Tuesday, December 5, 2017

Things Don't Work Anymore - A Fight to a Draw in the Art of the Deal

The subject line of this blog entry received a great amount of public attention in the media because.....Things Didn't Work Anymore.  The time frame for this anguish was, as I best recall, in about the 1970s maybe the 80s.  I thing it was on the front page of Time or Newsweek back then.  "Things" meaning primarily the physical things produced by the Industrial Age and all the physical processes that produced things.  Perhaps what pins the attitude to a time frame is when other nations, like Japan were making Things that did work better?  Their Things worked better and our Things were in comparison "Crapified".

In retrospect perhaps it was the late 70s.  It was then that I was selected to run the annual Navy Relief fund raiser.  The main fund raiser was a car raffle.  Local American made car dealers had always donated a car.  The base was a big area employer.  The auto dealer that had always donated the car said "no deal this year"  Other American car dealers said the same.  The only dealer that was glad to donate a car was Toyota.  I got some hear from the union on base, some did not buy a raffle ticket but the raffle raised more than the previous year.  Most people wanted something that worked better.  The Toyota was in fact rather ugly in my opinion but......it worked.  The only thing that Japan had to work on was the aesthetics, maybe more investment in marketing!

If we had the World Wide Web back in the day it would have shown a bubble of public sentiment agreeing with the subject line.  It was a bubble in that society either learned to live with it or it was resolved by making things work better.  Maybe a combination.  Maybe mini-skirts came along to distract the interest of half the population?

In the frame of the Information Age "Things" become more abstractly conceptualized.  They are not so much physical Things but conceptual Things.  The "Thing" is not a car but but a social system that is not working for Society.  The Information Age is about "connecting conceptual things up to make physical things that work better together in an integration of hardware and software.  The Software works great on a computer.

The monkey wrench in the gears of Software in the Information Age is a Bug.  Because legacy systems have been encoded in software representations the System grinds exceedingly finer.  Bugs identify themselves as screaming sore thumb exceptions.  The biggest bugs are the legacy system failures (intents when bugs in the legacy system were self serving features to the designers of that system).  They surfaced as anomalies, outliers.  Things so far out of the bounds of standard deviations as to cause amazement that they existed under our collective noses.

The Information Age is a Bug Killing age.  The new Bug in the System is called an Alligator.  The frame of the problem is a Swamp.  The Swamp is the Legacy System.  Alligators are Features, not Bugs to those that benefited from them in the Legacy System.

Drain the Swamp.  Replace the Legacy System?  It is most ironic that the King of the Swamp wants to drain it.  Draining the Swamp  however is a Feature when it is sold like snake oil to the Public using the sleight of hand flim flam of Political Fakery to term a Thing by What It is Not.

The Legacy System Swamp must be defended at all costs by its creators.  It wasn't the swamp that gave safe haven to the Alligators.  It is they that created the swamp to inhabit.

Draining any Problem Domain in the Information Age is conceptually connecting conceptual things in a logic design with the aid of an Operating System and Application Programs.

The Penultimate Operating System to be subjected to the Information Age is our Political system in this century.  The last will be Religion in the next.

How to bring Politics into the Information Age?  Facts and Truth.  What to call the agency entity that focuses on the the need for a new system?  False News.  It is the ultimate last weapon of the Legacy System of politics to call a Thing by a term that it is not.

What is working toward toppling the Legacy Political System is undermining a system that was built from the top down by working from the bottom up.  Pulling out like Jenga.  Pulling out the structurally critical things that identify themselves as anomalies (Alligators) in the system foundation bottom one at a time until it restructures itself in a paradigm shift.

Pulling Trump will cause the structure to fall.  In the age of more accurate scientific estimation of future probability of an event and element relationships that are causal factors we have the Information Age Market.  Driven by Quants that turn old school Legacy System guesses into Information Age better bets.  Not just better bets on something but better bets on shorting something and when that something that is a foundational pillar collapses having its it replacement ready like horse to jump onto in midstream.

Politics is a Legacy System that is shaking and ripe for a fall.  The parent system is what Politics is all about to the few that benefit the most from it.  The same few that benefit the most from the Parent System Structure of Politics:  The Monetary System.  One way identify the relationship of Money and Politics is to call it Military/Industrial.  A higher order relationship is Politics/Money.

The crises in Politics will be the opportunity to Restructure the higher order Monetary System in accordance with the design for both the Political System and the World Wide Monetary System created by those that will benefit the most to preserve and perpetuate their control of the greater system for their self interest and continuing benefit.

The legacy Social System  of Politics founded on a premise Constitution created to serve the Common Good associated with a Free Market Monetary System designed to serve the Greatest Good to the Fewest that control that Operating System and its Application Programs is going to conceptually fall like the Twin Towers.

No good crises goes to waste and those that will create it have already designed the system to replace it and the functional mechanisms to implement the replacement that will best serve themselves.

They are one Class.  We the People are the other.  It is Class Warfare and "We the Few" have all the Big Gun System Control........

Or Not!

The Industrial Age created the Weapon of Mass Destruction.  A Hardware physical entity that could only be created and used by a very few.  All other weapons were popguns in the hands of many.   The physical power of the biggest Mother of all Bombs controlled by a few was matched with the conceptual destructive power of an even smaller few in number  using the simplest of all physical weapon devices.

In the Information Age there is a new battle and "We the People" that endowed ourselves for the benefit of the Common Good are going to lose to "We the Few" that will endow themselves with a new Information Age Monetary Structure and a Political System to implement it for their continued domination and control.

The threat to the Few is essentially the same as it has always been: The Many.  In the Information Age "Many" being the relatively few "Best and Brightest" among us analogous to the Best and Brightest the created the structure of our Social Political System.

What will these few on the Good Guy Class side hand to us as the Structural Conceptual Design of Information Age System to bring down the blessings upon us and our children?

It is this:

Open Source World Wide Monetary System based on Blockchain Crypto Currency.  That model will be the lead model in restructuring all conceptual social relational systems.

On the  Bad Side Class side will be those that want a Fenced Castle fortress of control over the World Wide Monetary System outside its fortress walls that is dominated by the fortress Royalty and to whom everyone outside the Fortress of Control must pay dues.

History does not repeat itself.....but it Rhymes.   The Few have always maintained a Blockchain Control over the System and its progression of transactions.   They will continue to maintain that control until it comes into a stalemate balance of benefit distribution equity.

It is Class Warfare that has the best outcome of fighting to a draw in the Art of the Deal.

The War?

It is all about Their Money.

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