Thursday, November 13, 2014

Russia Television

I don't understand this.

It does not make sense.

I look at what it delivers.  The product.  Where the rubber of news media presentation meets the eyeballs of my road.  The product looks good to me.  Big "However: here:  Is the product good in terms of truth, honesty in framing (whatever that is and it "honesty" is a rubber thingy in media).  It can be whatever anyone wants it to be, whatever the public can be manipulated to believe it to be.

It can be Propaganda.  I always thought that was a Russian word.  It is Latin in derivation.  Why Russian in my mind?  It is associated with Pravda the Communist Party newspaper.  The term Propaganda frames itself in my mind with Russia and its attempts to manipulate the Russian masses with falsehoods that serve the evilness of Communism.  GodlessRussia was learned as one word from my Catholic school days.

RT (Formerly Russia Today) is a state funded Russian cable television directed to audiences outside Russia.  Can it be compared to Voice of America?  If so the framing is one broadcasts the truth and the other is evil manipulation to manipulate with twisted truth.

RT starts having to prove that it is not twisting the truth otherwise everything it spouts is Propaganda.  Tough mountain to climb.

Look at what it spouts.  Who does some of the spouting.  Lying devils seeking to destroy our way of life?

Thom Hartmann interviews James Risen here at this link (two Parts) on RT.

I admire both Thom Hartmann and James Risen.  Have I been seduced by propaganda?  Thom also interviews people like Richard Wolff.  Thom says things and interviews people that in my opinion have a greater relationship with the truth than most of the "truth" delivered by our own "blessed by principals of freedom, justice, truth, and the American way" media with Fox News at the pinnacle.

Sad day for the truth if that is how it has been framed by those that using framing to manipulate it into something it is not.  Who is doing that?

I watched Thom's interview of Risen on YouTube published Oct 24 2014.  It had 602 views.  Really?  It makes me wonder how views are counted.  If each view is a single person and not Thom's mother then 602 people in all the viewing public have looked at it?  I reloaded after looking at it and it was still 602.  Maybe it posts totals at the end of the day!

Where the rubber of media meets the road of my eyes, ears and judgement of truth I find that RT television presents as much of it as Jon Stewart and Steven Colbert.  Maybe that is a judgment of my ability to recognize degrees of truth?  Jon and Steven present their truth in the framing of satire and comedy.  Thom gets to it more directly.

And what about Al Jazerra America?  I think that it has good things to say also that have the ring of truth to it.  I feel like the NSA is watching me watch.

What the hell is going on in this upside down world when Godless Russia (RT Television) and Godless Forces of Terrorism can have access to freedom loving Americans with Propaganda with the intent to destroy our way of life in partnership with their 5th column allies, Jon and Steven?

RT America is broadcasting from Washington DC!  A viper in our midst.  Send in the drones!  Target anyone that believes the propaganda they spout and clean their clocks.  That is how the truth is delivered.  Russia delivered its truth and justice with a bullet and charged the family.  An American drone just spreads the charge of delivering truth (and justice) among all citizens.  Morally, financially.  But we are the good guys.

RT background

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