Thursday, March 23, 2017

Toki Pona - Point of Entry for a Linguistic Journey

This link is a strange place to start the journey but any point of entry  to this domain of language suffices.  Simply start here and follow the links it leads to and they are many and each creates a distinct path of its own.  I am not sure why I found this to be so fascinating and was compelled to make a blog entry about it.

My interest did not start with the initial link.

This link started the chain:

Next was a jump to this link:
I am a reductionist.  At least to the extent that I want to reduce down to a discretely identified lowest level building blog object in any real world structure or abstract structure that is the object of choice level below which it is not really necessary to reduce further.  An arbitrary low/high level (depending on how you think of the tree...root at top or root at bottom...Top down breakdown or bottom up assembly.  It is only an matter of turning the tree upside down to make a different point of view or entry to the same structure.  Some like one way.  Others the other.  Neither is right or wrong.  Dogmatic dictates of which way is to be chosen are failures to communicate.

Next jump was to this to the initial link at the beginning of this blog entry which I chose to start with.
Yes, I did read the entire Toki Pona Link.  I understood some of it.  No wonder so few speak it!
The Toki Pano link jumped to this link,  chosen from many branch opportunities offered at the Toki Pano link:
A more logical language trending toward a computer orientation artificial language.

That link provided a jump to this link:
Kind of a pot at the end of a rainbow of links that was very interesting.  Interesting in one way to the extent that all the links mentioned in this blog entry formed an abstractly connected block chain.  Any link in the chain could have lead to a different branch than the one I chose to follow.  Any link could have been the one I might go back to, after learning more going down the chain that I had traveled, to start a new chain of travel that I felt was a better chain to take me where I wanted to go.....That destination being more intuitive as I traveled and actually rather unknown until I got there.  At the "there" point to continue the chain or back to any number of possible branches offered in an expanding number of previously traveled  links that I did not choose at forks in the road.

Maybe it is the path of the abstract chainlinked  journey that I traveled that only happened to by in the Linguistic Domain that was of interest to me, or at least of equal interest.  Abstract object concepts pointing to other abstract object concepts with my free range free will was my compass to follow where it would take me on discovery.

A satisfying mini journey on the World Wide Web that I am beginning to perceive in the Holistic Frame of a big fascinating Blockchain navigated by a free will GPS guiding me somehow to places I did not even know I wanted to go but only feel on a step by step, link to link basis always with the choice of going back to any previous step and starting a new choice blockchain branch.  Sometimes, rarely, going a long, long  way back in the blockchain  time line of links/paths followed.  Doing that sometimes confirms the path taken, sometimes changes it to some degree. 

Sometimes a past link choice in the past becomes a paradigm shift point getting me back to the main chain and abandoning the previously followed fork.


Gotta love the concept!

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