Sunday, December 3, 2017

The "WayBack" Machine is Operating

Google "Wayback" goes back to 1999.  It is a fantastic backup storing website sate over time.  It is also an Information Model.  A model that stores information over time.  Library of Congress for example.

Information stored by old legacy information storage media...books for example before computers could store such things an a mass scale, are valuable pools of information that can now be mined by technology with data interchange tools.  Data brought from storage in a non computer readable format into computers.  Not just the old pre-computer stuff but the newly created stuff in the more recent past.  In addition there is stuff in the aggregate server domain that is now grist for the data mining mill.  Not just to aggregate granular data into macro level meaning but to search in data and information domains beyond the World Wide Web.

This "Wayback" possibility to look at all things, media, from long ago  to more recent using the latest and greatest search algorithms all the way up to boardering on AI draws things from the past into the present for comparison.

For example:  Things said by someone in the past compared to what they say today.  The comparison is done on speech to text translations.  Something relatively more recent as we see applied to closed caption TV and now on iPhone transcription of voicemail to text if we want to look at voicemail that way.

Everything said that is gathered by news media can now be converted easily from speech to text and achieved for search.  Text from video can be linked to video.  All it takes is the application of the NSA model:  Capture everything.  Hang 'em with their own words.

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