Saturday, November 1, 2014

Government Spy Tech Transfer to Business

The government does R&D research that business would not do.  There is no money in it for business research but when the research and some degree of development is done by the government to apply and prove, even a proof of concept if not full development, there are big buck opportunity for commercial development. 

For example:  The internet.  Defense programs, the NIH.

Currently, the continuing development of spy technology and transfer to the private sector is the new Gold Rush.  The rush of business to get the gold in spying, data mining and their application to profit.  It was said of the gold rush that it was not the miners that made the money, except for relatively few, but those that made a killing providing goods and services to the miners.  Even back in the 1800 gold rushes it was a public commercial and private prospector enterprise domain.  The only difference today is that the private prospector is now the government and has enforcement powers to balance the trade.

Government owned and applied Spy Technology is targeted.  Down to the individual level, whoever that target individual happens to be.  Call it a terrorist. 

Commercial domain owned and applied Spy Technology is equally targeted.  Down to the individual level, whoever that individual happens to be.  Call it a consumer.

In the Government/Private Enterprise partnership of the Spying Domain government has the mission and the money to pay for private enterprise to develop the spyware, both hardware and software to accomplish its government mission.  A model established by the Military/Industrial Complex.  The new iteration of that model is Intelligence/Industrial Information Complex.

Big Bucks in a new form of warfare that justifies/demands the government spend big bucks for our security.  Daddy Warbucks deja vu.  Now those Daddy Warbucks sit on both sides to facilitate and profit from the application of the technology to a broader warfare thanks to the revolving door. 

Both sides: 

War on Terror to make a killing.  Killing means the splattering of blood and guts.

War on the consumer to make a killing.  Killing means profit.

In war some get killed, others make a killing.

Spying is going commercial.  Those that make a commercial killing selling spyware are advertising on the internet.  It is a business.  Advertising promotion creates the market as well as conveys the product to satisfy it.  It is revealing that the government and private enterprise are on both two sides of two of the same coins: propaganda and advertising.

The commercial sale of large small scale spyware is to worldwide governments and global corporations that are not otherwise restricted by any governmental or commercial enforcement power.  The domain is spying information so secrecy pervades both use and enforcement.

Secrecy is a two edge thing.  Commercial sales of spy technology require advertising of methods and means for sale.  Purchase and application require technical user manuals.  That is where the rubber meets the road.

Hacking Team, an Italian company, sells spyware.  Not in secret but publicly.  Look at the website that proclaims the virtues and effectiveness of its product.  Its product has detailed user manuals.  This link at the Intercept reveal exactly how to use the Hacking Team product:  Secret Manuals Show the Spyware Sold to Despots and Cops Worldwide.

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