Saturday, November 15, 2014

Sovereign Money - Joseph Huber

This is a link to Joseph Huber "Sovereign Money" website.

Excellent material.  I make it a blog entry for my future reference.

I agree totally with what he says here: ( I'm sure he will be glad to know that)/

"As a consequence, commentators overlook the fact that money creation and money lending/spending are two different functions, but carried out uno actu in the present credit-money or debt-money system based on fractional reserves. The wrong identity of credit and money also leads critics to deny that in a modern money system the money base or money supply in circulation can be debt-free (not, of course, the loans or securities issued by use of that money). As long as economists stick to the absolutised axiomatic identification of money with credit, their  support for monetary reform is likely to be lukewarm at best."

Money creation and lending are two different functions!  The primary and sole purpose of money creation is not lending but direct establishment of a medium of exchange.  In the debt based monetary system creation of money that is its primary purpose with secondary purpose of being a medium of exchange.

The Monetary System is the operating system.  Lending is simply one of the million of buying/selling of things that can be done using pre-existing money in the Monetary Operating System.  In the lending situation it is used  to sell/buy (as a medium of exchange) contractual future return payments of money plus interest payments of money.  Finance is one application function of money. 

Application programs do not dictate nor dominate the conceptual structure of the operating system!

Burning wood is a functional application of thermodynamics, not the the creator of the energy!

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