Sunday, November 13, 2016

Money -- The Cause And Cure Of The Problem -- Debt Money and Positive Money

Back to basics when I am lost.

Money is the root.  Not of good or evil.  It is just the root. The base the foundational singular rock.

At its ultimate essence we have built a monetary system on debt.  Debt is a binary idea based on presence/absence theory.  The concept that a thing is brought into being from nothing at the price of making that abstract "no-thing" a conceptually existing thing always equal at any level of magnitude to its mirror image that is some-thing.

Call it debt based balance sheet accounting.  Conceptually based on our human thinking analogous to the idea that the universe was created from nothing and will return to nothing.

Can't dispute that.  It is a higher or origin belief.  Applying that belief to the existence of things in the real world domain is wrong.  It may fly in the mystical domain but it is a fallacy concept in the real domain where a thing is a thing because it exists in time/space with no one to one relationship to its non existence on in another mystical world where time and space do not exist.

The Problem Domain where Time/Space do not exist might really exist on some basis of faith but not fact.  That conceptual never/never land Domain  conceived to operate in a higher order Mystical non-real world is used as a model for real world application to the extent of corrupting the real and conceptual Operating System and Application programs of our real world.  Our environment and our human conceptual systems related to it.

Money was driven out of the Mystical Temple world but it took with it the nature of mysticism.  That is why it is so hard for the human mind to grasp.  When such things are so hard to understand then charlatans and con artists can step in with explanatory systems and processes to explain them to their own benefit.

Money is a mystical world based concept where one foot is in the world of no-thing and the other foot is in the world of some-thing.  The faith based connection of the two worlds, mystical non real world and real world are connected by nothing as the ParentObject: Nothing  giving birth to a ChildObject: SomeThing.

SomeThing for NoThing.

That is the neat trick idea that the banking system took with it when it was kicked out of the conceptual mystical world faith based temple into the real world.  A believable concept in our real world where we perceive creative thought in our own minds as something coming out of nothing because we don't yet know where it really comes from......yet?  Some say it comes from a place we will never know...until we die and transition to that other non-real mystical world....maybe.

Financial System Bankers are the high priest of a mystical nothing world applied to a conceptually based real world entity.  One they benefit from greatly by giving NoThing a value equal to SomeThing.

BalanceSheet:NoThing:Value always equals BalanceSheet:SomethingValue.

Balance Sheet Accounting.  Out of belief springs fact.

The creator of the Thing is the owner of the Thing.  The being of the Thing:System as well as operation of what that Thing:System does in ApplicationProgram.

The cause of the problem is that money is rooted in and springs into being our of faith based MysticalDomain Thinking that is a human social OriginConcept.

The solution to making money work for us as opposed to those that make themselves financial masters and self interest benefactors of the MonetaryDebtBased system is to deny belief in any mystical DivineRight origin and ownership of a DivineRight by an entity like a real person or their collectively ordained but small ruling number entity that is not divine.

Deny the dogma and proclaim that there is no Debt counterpart to Money, held by some chosen minority CounterParty monarchy that has a claimed mystical DivineRight to hold Debt as its Asset (because if they did not then we would screw up the Garden of Eden and forever be doomed).

A new proclamation of emancipation must be nailed on the door of the Banking System.

Money is a Positive Debt Free ObjectEntity belonging as an Asset to the the State as an entity that exists by the consent of the governed.

The Link gets around this hardline rejection of the FinancialMonarchy and their role in continuing to play the in the monetary system game by not retaining the idea of a counter balance to the existence of money but held as a "memorandum non interest bearing book keeping object entry" managed by the state.

I would go a step beyond that and blockchain tie a single unique granular unit of exchange dollar in a record of all dollars to  singularly unique related account in a record of all accounts to a singularly unique owner (person or entity) of the account in a record of all accounts.

Traditional Debt in this monetary system would be driven down to a lower level component of the Monetary System that becomes an Application of the Monetary System not the foundation of its systemic design.  The result might be better described as a contractual relationship of positive money due under contract obligation to an banking entity receiving positive money from the state for loan purposes.

I cannot (and refuse to!) wrap my mind around the mystical concept that NoThing gives being to  SomeThing in the context that the self proclaimed proprietary owner and key holding keeper of this concept has the only exclusive right to it and the faith based defacto explanation how it works as a There Is No Alternative dogmatic declaration.

There is an alternative reality.   That is monetary reality exclusive of and unrelated to any conception of a mystical non Time/Space world of nothing where reality does not exist giving existence to something in the real world.  That is something in the religion ProblemDomain.  Not something to extract from that conceptual domain for use as a tool in our Real World.

What exists in our real human world as physical and conceptual things exist because:

 They have physical presence in TimeSpace because they are,


Non physical conceptual entity presence because we declare them to be existing by self evident (I think therefore I am)  .....and some as yet unknown but yet to be identified.

Maybe even never known being eternally being a sweet mystery of life.

Time to proclaim a change to a reality based debt free monetary system to free ourselves from the tyranny of money mysticism and its employment by the financial sector for its uncontrolled conflict of interest and power benefit.

To paraphrase Michener:
"Missionaries came to do good and they did exceptionally well."

Following a Blockchain so far back in time proves its truth:
"Astronomers have precisely measured the strength of a fundamental force of Nature in a galaxy seen eight billion years in the past.
Researchers from Swinburne University of Technology and the University of Cambridge have confirmed that electromagnetism in a distant galaxy has the same strength as here on Earth."

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