Friday, March 31, 2017

Best Sunshine Live Casino - Saipan

This link:  Best Sunshine Live Casino Investigated by FBI

Looks like a very probable (Where there is big smoke, maybe big fire) cause!  I smell smoke and it does not pass the smell test!

I liked the idea behind this previous blog entry. :   ISO 4217 and Tongan Debt Free pa'anga

The link idea was to select an island nation for an experiment in a debt free monetary system.  The link looked at Tonga.  The King could simply decree it.  The link did not mention that the debt free monetary system be blockchain based but the King could decree that it would be.  The King would decree exactly what money "Is" on his island.  Coin of the realm, so to speak.  It is the only money to be used as the medium of exchange on his island.  Use of any other medium of exchange would be punishable by law.  What might be the specific nature of the punishment?  Being an island nation perhaps it would be swimming with sharks.  Something that carried teeth!

This blog entry is beginning to be fun!

The same link looked at another island: Palau.

From that link:
"Palau has a population of 21,000 and uses the US Dollar  as its currency.  It has a no external national debt compared to our $16 trillion..................
................Looks to me like it is a debt free country.  If a country is debt free then it has no offsetting public savings, unless, of course, its uses another country's monetary unit as the medium of exchange.  Where is the debt held in that case, who holds it?  What if all the money came in from tourists and stayed on the island to become its total money in circulation to be increased or decreased by going "off island".  It must go off island unless it is a totally self sustaining country.  There most certainly is a balance of trade to maintain a steady money supply.  Do they also have low inflation?"

What if an Island Nation with a small population had an independent exclusive official debt free blockchain based monetary system as the only medium of exchange on the island.  All inhabitants and visitors could only hold and spend money on the island  in the form of the official currency.  The Official Island Bank would be the manager of the Blockchain monetary system.  All visitors would be required by law to have an account at the bank and convert whatever foreign currency they carried into the country had to be exchanged for the Bank's Blockchain currency.   Holdings in the Bank's blockchain currency could only be exchanged for the same currency brought into the country and held by the Bank.

Furthermore:  Any external entity wishing to do business with anyone on the island must have an account at Island Bank blockchain currency.

All Island Money in Island Bank must be linked to a beneficial owner.  A real owner, not some designated party or post office box scam.

The blockchain monetary system would have a public record of transactions.  Transactions in the blockchain system are actually the coin of the realm.


Follow the Money

Follow the Money Through Transactions

The World's Hidden Wealth 
Can't be hidden on an island!

Money Cannot Be Followed, Only Transactions

Blockchain Transactions - Action Based or Object Based - Granular level

Best Sunshine Live Casino - Saipan

An excellent name for a Casino that wishes to operate in the darkness of untraceability.  Thorough audited of course to assure that everything is legit!

Let the sun shine on the Casino in Saipan by making all medium of exchange transactions on the island in the Island Blockchain Monetary System.

What would that system look and feel like in application?

It would look and feel like playing/paying/receiving money in an in house casino system based on chips.  The chips, blockchain currency would only be good on the entire island.  Exactly who would be making/losing money would be transparent or at least discoverable in Island Bank Accounts with probable cause for discovery.

Thursday, March 30, 2017

Michael Hudson

I admire Michael Hudson's thoughts as truths.  Everything he says/writes is right on!

He has said/written so much but I think that this is the best so far:

It builds upon and extends as well as refines all of his prior work.  It just gets better and more focused.

Sunday, March 26, 2017

China Reform or Bust - Go for Bust by Design

I think that the verge of bust will usher in reform.  The link looks at the problem domain entirely within the frame of the balance sheet.  Assets/Liabilities in debt based system and what debt based entities are defined as Assets and Liabilities.  What those entities are in the dark banking system is beyond me (things called paper levered on things to increase the number of units of measure I think) except for the fact that they all appear to be vehicles for the parking of (nominal?) value.  "Money like" things that are not the medium of exchange but are convertible.  Until the day comes when some "Real Money" is needed to back up the demand for conversion.

That day?  The Big Bust! 

Plan A: Make the balance sheet solvent again with some huge issue of Debt Money.  Re-arrange the deck chairs on the Titanic.

Plan B: Paradigm Shift to a debt free BlockChain monetary system.  Issue it out to debt based paper holders that want redemption in Real Money at a haircut rate.  1 to 1 for anything holdings in the official coin of the realm.

Have construction resources in China recently shifted to build vast server farms and digital communications infra-structure?

The global debt based monetary system is structured on the almighty US Dollar.  It is like a railroad running on different guages  requiring multiple conversions to carry the freight.  Globalization of trade would logically need a singe global system for a common unit medium of exchange.  Money market?  The term always seemed like a contradictory paradox created to make money on money for the money changers.  Cast all of them and their self-serving debt based money scam system out of the temple.  There will be great weeping and whaling and nashing of teeth amongst them.  Well deserved as they find that the ultimate state of being of a debt based monetary system is that the balance sheet balances to zero when debt money is extinguished and more debt money does not take its place by issue of replacement debt plus some extra debt always being produced for the money changers to skim off the top.

Universal Debt Free Monetary Operating System based on Blockchain technology where contractual debt called Finance Loan is measured in units of debt free digital currency and is merely one specific Application Program among other Applications of the Debt Free Monetary System.  This is a total reversal of the current Debt Based Monetary Operating System where Debt Finance is the Monetary Operating System and  creation of debt based Monetary Units as a medium of exchange is a specific Application Program function.

The reversal of Monetary Operating System from  a design base of Balance Sheet Debt to Debt Free Positive money where there is no counter party Debt pushes the abstract concept of Debt out of the Operating System drivers seat and into the role of an Application Program.....Where it logically and structurally should be in an Object Oriented design.  The current Function Based design of the Debt Based Monetary System was created for the purpose of serving the function of Finance the greater purpose of a Monetary System is for its units of measure to serve as a universal medium of exchange for all things measured in the common unit of exchange.

Here is the punch line:  A loan is only one of a vast number of things that can be bought with the medium of exchange.  It hould be only purely  unique functional Application of the Monetary Operating System design.  The only peculiar attribute of buying a loan is that it draws future money into the present with a concept of balance sheet debt existing as a function of future time.

Our Monetary Operating System Design must shift to a concept of Positive Debt Free Money as an Object Medium of Exchange of the Operating System.  Function of Money in the role to serve contractual debt future based obligations is only one of  many functions of money to serve as a social decision making tool.

How did our conceptually abstract debt based monetary system emerge as a product of Functional Oriented Design?


What, and by association, Who does the Functional Based design of our Monetary System serve first and foremost?

Finance.  Banking.  Debt Money serves Debt, the functional purpose of Debt is the dominant functional design intent.  That functional design dominates our self governance social system to also make it funtionally serve Finance and Banking.

A Debt Free Object Oriented  Monetary System reduces the decision making power of Finance and Banking to dictate the functional design  of our Monetary System by reducing the role of debt from the creation of money to an application of created money in Blockchain real time that persists over time as uniquely identified or associated units of value without extinction as a function of debt at a future point in time.  The only thing that becomes extinct at a future point of time when Debt is merely an application of of the Debt Free Monetary System is a Contract. Not the money related to it as is the foundation of our current Debt Based Functional Oriented Monetary System Design.

Functional based system design suck in an Object Oriented driven Information Age.

Abstract Objects their properties, methods and message abilities to relate to other objects take the dominant design role in an Information Age.

Functions Follow as Application Programs.

Debt is a Function.

Might China be the one to recognize the need to put the debt function of Money in its proper relationship as an Application Program in the controlling Monetary System where the universal medium of exchange is a debt free abstract object building block of an Object Oriented system based on Blockchain design?

They that determine what gold is rule those that deal in the application  of what gold does.

Gold became a child of Functional Design and lost its dominance as an object of the Monetary System on the day that it became conceptually abstracted to a future time value function that leveraged on its object properties.  Essentially it lost Object Properties when leveraged functional debt properties became monetary system design purpose.

Simple found in....a new abstract design methodology of the Information Age.

The Object Oriented writing is on the wall:

China rules when China determines what Money "IS" and what they establish "Money" to be rules what money "Does" as an Application program function.  The inherent attributes of an object, real or abstract in human intelligence object properties design rule its functions.  It is a law of nature and model for abstract human intelligence design as well.    Form dictates function.  Function can dictate from in human intelligence design....only as long as that approach mistake can last until Form asserts its natural design dominance.

Perhaps in the case of human intelligence the mistake of functional driven design dominating object driven design will persist until we create an Artificial Intelligence equal to the Natural Intelligence design of the physical world based on object properties that express themselves in functions.

The USA has little potential to end the dominance of a Debt Based Functional Monetary System Design.  The designers of that system are too powerful for the government to challenge.

China?  The debt based monetary system is a foreign functional design that serves foreign interests.  The power of the People's Republic to change that system and change it to a design that serves itself as well as the world better as a social decision making tool is far greater than the USA.  Russia has a lesser degree of power to do this as well but certainly much greater power to it than the USA.

Russia and China together.  Maybe with a gang of 3, 4, or 5 to join in like India, etc.  That power to change the world monetary system is awesome.  Change is coming quickly in the Information Age.  The only impediment is the security of systems we create.  It is an excellent question:  Can a monetary system to rule the economic world ever be absolutely secure?  That is an Information Engineering Problem Domain.  When all things are securely uniquely identified and traceable the answer is......maybe so.  No place for hackers, persons or institutional entities to hide if they are placed in the system design position of entity self identification as a function of relating to any object in the Information System.

No system is ever perfect?  Even time comes to an end?  A system of object interaction constraints on object expression of object oriented entity level functions can serve to minimize failure to lower levels and assure acceptable continuation of total system function.

Time is the ultimate constraint.

The current Functional Debt Based Monetary System is essentially constrained by Time.

Perhaps constrained by function to end soon.

Meanwhile the focus of the USA wanders among a variety of issues while it is likely that China is taking a longer range view that has much greater impact of a new world order.  We focus on Trump.  A revision of Health Care that is not Universal Health Care.  Wars in the Mid East.  Refugee displacement and immigration.  Building a wall.  Increased defense spending.  Top level Military and Finance background types moving into key government positions.  Dark government. Surveillance.  etc. etc.

It is happening quickly!  While the entire world's attention is diverted to things that on the greater scale of Things, with a big "T" really don't matter that much.  The glue that holds our social world together is Money.  It is the universal solvent.  A Digital Blockchain Based Monetary System is by definition of its fundamental nature a Debt Free Medium of Exchange.  There is no counter party balance sheet debt to which positive blockchain based monetary units owe its very existence.  All money in our world wide banking Monetary System is balance sheet debt based.

How blind can the entire world be to the magnitude of change that a Debt Free Blockchain Based Monetary System defining the Object Oriented properties of the World Wide unit of the medium of exchange bring?

Some see it coming and are banking on it!  Among the nations of the blind China has an eye.

Zhou Xiaochuan is that eye.  My 2012 blog entry looked into the crystal ball.  He is an engineer.

This is Yooooge!
"When the system is ready, the central bank’s pilot digital bank acceptance exchange platform will be connected with the existing Shanghai Commercial Paper Exchange to form a national platform for bank bill transactions.”

China is testing a Blockchain monetary system.  There is a joke about Australia testing a change to the established rule of road to drive on the left hand side.  It was tested by having only trucks drive on the right side for a day.

When it come time for China to implement its Monetary System switch it will happen seamlessly over night.  It will be so seamless that the users of the monetary system, the Chinese public will not see the difference in their monetary transactions but celebrate the victory of the People's Republic of China to govern the structure change of the most fundamental entity that controls the affairs of the entire world.

Ironic that we were so afraid of the Domino Theory that China would rule the world one geographic territory after another that we exhausted our self in Vietnam.  We are doing it again with Domino Theory 2.0 much to the same detriment but also much to the same benefit of those that made a killing in Vietnam while others were killed.
"Some foreign policy analysts in the United States have referred to the potential spread of both Islamic theocracy and liberal democracy in the Middle East as two different possibilities for a domino theory."

Oh, how I love my often repeated in this blog admiration for the most elegant way to skin a cat.

Induce the cat to skin itself by structuring object relationships that cause the cat to jump out of its own skin.  There must be some metaphor for that in Sun Tzu book of war.

Ironic that we are so focused on possible collusion between Trump and Russia that might undermine our way of life.  What we should be looking at is collusion between China and Russia to change the basis of the world wide debt based monetary system.  They will not rob the banking system they will simple let it elegantly skin itself to bring on a New World Order.

The entire world will be in debt to the collection of nations that are the first adopters and those that follow them like a Row of Falling Domino's. 

The new Domino Theory!

The King of the Debt Based Monetary System will be the last to fall as it skins itself clinging to its American debt based dollar system with its cold dead hands.

Exactly the trend leading to implementation of a Blockchain monetary system.  Everybody online.
Just a matter of estimating when Peak Online will be reached.....or near enough to put it over the top as the digital infrastructure of the Debt Free, Blockchain based monetary system.

Saturday, March 25, 2017

Russian Attack and a Counter Attack

Russia may attack the Financial System with a gold based system.

The counter attack of everyone else, Europe, USA, China would be an equally solid monetary base system>>>>>


Gold is so old school.

This is the Information Age where information is as good as gold.

Writing on the wall:  It is coming like a paradigm shift.

Oh, the stupidity:
It has not been spent.  Our debt money based monetary system has put it into circulation!  It is an never ending revolving credit account on which we pay interest.

It is not a Gross National Debt.

It is our Gross National Savings.

It is the shell game of the debt based system that serves as the extractive vehicle of the Finance System that is an increasingly burdensome fungus.

The counterattack to a Russian debt based gold system is a blockchain based positive money system.

Finance through the creation of debt is an Application of a Debt Free Monetary Operating System.

The biggest mistake in the world today, besides the election of Trump, is that the Debt Based Finance System is the driver of the Monetary Operating System that dictates it must also be Debt Based to serve a Debt Based Application.  That supremacy of the functional application of money driving the Operating System to be of the same based nature serves the operators of the Debt Based Financial System Application Programs extremely well.

What is the dominant essential driver of the nature of any system?

The objects of the system?


The function of the system?

Form or Function?

Our human perception of the working of things always had an approach predisposition of function relationship of physical objects.  As our evolution of intelligence produced more abstract objects, existing in our minds as abstract object representations of physical reality we continued our dominant functional view as more and more of those abstractions built upon themselves to become more distant from the physical objects they were related to.  So far removed that became an abstract expression of the physical world.  In the Information Age that abstraction is better understood and managed from a fundamental object relationship view or point of entry and the power of abstract object relationships to be the dominant design approach to system structures, not the functional design approach to serve the implementation of object relationships.

We are victims of our functional legacy manner of organizing the operation of our abstract intelligence.  Always will be to some extent for some of us who are simply predisposed to adopt the dominant functional point of view of existence to organize their relationship to living.  Living is the function of life.  Natural to look at life from the functional viewpoint.  Human intelligence goes far beyond the living of life to grapple with abstract concepts of what life is far beyond what life does.  No other animal can look at life that way.  It is a paradigm shift that was and is never possible for all other animals.

Gold was the legacy positive physical object oriented dominant base for the creation of a monetary system that transposed to a debt based abstraction based on what gold can do when its physical object properties are abstracted to functional leverage where the function of the object dictates design of an abstracted system to serve those that it benefits.

This blog entry went to places not intended to go at the beginning.  To bring it back to the beginning from its free range digression I offer this:

He who has the gold rules by virtue of what it can do levered beyond it physical properties to abstraction of value beyond its properties of physical supply.

He who defines what gold is rules by virtue of what it is shifts the value base of whatever gold is defined to be to properties of abstract supply absolutely controlled by the nature of the design defining what the "new gold" to the security level of being as good as gold but being in supply not restricted to physical availability and requirement for human labor to extract it but rules and regulations existing in the system code and control.

Abstract concepts 

Personal Operating System Development - version 74.0

I had lunch with my grandson yesterday.  He brought a couple of sub sandwiches to the house to talk about his Rustic Adventures trip to Peru this summer between high school junior and senior years and thank me for funding it.  I had gone to Peru for most of a summer in 1963 with a student group from Michigan State University.  A formative adventure that shaped my life in hindsight.  So far back in hindsight that I am only now seeing it in terms of a perspective and frame of reference that did not even exist (at least not in the clarity and terms I now look at things) but was the same thing expressed in a different frame and terms then.

The difference between the frame of reference and terms used 54 years ago and the one I use now?

The difference is in authorship and ownership of my own Personal Operating System.  This month my Personal Operating System achieves version 74.0.  Back in 1963 it was version 20.0. and a Personal Operating System that was an off the shelf product standard package function of Family, School, Religion and general conformance and compliance with the "social norm" of the times.

My Personal Operating System 20.0 belonged to and were handed to me by 5 or 6 primary entity objects that each contributed perceptions of structured abstract object relationships at that 20 year old stage from their overlapping domains.  At version 20.0 the focus was on the Application of my given default/de-facto Personal Operating System called Living Life.  "Living It" at stage 20.0 meant primary focus on the application function.   Not so much focus on my Personal Operating System that was the domain in which the functional process of living my life operated.   That evolved later in a progression from dominant function orientation of living life to dominant object orientation of the design of the Operating System that supports the the action application of how life is lived.

There has been a long evolution from primary focus on a dominant functional application approach of living life as an expression of a relatively fixed background legacy Life Operating System Object.  Today it is the Object Structure of the Life Operating System that determines how life is lived.   That is how I look at everything now in Life 75.0.  It is simply the model of Operating System and Application Programs that run on that System to do an action called Living Life.  The nature if the design of the Operating System determines what Application Program can or can't run on it.

At a young age of development the focus is on the action that any system supports.  At an advanced stage a more productive controlling focus is on the system itself that determines the action of the game.  Set the rules, control the rules by design and the game played becomes a function of the rules.

From college I joined the Navy.  It has a relatively fixed Operating System that I learned initially to become a primary player focused on the action applications of the Navy System.  Primarily the Supply System.  Later in my career I became more of a designer of the Supply Operating System tasked with changing it to enable better control over the function of system applications.  Management of functions through management of system design.  

Infected Cell Phones from South Florida - Phoning Home from all Places South of Florida?

Conspiracy theory stuff!  What if this was a government surveillance plan to funnel doctored cell phones to any/all areas south of Florida that were modified to operate and provide intelligence data beyond the normal backdoor hacks of off the shelf un-doctored phones in accordance with US Intelligence Agencies?

The same program that might be related to this report from 2013?  A report related to drugs but extended to its closely related drug sector of interest: Finance?

Are they both related to US Intelligence Operations?  South Florida being the connection to everything going on in the world south of Florida?

Tin foil hat stuff but also the stuff for a Netflix series on Intelligence Operations!

"The scam was allegedly hatched by Egbert Koolman, an employee of Aruba’s state-owned telecommunications provider, Setar. Koolman’s job was to buy phones from suppliers around the world for Setar to sell to consumers. But his former company says Koolman defrauded the firm of “tens of millions” of dollars by accepting kickbacks from South Florida-based mobile phone suppliers that were awarded contracts at inflated prices."

"South Florida based mobile phone suppliers" !!!  Who they? Many names...........,_NV_v_Koolman_et_al

"One of the Miami-based defendants in the Aruba case, Chung-Wen “Benny” Wu, denied any connection to illegal activity after being reached on his cellphone.
“We were just doing business,” said Wu, who runs Doral-based Bengo Mobile and is a principal of Fellow Trading. “I don’t know why they sue me. We were just a vendor for Setar. None of this is true. It is ridiculous.”

"A third defendant, Larry Parker, could not be reached. Parker is the registered agent and officer of ISky, Quantum and I-GSM and was affiliated through his mother with ITech, the suit said. They are all former vendors for Setar."
Address: 4905 NW 72nd Ave Miami:
Street view: 
Rids Distribution Group LLC is listed at this same address, 4905 NW 72nd

Eyes And Ears Surveilance

This blog entry from 2015 looks at the "Ears" of surveillance.  "Listening" to radio wave cell phone transmissions and identifying them to an IMSI and associating that to a real time geolocation position.  Simply a "Fiend my Friends" type application but the friend is unaware.

"Eyes of Surveillance" is something that I have examined in many previous blog entries.  High resolution cameras are amazing.  Especially those stadium scenes where a zoomed in focus on the face of a person on the other side of the stadium is good enough to input to a facial recognition program and get a high probability id result.  Put that same camera on a drone platform and it can cover a wide area.

Eyes and Ears are both independent means of object identification.  Put them together and the result is more than the sum of the parts.  That sum becomes a highly refined real time search entry into a vast intelligence system data base.
The author is James Bamford.  I add that to emphasize credibility.

The spy agency?  National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency.  Note that the website of this agency is a .mil site.  A small bit of intel data.  I would be a good spy.  Just open source, hide in plain site stuff! 
Hardly a super secret site!  This spy stuff is easy and not as thrilling as in the movies.

Huge intelligence data repositories are not silos.   They are all integrated.  One might be considered more Eyes oriented another more Ears oriented.  Put what is seen together with what is heard by intercept all in real time into a "Capture it All, Total Information Data Base" and the intelligence capability is formidable!

Knowing exact geo position of an object, moving or stationary in real time produces the potential search term input to any cell phone, wifi,  tracking signal or other geo locatable device at that location.  What is seen links to what can be "heard".  It works the other way as well.  If one input is dropped the other can continue to track.  Capability applicable to either friend or foe.  Real time data can link to a time line of past detection that has a proof documentation factor approaching blockchain.

It is all so obvious!  Link it up to open source data base like LPR or cell phone IMSI history and it more than triangulates a target object from another view point of where it was seen or heard before.

All it takes is billions of dollars to know everything.  What is done with what is known is the big question.  That, of course, is the big secret.  The biggest secret of all is to keep object capabilities secret.  Hard to do when the capabilities of the Eye and Ear object system are all intended to support action intent.

The action verb always links to (implements the relationship between) a Subject Thing and an Object Thing.  Not so hard to be a spy when the whole thing is simply about discovering the simple relationship between object and action learned in acquiring the foundation of language.  Nouns and verbs with some modifiers and other refinement attached.
Leads to a vast amount of open source links that put a lot of writing on the wall.  Nobody ever heard of it but looking at it it appears to be an elephant in the room with a memory that never forgets!

The application programs are the verbs that betray a background object thing operating system on which they operate to relate Subject to Object.  Know the operating system and it deduces the nature of the application programs and the object recipient and purpose of the application program.

Thursday, March 23, 2017

Toki Pona - Point of Entry for a Linguistic Journey

This link is a strange place to start the journey but any point of entry  to this domain of language suffices.  Simply start here and follow the links it leads to and they are many and each creates a distinct path of its own.  I am not sure why I found this to be so fascinating and was compelled to make a blog entry about it.

My interest did not start with the initial link.

This link started the chain:

Next was a jump to this link:
I am a reductionist.  At least to the extent that I want to reduce down to a discretely identified lowest level building blog object in any real world structure or abstract structure that is the object of choice level below which it is not really necessary to reduce further.  An arbitrary low/high level (depending on how you think of the tree...root at top or root at bottom...Top down breakdown or bottom up assembly.  It is only an matter of turning the tree upside down to make a different point of view or entry to the same structure.  Some like one way.  Others the other.  Neither is right or wrong.  Dogmatic dictates of which way is to be chosen are failures to communicate.

Next jump was to this to the initial link at the beginning of this blog entry which I chose to start with.
Yes, I did read the entire Toki Pona Link.  I understood some of it.  No wonder so few speak it!
The Toki Pano link jumped to this link,  chosen from many branch opportunities offered at the Toki Pano link:
A more logical language trending toward a computer orientation artificial language.

That link provided a jump to this link:
Kind of a pot at the end of a rainbow of links that was very interesting.  Interesting in one way to the extent that all the links mentioned in this blog entry formed an abstractly connected block chain.  Any link in the chain could have lead to a different branch than the one I chose to follow.  Any link could have been the one I might go back to, after learning more going down the chain that I had traveled, to start a new chain of travel that I felt was a better chain to take me where I wanted to go.....That destination being more intuitive as I traveled and actually rather unknown until I got there.  At the "there" point to continue the chain or back to any number of possible branches offered in an expanding number of previously traveled  links that I did not choose at forks in the road.

Maybe it is the path of the abstract chainlinked  journey that I traveled that only happened to by in the Linguistic Domain that was of interest to me, or at least of equal interest.  Abstract object concepts pointing to other abstract object concepts with my free range free will was my compass to follow where it would take me on discovery.

A satisfying mini journey on the World Wide Web that I am beginning to perceive in the Holistic Frame of a big fascinating Blockchain navigated by a free will GPS guiding me somehow to places I did not even know I wanted to go but only feel on a step by step, link to link basis always with the choice of going back to any previous step and starting a new choice blockchain branch.  Sometimes, rarely, going a long, long  way back in the blockchain  time line of links/paths followed.  Doing that sometimes confirms the path taken, sometimes changes it to some degree. 

Sometimes a past link choice in the past becomes a paradigm shift point getting me back to the main chain and abandoning the previously followed fork.


Gotta love the concept!

Monday, March 20, 2017

Government Matrix Organizations in Trump's Cabinet Departments

Study up on the what a Matrix Organization is and does with a review of these Google Search Links:

During my navy career the Organization Chart was a key document describing structure and operation of the organizational entity.  On a ship there were several Organizational Charts beyond the basic staffing structure of Departments and Divisions.  The basic Organization Chart was flexible on a Case basis.  It changed immediately in the Case of General Quarters.  Less quickly and at a normal pace when setting the In Port Watch.  In general, the Watch, Quarter and Station Bill dictated who went where and did what as well as reporting to whom.  When the Battle Problem was lost at its conclusion, Abandon Ship was the last Case and organizational structure.

I loved my navy career and excelled in the evaluation of superiors.  I stepped into every new assignment feeling I was in over my head and would not survive.  Not just fail but be inadequate for the task and fail the mission as well as myself.  I operated between a carrot and a stick for over 20 years.  It was not one year of service 20 times over.  Every year built on the shoulders of the previous year.  The only thing that each year had in common was the feeling of getting a recruit haircut every year and continuing from that point to climb the mission ladder.

I learned from observing that the best performing officers would often begin a new assignment ashore with a study and restructure of the organization chart applicable to their assignment.  Shore duty organization charts were a function of slow change over time.  Often lagging in change to the mission, which also changed slowly.  No full speed ahead case based mode ashore, at least not often but when it was required usually called a crises.
I was commissioned in 1965.
Early in my career I learned that most crises were usually addressed by what we called a "Tiger Team".

"A 1964 paper entitled "Program Management in Design and Development" introduced tiger teams and defined the term as "a team of undomesticated and uninhibited technical specialists, selected for their experience, energy, and imagination, and assigned to track down relentlessly every possible source of failure in a spacecraft subsystem".[4]"

(I was commissioned in 1965).

"Tiger teams have seen extensive use in governmental organizations. They are often used for assessment of compliance with and efficacy of existing policies as well as creating proposals or recommendations for future policies. In the United States, governmental tiger team recommendations have directly influenced laws and policies in the national government.[10]"

Ashore the Organization Chart ran the command mission.  I normally had a civilian deputy that knew and performed the management of the established mission better than me.  I perceived my mission as more of an agent of change for improved mission performance.  I came up with new ideas and was tasked to implement them.  The new ideas were sometimes internal to my own official scope of organizational responsibilities.  They became increasingly focused on external relationships with other organizations and their related responsibilities.

At the culmination of my career I was in Washington DC.  It was at that time in 1984 that I was tasked with an assignment for restructuring the supply support mission within a major navy Systems Command.  A job so far above my ability all I had was a bottom of the sea idea of where the surface might be and which way to go to get there.  It reminded me of Abandon Ship drills at sea.  When the command was passed all we were given was the range and bearing of the nearest friendly land.  "Lost at Sea" is both a literal and figurative expression.  A compass is a raw idea of which way to go.  How to get there is another.

How to get there, where the intention is to go,  with the resources at hand was always the problem.  The resources at hand were often like a tree to be climbed to get to the moon.  At the top of the tree there was a great reliance of the art and skill of improvising.  I learned that early in Damage Control Drills.  What to do to put out the fire, stop the flow of water into a compartment.  The observer watched the performance of the team and after each problem had been addressed by a corrective action would say: "OK, now what do you do if that does not work or if this happens?" We would do something.  When it finally came to an end of things we could do and we had no answer the observer said:  "OK, lay down and die unless you can find a shower drain to suck oxygen out of until someone comes to save your sorry asses!"  It created an attitude about getting the job done.  A lesson to be carried for a career.

At the end of my career I was managing information more than anything else.  It was the early 1980's.  The ultimate answer of what to do to achieve the mission was a step beyond the current structure.  A step beyond a networked system with rigid pointers of relationships like an organizational chart or an analogous computer system of rigid  network pointers to data data.  It was a time of paradigm ship to flexible relational data and object programming from relatively rigid networked data and functional programming.

Stepping back two assignments before Washington DC I was working for Admiral Rickover.  That brings me (finally) to my interest in the subject line of this blog entry.  The nature of Matrix Organizations and how that might be applicable to what the Trump administration is (might well be) doing at the Cabinet and below level.  I have seen this before.  Rickover was an expert and matrix management was his method.  He controlled far more than what was under his Organizational Chart. 

Me and my Division was one of those things he controlled.  Indirectly, officially.  Very much directly in reality.  It was called being "two hatted".  I worked for two Admirals.  The one in charge of my command on the official Organizational Chart.  The Admiral I really worked for was outside of my official Organizational Chart but had within in his direct official Organization Chart an officer junior to me assigned to the command I worked for.  Someone that reported on me, as well as my commanding officer, also an Admiral, to Admiral Rickover's people in high level positions.

It was a matrix of things and associated functions structured outside the traditional organizational bureaucratic tree.  It was extremely effective then.  Even more effective now that the old school organizational tree is still in existence for routine business but increasingly being displaced by a matrix structure that gets more important business of change done.  Important as defined or directed by the one in charge....Trump.  

Leverage is the key.   Trump is a leverage guy.  Study up on it:

Rickover was a leverage guy.  What they have in common is leveraging objects over which they do not have direct control to produce functions of the objects.  Nuclear Power is a functional result of a system structure of physical object relationships that produce it.  Political Power is the same.  Grasp direct control of the objects involved and the functional outcome is owned.  Grasp more or all of the objects is any domain and the function of the domain is owned.

I think the Rickover method of control was to have a agent, a spy, in every organization that related to the domain of nuclear power.  The agent did not necessarily have to be in a dominant role in the organization.  The power of the agent however was far greater than the position of the agent and the pay for the position.  The motivation of the agent?  The reward of loyalty, fear of being fired, dedication to the mission, the self serving satisfaction of the possession of power beyond the actual grade of the position assignment.   Young and hungry junior agents slugging beyond their weight. A matrix of agents operating for Rickover installed in organizations associated with his mission.  Agents of leverage.

I could go on with a number of stories about what it was like to be in the double hatted position I was in and be the one that the matrix agent of Admiral Rickover acted upon to put his program first and foremost for funding and performance in my own command far beyond its internal command mission priorities distributed among the divisions of the command.  I got funding and staffing that others did not.  Overall, the Nuclear Navy came first in a command that supported the fleet.  That was totally consistent with the ideology priorities of Admiral Rickover and intentions to put his priorities first with a management method to accomplish that.

To a great extent there was a relationship to a higher order mission.  That was the absolutely safe and reliable operation of nuclear power plants.  If funding or any other resources were ever short for Rickover, and they never were in the end, that is the card he would play and hammer to use to get whatever was needed.

There was also a relationship to a high level of classified mission operations and secrecy.  Won't go into that but the entire matter of secrecy involves many matrixed organizational entities.

Deep State:  I see the Deep State as a Matrix organization.  A 1% or more cross sector matrix that is the leverage key to control an vast and rigidly structured government.  The 1% or more that can act swiftly depending on case or mode to address immediate requirements much like the the manner in which a navy ship is designed to perform its mission.  That is the key to winning in battle.

I don't see as clearly exactly what Trump's battle space or mission winning objective is.  Is he in control or the one being controlled?

Perhaps the answer is to be found in exactly who is the mastermind behind this plan to install a matrix of agent spies in cabinet level organizations reporting to controllers outside the various Cabinets.  How far down the organizational level does this matrix reach.  To maximize its effectiveness I would think only 3 levels covered by a total of 9 agents in each Cabinet Department.

Who is behind this pulling the strings?

Taking an even broader view of the effectiveness of Matrix Organizations is it really Trump's executive level staff behind this.  It could just as well be that it originates elsewhere.  Perhaps in a dominant Cabinet?

Hmmm....From the link at the beginning of this blog entry:

"These aides report not to the secretary, but to the Office of Cabinet Affairs, which is overseen by Rick Dearborn, a White House deputy chief of staff, according to administration officials. A top Dearborn aide, John Mashburn, leads a weekly conference call with the advisers, who are in constant contact with the White House."

Saturday, March 18, 2017

Federal Budget


Trumps election was a function Populism.  Sub-Category of Populism: Right Wing.

Logically, if there is Right Wing Populism then there is Left Wing Populism:

Trump Populism Southern Strategy:

Bait and Switch:

"Let the Buyer Beware" is a sub category market model ambiguous rule related to the "Art of the Deal" that theoretically balances the market place but in practice should reasonably require the observance and compliance with an ethic value framework or mandatory compliance with a legal framework.  Generally dis-regarded as a function of another rule: Dog eat Dog.  Or Greed is Good.  Or Survival of the Fittest. Generally considered to be un-ethical or even immoral but an excellent model for making money.

"Making Money" is a bottom line thing.  Where the rubber meets the road as a function of (or in spite of) what went into prior design of  entity relationships and implementation of functions among them called a sale or trade.

Fair Trade? That is a judgment thing that has a degree of ambiguity and a function Trust.

Trump won the prize position of President as a function of what he offered to win it and who he offered what to whom and why it was attractive enough to win their support.  Now that constituency is getting what they wanted and bargained for in return for their vote on emotional  and other issues.

Trump wins on the bottom line of "Making Money".  The general public gets a handful of beans.  More money moves to the establishment, the small percent that make the most money.  Less money moves to the people.

Nothing personal.  It is just business.  Might have been much the same result if Hillary had won.

I believe that there would not be so much slip between the bait and a slip if Bernie had won.

Where the money goes in the Federal Budget, or does not go, is the consummation of the "Deal".

We been had?

Most of us already knew that, the rest are beginning to see it.  Enough to tip the balance...seriously.

The National Budget is where the Bait gets delivered....or switched!  The ones that benefit from the switch...the few...must be very happy.  The rest of We the People?  Not so much.

The Federal Budget is not generally understood.  The link at the beginning of this blog entry is educational.  Yes it is but the challenge of education is convey learning of the education content to the target demographic entity.  Every citizen in theory. Enough citizens in reality to give a majority of informed citizenry to swing the majority vote to favor the General Welfare of our democracy and the application programs that the democratic operating system supports.  Or something good like that.

I repeat:  The Federal Budget is not generally understood by the enough of the public to make it subject to the will of the majority.  The lead link attempts to present the Federal Budget, and abstract structural entity in a fashion that can be understood.  The following link presents a view on the sheer difficulty in doing that:

How in the world is it possible to reduce the complexity of human designed abstract social systems to simplicity that can be grasped by at least the majority of citizens to assure that assure that their vote on the operating system and its application programs result in the serving the common good?  Extremely difficult when the foundation of the economic social system is each person acting freely and independently in their own self interest?

How can reduction of a complex abstract social system be reduced to simplicity so that the majority of citizens can exercise control of the top level entities of the system with assurance that applications of the system at lower levels where the rubber meets the road and does something are a directly linked function of the design intent and control built in at the top level where the levers of governance are in the hands of the people?  Sufficiently in the hands of those who are governed that assure that those chosen to operate the governance system govern as intended?

Good question.  Maybe the answer is taking the product of the past that has the abstract substance of a big marshmallow created by human minds on a trial and error methodology like nature and make it into a highly defined abstract operating system machine to run our social application programs on.  A system founded on natural law of science but enhanced by our human intelligence that extends beyond science into the domain of belief.  Beliefs that we choose to be self evident.

Intelligence does extend into the domain of belief beyond natural world science.  In that domain a science based extension of our intelligent minds projects itself.  So far so good, historically.  To go farther we need to create an abstract machine intelligence to serve us.  Artificial Intelligence.

Artificial Intelligence is the creation of abstracted computer machine based systems by the gifted few of us, scientists, engineers and builders to serve all of us.  They know best in the complexity of their domains, private and public sectors.  The public is a stakeholder with specification interest in their efforts, also a consumer of what they create.

Apply Artificial Intelligence design to the Federal Budget?  A design that most can follow at the top level and be assured by trust in experts that the entire system serves us in application performance.  Much like the Internet and World Wide Web.  A Federal Budget System where each and every citizen could pull a thread that leads from them individually to the general performance of the entire system for the common good.

At the most granular level in the Federal Budget System is a single dollar. In an Artificial Intelligence Federal Budget System the unique dollar that is a uniquely identified granular level entity unit of the entire system is the end of the thread to be pulled that connects it to the effectiveness of all dollars in the system to serve us.

The Federal Budget is a top down breakdown of proposed spending  of dollars.

Federal Budget execution is the actual application of a single uniquely identified unit dollar by the Federal Budget Operating System.  Every single unique dollar applied must be traceable to compliance with the Operating System and the intentions of the Operating System design to serve the Common Good.  All that is about as difficult to understand at the macro and micro levels of Operating System and Application Programs as the computer system of the Information Age.

Operating Systems and Application Programs of the Information Age serve me well.  My email works.  My bank accounts work.  My Netflix works.  My online shopping works.  When they don't I can find out why and correct it or get it corrected.  If my chosen provider of Information Age services does not work then I chose another provider.  On a higher order level if a provider of major sectoral service does not provide adequate service then a new provider will find an opportunity.  The Federal Budget works for me and should be no different.  In the case of the Federal Budget not working for me individually as well as us collectively then  a new Provider of the Federal Budget is collectively chosen.

Perhaps we the people should chose a new provider of the Federal Budget whenever there is a majority lack of confidence in the current provider, not on a schedule of every 4 years?

As a citizen I want to be able to pull the string on every single unique dollar of my choice chosen from all Federal Budget dollars spent to discover when it was spend, what it was spent for and who received it.  I want that information on a micro dollar unit level as well as a macro level by Federal Budget category.

That requires the creation of a big system.  No bigger than the system that they government has created to monitor all current information age systems and traffic for "security" purposes that have questionable actual security purposes.  I would rather have all those resources dedicated to the creation of an Operating System and Application Programs applicable to the Federal Budget as well as the general Banking Monetary System using blockchain technology to assure without a doubt that our governance system is delivering for the common good.

Big information systems have a long history of development to serve users.  This is an excellent story about the VA health care information system designed to serve users:

Like the Federal Budget and our Banking Monetary System it has its granular unique system unit: the VA patient.  The unit that can be traced in history about which all information is related.  Analogous to  the single dollar.  The link is a fascinating story of development.  If only the established Federal Budget System had such gifted and motivated people to change what was once a paper accounting system to an information age system.

It appears to me that the legacy Federal Budget System design was simply implemented on a computer without significant restructure to serve the needs of operating system Information Management and Control of its Application Programs.  Application, What a Budget System does rather than what a Federal Budget System is continued to be secondary and what it does in Application Execution continued to be primary in system design.

Exactly like the Monetary system design.  The Federal Budget System is a functional oriented design.  Based primarily on what it does, Secondarily what it is and how it operates with a controlling Operating System to produce Application programs accomplishing what it is intended to do.

The old legacy story of function driven design vs Object Oriented design.  Horse before the cart system design of old school functional design legacy systems that are so well entrenched but must die.

Finance is all design focus on function.  Focus on what money does and creation of a functional oriented system of Application Programs.  Finance is all Application Programs designed in accordance with the domination of the functional approach to serve and objective:  Making money.  Focus on what money is?  That would create a different system.  One that would overcome the failures of the legacy functional oriented debt money system.   Another legacy Functional Design Based system that deserves to die.  Since it will not evolve to a Object Oriented design it will die a catastrophic death it deserves.  The chaos that causes is our greatest national security problem.

"Financial Engineering" What a joke.  Engineering is done in the operating system rules of the game, not the play on the field which is the function of the operating system rules.  Finance wants no operating system rules except those of the "Market" which are all functional.  Just like black magic.  Total focus is on the action of the deal, the object nature properties of the medium of exchange involved are obviated by their debt nature.  Debt is not an object at all.  It is a Case situation.

Sunday, March 12, 2017

Market Function - Market Design

Market Function

Market Design

Natural things function to obey natural laws.   Natural laws are built into the nature of things.  It might be called the intelligence of things to express themselves in what they do.  It might also be called Nature at Work. 

There is no question of the order of things in nature.   Properties of things came first.  The function of things is the result of action to implement pre-existing properties of things to relate to each other to produce an outcome.  Functions are secondary.  Except perhaps for the Big Bang after which all else regarding function took back seat to the determinant of the properties of thing and means to relate to other things. 

Markets are not natural entities.  They are conceptual function based entities.  They exist because of what they do.  What they do comes first, what they are comes second as a function of what they do. 

Designing a scheme of functional relationships to devise a entity called a market is entirely different approach to design than endowing objects with attributes that may relate in some functional manner to produce an outcome result.

Markets can be designed based on the function of what they do.


Markets can be designed based on what market entities are and how they relate by certain rules to produce functional results.

Functional oriented design is old school.

Object oriented design is new school.

Objects have the advantage of persistence over time and therefore system stability.

Functions come and go with high frequency and variability.  A shell game focuses on the confusion of rapid action to the benefit of the person operating the game and basing it on action not object to be the the most important determinant of design increasing/decreasing two party risk.  If the shell with the pea beneath it had a P on the shell there would be absolute risk as a function of object design relationship.

ObamaCare is an object oriented rules of the game designed to benefit the recipient of medical system care.

TrumpCare is a function oriented market design based on what it does not primarily for the recipient of medical care but third party market entities of the medical, insurance, medical related entities as well as the the sector called "rich".

It is ironic that those other than the recipients of medical service proclaim the glory of a functional market based system that more or less creates itself bases on the market action function but create object oriented design systems to reduce their risks and enhance their rewards.

Function oriented based market systems (free from imposition of rules) for thee, the recipient of medical services but object oriented based systems for me as the recipient of financial benefit (and reduction of risk) derived from or associated with providing health care.  It is the Republican ideology.

Let the (function of)  markets rule!  We don't need no stinkin laws imposed by object oriented design rules that dictate, constrain or otherwise mess with functional designs.

Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Redhawk Security Network

A hometown report on the local TV news.

Redhawk Security Network:
"Redhawk Network Security is a wholly owned subsidiary of the Potawatomi Business Development Corporation (PBDC)"

Native Indian owned entities and government contracts: 

Women owned small business:*

Seattle and Austin Texas:

Seattle: Based in Seattle, James Holland moves from senior sales manager to director of sales and marketing, leveraging over 16 years in solution sales for information technology and information security organizations.

Texas: 701 Brazos Street, Suite 1600
Austin, TX 78701

Red Hawk Security Network software:

Kerri Fry

Woman owned business:

Sunday, March 5, 2017

Bend Oregon Defense Contractors - Contracts

Object Oriented Design

Sunday morning and nothing popped out of my morning review of favorite web sites that inspired me to dig into it with a blog entry.  The default in this case is simply to think about some aspect of Object Orientation.  My level of thought on OO is mainly at the OOD level.  The Design Level that I call broad architecture.  I don't know OO programming which is the grunt work building in accordance with the OOD plan to implement the relationships of Objects to do something.

I have not recently looked at what is currently available regarding OOD.  This is a start.  Obviously the state of the art in OOD has progressed to the establishment of basic patterns of object oriented design.  The established building blocks of design:

I like the way it begins the presentation of design patterns with the "Singleton" .  A unique instance of a Class.  In my terms of reference the most granular level object component.  Produced by a "Factory".  It goes on to present top level abstract Classes of Objects with minimal reference to the Object Oriented programming implementing relationships in the Object Oriented System..

"Head First Design Patterns" was originally publish in 2004 but looking at the recent comments it remains a fundamental primary presentation on the OOD today.

Head First Object Oriented Analysis and Design is a follow on book.

Searching on OOD and related search terms gave me results that quickly went down the path to programming the OOD.  Indeed the general orientation was that the Designer of the OO sytem was also a software programmer.

This is where I found some independence from going down the programming path to implement the OOD:  The domain of Artificial Intelligence.  In that domain the path goes in the direction of understanding Intelligence and then going down a path of designing Natural Intelligence into an Artificial non living entity.  Only much further down the path of exploring Intelligence does actual programming come into play.

I think what I am looking for is the design of Intelligence expressed in terms of Object Oriented Design.  For example:  Select a Singleton instance of an living object entity with attributes of Intelligence.  A human being is too complex as it develops to use as a simple example except for maybe its first few months of existence during which it shares acquisitions of attributes, messages and relationships with other objects.  Perhaps a dog might be a better example displaying the development of Intelligence Design that does not go to the artificial language programming level but expresses in natural dog language.

Something like this:  The instance of a Class named Dog created as a unique Singleton by a Factory Class composed of two Parents.  Then follow the Object Oriented Design development of a Single instance of Dog through the acquisition of Intelligence and Behavior  Design System and Use Cases.

What would a formal OOD description of a dog's object oriented attributes, methods and messages look like as it develops more focused Intelligence starting with the Factory that produced the Instance of a Class.

Nature is an OOD.  Nature has Intelligent Design.  I like the approach to use Nature as a model for OOD applied to higher level abstraction to Objects that are invested with "Artificial" Intelligence.

Once the Natural OOD of the creation of a Singleton Dog has been created and its relationships to other Single Instances and  Classes has been described then the same design pattern could be applied to the creation of an Artificial Singleton Dog with Artificial Intelligence embodied in its Artificial programming language.