Saturday, December 23, 2017

Michael Hudson - Debt and Jesus - Birth and Redemtion

29 April 2018 update to my most recent (at this time) blog entry relating to Michael Hudson:
Thank you Michael Hudson!  The intro tells more about him than I knew before.  He is a hero.  a moral Truth Teller.  This is why I have admired him for so long by numerous entries in this blog.  I rarely go into past blog entries even though they inter-twine thread over time.  This is my first blog entry relating to Michael Hudson dated 2012:;postID=1192697726711885523;onPublishedMenu=allposts;onClosedMenu=allposts;postNum=11;src=link

Michael: No. You asked what is the fight about? The fight is whether the state will be taken over, essentially be an extension of Wall Street. If you do not have government planning … Every economy is planned. Ever since the Neolithic (era), you’ve had to have (a form of) planning. If you don’t have a public authority doing the planning, then the financial authority becomes the planners. So globalism is the financial interests, Wall Street and the City of London, doing the planning, not governments. And they will do the planning in their own interests.

So neoliberalism is the fight of finance to subdue society at large and to make the bankers and creditors today in the position that the landlords were under feudalism.

Original 12/17/2018 blog entry......................................................
Thanks Michael for your perspective on the social fundamental nature of debt over history and how it frames our social structure (what society is) and what society does.

We are a debt based society.  Religion is a debt based requiring redemption concept.  Money is a debt based concept requiring mandatory redemption or punishment if not redeemed.  The concept of Jubilee is an interesting one.  A free pass on debt forgiveness.  A gift given by a power to the gifted. In the true nature of a gift it does not diminish what the giver has remaining but enhances the giver as much as the receiver.  An equalizer.

Maybe the ultimate game plan of society is to equalize.  Not on a debt based balance sheet model of what is owed on the negative debt/debtor side driving the basic nature of the social system but driven by the asset side of abundance.  Debt is an absence concept representation of Zero and Less giving conceptual substance meaning to what is One or More.

It is a Paradigm Shift to change from a Zero (No Thing) base to a Some Thing in Real Existence base.  No Thing is the reality of an Alternate Universe Like Dark Matter.  Dark Matter is conceptually out there be we do not live in that world although the perversion of religion to a debt base sets the frame of our existence as if we did live in that alternate universe and when our debt is paid off we go there for reward or punishment.

Thanks Michael for drawing the perception of debt to that No Where, No Place, No Time, No Thing foundation concept that our social existence is based on.

Our salvation will be the day that we make the paradigm shift to recognize existence on a purely positive base of Unity rather than its flip side a negative base that is the existence of Nothing.

It is like a chicken and egg.  Which came first?  Nothing then Everything was created from Nothing?

No, there was always Something on which Every Thing was based.  There never was a t
Time when there was no Time.  It is Eternal.  Always was, always will be.  That is a better asset based concept for our society.

Money that always exists as uniquely identifiable granular units of measure in the real world.  Not something continually coming from nothing and going back to nothing as debts are paid off.  Something we all "own" as our collective wealth resource to use as a decision making tool for allocation of real and conceptual resources.

Consistent with this paradigm shift concept is that Jesus came into the world only once from a place that always was and never had to pay off a debt with redemption but remains as a gift that never diminished the nature of the giver.

There is no "Zero Sum Game" in that Positive Based Concept.  We all win because by human nature always were debt free and always will be.

Merry Christmas!

What will rise from the ashes of debt based money Extinction Event?

It will be Positive Money.  Gold, Yuan or Crypto?  Not gold as a physical positive money but it will be Crypto currency as a conceptual Positive Money that never goes out of existence.  It will probably be Yuan based Crypto Currency as China takes world leadership.  That leadership will be pried from the cold dead hands of the US Dollar unless the USA makes a First Strike change to Crypto Currency.

The USA deserves world derision for its debt based monetary system used as tool of world domination.  The victor will reclaim the People's ownership of the Positive Based Crypto Currency Money Ball and establish a new game on a new playing field where players bend a knew to honor a better game and a better anthem (Joy to the World?) instead of protest of the one being currently played.

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