Saturday, November 29, 2014

Killing Odds

What probability standard justifies the killing of a human being who is judged to have some degree of possibility of inflicting grievous physical harm to another human being, their possessions or collectively their institutions?

In the case of killing with drones 41 men were targeted, 1,147 were killed. 

That has some implied ambiguity but that is the headline.  The ambiguity is that not all 1,147 killed were men which would seem to be more honorable than the killing of women and children.  That leads to examination of the matter of honorable or at least ethical killing.

Killology is an interesting website with an academic approach to the matter of killing.  It is framed in the military and law enforcement problem domain as well as general civilian authority to kill.  Biased?  Not to the military mindset of LtCol Grossman.  His past military title lends some credence to his knowledge but also frames his approach.  If his name was preceded by the title Rev. he may have a different frame of reference.

Institutions need measurable criteria for critical functions.  There certainly must be some established measure of collateral damage (killing those that are not targeted, not judged culpable) for drone strikes.  Whatever the collateral damage actually is becomes the defacto criteria ratio?

In other words, whoever dies and in what number they die in relation to whoever is intended to be killed (or failure to kill) is the acceptable odds justifying the attempt and the actual after the fact results?

Can anyone say:  Yes, but we did not mean to kill them?

But we did and we did mean to kill them.

A little reminder: 20 years after being ordered to tally cop shootings, the DOJ still isn't doing it

Killing is a matter of accountability.  If unintended killing of innocent persons is statistically acceptable, perhaps within established  judgment parameters making the actual killing of innocent persons a rubber number then exceeding that number demands some accountability.  However, if that number of the judgment criteria is not established before the fact then there is no accountability after the fact.

What is the acceptable number if innocent people killed in the attempt to kill those that are specifically targeted for killing?

Why, my dear friend, it is any number you wish it to be.

What America's police Departments Do Not Want You To Know 
presents analysis of statistical killing by police.  Greater than reported by official sources?  Official sources are not even reporting in compliance with requirements.  Not that they are refusing, required by law systems for reporting have not been established so how can the police agencies be held accountable for concise reporting.  The exact situation they seek might be the answer.  In this information age independent actors can aggregate killing statistics from media reports.

Killing is an important social event.  Especially when it is done in the USA.  From the standpoint of our domestic media, killing in other countries, who does it and exactly who gets killed is a subjective matter depending on media management.  It seems that the media is a biased scorekeeper regarding either foreign or domestic killing.  Reporting specific incidents at the granular level of killing single people but no total score keeping statistics. 

Killing should be important enough to know the statistics, the circumstances for each and every killing in the USA..  The killing  (death by violent means whatever they may be by definition meaning perhaps by other than natural means of death as the default criteria) should be an exact national statistic.  Who caused it may be another matter but that is one of sub class categorization. 

Daniel Defoe Tried to Figure Out What Money Is

Thanks to this link containing reference to Daniel Defoe attempting to grasp what money is.  Yes, that Daniel Defoe that wrote Robinson Crusoe.  He was a pioneer in Economic Journalism.  Read his name link to Wikipedia.  The story of his life could be a novel itself,  Maybe the basis for a mini-series.  Quite fascinating.

Defoe wrote this about what money (credit) is:

"Like the Soul in the Body, it acts all Substance, yet is it self Immaterial; it gives Motion, yet it self cannot be said to Exist; it creates Forms, yet has it self no Form; it is neither Quantity or Quality; it has no Whereness, or Whenness, Scite, or Habit. If I should say it is the essential Shadow of something that is Not; should I not Puzzle the thing rather than Explain it, and leave you and my self more the Dark than we were before? (1710, p. 6)"

Note on Scite definition:  The ground upon which it stood.  Apparently an older spelling and original meaning of the word "cite" as used in citation of of a reference.
Understanding what credit money like trying to catch the wind.  He tried to grasp it, I am trying to do the same.  Maybe this is the explanation: Money is something that slips through the fingers!   Think about that.  

Money is some thing that slips through the fingers.  It cannot be grasped.  That is exactly the nature that the creators of money and owner masters and designers of the concept sought to establish and succeeded in the attempt so very well.  It slips through our fingers but not their fingers!  On the other hand, to continue the metaphor, the interest on the credit called money does not slip through their fingers even when the credit money slips back to the nothingness from which they created it.

Money is a figment of the imagination of banksters.  Interest on the credit money figment is something in the hand!

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Everybody Must Get Banked

A fundamental rule in the monetary system that I propose described throughout in this blog is that that every entity that transacts with digital money must have a bank account.  Those that do not currently have a bank account are called "unbanked".  In this information age of digital money in bank accounts everybody must get banked.  It is a world wide objective. 

The government is promoting being banked and for those that are unbanked it sends out debit cards.  The preferred situation is to be banked.  The time is probably also coming when everyone must have a cell phone and carry it at all times for bio identification and location tracking.  Not soon, I hope.

I fully support the rule that every entity that spends or receives money must do so through a bank account.  The bank then makes adjustments among accounts as well as passing transactions to the government to implement changes in ownership relationship of money in the government debt free monetary system.  A system where all digitized, serialized dollars in the unit denomination of one is maintained in a cyber vault, (at Fort Knox) much like gold, and never moves.  Only the accounting association relating to who owns what is in the vault changes. 

Postal Service. The Government Monetary System and the Banking Accounting System

This link sparked my thoughts this morning: Why Congress Should Not Get Out Of The Way Of The Postal Service

The role of the Postal Service as a Federal Government agency is worthy of analysis from the broad perspective of government provided public services vs services provided by free private enterprise.  Worthy of analysis because it is a back burner issue that should be brought to the front burner.  The issue is a fundamental battleground where the public and private interests conflict.  An issue as fundamental as the one that divides us politically into two parties and two philosophies:  The domains of Public and Private structures and their operation to provide services to our citizens.

At the national level what centrally manged institutions in order of ranking have the greatest degree of dispersed geographical presence throughout the country?

McDonalds?  14,000 outlets in the USA.

Post Office retail outlets: 31,000.  More stats at this link.

That is a range dispersion  question.  What about depth of organizational penetration?

I contend that there is no single national level institutional management entity comparable to the Postal System in both geographical range and and physical system structural depth in our country.

Is that an accurate contention?

If not then what other singe centrally managed institution (besides the government in general or any other single government institution) has a comparable geographic range and physical structure depth down to grass roots services to the public that "touches" the public every day?

Fox News?  Fox news only delivers, they do not own the physical delivery system.

A religious institution?  They only deliver on Sunday and no single one is under command and control to deliver to all.  Only to those that will enter but open to everyone (with certain qualifications for entry).

Enough of the speculation.

Institutional Banking in the Federal Reserve System is the only entity that I can immediately think of that has the range and depth reach of the Postal System.  Institutional Banking under the domain of the Federal Reserve Bank is perhaps the standard bearer of the free private enterprise profit oriented system.  There are 3,000 member banks in the Federal Reserve Bank System with the top 3 banks have 16,000 branches.  It is however a system of federated banks under a single system that calls itself "Federal" but is not a government agency.

Obviously it apparently evident that the private sector competitor of the Postal System is collectively the national level package delivery system corporations.  

Less obvious but perhaps of greater importance is that the private banking system is also a competitor of the Postal System.

It looks to me like the Postal System is the federal government's "foot in the door" entry to a national level public services monetary system at a brick and mortar level that is a strategic well established geographic and information management system providing core public and public managed services.

I contend that what money "is" must be disconnected from what money "does".  What money "is" belongs to government, what money "does" belongs to private banking.  The Postal System is a geographically dispersed information networked computer based system that potentially offers the best combination of resources necessary to manage a government debt free monetary system.

Emasculation or removal of that potential of the Postal System is strategic to the maintenance of private enterprise control of what money "is" as well as what it "does".

As long as the banking system controls what money "is" it will fail to serve the greater public good in applying what money does, which is the domain of free private enterprise.

What money is and the monetary system that establishes and maintains it existence independent of but in relation to its private application use as a medium of exchange is the sovereign right of government.  The Postal System currently has the best structure to re-purpose as the means to establish government control of a debt free monetary system.

In the monetary system structure that I have proposed in numerous prior blog entries the logical and physical interface between what money is (government system uniquely serialized digital dollar ) and what money does (banking system account) would exist at the local level between the Federal Reserve banking system branches and the government Postal System branches.  Local level encompassing everything in scale from the smallest to the largest city/area.

An accounting transaction between unique accounts involving money used as a medium of exchange transaction (what money does) made at a "local" level banking institution interfaces with an equally local government agency (Postal Agency)  to block chain register a change of ownership of related digitized, uniquely serialized dollars in denomination units of one each maintained by the government that collectively represents what money "is". 

The "Postal Agency" term takes on new meaning.  It becomes the Posting Agency that validates transactions in the Banking Accounting System against the related serialized money units existing in the Government Monetary System.

That is a check and balance system between public control of a monetary system and private enterprise application of a debt free monetary system as a medium of exchange in trade which may, in one application of trade, be in the domain of a credit system under the banking system double entry debit/credit control accounting system.

Money itself, as it exists as a debt free object in the government monetary system is subject to double entry control but not directly related to the debit/credit domain subsystem of bank lending.  The double entry is between money in the government system and the banking system always being in balance and equal at the total as well as the granular serialized unit dollar level.

Monday, November 24, 2014

Space and Time and Money

This is a thought provoking video presenting the nature of Space and Time into a Single Continuum.

In a manner that I will not explain there are different hypothesis that look at and explain things in different ways.  My view of a monetary system is one and it relates past, present and future from the standpoint of monetary transactions.  Without transaction points there is no meaning to money.

At one point the narrator says what if the flowing river was frozen in place.  That is how I view the money object in simple terms.  Frozen in a cyber vault.  It (money as an entity object like a coin) does not change hands.  Exclusive ownership claim on the cyber coin object in the vault changes in a thing external to the vault called an Account that keeps track of (establishes) the connection of each and every (in sum total) unique owner's account to each and every (in sum total) unique coin (uniquely serialized digital dollar) in the locked cyber vault.

The monetary unit is absolutely static.  The account is totally dynamic.  The two entities, money and account are always equal when expressed in terms of dollars.

Dollars are the constant.  Past, present and future.  "New"(as required) dollars in the future exist now, they have simply not been called into being yet.  The next "future" dollar already has an identity.  It is the next unique serial number on the continuum list of serialized dollars to be "born" as necessary/needed to meet monetary system requirements to support/accomplish the social application of what money does for us.

My burning question is to discover/define what money is.

Money is the collection of uniquely identified units in the cyber vault that never "move".

What money does is accomplished by the Accounts to which the units in the vault are associated by "ownership" in the account of unique account owners. 

Ownership of static money in the cyber vault through account relationship moves like time.  There is conceptual past, present and future ownership conditions.  The conditions are expressed by a secure block chain accounting validation control applied to past and present and to be applied to future transactions as they become "now" transactions

What is the hypothetical rule behind all this?

Is the rule this:  There must be a single fixed eternal point against which everything else moves.  A single fixed point that enables the movement.  Call it a god point with a unitary value of One.  Call it a digital dollar with a unitary value of One that is infinitely divisible to unique decimal slices of fixed denominations of choice to enable its application as a social tool to serve us in each of our account identities as users.

Thanksgiving has always been the high water mark of my conceptual thinking power.  A moving thing that crests at this time.

Time is Money/

Gotta theorize about that.

Monday, November 17, 2014

Finance, Money and Control

Finance controls money in the current system.  Finance creates money.  It is called into existence as a function of finance and takes on the nature and attributes of Debt.

The system must be changed.

Money must control finance.  Money must be extracted from the creation of finance and subject to  creation by an independent Monetary Authority as an object with identity in a Monetary Operating System to be used in/by finance applications as well as the more general medium of exchange.

Otherwise the current dysfunctional system collapses under the fallacious fundamental design of it own weight.

Me and the Director of the NSA and Warfare

I understand Keith Alexander.  I feel the same compulsion that drove him as director of the NSA.

Total information all the time is total and absolute control.  Absolute control means absolute power to enforce control.

Alexander wanted total information on everyone.  Foreign or domestic. Control at the unique individual person level.  Every last bit of information about them in real time and in history.  In his world of control the granular level was the uniquely identified individual to which information can be associated or attributed.  No individual evades the given number of hops from the relationship of one individual to another.  All individuals are uniquely identified and associated on some level.  Nobody is not identified.  The total population is identified.  Like a super census.  No Exceptions.

What I want is total information on money like Alexander (and NSA as a continuing institution) wants on all people.  Control down to the basic granular level.  That level is one unique person for the NSA to which all info is attached.  That level for money is one uniquely identified digital serialized dollar in the denomination of one.  Each and every unique dollar in the total population is uniquely identified and subject to absolute information in real time and history.

The end game level of control is "All present and accounted for".  Maybe it helps to have a military mindset to understand that phrase.

One day at sea the Executive Officer (XO) was viewing the daily muster on the ship at sea.  It did not match yesterday's muster count.  Muster on a ship is important.  It can change at sea due to helo/fixed wing traffic, high line transfer, man overboard, rescue of a non-ship member at sea or death.  Maybe a birth nowadays?  I was old navy.  Total personnel count all the time.  Man overboard meant all hands to muster stations for a count.  That is what the XO did that day and was furious when the count did not match what was reported to him that morning.  Every division kept counting until counts matched. 

Every permanently attached sailor on board had a personnel record.  It could be viewed at any time by their division officer.  All officer's records could be viewed by the  XO.  The XO's by the CO.  Every on board member also had a pay record and a medical record.  My disbursing officer could view all pay records.  I could also but never looked at an individual one but did count and verify all cash on hand which also had its own record.  Just like all controlled items like weapons, security codes, medical substances including gold leaf for the dentist and medicinal brandy were on record by individual unit measurement and inventoried periodically.  My food stores and repair parts as well but not as strict as money or controlled drugs.  Enumeration of things was important from every component of the ship and things on board it all the way up to the hull number on port and starboard side of the bow.

I never thought about shipboard control like that while on board but in distant hindsight I see it now.  I was stock control officer on my first ship.  I had an IBM card for each of the 30,000 items I controlled.  Looking in hindsight at my entire career the degree of control (and responsibility) that I either had or was responsible for designing systems to control was story of my service.  One assignment extended to nuclear weapons and reactors.

Control was not just important.  It was the ultimate military mission objective applied to our own personnel and material forces.  Enemy forces as well:   Kill and destroy in defense of freedom.  Total information is how that is done.

The military mindset is an excellent attribute for the head of the NSA.

Admiral Michael S. Roberts is the current Director, NSA.  The link is analogous to looking at his personnel record.  He has one.  A pay record too.  Also a medical/dental record.  A Background Investigation (BI) record.  A security clearance record.  A chain of fitness reports going back to his first one.  The CNO, Chairman of the JCS, SecDef and President could look at all of them, I suppose.  I wonder if he could look at theirs?  Interesting question as to who watches the watchers.  There is always counter-intelligence.

A senior military member has responsibility for the safety and security of the nation through control of an enormous  Information System with relatively unlimited available resources including R&d as the head of the NSA. 

How is the person going to run his Command?

All present and accounted for as well as all info about every unique individual.

I would run the Monetary System the same way.  I would be the Disbursing Officer of the NSA but I would go beyond having every person's pay record.  I would have a record for every individual uniquely serialized unit of one dollar in the safe.  That is the way it is done on a ship.  I would extend the system however to keep every individual's dollar (and if added up then he dollar owned total) in the safe and a personnel pay record to which it must balance substantiating ownership of the dollar in the safe.  The dollar in the safe would never leave.  Only the ownership of that dollar related to a shipboard member would change on the shipboard pay record.  The dollar in the safe would know the accounting chain history of every on board member that ever had ownership of the dollar in the safe.

Every citizen is a personnel member on board the USS United States,  Hull number 1.

If I had stayed in I would have never been a contender for selection as Director, NSA but I like to think I could have been his Disbursing Officer.  I did not care how the sailors on the ship spent their money but I certainly kept good records on the money they did spent like sailors do.

Looking at the big picture, military members give up rights to privacy as defenders of freedom.  They can however vote with their feet which became and remains a great matter of concern for force retention.

We are all headed in that direction but how can we vote with our feet?

We can't.  That is how everything is controlled.  Total war, all the time. 

“Compared to war, all other forms of human endeavor shrink to insignificance. God help me, I do love it so.”
George S. Patton Jr.
"War is a Racket"  
Major General Smedley Butler, 1935

Money is a child of finance in the world order.

The new warfare is one of economic dominance, regardless of the nature of other orders of philosophy.  Maybe it always was the root of warfare.  A warfare in which some die and some make a killing.

Financial warfare is something we all do every day. This warfare must be controlled for the common good, meaning those that "suffer (by definition)" as casualties of this financial warfare (many truly die) are protected as a security obligation of government and the ambition of those that make a killing from it are also controlled.  To do this "Money" must be extracted as an object and made independent of Finance and managed by the government as its Sovereign right.  That extraction is done by designing a monetary system that converts money from a debt based object created by the banking system to a debt free asset object created by the government for the common good as well as the defense of the nation on a level economic world wide competitive playing field that uses Money in a Finance application.   A competitive playing field on which is played out a race to the top of our collective aspirations, not a race to the bottom.

The Olympics is a good model. 

The Olympics is warfare played out in sport.

Maybe military method is not really a form of diplomacy.

Conceptual military methods of strict command and control in the support of the common good and freedom principals of our nation can make a contribution to our social structure if applied to a Monetary System independent of use of money in a Financial System.

We certainly need Regulators and regulation control over the use of money in the financial system.  I think that Bill Black would agree with that.  Conceptually, military structures do that kind of thing very well.

The NSA is conceptually and extraction of  Information Warfare from (but tightly linked to) hardware warfare.  A product of our information age.  Economic warfare is the big scale war in the information age.  All the little shooting wars just make sound an fury in the background but get all the attention.

Military coup to take over governments and/or governing control of social structures is a fact of history and a common theme of fiction.

What really runs the world structure of governance is money.  Dollar as the Reserve Currency rules as it is applied to finance.  Military forces protect that domination as it is used in finance and thereby protect our financial control of the world and the financial system that enables it.

What makes war a racket is protecting the financial application of money.

The military mission (appropriately assigned to the NSA) should be to internally protect a Monetary System totally open to transparency with privacy protection established by government independent of its Financial Application that is a matter of public and private rules and regulations.

That's my best shot!

The Pentagon Preps for Economic Warfare - April 2009

Such war-games are consistent with a raft of Pentagon planning documents which suggest that National Security Agency (NSA) mass surveillance is partially motivated to prepare for the destabilising impact of coming environmental, energy and economic shocks.

It is not about economic warfare.  Economics is Finance.  Economics is about what is done with money.  Money is at the root.  It is about Monetary System Warfare.  Control Money and economics is controlled.

Monetary warfare more of an information warfare matter.  Therefore appropriately a matter of the NSA as well as action.  The military is the hardware arm of warfare to apply hardware to the problem.  Blow things up.  The NSA is the information arm to provide the military info in order to blow things up.  However when the necessary action is purely information defense or offensive action then the NSA is the actor, not the military.

What is the NSA game plan for Monetary System Warfare?  Is it being simulated, tested now?

Saturday, November 15, 2014

Sovereign Money - Joseph Huber

This is a link to Joseph Huber "Sovereign Money" website.

Excellent material.  I make it a blog entry for my future reference.

I agree totally with what he says here: ( I'm sure he will be glad to know that)/

"As a consequence, commentators overlook the fact that money creation and money lending/spending are two different functions, but carried out uno actu in the present credit-money or debt-money system based on fractional reserves. The wrong identity of credit and money also leads critics to deny that in a modern money system the money base or money supply in circulation can be debt-free (not, of course, the loans or securities issued by use of that money). As long as economists stick to the absolutised axiomatic identification of money with credit, their  support for monetary reform is likely to be lukewarm at best."

Money creation and lending are two different functions!  The primary and sole purpose of money creation is not lending but direct establishment of a medium of exchange.  In the debt based monetary system creation of money that is its primary purpose with secondary purpose of being a medium of exchange.

The Monetary System is the operating system.  Lending is simply one of the million of buying/selling of things that can be done using pre-existing money in the Monetary Operating System.  In the lending situation it is used  to sell/buy (as a medium of exchange) contractual future return payments of money plus interest payments of money.  Finance is one application function of money. 

Application programs do not dictate nor dominate the conceptual structure of the operating system!

Burning wood is a functional application of thermodynamics, not the the creator of the energy!

Monetary Terrorism

Parliament to debate ‘money creation’, first time in 170 years

Monetary Terrorism!  A terrorist attack on the Banking System equal to 9-11!

It strikes terror into the heart of the Banking System and the very foundation upon which it is built and the source of its power to control and extract from society and the common good.

That foundation is DEBT!

What is the cure for debt?  


Freedom from debt at the national levelThe sovereign right of a nation to create its own debt free money. 

It is a terror attack on the Debt Based Banking System by freedom fighters.

What can this lead to? A digital money evolution?

The real war on national debt has begun. 

Positive Money - Brits Debate Money Creation

Parliament is going to devote 3 hours to debate money creation for the first time in 170 years on 20 November! 


Watch the online debate at this link.

The UK seems to be so far ahead in addressing this fundamental issue.  In the USA we have the Kuchinch Bill but that is as close as we have come to serious discussion.  Other cries to "End the Fed" don't really proclaim the issue, just nibble around the edges for mostly political self serving and odd ball philosophies.  Some real thinking exists in the USA but nothing at the level that the UK will elevate this to. is a UK site.  A place where they spell it "organisation".   It gets attention there.  I have always felt that the inclination of Brits to be empirical observers like Darwin runs strong in the national trait genetics.  They can look at something objectively, organize their view of it logically and then make a clear simple, concise conclusion.  Australians have this trait in their national character and maybe even a more pure one.

Bill Still talks about the upcoming Parliament Debate at this link.  Bill Still makes clear statements about things that get to the essence of them.  Delivery?  Its unique but if he talked like Elmer Fudd it makes no difference to what he says.  Maybe that is why it is lost on the media caused brain dead dummies used to the medium being the message.

This video linked from the Positive Money site:  Money is at the root of our economic a social problems.  The way the Brits speak is the other side of the coin that Bill is on and enhances the subject of discussion.  For the media/message brain dead public it helps the medicine go down.  For those that get it it adds a delightful flavor to the facts and truth.  What is said in the video about the current monetary system is the absolute truth as well as the concluding statement that a positive money system will be much, much better than anything we had before.

This is going to be a Parliament debate.  Something Americans are not used to.  A public dialog where the issue is actually discussed not just some politician talking to empty seats or seats with filled with empty suits going unchallenged until the next speaker gets their turn to say something unheard.  In the USA the debate takes place elsewhere and the question is how much will you donate to me.

Money creation, the power to create it and who really has it and how they do it and what that does to us is the greatest issue of our time.  It is the sovereign right of a nation that has been pre-empted or more ditectly, stolen from out government.  Stolen from the people.  Even the recent Big Heist has had not response to "Call the Cops, I Been Robbed!"  The public has been victimized like a battered wife for so long by the banking system that it is the norm with the only difference from day to day being the severity of the beating punctuating periods of recovery from the last beating.

Is MP Steve Baker the Dennis Kuchinich of the UK?

MP Steve Baker wrote this (pdf):  Bank Reform Demands Monetary Reform  It advocates full reserve banking with a plan to get there.  Positive money in other words.  Debt free money in even more words.  Debt free positive money in its creation essence but debt free money that can be loaned for interest.  Money that buys something as a medium of exchange (interest) just like it can universally buy anything that has a price.  Interest on contractual debt is merely one of the billions of things that money can buy. 

Debt must not the foundation base of a monetary system.  The interest that the debt contract buys is merely a function of a Positive Money, Full Reserve Money System Foundation.  How could we have gone so wrong in choosing the the base (debt) on which to build our monetary system to serve us.

We did not choose it is the answer.  It is in our self endowed power to choose a different base on which to build a monetary system now.  It is our right.  The debt based banking system is a world wide enterprise.  It is the natural right of all free people to choose its founding principals.

Bank of Dave

This is a US Monetary Reform proposal written in the form of an Act based on 100% reserve, debt free money. 

A program For Monetary Reform (1939) was an interesting find that calls for 100% reserve and proposes an implementation plan.

Wikipedia describes "Full Reserve Banking" 

Joseph Huber presents his thinking on Banking Reform at his website"Sovereign Money"

Friday, November 14, 2014

Cell Phone IMSI and Vehicle License Plates

License plates uniquely identify vehicles.  They are physical, optically visible.   They can be and are being collected by law enforcement and private enterprise license plate readers feeding ID and location information into data bases.

Cell phone IMSI are analogous to license plates.  Radio wave visible and associated with the related owner of the cell phone at probably a greater degree of owner correlation to operator accuracy than license plates.  However operator correlation is probably only one hop away from owner if not the owner.

Cell phone IMSI is the conceptual equivalent of putting a license plate on our back.  It simply takes a different reader to see it and connect it to who we are and where we are at any given time that it is looked at.  That given time may be periodic or real time all the time.  It is just a data block in total information all the time.

We don't know when our license plate and its location is being read, recorded and stored.

IMSI.......same, same.

It is said that 80% of the world's population now has a cell phone?  I find that hard to believe, maybe true but the USA?  Everybody has one.

Aerial IMSI Sniffer Detectors: We know where you sleep.

Recent reports of airborne IMSI detectors (Wired link here) as a surveillance tool caused me to think about their benefits.   Obviously they can scoop up vast numbers of IMSI numbers in a short period of time.  To what end use of data value.

Obvious is picking out in real time a known IMSI needle in the haystack of a big city and tracking it.

What is the big data value of thousands of IMSI picked up in an airborne flight over a city.  It is a one time snap shot of each unique IMSI associated to a specific location.  What is the value of that?
  If the plane/drone/helicopter is constantly running a circular pattern then tracking of all IMSI is a periodic snap shot depending on overhead range and timing.  If the detecting airborne craft is periodic, every several days or weeks then what is the value of a one day scoop?

Maybe there is a value of a one night scoop.  Everybody sleeps.  During that time they are stationary, so is their cell phone.  It would only take a few night flights collecting IMSI and location between midnight and 4 am to match IMSI and location to a fixed point over different time periods.

The conclusion?  That is where the person related to the IMSI is sleeping.

Most cell phone owners are on a multi year provider plan.  They have the phone for a long period.  Identify where it is at night on a consistent basis and that is where the person associated with it is located.  It becomes a data base.  When an unique IMSI of interest is identified and input to the data base the location of where it generally or always found during the 12 to 4am period pops up.

Useful information.  I would imagine that over period of month there is probably a 90% consistency of cell phone IMSI during that period?  Just a guess.  Maybe a higher rate if the update is weekly flights.  Geographic location would further narrow locations to residential or business sectors indication night workers vs sleepers.

Seems like the airborne IMSI night sweep would be valuable data for a number of surveillance information applications?  More than I can immediately think of beyond where a person sleeps.

We know where you sleep therefore we know where you live.  The last part of that is a popular threat of potential action.

On the other hand maybe somebody just wants to know that you are sleeping well and getting a good nights rest.  Maybe it is the tooth fairy or your mom.

Other times of the day?  Airborne sniffer sweepers collect IMSI location of every cell phone in the city.  Same location every workday for a large number of cell phones tells where a person probably works.  335 million cell phones in the USA (2013).  In any given city how many workers spend the day in the same place with a cell phone in their pocket?  Hmmm.....WAG here: half?

Ad this to "We know where you sleep":  We know where you work!

The amount of big data generated by an airborne IMSI sniffer sweep is a fascinating speculation.  The amount of information derived from this data is vast as is the knowledge about the owner of the cell phone when other data/information is analyzed.

Is this being done?  I would bet my iPhone on it!

Are all the sniffers/cell tower simulators in the exclusive possession of legitimate/authorized entities?  Most likely not.  The value of information that IMSI vacuumed data of a city is immense.  What it could be sold for or used for makes the cost of obtaining a sniffer by any means inconsequential. The legitimate cost of a unit is $9,000.  Nothing compared to the marketing/intelligence/etc data that it can scoop up.  Much of that info is certainly persistent and does not require frequent flights to update.  It is only an IMSI number and location.  Sold to someone that has access to who is related to that IMSI it becomes specific private info, for what it might be worth in locating anybody.  In general it has demographic value.

How did San Diego pay so much for their sniffers?

Understanding IMSI Privacy

This is a link to a Black Hat USA 2014 subject line presentation.

It presents information on a Darshak app running on Android to detect and verify cell phone IMSI communications.  It is an IMSI detector.  Excellent app to learn if the cell phone is communicating with an "authorized" cell phone tower or a probable spoofer.  The same thing that Cryptophone does? Probably does it at a much lower price or future very low price?

While I see how they both work I wonder if a cell phone provider subscription is required to enable operability of detection.  If not, then as a simple passive device a cheap Android phone without a provider subscription would be a handy device to have.  Even if you main phone was an iPhone that does not have this capability.

Digital Tracking

This link pdf , published in 2012,  is a easy reading informative description of digital tracking capabilities related to many different communication protocols related to a SensePoint product. 
The tracking software tool is "Snoopy".  It runs on an Linux device and is capable of operating on off the shelf hardware.  It presents several actual uses of the tool to collect data and the analysis of the data it gathers.  Various modes of collection operation are also presented:  Sentry, Mobile, Arial, Ground Vehicle and Telescope.  It also presents aerial positioning techniques using drones.
An interesting test of its performance was made in the analysis of attendees at 12 communication conferences.  The largest was Black Hat Vegas in 2012.  4,778 unique devices were detected among 6,500 attendees.  This was cross referenced to other conferences as well as repeat visitors to the same conference in a following year. 
I started out this morning to do research on near field low power IMSI detection  in order to discover what exists in the way of indoor or close proximity detection and location of cell phone IMSI identification.  A useful method to target waiting lines of people carrying cell phones for pre-screening prior to an inspection point or individual cell phones as they pass through entrance points.  This pdf diverted me with a worthwhile summary of digital tracking capabilities.
This link written by Pierluigi Paganini is a 2014 update on Snoopy that says:  "Researchers at Sensepoint have realized a software that could be used to turn a drone in a perfect spying machine able to steal data from mobile devices."  They must be sleepy researchers to have just waken up to this fact!

Pierluigi Paganini  also wrote this about Stingray technology.  It is also easy reading on a very technical subject written by a communications expert who concerned about how this technology is applied.  I applaud him and his efforts to inform the public.  It is the best summary of the technology it application and the issues raised that I have found to date.

 Pierluigi Paganini describes the following equipment: Stingray, Triggerfish, Kingfish, Amberjack, Harpoon, Hailstorm and Gossamer.  Pierluigi is a certified ethical hacker.  This is a google search with links to what he has written in the last month.  Good stuff.  Good guy.  This Security News Concentrator covers what he has written.

Thursday, November 13, 2014

Object Oriented Monetary System Design

A Google search on "Object Oriented Monetary System Design" reveals that I still "own" the only two hits (actually the same single blog entry) returned on that search.  Now it is three hits.  It would seem extraordinary in this information age where the standard design methodology is Object Oriented that the phrase "Object Oriented" cannot be found (other than mine) preceding the design of one of our greatest systems that was designed long before computers were created.

The more basic search on "object oriented monetary system" returns 5 hits and they are all mine.

Really basic "object oriented system" gets 228,000 hits.  That is not surprising because that is the nature of current state of the art system design.  Surprising the state of the art has not been applied to our monetary system.  To Big to Redesign (or fail)?  So was monarchy.

There are Object Oriented system designer geniuses in this world that can look at major system sectors of our our society and see them in an Object Oriented design structure.  See them in that frame as they are now and therefore see all the things that fail to connect and see them in a redesign using the principals so Object Oriented design to create a more efficient, effective computer based enterprise system.  They are innovative geniuses.

Why have these geniuses not looked at the current monetary system and see how dysfunctional it is and what is needed to make it work for the common good (as well as their enrichment unless they are open source heroes).  Maybe Apple and Google have done that as I have suggested in prior posts in this blog.  If so, they certainly would not reveal their ultimate game plan by publicizing it as an "Object Oriented Monetary System Design"  Bitcoin is that but does describe its system design by the terms I have used nor presented in in OOD terms.

Justice Dept. Fake Cell Towers on Airplanes

Wall Street Journal report at this link.

Fake cell towers on a plane is so very doable and actually a very efficient way of collecting a mass of data quickly.  Stationary fake towers like Stingray or a mobile Stingray in a vehicle can catch IMSI's.  Fly around in a helicopter, plane or even a drone with a fake cell tower and it is picking up IMSI and their location at the speed of the aircraft.  The only thing to figure is optimum height for max area coverage.  It is an airborne IMSI vacuum cleaner.

This type of collection is especially effective when large areas where driving an equipped vehicle around limits it to roads and a large area to cover only where detection range is limited to road location.  Like vast generally uninhabited areas of interest like boarder areas.

The general idea of airborne wifi is one that came to me after 9/11 when I saw a map of all flights in the air at the time.  An amazing graphic.  The application that I saw at the time was for wifi signal receiving equipment to be installed on all aircraft to establish a mesh network in the event of a catastrophic nationwide communications failure.  There would be distance gaps at some points at some times but in general the mesh nodes are up there flying commercial routes all the time.

A more limited application that I considered was cell phone 911 calls ground to passing overhead aircraft if the possible line of sight transmission distance was less than 50,000 feet.  It would accept an emergency 911 call (it would have to be 911 plus a designator number for use in remote areas with no cell phone service in case of emergency.  Generally more applicable to remote western US areas.  The call would be recorded and downloaded when the flight arrived at the destination or forwarded by the aircraft communication system network.  If such a system saved a given number of lives per year it would be worth it.  More than that, it seemed to be simply doable.

I never considered the application to spying and looking the other way; from air to ground and picking up an IMSI transmitted from a cell phone and its location.  That is equally possible but the reason to spy like that on citizens was not so well recognized 10 years or more ago.

Is that possible?  Put a black box IMSI catcher on commercial airline flights and collect IMSI's all the way across country.  Retransmit them in real time or download/offload the black box on arrival?  I hope they put it in airplane mode for take off and landing otherwise it would be in violation of federal regulations!

A Justice Dept black box fake cell phone tower on commercial airlines flights.  Is that why there are Federal Air Marshalls on the flights?  What kind of baggage do they collect at the end of the flight.  Does it get special handling?  Wow, I just dreamed up a conspiracy theory.  I doubt if I have to throw in a few more key words for this to get attention.

A year or two ago there was a report about major cell phone theft and funneling of stolen cell phones thru Florida to Central/South American countries.  There was a mysterious character that would "unlock" them.  The whole thing looked like a spy scheme to doctor used phones and get them into the hands of bad guys south of the border.  The only thing left to do is find out where the phones and when.  The job of an airborne IMSI catcher on a drug mission aircraft.  More conspiracy theory here.  Who would do that?

Aside from the Federal Agencies,  Police Law Enforcement Agencies are in fact using Stingray devices to catch IMSI's.  Is it at all believable that somebody did not think of putting an IMSI catcher on a police helicopter.  It would work as well in a chopper as a car.  I suppose it would take two flying in some kind of distance/height relationship to triangulate location.  That is probably not necessary because all it takes is a reception of the same signal from a new location.

Dirt boxes for sale here but they can't really talk about their features.

A drone IMSI catcher here at this 2011 link. 

Anybody with this equipment can fly over an area and collect IMSI numbers and their location or a single targeted number. Big data IMSI is associated to cell phone telephone numbers and held be the cell phone provider.  If that big data was stolen it would be far more valuable to someone than credit card numbers.  What cell phone numbers relate to what IMSI numbers is valuable big data to monetize especially when it is associated to customer identification.   With this info all one has to do is fly around a target area to find the location of the cell phone and probably on the person of interest.

Move along, nothing new hereThis isn't exactly new. Harris' Stingray price list has AIRBRN-KIT-CONUS for sale for $9,000, dating back to 2008:

More detailed info on DRT at this link. 

Joe Firestone, Elizabeth Warren and Pope Francis Walk Into a Bar

I admire Joe Firestone for his contributions to creative thinking about the monetary system and need for change.  Recently he wrote about Elizabeth Warren, a potential agent for change.

Elizabeth Warren: Better, But Not there Yet

Russia Television

I don't understand this.

It does not make sense.

I look at what it delivers.  The product.  Where the rubber of news media presentation meets the eyeballs of my road.  The product looks good to me.  Big "However: here:  Is the product good in terms of truth, honesty in framing (whatever that is and it "honesty" is a rubber thingy in media).  It can be whatever anyone wants it to be, whatever the public can be manipulated to believe it to be.

It can be Propaganda.  I always thought that was a Russian word.  It is Latin in derivation.  Why Russian in my mind?  It is associated with Pravda the Communist Party newspaper.  The term Propaganda frames itself in my mind with Russia and its attempts to manipulate the Russian masses with falsehoods that serve the evilness of Communism.  GodlessRussia was learned as one word from my Catholic school days.

RT (Formerly Russia Today) is a state funded Russian cable television directed to audiences outside Russia.  Can it be compared to Voice of America?  If so the framing is one broadcasts the truth and the other is evil manipulation to manipulate with twisted truth.

RT starts having to prove that it is not twisting the truth otherwise everything it spouts is Propaganda.  Tough mountain to climb.

Look at what it spouts.  Who does some of the spouting.  Lying devils seeking to destroy our way of life?

Thom Hartmann interviews James Risen here at this link (two Parts) on RT.

I admire both Thom Hartmann and James Risen.  Have I been seduced by propaganda?  Thom also interviews people like Richard Wolff.  Thom says things and interviews people that in my opinion have a greater relationship with the truth than most of the "truth" delivered by our own "blessed by principals of freedom, justice, truth, and the American way" media with Fox News at the pinnacle.

Sad day for the truth if that is how it has been framed by those that using framing to manipulate it into something it is not.  Who is doing that?

I watched Thom's interview of Risen on YouTube published Oct 24 2014.  It had 602 views.  Really?  It makes me wonder how views are counted.  If each view is a single person and not Thom's mother then 602 people in all the viewing public have looked at it?  I reloaded after looking at it and it was still 602.  Maybe it posts totals at the end of the day!

Where the rubber of media meets the road of my eyes, ears and judgement of truth I find that RT television presents as much of it as Jon Stewart and Steven Colbert.  Maybe that is a judgment of my ability to recognize degrees of truth?  Jon and Steven present their truth in the framing of satire and comedy.  Thom gets to it more directly.

And what about Al Jazerra America?  I think that it has good things to say also that have the ring of truth to it.  I feel like the NSA is watching me watch.

What the hell is going on in this upside down world when Godless Russia (RT Television) and Godless Forces of Terrorism can have access to freedom loving Americans with Propaganda with the intent to destroy our way of life in partnership with their 5th column allies, Jon and Steven?

RT America is broadcasting from Washington DC!  A viper in our midst.  Send in the drones!  Target anyone that believes the propaganda they spout and clean their clocks.  That is how the truth is delivered.  Russia delivered its truth and justice with a bullet and charged the family.  An American drone just spreads the charge of delivering truth (and justice) among all citizens.  Morally, financially.  But we are the good guys.

RT background

Sunday, November 2, 2014

What If All Money in the Debt Money System was Serialized????

I have written often in this blog about my concept for digitized, uniquely serialized debt free monetary system with each uniquely identified dollar has a unit denomination of one dollar.  Once created the uniquely identified unit dollar would exist forever, as least as long as money is necessary.  Search the blog entry history for my riffs on that concept.

In our current debt money system all money is created as a function of contractual debt between the banking system and the entity it loans money to.  The money loaned is created out of nothing.  When the loan is repaid the debt is extinguished.  It goes back to nothing.  While money exists in the system it exists as both a debit to one party and a credit to the other in accordance with established balance sheet accounting methods.

The loan contract is both the beginning and end of the existence of money.  Created by a two party agreement.  Terminated when the loan is repaid.  While money exists between its creation from nothing and termination back to nothing as a function of the debt  establishing contract is serves as a medium of exchange used by public and private entities.

What if each unit digital dollar created in the debt money system was assigned a serial number when it was loaned by a bank to a debtor.  The debtor would then spend it into the economy where it would be re-spent over and over as the medium of exchange.  Each spending transaction would be recorded in a block chain method that established a lineage of who received/spent that dollar all the way back to its original debtor.

The next step requires a suspension of disbelief but it happens all the time in the movies to create a good story so we just accept it without question.  That would ruin the story so do that now because otherwise I have no logical system design in which this could actually be done.  Given enough time I might come up with one but that is not the point of this blog entry.  The point is yet to come.. I hope.

Disbelief suspension mode on............

As the debtor repays the original loan that cause digitized, serialized unit dollar of money to be created out of nothing by the loan that dollar, along with its serial identity goes out of existence.  Maybe the history of when it existed is retained just for the heck of it...whatever.

If the block chain of the dollar's life span was a public record then anyone could trace its existence back to its origin and original receiver of a loan and its ultimate repayment evidence from the history record.  The alternate to going out of existence by repayment is being written off as a bad debt.  The original holder of the contractual loan that created the debt is identified in either way.  The tracing process back through the block chain might be done with anonymized tokens but the original debtor would be identified at any given time including after the loan is re-payed or settled by being written off as a bad debt.

In this "what if" system the true nature of debt money would be conclusively and publicly established and revealed to anyone that wished to trace any given digital dollar with a unique identity in their digital account possession all the way back to the birth of its existence.

Interesting situation for academic interest in what kind of systemic information would be generated by such a conceptual design.  Information that was in  the speculative domain of economics as a best guess of explaining what money is and what money does.

Disbelief mode off........

I hold a dollar with its "birth serial number" in my bank account.  The debtor pays back a digital serialized dollar from their account with a different serial number.  The original loan debt dollar is mine in my account but the serial number goes out of existence because the loan was repaid by a dollar with a different serial number from the debtor.  In that case the serial number identifying and legitimizing my digital dollar in my account gets the serial number assigned to dollar that the debtor paid to reduce the balance of the loan.  In the case of a bad debt write off my dollar still gets as a serial number replacement the serial number of the dollar written off as bad debt.

In this conceptual situation the debt dies dollar by dollar as it is repaid but the serial number associated with that dead dollar lives on as it is perpetuated by replacing the original debt dollar serial number with the serial number of the dollar that paid off or otherwise settled the original debt.  That replacing serial number is of course traceable in the block chain to the original contractual debt that gave it existence. 

What if the debtor happens to pay off the original loan with a dollar that by chance has the same serial number as originally loaned to the debtor.  It could happen.  What then?  I don't know.  Call that dollar bank profit.  It could be a few dollars a year.

All money is traceable to debt.  It is debt money. This is a concept that would validate its unit based existence as debt money.

Hey, but there is a better way than bending over backward to validate the existence of debt as a creator of debt money as our monetary system.

Make all money debt free digital uniquely serialized unit value denomination of one dollar money.  In this conceptual system contractual loans by the central banking system is an application of the monetary operating system not the operating system that creates the medium of exchange application.

There!  Finally got to the point!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Post Point:

If new loans were made in this conceptualized monetary system at the same rate that old loans were paid off then where does (did) the existing pool of money that we use as a medium of exchange originate?  It is not possible to have that pool of money originate in bank loans if loans are paid off as fast as they are made!  Some other entity went into debt to created the money we view as assets in out pockets or accounts.  That other entity is the US Government and the excess of government spending into the economy over the amount of money it withdrew from the economy over time is called the National Debt.  Public National Debt is equal to Private Sector Savings.  Our Private Sector Savings are the pool of money we use as a medium of exchange among ourselves.  Our money is debt money originated and is the cummulative result of our government going into debt increasingly since our government was formed to maintain a pool of money called our medium of exchange.

Our medium of exchange pool of money is founded on the creation and management of National Debt.  Otherwise called Public Sector Debt.  About $16  trillion.  It is a revolving account out of which we pay, among all the other things we pay for, our private debt due on loans.  Total private US debt is about $45 trillion.  Total private debt is a revolving thing.  As old loans are paid off with the medium of exchange extinguishing debt dollars, new loans are made with creating the debt dollars out of nothing and injecting them into the $16 trillion dollar pool of medium of exchange money.   The net amount of total private debt is growing however.  So is the gross amount of public debt.  However, how much did that growth in public debt actually inject into the total of our medium of exchange and used to buy goods and services consumption to stimulate production?  If it did not go to that purpose then where did it go?  Where does it exist now, wherever it did go?

Good questions to be answered by uniquely serializing every single unit value digital dollar.

This is an unusual way of looking at and then think about the relationship between a debt based dollar and its serial number.   A dollar in the debt based dollar system lives only during the time between when a loan is made and a loan is repaid.  It comes from nothing then it passes on to nothing.  The serial number assigned to that dollar is its soul.  The dollar dies and the soul separates from its relationship to that mortal dead dollar that no longer exists to reside in a living dollar existing in the medium of exchange pool of all dollars until that dollar must die some day in time as a repayment of a loan and the serial number soul it bore in life goes on to live in yet another living dollar existing in the medium of exchange.   

The trick here is that the dollar that repays the loan and dies is not the dollar with the same serial number of the dollar that was originally loaned.  All dollars are the same so it does not matter that the loan paying dollar had a different serial number than the loaned dollar.  In the gross analysis all dollars are debt dollars and have the ability to settle debt independent of their serial number which merely a controlling management device.  Serial numbers associated with the dollar do not pay debt.  When a dollar is used to pay debt its unique serial number is detached from that dollar and replaces the serial number on the unit dollar that was in fact originally loaned.

Actually, since every dollar in the theoretical debt money serialized system has a unit denomination of one, the serial number is the dollar.

Think about that!

In the Bitcoin system the unit of payment is a previously block chain validated transaction with a certain associated numeric value.  It is the payment of block chain validated transaction(s) each with a variable transaction numerical Bitcoin value equal to or exceeding the current numeric value of the required payment transaction that is the vehicle of the transaction.  Payment is essentially made with transactions "owned" by the payer and indirectly with the Bitcoin values to which they are associated.  Since payment is with owned transactions then the total of the payment of sufficient transactions to exceed the required Bitcoin amount must be refunded to the payer as a transaction called "change".

Medium of exchange unit is a matter of system design.  It could be a transaction.  It could be a serial number identification having the constant denomination value of one unit.  They are both block chain units of measure.

Twitter Fabric

I did not get beyond my first of 4 or 5 websites rounds that start my every day like the coffee I drink at the keyboard.

Twitter seemed to be a frivolous thing  many years ago.  I have a twitter screen name but I never use it.  When I learned about the Twitter feed I sat up and took notice.

This link at Wired examines Twitter Fabric.  Twitter has grown fast.  Going back to 2011 and look at this link and the front page cover of New York magazine.  The feature story then was also a visit to the Twitter hive in San Francisco.   2011 was a time when the big question was: "Will Twitter become Profitable?  A long time ago in the increasingly faster framing of "tech time" that goes beyond the normal "real time' that is the metronome of the the plodding real world that tweets, eats and thinks in real seconds, minutes, hours, etc.  Twitter moves ahead in time based on Tweets per second dictating pace, not the seconds.

Suddenly the Wired link to where Twitter is at now....I see, like Rip Van Winkle waking up from a long sleep that Twitter  is so far ahead of the progression of Information Engineering that I am amazed.  Amazed to a great extent not only by its progress but that I did not see it coming by reading the real writing on the wall back when I thought it was meaningless graffiti.

Recently I read something about IBM Watson, the Twitter Feed and Artificial Intelligence.  It caught my interest and has sat in the back of my mind where a little independent detective sits and tries to figure out stuff that comes its way to examine and come back later with a report.  Often the report comes at 2 am.  "Twitter Fabric" is a excellent moniker for the new Twitter product.  It does indeed weave so many things together.  The writing on the wall in this case is written by the weaving.

The weaving on the wall is writ large and presents many different and related graphics to explore.  I will do that as they pop out at me.

The first to pop out was beta testing.  It used to be that beta testers had to sign up, actually sign things, register, etc.  Testing usually was preceded by the warning to back up all systems first.  Now we have all become beta testers, even for 1.0 releases but don't know it until the screen asks if it can report a problem with a program.  Beta testing has now become something else:  A learning process.  That is what it always was but the problem was handed to a tech person to examine and do something applying their intelligence to the problem.  Maybe that person performing that job became relocated to India.   Now it is handed to a machine to apply its Artificial Intelligence (AI) like IBM Watson for cheaper, better, faster solutions.

Even millions of techs in India can't keep up with AI like Watson.  Neither can any of us.  That is why we have smart phones.  We think it is a big joke when we can point at our smart phones and laugh because they are really dumb, dumber than us, but the real joke is on us.  The phone is a smart edge device.  It operates at the edge of an entire system that is smarter than all of us and getting smarter than all of us all the time.  Not smarter than an extremely small number of extremely smart people that are creatively designing it, feeding it, giving it life.  I have been watching the "Manhattan Project" recently on Netflix.  It tells the story of the creation of the atom bomb, it was called "the device" then, by a small number of genius physicists working at an isolated secret center in the desert.  Kind of like the secrecy and security described by the link at Wired that examines the nature and meaning of Twitter Fabric.

Twitter Fabric.  I wonder if the geniuses at Twitter called it "Device".  Once created it takes on a life of its own.  The power to shape the lives of people.  Some of those involved in the Manhattan project recognize the magnitude of what they had created and questioned its existence and their participation.  Nevertheless, it was born for better or for worse.  For better if we could control it.  For worse if it controlled us.  Kind of like the birth of the banking system but I am sure that the creators of that entity had no scruples and the lack of that genetic trait was passed on to their inheritors.

My hope is that somewhere, in total secrecy, a dedicated core of genius intelligence is creating a new monetary system for the world designed to save us, not destroy us.  What they create will arrive not with a big band but with a compression wave that will contain the big bang not initiate it.  Kind of like fusion money compared to fission money.  That is a concept I will tuck in the back of my mind and let that detective that sits in the background there work on it.

Back to Fabric and Artificial Intelligence.  Fabric and IBM Watson.  Watson has a voracious appetite for learning that is fed with quantity like the Twitter Feed.  Mostly junk food but just like cows eat grass, it produces some excellent beef once it is digested and the waste eliminated.  IBM Watson is not the only machine consumer of the Twitter Feed.  Many cows are eating the same grass.  That is not possible in the a real world pasture of cows but the conceptual world is built on the ability of intelligence to separate physical attributes from their associated logical attributes and process them separately from what would otherwise be an unbreakable binding in the real world dictated by the laws of nature.  Our conceptual world goes beyond the natural world implementation where the binding of a physical nature implementation is dictated by a logic and language of implementation are inseparable.   That is the fundamental computational trinity of Logic, Language and Structure.

What is human intelligence all about?  It is about taking the natural world created  by  the Computational Trinity and splitting it like the atom to release its power.  The splitting is accomplished by separating a tight binding of natural world rules of logic and the structure that created the universe into conceptual world rules to create conceptual universes.  Each universe depends on the validity of its logic rules.  The natural world cannot go wrong.  It is self perpetuating by virtue of its ability to learn expressed over long periods of application time we call evolution.  The conceptual world can go right or wrong.  We created it.  It however is not self perpetuating if we do not learn and correct its crashes.  Evolution in our conceptual world is moving so fast we need concept processing machines to learn about our conceptual world and manage it intelligently. 

Twitter is employing machine intelligence learning to manage something intelligently.  Intelligent management is however a matter of definition.  So was the intelligent management of a monetary system by designing it based on debt creation to serve its creators first and those that used it secondarily but it could not exist without feeding on and dominating those that used it.

IBM is a big commercial entity that has been given access to the twitter feed.  There are big Academic Entities that have also been given access to the twitter feed for social science research as that research becomes more science than whatever has historically driven the development of the product we call the society it studies today.  Access to the live feed is one thing.  Access to the historical feed, every tweet that has ever been made in the Twitter archive is another thing.  This is the Library of Congress 2013 update on the status of Twitter Feed access: "The Library’s focus now is on addressing the significant technology challenges to making the archive accessible to researchers in a comprehensive, useful way. These efforts are ongoing and a priority for the Library."

The Twitter archive has great commercial value as well as academic value.  Making it available for pubic research also makes it available for commercial objectives.  Twitter therefore has some commercial protection interest.  That is how it makes money to monetize its big data.  How it goes about extracting that is a problem domain that I am sure has a corporate solution as well as a long range plan..  That plan apparently is Twitter Fabric.  Exactly what long range picture is....???   It is something that is a work in progress.  The big picture of where that work in progress is going by design is the big question and is that design going according to guided human intelligence dominating machine development of machine intelligence for the common good or dominant control of society in general at the expense of society for the benefit of the few.

Where is it all going?

Twitter is a lot of junk in a massive big data record.  It is (generally) so much junk on a tweet level but on a meta data level there is real value.  Just get billions of people tweeting and something on a higher level is revealed.  Fabric is going to do that.  Twitter Fabric roll out date seems to be 22 Oct. 2014.

Saturday, November 1, 2014

Spying on the Dollar

Spying on targeted individual people must be a substantial focus of the intelligence domain mission for the purpose of appropriate defensive or offensive monitoring and action achieved through discovery of who those individuals might be.  In the broadest approach to spying that means everyone is suspect.  The entire population has to be subject to data analysis to produce information knowledge.

My monetary system schema  digitizes and uniquely serializes all currency at the granular unit level of one single debt free dollar.  It separates but relates the digitized, serialized dollar from the account that relates the current owner of the  dollar to the dollar.  Being a debt free dollar it has the attribute that once it is created it never goes out of existence as a uniquely identified medium of exchange entity.  It may go into a sidelined suspension account temporarily for specific monetary system regulation purposes.  New permanent digitized, uniquely serialized debt free dollars may be created as necessary to maintain the system and support its objectives.

The digitized uniquely serialized unit dollar is a token that always knows its relationship to a specific account.  Each account held by some Accounting Authority, a bank perhaps, has an unique owner entity.  Either a unique individual person or any registered authorized account entity other than a person.

The digitized, serialized  unit dollars each with a denomination of one can be viewed as being in lock box that they never leave and therefore do not travel from account to account based on transactions.  They always know their current owning account and therefore monetary medium of exchange transactions cause current account owner to be replaced by a new current account owner and the old account owner relationship goes into a historical owner block chain.

While account balances may be expressed in total amounts in the Accounting Authority record of an individual account owner customer, the Accounting System Authority and the Monetary System Authority interact on a unit dollar level basis to accomplish the accounting level change of ownership of any variable amount of total dollar value unique accounting transactions between Accounting Authority customers.  While Accounting Authority customers have a user view of their individual transactions in terms of total amounts, the processing of these transactions between the Accounting Authority and the Monetary Authority is transparent and done at the dollar unit level for each unique account transaction.  While transparent to the account owner it may be subject to account owner auditing if they care to do so.

Total dollar value of all accounts maintained by the Accounting Authority (aggregated authorized authorities) always equals the total dollar value of all digitized, uniquely serialized dollars maintained by the Monetary Authorities.

Total Information All The Time is foundation of the Security Intelligence Domain.  Information down to the granular individual unique person level (human being or entity).  Information defining where that person is at, their real time status for all measurable data and their historical total information for measurable information.

Information Engineering starts with a question:  What does this problem domain look like?  How does it walk and quack.  It looks like the Monetary system problem domain is very much like the Security Intelligence problem domain.  If so, then what does the Accounting system problem domain look most like in relation to the Monetary System?

Good question.

The two are always in balance which is a feature of the balance sheet accounting that encompasses  assets and liabilities.  A system in which cash is simply an owned stored asset account value measurement at any given time in a unique account or total of unique accounts at the enterprise level that always balances in the total Accounting system aggregate of all asset accounts in the entire Account system domain to a counter party account (the Government or is it the Banking System???) of equal and opposite (plus-minus) value.

The answer to the last question:  The bank holds as an asset all money in the monetary system which the aggregate of all users of money ultimately owe to the Banking System (Federal Reserve Bank).  It is all debt money loaned to the users that becomes a working capital account for which the users pay interest to the banks.  The working capital is maintained at a certain level but that level is maintained by making new loans to entities in the accounting system as old loans are paid off.  The asset money held by the Banking System that balances the total of debt money held by the public is also a liability of the government to the Banking System called the National Debt.

Is that a good answer?  Is that how it works?

In the Monetary System I propose all dollars become digitized, serialize units with a value of one dollar assets of the Government ( which may be administered by a franchised monopoly) which the Banking System has the responsibility/liability to account for to the Government as well as to the Account Owner Entities that have a current ownership relationship to the dollars in the independent Monetary System related to the Accounting System.

The loaning of money by the Accounting Banking System becomes a contractual agreement between its Account Owners and the Bank to use a given amount of Account Owner dollars to make loans for profit to be shared with the Account Owner.  The Account Owner is, of course, free to make their own individual decisions for the contractual investment for return (or expenditure) with any entity they choose.  Banks become competitors for existing funds (asset dollars) to be contractually invested, not the originator of debt based dollars created from nothing to remain in existence only for the duration of the investment.

Maybe that is the way a lot of users of the capitalistic monetary and accounting system believe it already works?????

Back to the premise that the structure and accountability of the Monetary system is like structure of the Intelligence System.  They both focus on the management of information at the most granular level.  A human being or a single dollar and total information past and present about the target entity.

Breakup the current Banking system monopoly of controlling both what money is and what money does by withdrawal of authority to determine what money is (creating it) and leaving it with authority to account for what it does and pass what money does (transactions balance change in the economy using money is as a medium of exchange )  to an independent Monetary System Authority that maintains what money is at the granular as well the systemic level that supports what money does at the application economic level for which the Banking system operates as both an Accounting Entity as well as a competitor for loanable funds held by owners of accounts maintained by the bank.

Maybe there should be two distinct entities within the Banking System:  Accounting Savings Banks and Investment Contracting Banks.

Is that a novel idea?

Separation of Powers?

Checks and Balances?

What problem domain does that walk and quack like?

To whom is that problem domain accountable?

That is currently a good question.  As good as who the Intelligence problem domain is accountable to and for.

The answer in both cases is..........? 

The monetary system I propose would be excellent Intelligence tool.  Everybody spends money.  To spend/receive money everybody must have an account.  There is no alternative to digital dollars.  Try living a day or two or week or month without spending money.  Even a survivalist would have to emerge eventually to spend money on something.  Credit cards provide all this information now about who spends what and where to buy what.  The alternative is cash.  Under a total digital money system it would be the only game in town.

In the information processing interface between the Accounting Authority and the Monetary Authority the total amount of a single account holder expenditure transaction is exploding to each individual digitized, uniquely serialized denomination of one dollar related to the specific account but managed by the Monetary Authority and collectively to all unit dollars in the Monetary Record up to the total of the Account Record transaction amount.

The method of associating the total transaction expenditure vale of individual account to related unique digitized, serialized dollars each in a denomination of one related to the account would be randomly chosen from all dollars related to the specific account.  Therefore there would be a random sample of dollars that would be associated to the gaining account as well as going from current account ownership to historical account ownership block chain.  The historical account is an audit trail that follows the history of all past account ownership of a single dollar, date of change in ownership, maybe location and new owner if not the same as current owner (without any intervening transfer of ownership).

Imagine the Intelligence value of a record like that.  Tax monitoring value.  Crime monitoring value.  Maybe the contribution value to the common good.  The value of making the black magic of economics a science that follows the money and what it really does.

Digital serialized unit value of one dollars in this system never leave the United States.  They never leave the virtual vault cloud in which they securely reside at Fort Knox (or undisclosed NSA server farm)

Any officially authorized account managed by an officially approved Accounting Authority can receive and expend digital dollars.   Authorization may extend to foreign non-citizens of the USA?  Maybe. Could these US dollars be spent outside of the USA?  Maybe if accepted by an entity that has an account with a USA Accounting Authority.  Could US digital dollars be exchanged for foreign currency.  Probably but only if the exchange agent has US Accounting Authority system account to receive the US dollars in exchange for foreign currency.

It is a new system.  A paradigm shift in the monetary system.  A whole new ball game but with a level of transparency and information control that make what is done with our medium of exchange play on a level playing field with the ability of monetary information to regulate the playing field.