Sunday, May 22, 2016

Re-Programming the Code of Federal Regulations

This link looks at growth in the Code of Federal Regulations:

This chart tells the story of the narrative:

The narrative in a nutshell:

"A privilege, a special tax break, a rule, a prohibition, a piece of meat here, a piece of meat there… and soon the foxes are eating high on the hog.  But what’s meat for the foxes is poison for the economy."..............
Each piece requires paperwork, delays, permits, accountants, lawyers. You can’t do this… you can’t do that – with so many hurdles in their way, entrepreneurs think twice, capital investment declines, and the economy slows.
Each favor to the foxes is an act of larceny, taking something away from the people who earned it to redistribute wealth, power, and status to the insiders."

In a prior blog entry I looked at the Tax Code (and attacking it with Artificial Intelligence to discover its structure and relationships as an Application Program written in Programming Language rather than Natural Language.  In other words, trying to make some logical sense out of all the worded explanation of Natural English Language nouns and verbs that we all speak (code in this language) so proficiently and with such ambiguity.  Ambiguity of our Natural Language is both a bug and a feature.  Certainly a feature to the legal foxes who are experts in the Legal Language subset of our Natural Language.  A feature that is used to eat the meat a small bite at a time.

The Code of Federal Regulations is bigger, I guess, but just more of the same Natural Language coding.

No human being can figure it all out.  The design was patches on patches of special interest inserts on top of a long ago foundation.

Only AI could straighten it all out.  Parse it to develop a core high level Object Oriented structure and relationships.  Everything below that would be viewed as an inconsistency correction problem domain.

In the end, written in Artificial Intelligence Object Oriented Programming Code it would all hang together logically to serve its program objectives:  To serve us all.

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