Saturday, November 12, 2016

France and Universal Biometric Indentification

Everything must get identified!

Everybody must get identified!

Every entity that can be identified must be identified!

Everything is a Thing!

There are only two Things in this world:  Nouns and Verbs.  Our conceptual abstractions applied to the Real World of things populated by Things that physically exist as well as those that exist as a  entity that is purely conceptualized in our minds as a figment of our rich imagination that is so powerful it can create the existence of a conceptualized abstract entity that has no relationship to any other "Thing" in the Temporal Universe of Space and Time.  It is one thing beyond Space/Time that is neither Noun nor Verb!

A non-entity Entity!

A non-entity by definition because  by the wildest extension of our abstract conceptual "Problem Domain of Existence" world it cannot exist to the extent that we cannot conceive of it as a non-existent Entity.  By definition it is the absence of Time and Space.  It is what existed before it called Time and Space into a state of being that we swim in that is composed of only two things to us:..............

Nouns and Verbs

The more exceedingly fine that we grind reality into granular instances of Noun and Verb Objects the more we control them by the Object structures like cars money and politics the more we can manage them.

The nature of the problem is that we are perpetually betwixt and between direct and increasingly indirect means of shaping and applying the real and conceptual things of our existence in a real world populated increasingly with things that have an increasingly distant connection  That means increasingly distant connection through a chain of connected conceptualized Object/Action relationships.  Relationships that have become so complex that they have become categorically defined by technology as data, information, knowledge and wisdom.  All things that were once residing entirely in the domain of our minds until we started conceptually abstracting them onto the wall of a cave or the wavelengths of sound in real time.  Real Time also known as the Eternal Now.

Our Conceptual Abstractions applied by the action of communication to a medium turns the "Here and Now into the captured past.  The captured past, to the extent of the real and conceptual accuracy of the medium of communication,  is the path that goes beyond the RealTime/Eternal now into the Future.  The tools we create take us there.  To the moon as well as to the stars on the space ship Enterprise for the price of a movie ticket paid for as a function of our free will choice.

Collectively we are betwixt and between our complex creations.  Individually few of us control them as managers of the Operating Systems and its applications and even fewer of us individually create the Operating System and Application Programs and the most fundamental level of one step removed from their most elemental relationship of conceptual abstraction where the conceptual rubber meets the physical road.

What we can all comprehend most easily is the actions of implementation, the play on the field of time that is the product of putting things together.  Higher orders of abstract or real object relationships that result in actions we perceive are shadows on the wall.

Identify in granular detail all the objects, real and conceptual that cast those shadows on the wall and we take step closer to bringing our past and present into a more controllable future from the standpoint of our eternal now.

To what purpose?  To solve what Problem Domain?  For the benefit of what system to serve something as a Purpose and  Who is to design and operate this abstraction built on abstractions system of real and conceptual object for the ultimate ideal of collective and granular individual benefit?

The answer is derived by looking into our conceptually created crystal ball that reveals to us the answer of how to get from point A to point B.  The answer to where we are going from where we are  by looking at the north star from the beginning of humans finding their way or our conceptualized abstraction of physical things to a GPS App on our Iphone to finding our way in the dark.

Where am I going with this self developing blog entry that is finding its way by some means in my head called what I think I know based on a conceptual scheme of things that I have a tough time to relate to their properties, methods and means of communication to create thought?  Grouping in the dark towards some conceptual light as it progresses?

Nations states are progressively identifying through biometric means the most granular entities that compose them:  Their citizens.  They are lagging behind the Corporate States in this action that is a functional step in the creation of a Corporate Operating System to make money (Profit) through its Application Programs applicable to the Corporate Operating System.  That system is way ahead of identifying its customers and serving them as it serves itself and its own objectives.

The Nation State objective as a conceptual ideal is governance to serve the People.  Governance of everything in that Problem Domain as the collective of We the People.  That big Problem Domain includes, of course, the Corporate State and its Operating System and Application Programs.

To the extent that Governance and Profit are narrowly focused on the same granular entity called Individual the two Operating Systems and Application Program design and implementation methodologies and structures are the same:  Conceptually Abstract the most granular objects in the system to unique identities to the extent that every single granular entity object identity is like no other..............

.....and..... collective higher order levels of object identity shares attributes, methods and means of implementing actions with all other objects in its domain......all the way up to the top object in the all inclusive domain.

All people are unique.  A self evident truth we establish by the universal characteristic that is the basis of the Operating System:  All are equal.  At the top level of collective Noun: People.  Unique at the instance the collective called a single person.

Got to know the territory!  Got to know the customers!  Got to know the customer.

The business model is always ahead of a lagging governance model.  Negative self interest excesses  of the business model from the tribal origins through religion, monarchy, state nationalism, capitalism, etc... have always been corrected by governance evolution/revolution to correct the front running model.

Today our governance model is close on the heals of the business model of Operating System Design and Application Program implementation.  Not surprising.  Both are not only based on Information Management but are fundamentally structured on the same granular entity: and individual human being.  The difference is how that unique individual relates to all other individuals at higher orders of Object Oriented Parent/Child relationships that define and shape the system and ultimately its big "Problem Domain" of Corporate Governance or State Governance.

National Corporate governance is emerging to dominate State governance which is divided by definition.  When National Corporate governance goes Global there is no equal level State governance entity to balance it with control balance of power mechanisms.  State governance lags in Operating Program structure and usual... and can't by its inherent national division step up to play on a global level except to play as an enforcer for Corporate business as usual.

This all arrives at a conundrum.

Is that the concluding end of this blog entry?

A Conundrum?  A Puzzle?

No, they do not have solutions.  I see the solution that is the same solution methodology used to solve any problem:  Go down to the most granular unique level of the real physical entity building block of the system its conceptual abstraction representation upon which the Operating System is built to be the platform for Application Programs.

The unique individual is the bedrock unit entity.

Corporatism structures up from that building block for its special interests.

We structure up from the same unique building block for our self interest of governance.

Go for it France!

The matter of individual Privacy?  That is the monkey wrench that Corporatism, and even Government throw into the system of Governance to sabotage it.  To run it by design off the rails of where it seeks to go in the interest of the governed.

Our right to Privacy?  The sword with which we defend our unique identity in certain affairs?

It is a two edged sword that cuts against us used against us in the same method as voting against our own self interest to serve the interests of a sub-optimized agenda in which we become the mark of the sting.

Our Right to Privacy is like our Right to life.  It is and always will be violated.  An absolute right in concept.  In reality violated but the damage to be minimized to the greatest extent possible and remedied as far as possible by an after the fact administration of justice because justice can never be truly restorative in this case.  Only a remedy of systemic structure prevention on a larger scale that works better than individual retribution systems.

The system must know and protect for certain privacy purposes the identity of unique individual that it is built on but use that privacy information for public purposes.  That works today in financial systems as well as lesser secure systems of information management as well as totally revealing private information like name and address and other related information.

Ultimately the individual is the protector of their own privacy.  The owner of their identity and how it is used.  Sir Tim Berners Lee has a simple idea to give an individual control of their privacy by uniquely identifying them to a personal IPv6 number (locked to an absolute personal biometric access I would think) and the ability to monitor and right to control or deny use or association relationship of their identity for any purpose.

There is a battle going on related to privacy and identity of individual and corporate entities in relationship to financial matters in the off-shore account, beneficial owner domain.  It is a test of governance rights of the state vs global corporatism rights that I think is a proxy for the conflict of our citizen governance rights vs. global corporate rights and the privacy issues related to each.

Corporate entities must be identified by their unique identifying markers as much as individuals.

In both cases I would assign government as the keeper of the keys to that privacy with public control of the those governed over those to whom we our consent to access entity identity for regulation purposes.

It all rests on the unique identity and means of validating that identity and means of relating it to other data associated to granular entities involved.

Ironically I believe that our government is way ahead of Corporatism in the unique identification of individuals.  The NSA must have a unique identification assigned to every single one of us (that it can find) to which there are biometric markers assigned.  It is only logical.  We just don't now it.  Don't know our own number.  We should at least have a right to know our own unique identity code to which unknown things about us are associated.  I have written about that previously in this blog.

If the USA was to announce a program the same as France it could be called a "new" program, a "new" system dressed up in all it takes to get the public to accept it but actually the system that is already in operation by the NSA! A system that should be equally applicable to uniquely identifying corporate entities and their related "private" information like what other entities and attributes they are associated with like "parents" and "children" and the thing that is the most unique attribute of a corporate entity: "Bank Account" where that is and who is the Accounting Activity and what is the blockchain of beneficial ownership?
"One of Safran's flagship civil identification programs is the Aadhaar program in India. Chosen in 2010 by the Indian government, Safran helps assign each resident of the country (on a voluntary basis) a unique 12-digit ID number, guaranteed by multibiometric information on the cardholder (10 fingerprints, two irises and a photo of the face). Safran is one of the few companies in the world with the ability to create a multibiometric database for more than a billion people. "

National ID card used as a Credit Card:

Drivers license as a point of entry to a National ID as a matter of security with many applications:

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