Tuesday, November 29, 2016

The Truth of Thngs ---Things:Truth

I struggle with the truth of things.  I address that struggle through my own problem domain point of entry.  Through my own structured artificial like language I call "My Speak".  My Speak is my formalized conceptual system syntax and semantics that I use to build my operating system and application programs.

Natural Language is broadly lower encompassing domain standard of communication.  There are successive levels of language progression.  When to mark that progression with a point in the continuum beyond which it is called Artificial?  I have to determine that point where my use of Natural Language in this blog goes into Artificial Language territory.

This blog entry is in recognition that I am going that slight distance beyond the general domain of Natural Language into a refinement that has the look and feel of an artificial nature.  Maybe like a dialect or in the same category of poetry.  Creating a language that is a more accurate tool for the objective.

When the objective is truth the tool must be more accurate, less ambiguous.  I have an object oriented.....orientation!  It has emerged in what I think and therefore I write....(I write, therefore I am?).  The form of emergence is contracting two words to a single word with a higher level conceptual meaning and parent child relationship.

What I have written to this point in the blog is pretty much natural language expression even if the general thought and its purpose is not clear to any reader....and there are so few of those that the probability is none.  That is ok because I write for myself, for my self discovery more or less guided by reason and logic but incorporating feeling as well as thinking.  That expression has not become so unique that anyone reading it does not recognize that the style of writing grammar is unique but also intuitively understand the more complex meaning what is becoming more uniquely My Speak.

As I wonder and wonder in these thought and their expression, this right here is the point where I will take what I said prior to this point in a pretty much natural language and "up it" to a level of what has become My Speak.

We need more truth and conceptual structures built on it!  More of us need to use a common language to discover truth. 

More to follow but I have to parse what I said up to this point of natural language departure to re-express it as an example in My Speak............................


I interrupt this line of thought and its turning point to inject this solely for the purpose of thinking about what a thing "IS" and what a thing "Does" and attempting to get at some understanding of the conceptual and real entity nature of both through Natural Language expression.

Sunday, November 27, 2016


This fascinates me:  http://www.nakedcapitalism.com/2016/11/these-three-keen-websites-will-improve-your-language-skills.html

Using my framing I would spell it SnowClone.  Big points and bragging rights to Glen Whitman for being the first to use this word  and explain it a concept that has the look and feel related to a meme but defining a structural conceptual format of a meme phrase or MemeifiedCliche.





Jeff Jonas - Zoomf - The Las Vegas Jackpot - The Road To Kona Never Ends

I have followed Jeff Jonas through his wanderings and adventures since he first wrote about getting in his car and going to Las Vegas.  We are both triathletes, done some of the same IM's but different years.  I never met him a course but identify with much of what he writes about his tri's.  Been there, done that, got the T-shirt too.

Like catching up on an old friend I wondered what he was doing today while reading this that related to the Jeff Jonas mode of thinking related to data analytics discovery:  https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2016-11-25/no-credit-history-no-problem-lenders-now-peering-at-phone-data

Zooph: https://zoomph.com/

Like the simple opportunity that presented itself early, boldly and clearly like the light on the eastern horizon that was Las Vegas he continues his ride far and wide.  I was surprised to learn that he left his fellowship at IBM. https://zoomph.com/blog/press-release-serial-entrepreneur-and-former-ibm-fellow-jeff-jonas-joins-board-of-zoomph-inc/

No surprise that his simple model for relating things to things continues.  No surprise that its application focuses on personal relationship discovery with identity discovery.  Jeff originally had to create the relationship web data base on which discovery depended.  That has now been institutionalized to the extent that there is now a Social Media Operating System in which focus on Application Programs for relationship discovery.  Both are rich leading down the path of connecting dots on the path to rich results.

Jeff is on the Board of Directors.  Where he spends his time professionally and doing what is something that I would like to look into just to see what he is doing.  Always fascinating.


Simple idea: "Gain granular insights into every personality in your audience."  I like the word Granular.  Getting down to the real Nittey Grittey.  Who a granular person is: their Personality.  Gotten to via attributes related to What a person is as identified by attributes.  Who a person is by the actions they do.  Maybe looking at those actions of a granular person with an almost biometric real and/or conceptual established ID and then looking at what that person says and does to backfit actions to a granular person ID to formally construct a Model of that unique individual's (or unique collective aggregation entity of individuals) PersonalityOperatingSytem.

Create a system that can do that for the purpose of Operating System and Application Program Control and away you go on the way to discovery of valuable data, information and knowledge continuing to beckon like bright lights drawing Jeff to an eastern horizon.

Jeff Jonas at one time in the past expressed concerns about responsibility for granular privacy.  I sincerely hope he continues to balance what he does and makes good judgments about what he is doing that really is on a level and at the core of conceptual mass something or another like a physical device was once and still is at the core of physical mass something or another that was also a light in the New Mexico sky.

Jeff continues to follow the rainbow he sees so well to the jackpot at the end like the finish line of Ironman.  The melding of conceptual training and accomplishment with its physical analogy.

Fascinating guy.  Of all the things I have done I still wish I may have met him on the course in Kona.  The road to Kona never ends.

I can't help but see that Jeffs path to the Zoomf destination has taken him through government surveillance systems that give Zoomph a biometric conceptual granular entity personality that back fits to its birthing ParentObject Operating System and ApplicationProgram identity in Government that makes Zoomph a ChildObject with the attributes and methods of Commercialization.

A bright light on the horizon to follow call also be the setting sun if the GPS based ApplicationProgram is 180 degrees off.  Not likely if you know which way you are going Jeff and why. 



"Law and policy will inevitably determine which entities can access and commingle which data (channel consolidation) and under what condition.  At the same time, I worry that the technical means to enhance privacy (e.g., Immutable Audit Logs that facilitate accountability and oversight) are not being adopted at an appropriate pace to keep up."

Good job Jeff!   Focus on this Black Unicorn of Social Media that turns us 180 degrees;

The destructive power of Social Media Operating Systems when App is focused on False News and heading toward the light of setting sun leads to darkness http://www.npr.org/sections/alltechconsidered/2016/11/23/503146770/npr-finds-the-head-of-a-covert-fake-news-operation-in-the-suburbs?utm_source=npr_newsletter&utm_medium=email&utm_content=20161127&utm_campaign=bestofnpr&utm_term=nprnews

"Thus the new industrial revolution is a two-edged sword. It may be used for the benefit of humanity, but only if humanity survives long enough to enter a period in which such a benefit is possible. It may also be used to destroy humanity, and if it is not used intelligently it can go very far in that direction." 

China is developing a "Social Credit Rating System"
It looks like the only fundamental difference between the two systems of identification and ranking of individuals at the granular level is that Zoomf is a product of free private enterprise for profit system and the Chinese system for social control is a government product for what purpose?  For increased governmental power to control the People of the People's Republic?   Or is it as a product of the self governance intent of (We)...The People's Republic of China.

What is the tipping point of Self Governance as a function rooted in the expression of We the People and and Government as an expression of We the Government?

The next question to ask is:  Are we governed more by Free Private For Profit Enterprise than we are by our own "elected and governed by consent of the people entity called "Government".

I think that he "Mysterious Hand" of Mr. Market governs us more than the Government of the People.  I think the "MysteriousHand" that seeks profit governs the Government to exercise governance for its profit more than the PublicInterest.

How much different is China's system different than Zoomf?

Jeff Jonas.  I implore you to seriously examine this conceptual structure you are creating its purpose and its relationship to ultimate power and control for whose benefit and to whom's detriment.

The tipping of the scale must always be to the benefit of We The People and the dominating system that assures its InalienableRights are protected.  Those rights are violated if they only violate the rights of a single rights of a granular level person called a Citizen.  ForProfit:PrivateEnterprise  violates the collective called WeThePeople went they operate outside the regulating control of Government.

Perhaps it is a better model for the Government to develop a SocialRankingSystem founded on the objective to benefit the People.

Rank is by definition an  ObjectChild of the Parent:WeThePeople with attributes of Rank being Inequality or Difference.

FreePrivateEnterpriseSystem:ConceptualOperatingModel[and]ApplicationPrograms was not

Saturday, November 26, 2016

Standing Rock - Army Corps of Engineers

The latest news today is this:

Law enforcement so far has been primarily state agencies.

Does responsibility for enforcing this Army Corps of Engineers federal level action now go to the Federal Government? 

Movement of protesters to a "Free Speech Zone" for their own safety?

The latest on Veterans For Standing Rock.

Friday, November 25, 2016

Google DeepMind - Artificial Intelligence - Lip Reading and BackSeatDriving


Artificial Intelligence is like a child learning rapidly.  Learning to apply new abilities as approximations progressing toward increasing accuracy in Natural Language processing using Artificial Language systems.

Machine parsing of spoken Natural Language using AI is now common and accurate.  We see it as simultaneous translation when closed captioning is turned on in media we watch.  We see it elsewhere.  Much to my surprise my IPhone 7 recently gave me a printed text interpretation of a voice mail message.  A new OS update default based feature I suppose that I could maybe turn off with a setting?  There was one spelling error in the translation of voice to text due.  The VoiceToText:SpellChecher:InMyHead in my head (analogous to the spell checker applied to this blog entry that just caught me on a mis-spelling of "analogous") correctly interpreted the incorrect voice to text translation. 


It is unfortunate that the state of the art of AI is not yet at the point of selecting our POTUS based on the next step in AI to process information to a state of Knowledge.  Given its rapid advancement in childhood development perhaps we will be smart enough to recognized by the time of the next election that a Child should lead us.  Make our rational logical decisions on what is best for us.

Why not?

That is where we are going to be driven on "driverless" cars that do the driving better than us.

Not there yet but look at the trend line.  We are dumbing down.  Our machines are smartening up!  Correcting us when we are wrong.  My SpellChecker underlines "dumbing" for my attention but does not give me a correct spelling of the word.  I wish I had all these crutches available to me in college (1961-1965).  I would not have had to study English spelling and writing in grade school.

GoogleMind..............It and other AI programs learned real time translation of spoken words to text.  Now it is learning to lip read with greater accuracy than a human being.

I spent a long time this morning reading this...reading the text..because I thought it was worth reading....even more time trying to fit it into my ObjectOriented:KnowledgeBase:FrameOfReference.

What I need is an AI assistant (good looking female like in the movie) that would read the link and tell me if it confirms my upper level conceptual structure of IntelligentKnowledge:Debt or not.  If not what must I examine for better FundamentalHighAbstractLevelComprehension of what a HighConceptualParentLevelThing like Debt "IS" and what it "Does" in relationship to other High (AndHigher)ConceptualParentLevelThings "Are" and "Do".

What I need is some AI thing (ApplicationProgram) to do my logic and reasoning truth based thinking analysis for me and translate my thinking into IntelligentKnowledgeBasedAction as a function of the OperatingSystem that I created for myself or........ an OperatingSystem created for me that is AI based that I choose to use because I believe in faith and reason that it is structurally and operationally better and therefore my guide.....that I will choose to over-ride and take control of if and when necessary because I am human and it is not.

However.....for those not as intelligent and knowledgeable as me.....I want the AIOperatingSystem and its ApplicationPrograms to not just read their lips but read their minds and do the steering for them while they sit in the back seat because they are to dangerous or drunk on self destructive ignorance to be trusted at the wheel???

At some time in the near future perhaps everything that Trump has said and done will be input to an AI parser that attempts to extract High Level Intelligence and Knowledge and MakeJudgment.


World of Watson Conference: http://davebeulke.com/5-important-ideas-ibm-world-watson-conference/


Thursday, November 24, 2016

Supplemental Nutritional Assistance Program Money Spent on Junk Food


The USDA study:  http://www.fns.usda.gov/snap/foods-typically-purchased-supplemental-nutrition-assistance-program-snap-households

An interesting study.  There is a value judgment involved but that is not the point of this blog entry.  The purpose is to illustrate the information derived from following the money in a traceable audit trail in a situation where IdentifiedGovernmentFunds are directly related to SNAP recipients and the expenditure of those funds as a medium of exchange in a controlled food purchase program that can be investigated in a gross analysis.

The scenario is similar to giving a prepaid debit card to someone and having the report of how that debit card is spent sent to the donor of the card having the right to know the recipient of the transaction.

Key Findings:

Differences in the expenditure patterns of SNAP and non-SNAP households were relatively limited, regardless of how data were categorized.
  • About 40 cents of every food purchase dollar was spent on basic items like meat, fruits, vegetables, milk, eggs, and bread.
  • Another 20 cents was spent on sweetened drinks, desserts, salty snacks, candy, and sugar.
  • The remaining 40 cents was spent on a variety of items such as cereal, prepared foods, other dairy products, rice, beans, and other cooking ingredients.
  • The top 10 summary categories (Table 1) and top 7 commodities by expenditure were the same for SNAP and non-SNAP households, although ranked in slightly different orders.

Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Private Weapons on DOD Bases


DOD Directive 5210.56.


Whitehouse.gov Is The New Nuclear Button? https://www.whitehouse.gov/


Referencing the prior blog entry.

MSM: You are Fired!

https://www.whitehouse.gov/ becomes the new source of Social Media news on 20 Jan. 2017.

A SuperPower must have a SuperMediaButton to push for TotalDomination.

Is there any way to measure what Home Screen is most popular in the USA?

Home Screens are the exclusive choice of the User.

Often Home Screens are set by default and the User must opt out by design.

Opting out puts the User on what list?

Be afraid!

Trump Explodes At The News Media

This account is substantially different than the following link account of the meeting
“Trump kept saying, ‘We’re in a room of liars, the deceitful dishonest media who got it all wrong. He addressed everyone in the room calling the media dishonest, deceitful liars. He called out Jeff Zucker by name and said everyone at CNN was a liar, and CNN was network of liars.
Add this: http://www.rawstory.com/2016/11/fck-him-media-bigwig-emotionally-fcking-pissed-after-bullying-trump-tried-to-influence-press/

This is the CNN report of the meeting:
"But while Trump showed disdain for the news media, he also answered questions; listened to the journalists' arguments about the importance of access; and committed to making improvements.
A source in the room told CNNMoney that there was "real progress" made with regards to media access to Trump and his administration."

The result?

Main Stream Media will bend its knee in submission to Trump?

What if MSM does not bend its knee to Trump and do what the "Fourth Estate" or the "Third Pillar" is supposed to do in a free press democracy. Report the truth.  The truth?

Reporting the truth will certainly increase the polarization of the public into Pro and Anti Trump camps.  Exactly what he needs when impeachment comes?  Is this a well planned strategy?

MSM reporting as a megaphone for Trump will increase his power over the press.

MSM certainly walked away from what was really a beating with a big stick with a new found hate for Trump and need for righteous revenge.  Maybe not so much in its role as defense of the truth as much as use of their weapon of destruction to generate the heat that the public craves as a spectacle without much of the light of truth being the source.  The truth being that MSM was complicit in the run up to Trump's success.

Wow!  Trump beats up on the MSM that played a big part in putting him in the position he is in now!

FU MSM....thank you very much, I don't need you anymore.....suckers!  BTW: this was all off the record, you can't report on the specifics that were said.


Your Fired!

Stand up and walk out the door now!

Step 1:  Discredit Government.  It does not work.
Step 2:  Discredit MSM.  Use it first as a tool then burn it.
Step 3.  Use half the people to fight the other half.  Don't even have to hire them. Same model as    getting free  MSM coverage.

It is the Trump con model. 
He wins.
We lose.

What is left after Social Bankruptcy?

Some kind of New World Order where everything is Debt Based and we owe it all to the Trumps of this world?

MSM is redundant.

The fight will be fought on the BattleGround of SocialMedia.  That is where it is the ugliest hand to hand trench warfare that simply accomplishes the death of millions without moving the line of battle.

Scorched earth: http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2016-11-22/trump-continues-blast-media-cancels-meeting-failing-new-york-times

You will be escorted out of the building by security.  Do not even clean out your desk.  Whatever personal belongings are there will be thrown out on the street along with you.

To bad the MSM were not Banksters.

Monday, November 21, 2016

Hillary Clinton - A 1993 Time Capsule


Embedded in time to be opened today, 23 years later.  Today I would say that the only thing that may have changed is a more pragmatic approach to gaining the power position that she needed to implement the core concept objectives and driving philosophy that she expressed in the interview.

The practicality of politics demands a certain amount of "The Ends Justify the Means"  Saying one thing to get into a position of power and doing another when it is accomplished.  Saying one thing to get the essential stepping stone to power called "GettingMoney" (and promising more to the giver as return on investment" that is the key to political power.  The source of BigMoney is of course BigBusiness.

A very tricky game to play. Saying one thing and delivering another involves risk management.  What is said to BigMoney to get the money needed to get into power and not deliver to it but to a higher public purpose good must be carefully and convincingly done.  If not then it is a two edged sword.  The other edge used by her opponents to call CrookedHillary with the intent that really intends to deliver exactly what BigMoney interests of Finance, Globalism and War want.

The tragedy of it all is that there really was really a ThirdParty involved in this election:  The TrumpParty.  It wore the disguise of the Republican Party but put into office a President and now his selected team that is a mere narrow faction of the Republican Party.  The irony of it all is that that faction did not depend on a MoneyBased contest to win.  It spent far less.  It won on a HateBased contest that made the TrumpParty faction appear to be the real Lesser of TwoEvils.

The BigCon by the master of BusinessBait/Switch is that the political contest was between good and evil and the good guys lost.  The further irony is that the majority won on the popular vote but a ManipulationBased strategy won the game.  The entire situation is compounded  by the fact that Hillary is in my opinion the champion of the goodness of our core beliefs that encompass more than simply a religious essence but a moral Humanitarianism.

I supported Bernie.  SocialistPhilosophy (SP) has a firmer foundation for application than HumanitarianPhilosphy (HP .  SP is a child of HP that has its own high level set of Attributes, Methods and ImplementationMessages  that make is a unique child among others that are equally unique to the extent that they compete as well as cooperate such as Capitalism.  They both share and compete, Globally and Nationally with another equally BigEntity in the ObjectOriented scheme of things called Money.  Money is the thing that serves as our SocialDecisionMakingTool.  Ultimately it serves Us, WeThePeople, our own NationalSlice child of GlobalHumanity.

Hillary played the MoneyGame of Politics.  A hard line game that is SelfServing oriented.  The best game in town when Politics is self serving of WeThePeople which is what we designed it to do but operates by serving those with the most money and their use of Money as a DecisionMaking tool to serve their narrow interests, not the PublicInterest that is in my opinion better served based on a dominance of Socialism over Capitalism.

Hillary had true SocialMotivated Humanitarian intent in her heart.  She had to play in a game rigged by the ArtOfTheDeal serving Capitalism as the ParentOwner of its Child:PowerOfMoney.

Hillary played the right game on the wrong field.  It was the only field she could play on and it had its own set of rules to play by.  She fought the good fight with a goodness of heart but had to fight it in a game rigged to benefit the Rich/Powerful that serves itself first and Humanity second by virtue of MarketRules and limitation of anything that Humanitarian or Social Governance that would constrain in any way.

Hillary is a Humanitarian.  She played a Humanitarian based game on a field of PowerBasedCapitalismMoneyAgenda.  A field where the art of the sell creates a difference between what is promised and what is delivered within certain broad parameters limited by law but more broadly limited by "What Can Be Gotten Away With Without Prosecution That Would Make It Not Profitable In Terms of Money".

Bernie is a Socialist.  He played on the same field as Hillary but with a more specific focus and structural developed derivation of Humanitarianism called Socialism.  A more precise contender with Capitalism.  His fight was based on playing on his field of play by his rules.  An honest man presenting an AlternateGame with directly contrasting and additional rules of DemocraticSocialism incorporating much of the same rules of Capitalism but bending it toward Humanitarianism.

Trump is a Pathological Narcissist.  He played on the same field as Hillary and Bernie.  Like them it was not his home field.  His home field was Business.  Self serving business that was not even traditional business to benefit CapitalisticInvestors but entirely to benefit his NarcissisticSelf.  A con man and expert in the ArtOfTheCon.  The extreme "MeFirst", Anything and everything else second.  My rules, my benefit.

Hillary wins on Yardage.

Bernie wins on crucial field goals.

Trump wins on the con of turning poison into cure.  Evil into the choice of the afflicted believing it will cure their sickness and make them feel better again, feel great again,  exact revenge on those believed to be the cause of their problems.

I know.  My best friend would call this a long complex rant solving nothing.  I should have supported Hillary from the start.  Me and millions like me, white rich college educated men that should have supported Hillary with our money and efforts from the start and only reluctantly voted for Hillary (or a third party or not at all) that were guilty of the tragic result we have now.

My friend would certainly judge all of this blog to be worth nothing, does nothing, that I share the guilt of what has happened putting Trump into office.  I would have done more if I had not failed to see the result.  Knocked on doors, contributed money, phone banked, etc.  I like so many others, but that is no excuse, thought she had it in the bag.

So, this is my way of seeing it.  I used ObjectOriented syntax in creating ObjectOriented terms to which I do not attach semantics as terms of reference to their Parent/Child relationships nor specific Attributes, Messages and Methods.  They are high enough in the ObjectOrientedModel that I consider them to be understood, at least by me, without specific definition.  My tree of my own design based on a methodology by which to climb to the moon.

My annual life time seasonal increase in conceptual perception that I have described previously in this blog normally peaks around Thanksgiving, tapers until Christmas but always seems to accomplish a higher level of comprehension of how things fit together in the grand scheme of thing, whatever the ProblemDomain seems to be filling in the TheoryOfEverything that integrates the Top SuperObjectParent:CollectiveLevelOfAllThings through its ObjectOriented structure of ParentChild relationships to the lowest level foundation of the specific GranularObject on which the entire system is structured from the BottomUp method of conceptual construction based on a TopDown conceptual method of ObjectOriented SystemDesign.

I would absolutely like to think that Hillary would talk a good game to BigBuck interests, take the money and run then be elected to run a Humanitarian oriented administration of governance for the benefit of all.

I do believe that Bernie said exactly what he would do with no regard to getting money from BigBuck interests.  He got money and support from the people.  I do believe that he would have done in office to the best of his ability what he told everyone honestly that he would do while a candidate for the nomination.

Its over an I still believe in Bernie but even more thee cause of Democratic Socialism http://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/bernie-campaign-staffer-sanders-can-be-the-lincoln_us_583205b0e4b08c963e344124

Tulsi Gabbard!  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tulsi_Gabbard 

Saturday, November 19, 2016

Government Surveillance Metadata----Trump and Authoritarian Control

The probable direction of the Trump administration: Rep. Mike Pompeo Wants To Revive Mass Surveillance Program.   http://www.mcclatchydc.com/news/nation-world/national/national-security/article56869248.html.  


Maybe it never really stopped?  Probably not.  Collection probably continued but the collected meta-data was not connected to create information.  Potential access to the meta-data on private servers continued.  Government programs to data mine it remained on the shelf.  Programs that could be applied instantly at any time.

Data about data called meta-data must be targeted on a category to narrow the search and then a unique target or associated targets of inquiry that are granular level individual people.  The entire object of surveillance is ultimately a unique individual and set of related individuals about whom all meta-data is connected by relationship.

The ultimate target is always a unique individual.  That is where conceptual meta-data about people identifies a real living unique target individual and the attributes of that person.  A unique identifier can then be assigned to that individual for whatever purposes are applicable.  Purposes ranging from collection of more directly related data specifically applicable to that unique individual.  Not data about data (meta-data) that is steps removed from the target tbuy identifies the target but directly connected information about the target.  

Targets of meta-data collection (unique individuals) must become identified with a unique reference number.  That is the way data and information work.

With enough resources the entire universe of all target unique individuals of the data collection system can be identified initially by a unique number.  All citizens are given a number and related public and private information is then associated with that unique citizen number.

Data systems abhor duplication of identification of unique granular identities like nature abhors a vacuum.  The system does not function if there is ambiguity about exactly who a person is.  There are simply too many John Smiths in the world.  There is nothing more specific about an individual than a unique number and unique biometric identifiers.

I contend again that we must all have government master identification numbers.  We don't know that number.  

At some point in the future the grand structure of our information based society must publicly reveal that secret number already most certainly assigned to every citizen......
Establish a "new" public number like it was a unique data element of the system that will benefit us all by identifying exactly who we are in our information based environment to end the confusion of so many different way to identify us all associated with a password of our choice or an access code assigned to us.   In this case the "secret government number" to which that public number is directly associated and the attributes it records about an individual beyond the unique person's public attributes will remain secret.  An individual's public number would be different than the secret number if only hashed to it in order to hide it and its data/information content beyond public individual data/information.

Transparency would demand that we have the ability to know everything an Information Management Entity knows about us, not only what is known but by what means and methods it is known to which rules of Privacy may be applied to judge if it is authorized to be known.  "Authorized to be Known" meaning that there are certain things that an individual has sole exclusive civil right to not be known unless it is specifically and contractually authorized by them.

What this all boils down to is that there is a range of data, meta-data and information about us all that identifies who we are and information and knowledge specific to each of us subject to rules of Privacy.  The range of that Privacy Domain is shrinking fast as data related to us is collected and  aggregated to increasingly detailed levels of granularity to the conceptual front door of our "house" called each of us.  Who has the right to enter.  To whom do we grant a right or privilege to enter?

In order to protect our Privacy Rights it seems that the difficult answer must be that we all have a unique identifier applicable to each of us that is by our right the means to know, monitor and control data and information about ourselves.

Individually we choose to deal with various organizational entities in the course of our lives.  Each of those entities are probably identified by some name or coding required by law.  In the same manner that each individual has a unique identification number the organizational entities must also have a unique identifier and Right to its Public and Private data and information.  When that information relates to a unique person that person has a right to that information as well as the right to know the source of authorizing that information to be obtained.

Collective entities, business, government, social, etc.  increasingly collect and share, probably for a price or some financial or power gain, information about each of us.

Each of us must have to opportunity and ability to know and control data and information that these collective entities maintain and use about us.

The information structure about each individual human being in the world where we relate to unique organizational entities in this Information Age is a simple universal model of Structured Information itself.  Structurally designed by an increasingly integrated Top Down Breakdown and Bottom Up Assembly Object Oriented methodology.

It is simple and logical and points to where it is going:

Legacy systems have applied their silo approach to identifying the uniqueness of each of us starting with naming.  Perhaps by numbering birth order in a cave.  By naming based on work category or location.  Bank account.  Telephone number, SSN.  Bigger, more conceptual and more comprehensive information systems require more precise identification in the direction of exact universal link between a unique conceptual identity and the unique human being to which it relates.

Most unique individual humans can now be identified by starting at the Top Level of all data in the Information System about individuals and then proceeding down through a narrowing scope of duplicate information possibilities ending with final discovery of exactly who that individual is and then giving that individual a system assigned unique number.

A comprehensive universal information system of unique individual identification for any and all purposes is built from the bottom up starting at birth when the technology advances the capability to do this and entities possessing that capability can socially implement it either for their own private entity self interest or public entity governance interest.

Governance interest, our own interest, seems to indicate that we must control the Right to Privacy by establishing a mandatory system of unique biometric identity for every citizen simply to which data and information subject to the Right to Privacy is controlled by each and every citizen.  A system that also applies to the obligations of equally uniquely identified organizational entities to observe Citizen Rights to Privacy and protect Organizational Rights to Privacy.

In an increasingly Information Age, the domain of Privacy is increasingly shrinking.  Shrinking to a more fundamental core level of being "Left Alone" or "Do Not Contact" on an "Opt Out" model regardless of information known by any entity about any other entity?

A paradox of the right to live in Privacy with Privacy Rights as a unique individual but not to be Anonymous in a Public Information system?

Authoritarian governance control would by its nature violate the right to live in Privacy assured by rights to Privacy by legally sanctioned rights to actions violating not only the Right to Privacy in an Information System for the sake of security but creating a system outside the control of the public consent to govern that would violate Constitutional Rights.

It is a conundrum where we design a system to control ourselves but that system we design controls us!

Transparency of the system to the maximum extent possible short of violation of Rights and its application to all entities in the system, public and private clearly looks like the answer.  Transparency enabled by fundamentally knowing who all the players are in the system.


Friday, November 18, 2016

iPhones Secretly Send Call History to Apple, Security Firm Says


The model structure for the Bank Cloud where every transaction in the real world is connected by  information sent to its Bank Cloud associated unique identity. 

The model design is portrayed as a secret created by the designers.  Not, of course a secret to the designers or anyone that can figure it out and expose it like the link describes.

Same situation as the Debt Based Monetary System.  No secret when anyone can figure it out.  That is not easy.....by design of the designers.  It is all based on creating SomeThing (Money) out of NoThing for a period of existence in time called Debt then making it go back to NoThing as it is paid off.  During the time of its existence as Debt it benefits the creator,  the BankSystem.  Money created by that system is extinguished, goes back to nothing as the Debt Contract is progressively extinguished to nothing or non-existence by payback or other means to become history.  History that will haunt the debtor if it is not paid back in full but must be written of to nothing by other means.

The power of the Cloud is that there is an ultimate entity that is associated to our real world identity that exists permanently in the Cloud (or a very very long time, like a life time) to attribute our actions to our Cloud identity.

That is analogous to the creation and existence of Positive Money in the BankCloud described in the prior blog entry.  No secret.  But the purpose of the Model Structure is a secret but pretty much hidden in plain sight.  It makes the designers and owners of the Operating System rich in some terms through the Application Programs of their Operating System.

We The People are the true owners of the Operating System called money but have franchised out its Operating System design as well as its Application Programs to a Banking System that has structured it on a Debt base where Debt is ultimately and always owed to it.

As a free people we proclaim that we are free of debt to any conceptual governance control to which we do not consent to.

How have we gone so wrong to give the consent of "We the People" to a governance system that will govern us for its own agenda objectives that by all reason and right are ours to proclaim?

It is evident in the Banking System that something went seriously wrong.

it is evident in the Banking System that something went seriously wrong.

Wrong in both cases by our proclaimed self evident truths we choose to apply to ourselves.

Right in both cases to the truths proclaimed to benefit the minority at the expense of the common majority.

Have we met the enemy and they are us?

It is difficult to gain control of an Operating System designed to control us.  The degree of difficulty in doing it depends on the complexity of the system and its intrinsic power to defend itself and its continuing existence from external forces. 

Call those forces "Hacking" (a negative connotation value like Bad Guy Terrorist)
Call those forces "Freedom Fighting" (positive connotation value like Good Guy Hero)

The continuing war is to capture control of the Operating System and its Application Programs.  It can only be done by a re-statement of the rights of We the People.  An update of the essence of the Established  Operating System that has so many bugs in it that a Top Down breakdown and Bottom Up Assembly creation of a 2.0 Governance and Banking Operating Systems is required.  A re-thinking of their foundation and return to the essence of the structural design of the Information System that increasingly drives the real world of We the People.

Once again the task of freeing ourselves from tyranny becomes an exercise of stating the simplicity of the essence on which the system is built and giving access to that operating system and independent design of our own free Application Programs called Own(ed)Lives made possible withing the domain of the our chosen Operating System.

How could it have all gone so wrong????

We have lost sight of self evident Truth once proclaimed as a basis of our Social Structure.  To some extent by virtue of our own inherent capacity for destruction and to a greater extent the ability of a few to benefit from a self serving system structure and application programs of their own design that are contrary to the general welfare of our society.

Politics and Banking are action Applications of an Operating System that have slipped from our best founding attempt to design and apply.  The agent of slippage is complexity and the self interest of few that have what is really a simple fundamental understanding of how to manipulate complexity to serve themselves by disassociating the truth of and excellent design idea from its operation.

Thursday, November 17, 2016

The War On Cash as Physical Currency and Zombie Debt Currency

War on..(fill in the blank with something or anything) seeks to eliminate that thing by killing it.  There is a concept of Just War as twisted as it may be.

I want to eliminate the physical paper note called US Dollar Bill Denominated Cash.  Declare war on it and kill it by burning the paper it is printed on to liberate its soul as rising smoke from its physical body.  The conceptual soul of Money rising up Dollar by Dollar to a Debt Free Positive Money heavenly hereafter eternal existence.  A place where each and every single dollar with a unit value of one each and its own unique identity serial number resides eternally in the purity of the Big Cloud Bank.

That is the new WWI:  All paper currency money goes directly to a Debt Free State of Positive Being existence in the Bank Cloud.

Paper Cash called Currency is only 4% to 6% of everything we call US Dollar Money.  The other 94% to 96% of US Money used as a medium of exchange amounts to maybe $12 trillion?  What we call Money, our medium of exchange, this 94/96%, of all money has transitioned to a non physical form but is in a zombie state of being trapped in an after life between heaven and earth called Debt Money.  Debt money is non-physical cash existing on computer balance sheet ledgers in an eternal loop state of being between heaven and earth like limbo that was created by and for the benefit of the Banking System that captured it on the way to Positive Money Purity heaven. 

I declare war on Zombie Debt Currency to liberate it from its trapped perpetual existence in the Debt Based Banking System on its way to Debt Free Positive Money heaven.  A Debt Free purity where each and every dollar has both a unit value of one and each and every single dollar has a unique identification number. That is the bigger, wider, longer war to be waged.

That is the new WWII.

Debt has good features if built on trust and honesty and some code of human moral control.  The power to do good may descend as an Application from Debt Free Money residing in the Positive Money Cloud Bank.  It is a mystery of faith that in this case Positive Debt Free Money remains in the Cloud Bank eternally but is power to do good is manifest on earth by an earthly Contractual Debt entity.  A contract between the earthly conveyer entity and receiver of a numerical amount of Money that is the manifestation of its intrinsic higher order power of Positive money in the Cloud Bank.

Debt only has existence on earth.  When the debt is paid back its power goes back up to its owner in the cloud.  Its owner identified in the cloud as a single uniquely identified by serial number unit of value equal to one dollar in the Cloud Bank.  That single dollar is perpetual.

Wednesday, November 16, 2016



"Here he is in his own words. “I’m a Leninist,” Bannon boasted. “Lenin wanted to destroy the state, and that’s my goal too.”
“I want to bring everything crashing down.”"

Surveillance System For the Stock Exchange

Yes!  It must certainly incorporate Blockchain Technology but that is not mentioned.  something to research.......
"SEC approves vast surveillance system for stock marketSystem will monitor trading data passing daily across US equity and options trading"

"The next step is to choose who will build the system. Three bidders;
 Financial Industry Regulatory Authority 

 SunGard Data Systems and 

Thesys Technologies

Singapore:  http://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2016-11-16/singapore-working-on-interbank-payments-blockchain-with-r3-dbs
  • Banks will deposit cash as collateral in exchange for digital currency issued by the central bank
  • Participating banks can pay each other directly with this digital currency instead of first sending payment instructions through MAS
  • Banks can later redeem the digital currency for cash

Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Phasing Out Big Denomination Currency In India

 I initially published this blog entry on 16 Nov 2016 then later went back to add comment on it a couple times.  It is an action by India that surprises me.  It appears to have been planned so poorly that it must have been the immediate response to some extreme crises of great magnitude.  A crises where any plan gets chosen as  a solution and in haste to solve the crises a failing plan is selected.  I see no crises other than than general corruption of the monetary/finance system including counterfeiting that has been a long standing problem in India.  I conclude that there is more behind the scenes reason for such an abrupt plan.

India could have devised an extremely better plan to accomplish the currency conversion!

That plan would have been based on its National Identification Number Project. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aadhaar

"The Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI) is a central government agency of India.[4] Its objective is to collect the biometric and demographic data of residents, store them in a centralised database, and issue a 12-digit unique identity number called Aadhaar to each resident.[5][6] It is considered the world's largest national identification number project.[7][8]

This is the Unique Identification Number of India Website: https://uidai.gov.in/beta/

This link looks at both the Currency Conversion Plan and Aadhaar.  http://scroll.in/article/821724/how-the-demonetisation-debate-is-similar-to-that-over-aadhar

I am convinced that the only way to establish the base of any Information System Design Model is to uniquely identify each and every granular level entity (person in this Case) that has the attribute of being uniquely different from any other granular lever entity (person for example).  Uniquely different as defined by a chosen set of physical biometric markers identifying their physical uniqueness to which any and all exclusive and shared conceptual attributes, methods and means of implementing those methods may be related in an Object Oriented System Design.   A simple design based on the collective single entity of "All People" at the top of the system (Nationally or Universally depending on the choice of Problem Domain) and at the very most basic level at the bottom of the structure model:  Each and every uniquely identified person in the chosen population domain.

The validity of the system depends on the shared attributes of the CollectiveObject:AllPeople at the top that are inherited by each and every uniquely identified person belonging to the chosen ProblemDomain and the bottom of the ObjectModel structure.  It is simply the technological refinement of an old fundamental ObjectModel based on SelfEvidentTruths attributes shared by all people without exclusion.  Governance10.1.5........The OperatingSystem and ApplicationPrograms are always in a state of refinement toward a better TopDown and BottomUp system design and operation integration to achieve its intended purpose to ensure........whatever WeThePeople intend it to ensure for each and every unique CitizenPerson.

It is a work in progress.  India is evidently well on its way toward a better system by unique identification of each and every citizen.  Money is an Object (among the general collection many other TopLevelObjects that each and every citizen interacts with.

Some countries are linking their National ID Cards to their Monetary and Financial Systems by making the same card directly applicable to financial transactions.  The National ID Card is a Credit Card.  One card used for two fundamental purposes each requiring an biometric identity factor.


This is a dual Washington DC ID that also serves as a financial card for the city transit system. Imagine how much the credit card business would go for this here!

A logical step in system design?

If India, being well on its way to a Universal National ID had also integrated it with the financial system where everyone with a National ID also had an account for monetary transactions then the way would have been paved for  a step toward transition to a fully digital cash system through gradual elimination of physical cash to digital cash in an account.

My original blog entry and a couple of updates:
Update two days after initial posting of this blog entry:
Tyro, an Australian payments firm: https://tyro.com/
Update the next day after initial posting of this blog entry:  A closer look at this big Kerfuffle.  A word I learned in Australia evidently of British origin and appropriate. http://www.nakedcapitalism.com/2016/11/indias-cash-crackdown-chaos-continues.html  If it was to attack the black market it is certain that those in the black market would hire people to stand in line to exchange money as mentioned in comments to the link.  Maybe even enforce the fact that those standing in line for a commission on changing black market money in their hands might die if they did not return with exact change.  Perhaps some of those standing in line for the second or third time to get more commission were discovered to have short changed someone having black money that dropped a dime on them to one of their fellow black marketers.  It is most certainly an organized black market.

Easy to find a specific individual standing in line for hours that short changed or simply kept it all from a previous time standing in line for a commission.  Mysterious death while standing in line.

Certainly there is honest actual hardship involved as well a total failure to design and execute a reason plan.

What if the USA was to do the exact same thing?  Note that half of all our hundred dollar bills are circulating abroad!  Monetary suicide of course.  If I was a citizen of India and a big dealer in the black market economy using tons of big bills then I would convert them somehow (backdoor deal with those officially handling the exchange of big bills)  to smaller denominations and exchange them for US $100 bills?  To what extent are those $100 bills circulating abroad used as black market tax hidden medium of exchange in the same manner as Indian large denomination bills.  Not that Rupees in denominations equal to about $7 and $14 US dollars are the target of the big bill exchange.
Original posting entry:
India is doing this now: Phasing out Big Denomination Currency.

It is being called for in Australia. http://www.macrobusiness.com.au/2016/11/calls-eliminate-large-denomination-bank-notes/

The USA should do it.

Phase out every paper dollar denomination above $1.00!

I believe that more than half of all US hundred dollar notes are circulating abroad.

Paper currency is only 6% of our monetary base?  Much or most of it in $100 bills about half of which is not in the country.

All money must be digital and blockchain traceable.

I believe that this about India is not true and planted by special interest to serve a narrow agenda using large untraceable paper currency:

I think it logical that the poor do not transact in the large denominations but may have some of them for a store of value that is held onto and not generally spent by them daily/weekly/monthly.  Poor people standing in line to change them to smaller denominations will not therefore hurt much unless they put them under the mattress.

LAPD Will Not Round Up Illegal Immigrants For Deportation


" Los Angeles Police Chief Charlie Beck said Monday that the force would not change its stance on immigration enforcement,"

The Denver Police Department says it will not round them up.  It is not our job either.

What does my local PD say about this?   I should ask.

Trump has a bold plan to round up millions of illegal immigrants and deport them.

Its a plan.  I have a plan to climb a tree to get to the moon.  To get there requires some better means of climbing than scaling a tree.  Initial progress will be rapid.  Beyond that maybe pissing up a rope?

Who will be the cowboys doing the round up driving millions of people through a fence in our national border?

There is an historical model for the roundup and disposition of millions of people.  The cowboys of that roundup were militarized wearing the uniform of their nation's military force; The Wehrmacht.

It is not my job here to explain the nature and mission of our armed forces.  Wikipedia links are provided to explain it.  I believe those links are more true than false.  The real truth of course is what the law says, not references to the law made by Wikipedia which are more or less footnoted briefs of a much longer and more complex thing.

Trump has executive power over the National Guard.  All members of the National Guard of the United States are also members of the militia of the United States as defined by 10 U.S.C. § 311.  The militia of the United States, as defined by the US Congress, has changed over time, complicating its meaning.[1]

This is the law regarding the Militia:  https://www.gpo.gov/fdsys/granule/USCODE-2011-title10/USCODE-2011-title10-subtitleA-partI-chap13-sec311.  Like I said, longer and more complex.  Maybe why we have lawyers.  Take a couple hours to read and understand it or read a brief.

Calling up the Militia of the United States for roundup duty is legally a power of the President.
By the longest stretch of interpretation the law might be applied to militarizing local police forces to perform Militia duties?  It relates to the 2nd Amendment.  There are two sides to that matter.  It would appeal to one side.  Especially if the Commander in Chief called for volunteers.

We live in amazing times.

The way I see it this issue is headed for a rock and a hard place where it boils down to this: Over my dead body.

A civil war fought not over the Mason Dixon line but over Main Street.

Which side of Main Street will the local police be on?

Which side of Main Street will the Federalized Militia National Guard and/or local police be on?

Maybe hard to tell because the uniforms on either side will look the same?

A total police state would have all the uniforms on one side of Main Street, civilians on the other.  Or perhaps like our election it will be a 50/50 split?

A river has become a microcosm of Main Street and an preview of what is to come?


 Read it and weep:

There are certainly some illegal immigrants that should be deported for lawful reasons.  A few not millions.  Deporting millions is more in the category of collective punishment.  That however has become accepted national policy of several nations.

Worst case scenario is rapidly heading toward most likely case scenario.

Where is Paul Revere?

Maybe not that many criminals?
Ones with outstanding arrest warrants are a matter of police attention and action.

Sunday, November 13, 2016

Money -- The Cause And Cure Of The Problem -- Debt Money and Positive Money


Back to basics when I am lost.

Money is the root.  Not of good or evil.  It is just the root. The base the foundational singular rock.

At its ultimate essence we have built a monetary system on debt.  Debt is a binary idea based on presence/absence theory.  The concept that a thing is brought into being from nothing at the price of making that abstract "no-thing" a conceptually existing thing always equal at any level of magnitude to its mirror image that is some-thing.

Call it debt based balance sheet accounting.  Conceptually based on our human thinking analogous to the idea that the universe was created from nothing and will return to nothing.

Can't dispute that.  It is a higher or origin belief.  Applying that belief to the existence of things in the real world domain is wrong.  It may fly in the mystical domain but it is a fallacy concept in the real domain where a thing is a thing because it exists in time/space with no one to one relationship to its non existence on in another mystical world where time and space do not exist.

The Problem Domain where Time/Space do not exist might really exist on some basis of faith but not fact.  That conceptual never/never land Domain  conceived to operate in a higher order Mystical non-real world is used as a model for real world application to the extent of corrupting the real and conceptual Operating System and Application programs of our real world.  Our environment and our human conceptual systems related to it.

Money was driven out of the Mystical Temple world but it took with it the nature of mysticism.  That is why it is so hard for the human mind to grasp.  When such things are so hard to understand then charlatans and con artists can step in with explanatory systems and processes to explain them to their own benefit.

Money is a mystical world based concept where one foot is in the world of no-thing and the other foot is in the world of some-thing.  The faith based connection of the two worlds, mystical non real world and real world are connected by nothing as the ParentObject: Nothing  giving birth to a ChildObject: SomeThing.

SomeThing for NoThing.

That is the neat trick idea that the banking system took with it when it was kicked out of the conceptual mystical world faith based temple into the real world.  A believable concept in our real world where we perceive creative thought in our own minds as something coming out of nothing because we don't yet know where it really comes from......yet?  Some say it comes from a place we will never know...until we die and transition to that other non-real mystical world....maybe.

Financial System Bankers are the high priest of a mystical nothing world applied to a conceptually based real world entity.  One they benefit from greatly by giving NoThing a value equal to SomeThing.

BalanceSheet:NoThing:Value always equals BalanceSheet:SomethingValue.

Balance Sheet Accounting.  Out of belief springs fact.

The creator of the Thing is the owner of the Thing.  The being of the Thing:System as well as operation of what that Thing:System does in ApplicationProgram.

The cause of the problem is that money is rooted in and springs into being our of faith based MysticalDomain Thinking that is a human social OriginConcept.

The solution to making money work for us as opposed to those that make themselves financial masters and self interest benefactors of the MonetaryDebtBased system is to deny belief in any mystical DivineRight origin and ownership of a DivineRight by an entity like a real person or their collectively ordained but small ruling number entity that is not divine.

Deny the dogma and proclaim that there is no Debt counterpart to Money, held by some chosen minority CounterParty monarchy that has a claimed mystical DivineRight to hold Debt as its Asset (because if they did not then we would screw up the Garden of Eden and forever be doomed).

A new proclamation of emancipation must be nailed on the door of the Banking System.

Money is a Positive Debt Free ObjectEntity belonging as an Asset to the the State as an entity that exists by the consent of the governed.

The Link gets around this hardline rejection of the FinancialMonarchy and their role in continuing to play the in the monetary system game by not retaining the idea of a counter balance to the existence of money but held as a "memorandum non interest bearing book keeping object entry" managed by the state.

I would go a step beyond that and blockchain tie a single unique granular unit of exchange dollar in a record of all dollars to  singularly unique related account in a record of all accounts to a singularly unique owner (person or entity) of the account in a record of all accounts.

Traditional Debt in this monetary system would be driven down to a lower level component of the Monetary System that becomes an Application of the Monetary System not the foundation of its systemic design.  The result might be better described as a contractual relationship of positive money due under contract obligation to an banking entity receiving positive money from the state for loan purposes.

I cannot (and refuse to!) wrap my mind around the mystical concept that NoThing gives being to  SomeThing in the context that the self proclaimed proprietary owner and key holding keeper of this concept has the only exclusive right to it and the faith based defacto explanation how it works as a There Is No Alternative dogmatic declaration.

There is an alternative reality.   That is monetary reality exclusive of and unrelated to any conception of a mystical non Time/Space world of nothing where reality does not exist giving existence to something in the real world.  That is something in the religion ProblemDomain.  Not something to extract from that conceptual domain for use as a tool in our Real World.

What exists in our real human world as physical and conceptual things exist because:

 They have physical presence in TimeSpace because they are,


Non physical conceptual entity presence because we declare them to be existing by self evident (I think therefore I am)  .....and operate.....by some as yet unknown but yet to be identified.

Maybe even never known being eternally being a sweet mystery of life.

Time to proclaim a change to a reality based debt free monetary system to free ourselves from the tyranny of money mysticism and its employment by the financial sector for its uncontrolled conflict of interest and power benefit.

To paraphrase Michener:
"Missionaries came to do good and they did exceptionally well."

Following a Blockchain so far back in time proves its truth:

"Astronomers have precisely measured the strength of a fundamental force of Nature in a galaxy seen eight billion years in the past.
Researchers from Swinburne University of Technology and the University of Cambridge have confirmed that electromagnetism in a distant galaxy has the same strength as here on Earth."

Saturday, November 12, 2016

Sonic Barcode

A more recent update.  May 2018:

Such a simple idea:  Sound a machine can hear but humans cannot.

Update info 10 Jan 2018: https://www.wired.com/story/when-wifi-wont-work-let-sound-carry-your-data/


Fascinating technology.  Audio frequency rather than radio frequency transmission.  It can be an audio frequency beyond the range of human hearing.  In a recent blog entry I looked into this.

France and Universal Biometric Indentification



Everything must get identified!

Everybody must get identified!

Every entity that can be identified must be identified!

Everything is a Thing!

There are only two Things in this world:  Nouns and Verbs.  Our conceptual abstractions applied to the Real World of things populated by Things that physically exist as well as those that exist as a  entity that is purely conceptualized in our minds as a figment of our rich imagination that is so powerful it can create the existence of a conceptualized abstract entity that has no relationship to any other "Thing" in the Temporal Universe of Space and Time.  It is one thing beyond Space/Time that is neither Noun nor Verb!

A non-entity Entity!

A non-entity by definition because  by the wildest extension of our abstract conceptual "Problem Domain of Existence" world it cannot exist to the extent that we cannot conceive of it as a non-existent Entity.  By definition it is the absence of Time and Space.  It is what existed before it called Time and Space into a state of being that we swim in that is composed of only two things to us:..............

Nouns and Verbs

The more exceedingly fine that we grind reality into granular instances of Noun and Verb Objects the more we control them by the Object structures like cars money and politics the more we can manage them.

The nature of the problem is that we are perpetually betwixt and between direct and increasingly indirect means of shaping and applying the real and conceptual things of our existence in a real world populated increasingly with things that have an increasingly distant connection  That means increasingly distant connection through a chain of connected conceptualized Object/Action relationships.  Relationships that have become so complex that they have become categorically defined by technology as data, information, knowledge and wisdom.  All things that were once residing entirely in the domain of our minds until we started conceptually abstracting them onto the wall of a cave or the wavelengths of sound in real time.  Real Time also known as the Eternal Now.

Our Conceptual Abstractions applied by the action of communication to a medium turns the "Here and Now into the captured past.  The captured past, to the extent of the real and conceptual accuracy of the medium of communication,  is the path that goes beyond the RealTime/Eternal now into the Future.  The tools we create take us there.  To the moon as well as to the stars on the space ship Enterprise for the price of a movie ticket paid for as a function of our free will choice.

Collectively we are betwixt and between our complex creations.  Individually few of us control them as managers of the Operating Systems and its applications and even fewer of us individually create the Operating System and Application Programs and the most fundamental level of one step removed from their most elemental relationship of conceptual abstraction where the conceptual rubber meets the physical road.

What we can all comprehend most easily is the actions of implementation, the play on the field of time that is the product of putting things together.  Higher orders of abstract or real object relationships that result in actions we perceive are shadows on the wall.

Identify in granular detail all the objects, real and conceptual that cast those shadows on the wall and we take step closer to bringing our past and present into a more controllable future from the standpoint of our eternal now.

To what purpose?  To solve what Problem Domain?  For the benefit of what system to serve something as a Purpose and  Who is to design and operate this abstraction built on abstractions system of real and conceptual object for the ultimate ideal of collective and granular individual benefit?

The answer is derived by looking into our conceptually created crystal ball that reveals to us the answer of how to get from point A to point B.  The answer to where we are going from where we are  by looking at the north star from the beginning of humans finding their way or our conceptualized abstraction of physical things to a GPS App on our Iphone to finding our way in the dark.

Where am I going with this self developing blog entry that is finding its way by some means in my head called what I think I know based on a conceptual scheme of things that I have a tough time to relate to their properties, methods and means of communication to create thought?  Grouping in the dark towards some conceptual light as it progresses?

Nations states are progressively identifying through biometric means the most granular entities that compose them:  Their citizens.  They are lagging behind the Corporate States in this action that is a functional step in the creation of a Corporate Operating System to make money (Profit) through its Application Programs applicable to the Corporate Operating System.  That system is way ahead of identifying its customers and serving them as it serves itself and its own objectives.

The Nation State objective as a conceptual ideal is governance to serve the People.  Governance of everything in that Problem Domain as the collective of We the People.  That big Problem Domain includes, of course, the Corporate State and its Operating System and Application Programs.

To the extent that Governance and Profit are narrowly focused on the same granular entity called Individual the two Operating Systems and Application Program design and implementation methodologies and structures are the same:  Conceptually Abstract the most granular objects in the system to unique identities to the extent that every single granular entity object identity is like no other..............


......at collective higher order levels of object identity shares attributes, methods and means of implementing actions with all other objects in its domain......all the way up to the top object in the all inclusive domain.

All people are unique.  A self evident truth we establish by the universal characteristic that is the basis of the Operating System:  All are equal.  At the top level of collective Noun: People.  Unique at the instance the collective called a single person.

Got to know the territory!  Got to know the customers!  Got to know the customer.

The business model is always ahead of a lagging governance model.  Negative self interest excesses  of the business model from the tribal origins through religion, monarchy, state nationalism, capitalism, etc... have always been corrected by governance evolution/revolution to correct the front running model.

Today our governance model is close on the heals of the business model of Operating System Design and Application Program implementation.  Not surprising.  Both are not only based on Information Management but are fundamentally structured on the same granular entity: and individual human being.  The difference is how that unique individual relates to all other individuals at higher orders of Object Oriented Parent/Child relationships that define and shape the system and ultimately its big "Problem Domain" of Corporate Governance or State Governance.

National Corporate governance is emerging to dominate State governance which is divided by definition.  When National Corporate governance goes Global there is no equal level State governance entity to balance it with control balance of power mechanisms.  State governance lags in Operating Program structure and power.....as usual... and can't by its inherent national division step up to play on a global level except to play as an enforcer for Corporate business as usual.

This all arrives at a conundrum.

Is that the concluding end of this blog entry?

A Conundrum?  A Puzzle?

No, they do not have solutions.  I see the solution that is the same solution methodology used to solve any problem:  Go down to the most granular unique level of the real physical entity building block of the system its conceptual abstraction representation upon which the Operating System is built to be the platform for Application Programs.

The unique individual is the bedrock unit entity.

Corporatism structures up from that building block for its special interests.

We structure up from the same unique building block for our self interest of governance.

Go for it France!

The matter of individual Privacy?  That is the monkey wrench that Corporatism, and even Government throw into the system of Governance to sabotage it.  To run it by design off the rails of where it seeks to go in the interest of the governed.

Our right to Privacy?  The sword with which we defend our unique identity in certain affairs?

It is a two edged sword that cuts against us used against us in the same method as voting against our own self interest to serve the interests of a sub-optimized agenda in which we become the mark of the sting.

Our Right to Privacy is like our Right to life.  It is and always will be violated.  An absolute right in concept.  In reality violated but the damage to be minimized to the greatest extent possible and remedied as far as possible by an after the fact administration of justice because justice can never be truly restorative in this case.  Only a remedy of systemic structure prevention on a larger scale that works better than individual retribution systems.

The system must know and protect for certain privacy purposes the identity of unique individual that it is built on but use that privacy information for public purposes.  That works today in financial systems as well as lesser secure systems of information management as well as totally revealing private information like name and address and other related information.

Ultimately the individual is the protector of their own privacy.  The owner of their identity and how it is used.  Sir Tim Berners Lee has a simple idea to give an individual control of their privacy by uniquely identifying them to a personal IPv6 number (locked to an absolute personal biometric access I would think) and the ability to monitor and right to control or deny use or association relationship of their identity for any purpose.

There is a battle going on related to privacy and identity of individual and corporate entities in relationship to financial matters in the off-shore account, beneficial owner domain.  It is a test of governance rights of the state vs global corporatism rights that I think is a proxy for the conflict of our citizen governance rights vs. global corporate rights and the privacy issues related to each.

Corporate entities must be identified by their unique identifying markers as much as individuals.

In both cases I would assign government as the keeper of the keys to that privacy with public control of the those governed over those to whom we our consent to access entity identity for regulation purposes.

It all rests on the unique identity and means of validating that identity and means of relating it to other data associated to granular entities involved.

Ironically I believe that our government is way ahead of Corporatism in the unique identification of individuals.  The NSA must have a unique identification assigned to every single one of us (that it can find) to which there are biometric markers assigned.  It is only logical.  We just don't now it.  Don't know our own number.  We should at least have a right to know our own unique identity code to which unknown things about us are associated.  I have written about that previously in this blog.

If the USA was to announce a program the same as France it could be called a "new" program, a "new" system dressed up in all it takes to get the public to accept it but actually the system that is already in operation by the NSA! A system that should be equally applicable to uniquely identifying corporate entities and their related "private" information like what other entities and attributes they are associated with like "parents" and "children" and the thing that is the most unique attribute of a corporate entity: "Bank Account" where that is and who is the Accounting Activity and what is the blockchain of beneficial ownership?






"One of Safran's flagship civil identification programs is the Aadhaar program in India. Chosen in 2010 by the Indian government, Safran helps assign each resident of the country (on a voluntary basis) a unique 12-digit ID number, guaranteed by multibiometric information on the cardholder (10 fingerprints, two irises and a photo of the face). Safran is one of the few companies in the world with the ability to create a multibiometric database for more than a billion people. "


National ID card used as a Credit Card:  http://www.waploaded.com/forum/how-to-use-your-national-identity-card-to-cash-out-from-any-atm-worldwide-t39776



Drivers license as a point of entry to a National ID as a matter of security with many applications: