Saturday, November 29, 2014

Daniel Defoe Tried to Figure Out What Money Is

Thanks to this link containing reference to Daniel Defoe attempting to grasp what money is.  Yes, that Daniel Defoe that wrote Robinson Crusoe.  He was a pioneer in Economic Journalism.  Read his name link to Wikipedia.  The story of his life could be a novel itself,  Maybe the basis for a mini-series.  Quite fascinating.

Defoe wrote this about what money (credit) is:

"Like the Soul in the Body, it acts all Substance, yet is it self Immaterial; it gives Motion, yet it self cannot be said to Exist; it creates Forms, yet has it self no Form; it is neither Quantity or Quality; it has no Whereness, or Whenness, Scite, or Habit. If I should say it is the essential Shadow of something that is Not; should I not Puzzle the thing rather than Explain it, and leave you and my self more the Dark than we were before? (1710, p. 6)"

Note on Scite definition:  The ground upon which it stood.  Apparently an older spelling and original meaning of the word "cite" as used in citation of of a reference.
Understanding what credit money like trying to catch the wind.  He tried to grasp it, I am trying to do the same.  Maybe this is the explanation: Money is something that slips through the fingers!   Think about that.  

Money is some thing that slips through the fingers.  It cannot be grasped.  That is exactly the nature that the creators of money and owner masters and designers of the concept sought to establish and succeeded in the attempt so very well.  It slips through our fingers but not their fingers!  On the other hand, to continue the metaphor, the interest on the credit called money does not slip through their fingers even when the credit money slips back to the nothingness from which they created it.

Money is a figment of the imagination of banksters.  Interest on the credit money figment is something in the hand!

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