Wednesday, December 6, 2017

Military Tax - Crazy Thoughts

This appeared in Military Times!

What are Taxes for anyhow?  They take money out of the Monetary System which is input back into the the Monetary System by Government Budget Expenditure.  At the Federal Level Government Expenditure can be Deficit Spending when it increases the National Debt.  The National Debt is in fact our National Savings equal to our Money Supply.

The Monetary System at the Federal Level is not like a Household or State level budget.  Federal level can and must Deficit Spend.  The Cumulative amount of  Deficit Spending since the birth of our nation is equal to our current Net Savings which equals our Money Supply.  It is all not as simple as the direct hard wire Revenue = Expenditure that the link states:
"Ultimately, about a quarter of all federal tax dollars goes to the Defense Department. But that money must first be collected through a general income tax, then put into some theoretical pool of all federal tax dollars so Congress can argue about it every year."

This has some substance of an excellent idea.  The only thing that should be added is that it is a voluntary tax.  A citizen's direct vote for a tax collection purpose.  The only thing to add, initially, is that it is only a memorandum vote.  It has no effect on the Military Budget.  No effect until after 5 years of data collection.  Then a ratio algorithm is applied and it actually does have an impact on the Military budget.

My prior thoughts on paying tax in support of the Military Budget was that the loss of a family member in combat would for life exempt a that person from paying a "Military Tax".  They paid dearly in other terms.  They owe nothing more.  An statistical analysis of who does not pay in relationship to their Income Tax bracket, location, relationship, etc. would be revealing.

During the initial period of time in which the Voluntary Military Tax is only a statistical measure of tax not paid a statistical analysis would be revealing.  During this period there would be no validity to individual choice of payment because the tax payer choice would be arbitrary without any factor shaping the decision to statistically pay or not pay.

In order to apply a relationship that has some degree of assuring the honesty of the Military Tax payment decision a mechanism would be applied at the end of the statistical period that would inversely apply to an accrued deferred payable tax over a time frame equal to the statistical data collection time frame over which the tax payer would face an additional tax payment but it would be dedicated to the General Fredral Budget exclusive of the Military Budget.  The additional purpose of this mechanism is to assure a soft landing introduction for a new method of tax collection.

During the period of statistical Voluntary Military Tax the actual Budget Expenditure for the Military would be payed for by deficit funding adding to the National Debt to cover a shortfall if during the statistical period those that chose to pay the Military Tax made actual annual tax payment in their chosen amount. 

The scheme must define exactly what amounts of Budget Expenditure are by definition for Military purpose.

The bottom line is that the public (a living breathing citizen tax payer) has a direct dollar related vote on Public resources dedicated to the Military.  It puts Military Expenditure in the Domain of a Charitable Organization supported with voluntary contributions.

Mandatory contribution to the Common Defense becomes Voluntary Defense of the Common Good in which Conscientious Objectors may exercise the Freedom of Choice.

In the drafting of the Military Tax payment algorithm there would be refinement of the concept to assure the purpose of its intent.  One of the primary refinements would be a fundamental categorical choice selection by the tax payer.  For example:  Foreign and/or  Domestic Expenditure.

Direct Vote by tax payers with dollars to counter balance the vote of our elected representatives.

That is the Information Age additional governance Check and Balance entity that is required on those that we elect in a three part self governance system.   The fourth part has historically been Media.  Freedom of the Press.  That has been declining as direct Social Media has been increasing in influence.

Consequently those that do not participate in Social Media for their own self interests as citizens are in the same class as citizens that do not vote for elected representatives.

Look at where that has gotten our governance system in Common Defense of Freedom.

Who, what entity, should shoulder an equitable share of support for the Common Good.  That segment of the Common Good that is our Common Defense.

What is the nature of what constitutes our Common Defense form all enemies Foreign and Domestic?

Enemies of the State?

Enemies of the People?

We have met the Enemy and it are.......?

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