Tuesday, November 29, 2016

The Truth of Thngs ---Things:Truth

I struggle with the truth of things.  I address that struggle through my own problem domain point of entry.  Through my own structured artificial like language I call "My Speak".  My Speak is my formalized conceptual system syntax and semantics that I use to build my operating system and application programs.

Natural Language is broadly lower encompassing domain standard of communication.  There are successive levels of language progression.  When to mark that progression with a point in the continuum beyond which it is called Artificial?  I have to determine that point where my use of Natural Language in this blog goes into Artificial Language territory.

This blog entry is in recognition that I am going that slight distance beyond the general domain of Natural Language into a refinement that has the look and feel of an artificial nature.  Maybe like a dialect or in the same category of poetry.  Creating a language that is a more accurate tool for the objective.

When the objective is truth the tool must be more accurate, less ambiguous.  I have an object oriented.....orientation!  It has emerged in what I think and therefore I write....(I write, therefore I am?).  The form of emergence is contracting two words to a single word with a higher level conceptual meaning and parent child relationship.

What I have written to this point in the blog is pretty much natural language expression even if the general thought and its purpose is not clear to any reader....and there are so few of those that the probability is none.  That is ok because I write for myself, for my self discovery more or less guided by reason and logic but incorporating feeling as well as thinking.  That expression has not become so unique that anyone reading it does not recognize that the style of writing grammar is unique but also intuitively understand the more complex meaning what is becoming more uniquely My Speak.

As I wonder and wonder in these thought and their expression, this right here is the point where I will take what I said prior to this point in a pretty much natural language and "up it" to a level of what has become My Speak.

We need more truth and conceptual structures built on it!  More of us need to use a common language to discover truth. 

More to follow but I have to parse what I said up to this point of natural language departure to re-express it as an example in My Speak............................


I interrupt this line of thought and its turning point to inject this solely for the purpose of thinking about what a thing "IS" and what a thing "Does" and attempting to get at some understanding of the conceptual and real entity nature of both through Natural Language expression.

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