Friday, November 18, 2016

iPhones Secretly Send Call History to Apple, Security Firm Says

The model structure for the Bank Cloud where every transaction in the real world is connected by  information sent to its Bank Cloud associated unique identity. 

The model design is portrayed as a secret created by the designers.  Not, of course a secret to the designers or anyone that can figure it out and expose it like the link describes.

Same situation as the Debt Based Monetary System.  No secret when anyone can figure it out.  That is not design of the designers.  It is all based on creating SomeThing (Money) out of NoThing for a period of existence in time called Debt then making it go back to NoThing as it is paid off.  During the time of its existence as Debt it benefits the creator,  the BankSystem.  Money created by that system is extinguished, goes back to nothing as the Debt Contract is progressively extinguished to nothing or non-existence by payback or other means to become history.  History that will haunt the debtor if it is not paid back in full but must be written of to nothing by other means.

The power of the Cloud is that there is an ultimate entity that is associated to our real world identity that exists permanently in the Cloud (or a very very long time, like a life time) to attribute our actions to our Cloud identity.

That is analogous to the creation and existence of Positive Money in the BankCloud described in the prior blog entry.  No secret.  But the purpose of the Model Structure is a secret but pretty much hidden in plain sight.  It makes the designers and owners of the Operating System rich in some terms through the Application Programs of their Operating System.

We The People are the true owners of the Operating System called money but have franchised out its Operating System design as well as its Application Programs to a Banking System that has structured it on a Debt base where Debt is ultimately and always owed to it.

As a free people we proclaim that we are free of debt to any conceptual governance control to which we do not consent to.

How have we gone so wrong to give the consent of "We the People" to a governance system that will govern us for its own agenda objectives that by all reason and right are ours to proclaim?

It is evident in the Banking System that something went seriously wrong.

it is evident in the Banking System that something went seriously wrong.

Wrong in both cases by our proclaimed self evident truths we choose to apply to ourselves.

Right in both cases to the truths proclaimed to benefit the minority at the expense of the common majority.

Have we met the enemy and they are us?

It is difficult to gain control of an Operating System designed to control us.  The degree of difficulty in doing it depends on the complexity of the system and its intrinsic power to defend itself and its continuing existence from external forces. 

Call those forces "Hacking" (a negative connotation value like Bad Guy Terrorist)
Call those forces "Freedom Fighting" (positive connotation value like Good Guy Hero)

The continuing war is to capture control of the Operating System and its Application Programs.  It can only be done by a re-statement of the rights of We the People.  An update of the essence of the Established  Operating System that has so many bugs in it that a Top Down breakdown and Bottom Up Assembly creation of a 2.0 Governance and Banking Operating Systems is required.  A re-thinking of their foundation and return to the essence of the structural design of the Information System that increasingly drives the real world of We the People.

Once again the task of freeing ourselves from tyranny becomes an exercise of stating the simplicity of the essence on which the system is built and giving access to that operating system and independent design of our own free Application Programs called Own(ed)Lives made possible withing the domain of the our chosen Operating System.

How could it have all gone so wrong????

We have lost sight of self evident Truth once proclaimed as a basis of our Social Structure.  To some extent by virtue of our own inherent capacity for destruction and to a greater extent the ability of a few to benefit from a self serving system structure and application programs of their own design that are contrary to the general welfare of our society.

Politics and Banking are action Applications of an Operating System that have slipped from our best founding attempt to design and apply.  The agent of slippage is complexity and the self interest of few that have what is really a simple fundamental understanding of how to manipulate complexity to serve themselves by disassociating the truth of and excellent design idea from its operation.

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