Change" applications of digital currency on block chain.

Look at the common data elements related to an Invoice as described by Wikipedia:

  • The word invoice (or Tax Invoice);
  • A unique reference number (in case of correspondence about the invoice);
  • Date of the invoice;
  • Credit terms;[3]
  • Tax payments, if relevant (e.g., GST or VAT);
  • Name and contact details of the seller;
  • Tax or company registration details of seller, if relevant [e.g. Australia Business Number (ABN) for Australian businesses];
  • Name and contact details of the buyer;
  • Date that the goods or service was sent or delivered;
  • Purchase order number (or similar tracking numbers requested by the buyer to be mentioned on the invoice);
  • Description of the product(s);
  • Unit price(s) of the product(s), if relevant;
  • Total amount charged (optionally with breakdown of taxes, if relevant);
  • Payment terms (including method of payment, date of payment, and details about charges for late payment);
Looks like the receipt that I received at the supermarket.  Actually, the receipt is more like an invoice if I pay using a credit card rather than the confirmation of immediate cash currency.  Since "Cash" is an ambiguous colloquial term rather than the "Real Thing" described by Wikipedia and I am not sure of what term to use for Real Money like a paper dollar bill that is the official cash of the USA with a serial number and denomination amount on it I will call it "hard cash money".

Invoice data elements are appropriate for Big Buck transactions but since they are common for small amount transactions as well providing business information associated with the transaction there seems to be an opportunity to lock the data elements to the basic Money related data elements such as date and amount and include it all in the Total Monetary System blockchain structure rather than stripping out and separating related data to separate data bases that are used for other purposes such as inventory control....... Put it all on the blockchain.  A single master blockchain.  It is all digital so what is the incremental cost of doing it?  How much difference is there for the computer program or application then between a one dollar transaction and a million dollar transaction?

In the big picture the thing called "Loan" and debt contract are not much different than Invoice.  It is a transaction in which Money itself is transacted in a trade of two different things, or maybe States of Money.

Money today traded for Money tomorrow (plus interest).

So many descriptors that imply differentiation of a thing were necessary in the past that are no longer needed in the digital domain of Information Engineering Technology.  Most often this is the case because so many things are now managed digitally independent of their past physical association that no longer really applies except in our conceptual delay in weaning ourselves form a continuing perception of a thing related to its past tightly bound physical nature.

There are many conceptual things still described by their old time words associated with their physical bindings.  These old terms should die an natural death like "dialing" someone described calling them on the "telephone" using the dial with holes in it related to numbers.

Sunday, May 22, 2016

Re-Programming the Code of Federal Regulations

This link looks at growth in the Code of Federal Regulations:

This chart tells the story of the narrative:

The narrative in a nutshell:

"A privilege, a special tax break, a rule, a prohibition, a piece of meat here, a piece of meat there… and soon the foxes are eating high on the hog.  But what’s meat for the foxes is poison for the economy."..............
Each piece requires paperwork, delays, permits, accountants, lawyers. You can’t do this… you can’t do that – with so many hurdles in their way, entrepreneurs think twice, capital investment declines, and the economy slows.
Each favor to the foxes is an act of larceny, taking something away from the people who earned it to redistribute wealth, power, and status to the insiders."

In a prior blog entry I looked at the Tax Code (and attacking it with Artificial Intelligence to discover its structure and relationships as an Application Program written in Programming Language rather than Natural Language.  In other words, trying to make some logical sense out of all the worded explanation of Natural English Language nouns and verbs that we all speak (code in this language) so proficiently and with such ambiguity.  Ambiguity of our Natural Language is both a bug and a feature.  Certainly a feature to the legal foxes who are experts in the Legal Language subset of our Natural Language.  A feature that is used to eat the meat a small bite at a time.

The Code of Federal Regulations is bigger, I guess, but just more of the same Natural Language coding.

No human being can figure it all out.  The design was patches on patches of special interest inserts on top of a long ago foundation.

Only AI could straighten it all out.  Parse it to develop a core high level Object Oriented structure and relationships.  Everything below that would be viewed as an inconsistency correction problem domain.

In the end, written in Artificial Intelligence Object Oriented Programming Code it would all hang together logically to serve its program objectives:  To serve us all.

Thursday, May 19, 2016

TSA Pre-Check -- Proof Of State Pivileged Americanism

I'll be flying again soon.  Twice to Europe this summer.  Recently long lines at the TSA check point are getting attention.  While in line with nothing to do but wait (and worry about everything being in order and continually checking my passport and boarding papers to be sure I still had them) I observe the TSA process and think about is purpose.  TSA Pre-check

Market Ticker recently made a point about terrorists and TSA.  Denninger is an angry man but he does make good points to be angry about sometimes and makes them with some simple thinking and language:

"If the terrorist is actually intelligent, which seems to be a rare commodity among humans in the first place, he will simply waltz into the line you are putting up with that is two hours long and blow himself up there, killing you dead without ever being screened!"

That would make people in line fidget.  That of course is cause for TSA behavioral screening attention!  Then there would have to be a different kind of Pre-Check outside the airport to gain stand-off ability.  Done in an area were the damage to large numbers of travelers could be minimized. 

On a recent flight I was given a boarding pass with the Pre-check logo on it.  I walked directly up to the bag conveyor while hundreds of people were slowly winding their way toward it.  Why did I get a Pre-check.  Seems they are handed out to trusted travelers by the selection of the airlines that probably comply with some type of TSA criteria for them to do that.

Otherwise is costs to get the official approval and certification of Pre-Check.  Its is good marketing for the line standers to see others zipping through.  Maybe there were not enough "others" that had paid the price of Pre and the marketers needed some selected warm bodies to create a business market consumer desire tipping point.

It is a pay for privilege business model.  That is ok.  First Class pays for privilege.  There are so many applications of the business model to charge for a privilege that is only available for a fee.   Otherwise just be one of the inconvenienced masses.  Might marketing be tempted to make the masses even more inconvenienced to increase revenue by pay to privilege.  To be treated better than the commoners? creating long lines intentionally?  Would that be good business practice?  Well....yes!  It is managing the market.

A google News search of TSA Pre-Check selecting the past week time frame reveals what might be an orchestrated medial effort to promote it for summer travel.  For Example

The TSA will encourage travelers at Newark Liberty Airport to enroll in its pre-check program, one of several measures the agency is promoting to ease security lines before the summer travel season.
I could pay for a great number of privileges.  Live in a gated community.  Be driven to my private club, etc.  Not my lifestyle nor how I chose to spend my money.  I prefer the status that money does not buy and expect the common class treatment to be acceptable.

Regarding the TSA Pre-check it has the smell of "being more American and certified by the state to be trusted not to be a terrorist because the state has a record of my trustworthyness that elevates me above my fellow citizens.

That in fact was true.  In the navy I was cleared beyond Top Secret.  Full BI.  Higher ranking career officer.  I wondered while zipping through the TSA on Pre-check if that had anything to do with it.  No, probably not.  Just meeting some low bar criteria applied at random to select some passengers.  I got it once or twice before.

My certification of having served once before gets me 10% off at Home Depot and free or reduced entrance to some places that carries with me in the form of a card that says I qualify.

Aside from the marketing manipulation to select some to be given a Pre-check freebie without paying the price to get a permanent one, everybody has the opportunity to pay for the security check to become privileged and join the exclusive true Certfied Red White and Blue card carrying member of of the Trusted American Club.  Other privileges might be attached to that.  Like going to the head of the voting line?

I simple recoil from the whole idea of ranking privilege.  I had it before for a reason of good order in a very authoritarian structure.  Necessary.  Now?  I draw no more patriotic water than the next citizen.  Australia has an admirable standard of Egalitarianism.  That is not an attributed valued except by lip service here.

Screen em all....might like the NSA motto of total information capture be the motto of TSA.  The NSA also screens them all internally.  How's that work for you NSA?

If passports were subject to security clearance like the military system of classification then some citizens would be worthy of a higher level security rating than others just cleared for Confidential or simply failing to qualify for any clearance that must take a security ID test every time they enter a secure area.  Like civilians entering a military base.

Perhaps citizens that pay for a full BI should get a salute when they pass thru the TSA screening fast lane simply by flashing their passport and submitting to a biometric identity check and were wearing an Old Glory lapel pin??  Analogous to me driving thru the security gate at a military base by simply showing my ID and being saluted.  More recently however there are cameras and license plate readers as well as hand held card readers at the entrance to assure security.

Civilian bicyclists can get on the list to pass through Camp Pendleton if they pre-register using their drivers license.  It is a low level security check.

When almost everyone gets some kind of state approved security clearance everyone in the the unapproved entry at TSA will be "unclean" by definition.  Maybe even Un-American until proven otherwise.

I could pay to be on the TSA Pre list and be an official approved traveler based on my clearance.

Somehow I would rather stand with the rest of my fellow citizens in the long line and be reminded of what we loose when we live in fear of each other and why we have reason to fear as a result of the policies and actions of our peace and freedom loving country.

Global Entry is another way for true blue state certified travelers to go to the head of a line.  In this case border entry customs entry expediting.

TSA Pre✓®

Are You Eligible?
Global entry members are eligible to participate in TSA Precheck Logo. U.S. citizens and lawful permanent residents enrolled in NEXUS or SENTRI are also eligible to participate in TSA Precheck Logo, as well as Canadian citizens who are members of NEXUS.
How It Works
If you are a Global Entry member or eligible NEXUS or SENTRI member, enter your membership number (PASS ID) in the “Known Traveler Number” field when booking reservations, or enter it into your frequent flyer profile with the airline. The membership number enables Transportation Security Administration’s  (TSA) Secure Flight System to verify that you are a legitimate CBP Trusted Traveler and eligible to participate in TSA Precheck Logo.

One site I found aimed at travel agents promoting both security systems supported the idea that Global Entry members should have a priority advantage line over Pre members.  Short line for either class but probably looking ahead to when it is longer.  1st, 2nd and 3rd class segmentation based on risk of what?  Un-Americanism?  Not that is not the marketing spin to put on it.  Probability of being a terrorist?  Maybe what we need is profiling of who really is the most serious risk to security?  Nut jobs maybe.  Seriously mental cases.

The whole idea is headed for an elite preference system generating revenue.  A standard business model of private clubs.  Members only.  Pay to play.

Benefits of Global Entry

Benefits for Global Entry Members
Your time is valuable. As a pre-screened Global Entry member, you arrive in the United States, check-in at the Global Entry kiosk and you're on your way. So what are you waiting for?
Why You Should Join
  • No processing lines
  • No paperwork
  • Access to expedited entry benefits in other countries
  • Available at major U.S. airports
  • Reduced wait times
  • TSA Pre✓® Eligibility
"Your time is valuable"  Everybody's time is valuable.  Pre and Global would monetize that value and sell it for a price.  Their foundation reason is however security objective.  Accomplished by registering and certifying entry to a state security system.

Perhaps anyone with an official state system security classification cleared for secret or above should all be automatically given Pre and Global.  Or make their employing government agency pay for it because their time is so valuable to the government.

I can see a marketing pitch to big business to pay the entry to the "cleared trusted club" for their employees because company time is valuable.  That would probably be the biggest source of revenue resulting in more suits in the short lines.

There are, of course, biometric ID verification systems associated with the state sponsored trusted traveler security system to prove traveler identity.  Now being tested for CPB border entry.  When tested and implemented just how long might it be before the same system is applied to Pre-Check  at airports to fly domestically?  Not long I am sure.  The result is a citizen biometric test state certification identification to travel...  by choice of the citizen of course, not mandated.  All others wait in the long suspect to be unworthy until tested and scanned.

There is a stick attached to the carrot.  Loss of security clearance for really any reason although specific reasons are given with the last one being a catch all that might serve as an arbitrary justification.  Fear of losing a security clearance is a strong motivator for compliance with the issuing authority and whatever or however the issuing authority wishes to exercise its authority.

The price fee for the Pre-Check application:  $85.  If it is run like a drivers license or license plate renewal system then there is a periodic renewal price.  Don't know how long a clearance lasts but renewal requirement is a good revenue plan and catches converts to the dark side.  At any given time clearance can be canceled for outstanding warrants, etc. :

Apply to TSA Pre-check

As a law-abiding* US citizen, US national, or Lawful Permanent Resident (LPR), you may be eligible for TSA Pre-Check. In order to apply, you must pay the non-refundable fee of $85, provide information that would allow the TSA to conduct a background check (i.e. fingerprints, SSN, etc.), and visit an enrollment center. You can either pre-enroll online or simply walk in to an enrollment center. (Find locations here) Since approximately 2000 people apply to TSA Pre-Check on a daily basis, it may be advisable to make an appointment to avoid long waiting times.
In order to determine your eligibility for Pre-Check, the TSA uses your fingerprints to check against law enforcement, immigration, and intelligence databases. In addition, your name is checked against the government watch list and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's list of individuals who are not allowed to travel due to health concerns. The TSA alone is in charge of determining who is eligible for Pre-Check, and any type of legal infractions, ranging from criminal convictions to being caught with a loaded firearm at an airport checkpoint, may disqualify you.

I contend that increasingly over time citizens entering security choke points like airports will be required to undergo a security clearance certification process, not unlike the official government security clearance system.  In addition biometric ID will be required for entry.

That will be a security system not unlike our credit card system.  Ultimately all such requirements will converge on their systemic need to manage, know and identify the objects of the security system and their relationships to whatever is selected as critical.  Relationship to the subjects money or level of trust in relationship to whatever is deemed to be necessary for whatever reasons.

Total information.  Total control.  It is for the good of us all.

Friday, May 13, 2016

The World's Hidden Wealth

An excellent description of where the wealth is hidden off shore and why:

Laundering money takes out the dirt.  It takes out the connection to how it was obtained...illegally.  It hides the source.  There are many more reasons to hide the source besides illegal....things like drugs,  human trafficing, theft.  Hard theft like bank robbing.  Soft theft like bank robbing as an inside job with a briefcase.  There are all kinds of reasons to disconnect money from where it came from or who it belongs to.  Forensic accountants can do detective work to figure it out but they are working against equally skilled accountants to hide the clues.  Often the clues are in plain sight but hidden behind the protection of the law.

It is all about money in an account.  To whom does all this money matter?  The beneficial owner.  Money is a social object.  It matters to people and their social institutions to which people claim ownership or are stakeholders in claims to money in account.

The intent of structures to hide wealth is to hide wealth.  Duh!  That is the purpose of the design.  Wealth being money or its representation in a form of a thing with associated value.  To hide the object called money/wealth first as a number in an account known only to the beneficial account holder and to hide the processes by which the money enters or leaves the account.

It is all about money!  Duh!  Duh?  What's "Duh"?  Looks like a derisive term to express the stupidity of something needing to be explained that everybody knows is written on the wall.  To me there is a deeper meaning:  The object of the word is not the thing written on the wall that the subject called "everybody" should see.  The meaning is this:  What is written on the wall is the subject of the sentence.  The object of the sentence is those that cannot see, read nor understand the writing on the wall.  The operator? The verb that connects the relationship?  Failure to connect the meaning.  That is a strange thing to call a verb.  It is really the absence of a verb.  There is no connecting word.  The connecting word is hidden.  The money is there, in an account like a horse with no name.  No connection to a name.  No action to connect it.

The solution?

Open global accounting ledgers with three absolute element identities:

Account Number ID

Account Owner ID

Account Transaction ID

Duh!  What the Duh for?

Its a Block Chain, stupid!

All hidden at the micro level.  Meaning the discrete secret micro level.  Secret to the relationship of any of the ID number association to a beneficial owner/transactor.

However, at the macro level the data structure is all open to being mined to discover probable cause to access micro level true identities and transactions.  It is not a new model.  It is the NSA total information model.  At least in theory.  The only difference is that NSA looks at the Micro level to discover probable cause.  A situation of working from the bottom up rather than the top down.

Discovery of evasion can and should be done from the macro data mining level to develop information sufficient for probable cause to do micro level investigations.  The monetary system has to be designed to accomplish that.

That is the digital money monetary system that I propose in this blog built on blockchain.

Every citizen and/or money transacting entity must be associated to an registered account to transact with digital money.  A requirement for registration is mandatory information data elements.

All transactions with digital money are identified by a transaction number and associated required information such as date/time/location from one account to another.

"Money" is defined as digital currency uniquely identified independent object entity with a value of one at the granular unit level existing in a data base.  Each unit of money has a direct relationship to an account and therefore its owner.  In the account money is expressed as an aggregate amount.  The aggregate amount always equals the sum total of unit value discretely identified  digital dollars in the aggregate money account.  The aggregate digital money account is by definition equal to the National Debt but the name of the account is changed to the National Money Account.

The National Money Account links all unit digital dollars to all accounts, equals the aggregate dollar value of all accounts.  All accounts are linked to all transactions of National Money among accounts.

All of this macro level Monetary System structure is Open Ledger and Open Source coded in an anonymized encrypted system. The National Accounting Agency has keys to the encryption to investigate with the legal system approval of probable cause to discover criminal activity of any kind related to the National Monetary System.

The USA having all the might and right in this world dictates that this system be used by the entire world.

Since the USA is dominated by money interests this will never happen therefore China does it for the good of The People's Republic and creates this "Real Money" System that also happens to be debt free but can be used in debt applications in a debt finance system.

Official coin of the realm Money as a medium of exchange currency can be a highly defined object thing.  Defined by precise assigned attributes and methods by which it operates.  The nature of Money is a conceptual social thing.  At the macro level of all money it is a persistent thing.  Just like human beings as a collective species are persistent.  But at the micro level of a single person they come into and go out of physical existence. If there is any pre or post state of being it does not matter in terms of the physical world.  At the individual level, a single person is like a unit of money.  Born into existence, lives for a while then goes out of existence.  It is a debt base life life span.  Absolutely true for money.  Chosen by some believers to be true about our mortal selves and they structure their lives on that complex belief.

Simple observation suggests that the most persistent things, physical or conceptual are the best macro/micro level objects upon which to build structures.  Physical or social.  Subject to evolutionary/revolutionary change to perpetuate or terminate depending on micro level choices of object attributes and methods.

What is the best object structure for a conceptual thing called money?  I would think it is persistence at both the micro and macro level.  Born once and exists as an object for a long, long time.  Until there is no functional need or reason to exist.  Like our natural language.  More or less.

Money as a highly structured conceptual object in digital form with each single unit of value having a unique identity as a medium of exchange and persisting over indefinite time (debt free because debt is the apoptosis death by design of money) is the single door through which all exchanges using money must pass.  Those exchanges pervade our existence as users of Money.  We may all want to live forever but it is a fact of life that we don't.  We can't live without money but money as a macro/micro conceptual thing created by us to serve us can live forever at the discrete unit level, unlike each of us.

The existence of uniquely identified unit digital dollar and the exact transactions in which they are utilized as a medium of documented exchange between two entities that are also uniquely identified are the simplest of all possible conceptual structures for a digital monetary system.

 Three components of a monetary system operating system.  Each exactly defined by attributes and methods and state of their class in an ownership relation.  Users of the monetary system are Buyer and Seller a relationship is implemented by Transactions.  Buyer/Seller is a variable state change of User.

If all transactions in the digital monetary system pass through the single mandatory door of a transaction between Buyer and Seller and are related by a block chain history and real time verified state and status applicable to each component establishing the validity over time of all three components in an open public ledger displaying macro level operation but protecting private level operation unless that private level operation is contrary to total system rules and regulations then;

We have a Monetary Operating System.  As in any digital operating systems dysfunction detection and correction is a system design process.

Things that should not be hidden cannot be hidden.  No system sin is unseen at the macro level that cannot be corrected at the micro level.

That is, I think a sound basis for a Monetary Operating System.  It would resolve the functional failure of the current system.  John Merryman presents that here in discussion:

John is a self proclaimed crackpot too.

John says:

"As a habitual crackpot on various philosophy and science sites over the years, it is coming to be my impression the deep conceptual insight being missed here(which several of these links bring to mind) is that since efficiency is to do more with less, the ideal of efficiency is to do everything with nothing. Much as an ultimate theory of everything would be to explain the most in the most compressed form. Which is why they keep breaking down and running into infinities.
So we have this problem in a societal and economic sense, where those in charge see themselves as more efficient(therefore deserving of the compensation) than everything else, yet the overall effect is that we are being sucked into the vortex of a societal/economic/military blackhole. Yet any attempt to stop this needs some other system and it also requires efficiency and finds itself competing for the same ultimate goals as the initial system.

There are ways to break this down, but they will only work after the system implodes under its own contradictions.
Just a thought for the morning."

Followed by reader comments.

So what do we do with a theoretical grand and glorious  Monetary Operating System to serve ourselves in the problem domain of making decisions regarding the allocation of resources??????

The Operating System is one thing.  The Application Programs that run upon it are another.

Note that Watt4Bob weighs in later in the discussion following John's comment.  Not surprising to me.

Bob concludes this about the application of our current money system for allocation of resources:

"It’s an obvious race to the bottom, and we’re making remarkable progress on that front."

I think it is an race to the bottom where the bottom is the point of revolution or no return.  It is so blatantly obvious that the destination of the race is written on the wall as well as the solution to the problem domain of managing our society through a Monetary System using the design and technology of the Information Age.  The masters of our dominant political financial systems do not want an efficient Monetary Operating System.  The one we have is just fine for the few........

As long as it lasts.  That is not long because it is not conceptually structured on persistent precisely identified objects and their designed methods in accordance with fundamental object oriented rules that are time tested because they apply to the nature world as well as our conceptual human structures.

The Monetary Operating System serves a higher level Social Operating System.

What is the magnitude of the single doorway through which all transactions in dollars passes?  That doorway is our National Debt.  About $14 trillion.  The National Debt is equal to National Savings.  All of our currency is debt based.  If the National Debt was paid off there would be no Money Currency.  There would be things that are "Near Money" quickly converted to Currency but if there is not Currency what kind of money is Near Money? is complex.

Another way to look at it:  If all this buying and selling of stuff was frozen at an instant of time then the "Big Aggregate Bank Account" of money used to buy an sell stuff would equal the National Debt.  Forget about paper money.  It is only 3% circulating in the USA Money.  Big bucks but insignificant in the big scheme of things but high turnover cash in the pocket.  Simply make all money transactions digital and it is eliminated.

Make every single money transaction go through the single door of a national digital currency as the basis of the monetary system and support that currency by simply saying it exists, debt free as a public utility with a small fee for maintenance and use of something whose source is free because it is declared to be a self evident truth of existence by declaring it exists.

Register every entity using money.  Everyone uses money.  Every business uses money.  Identify who they are, where they are as individuals and for a business what kind of a business they are and who are the beneficial owners and their Monetary System User Identification Account Numbers.

Identify every single one of the 14 trillion dollars in our collective piggy bank that is spent amongst ourselves with a unique ID number (IPV6).  Each dollar always knows its single owner account number.  As aggregate amount per transaction money in an owner account is spent/received the owner of the related unit digital dollars in the National Piggy Bank server Vault at Fort Knox is changed accordingly.  The total of $14 trillion identified uniquely and individually at the $1 level in the National Aggregate Piggy Bank always equals the sum total of $14 held in all user accounts (user entity granular level Piggy Bank).

National Piggy Bank, Money Transactions, and User Entity Piggy Bank Accounts are are on a Block Chain encrypted Information System.

All on a public ledger anonymized to protect private information, if required by law, but open to lawful investigation of personal information based on probable cause.

Thursday, May 12, 2016

Pentagon Allowed to Supply Military Gear Directly to Homeland Security Dept. for ‘War on Immigrants’

Watt4Bob comment on the subject of this blog entry:

I will have to come back to this for elaboration on surplus sales later.  Surplus material and the financial definition of "surplus" that qualifies material held in government revolving stock funds such as the Navy Stock Fund which I have some top level experience.

Thursday, May 5, 2016

How Much Money is Money?

My often asked question only second to the one that asks "what is money.  I know the ball park number but this simply supports it:

The 12.6 trillion is what is left after subtracting out the 3.4 trillion from the national debt of 16 trillion because "government".  It is something excluded because it does not circulate for some reason that I don't know.  I could find out if I cared to but it only suffices to know that it is some accounting thing that explains the difference between the national debt and "real" money in circulation.  

I am a believer in the mystical truth that the national debt is the same thing as our national savings and not really debt at all. 

I also believe that the national debt is our revolving loan account.  Our national cash drawer of money we provide ourselves to do business.  The problem is that we have to go to the cash window of a national bank, not our own pocket in order to draw it out for use.

All this keeping in mind that real "real money I call cash floating around the USA, (meaning the serialized paper stuff as opposed to what others call cash in the form of checks or credit cards) is only about half of all dollar bills in existence.

Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Giga pixel update

This is a state of the art update on the resolution and application of gigs pixel photography to mass surveillance and facial identification.

A friendly crowd, of course.  Not a radical political demonstration.