Thursday, November 7, 2013

Extracting Logical Thing From Physical Thing

Extracting or Abstracting?  I had to think about which word to use in the title.  Couldn't decide so I chose the more conceptually concrete idea of Extracting to start with.  Perhaps when I get done with this entry the true nature of what I want to examine deals more with abstraction than extraction.  We'll see where it goes, ideas have minds of their own.  Not really true but a great abstraction in itself?

What kicked off this blog entry?  To my surprise, it was an ad on Huffington Post.  I can't link to the Hufpo page because if you went to the link you would probably not see the same ad.  What I saw might have been tailor made for me, to appeal to me.  It did, it worked.  I worked for somebody, it worked for me.  We both benefited but not in terms of a sale.  In terms of an idea.  Maybe there is benefit to target marketing?  Isn't that media marketing to show me what I want to see?  It worked for Netflix last night.

This is what I saw when I linked from ad to site.  Great Lakes Geomatics.  They do 3D laser scanning.

Scanning is a very interesting thing to me.  The reproduction of a model of the logic being of a physical thing as an extracted/abstracted separated representation model of the chosen attributes of the thing to become "mirror images".

First there were paintings on the wall of a cave.  I saw some of those last summer in France.  Paintings made 14 thousand years ago and preserved until today, including colors, because they were "stored" on the wall of dark and difficult to access cave.  Call it a caveman's vault.

Photography.  What a wonderful way to extract an image.  Motion photography.  Chemical processes of extraction that amazed the world with its products.  The processes became digital.  Natives in Africa that were the object of pictures in National Geographics are now picture takers and processors with photoshop.

There has been a progression of technology that brings us to a place today where an abstraction of a thing can be turned back into the thing by 3D modeling machines that can "print" an image of a coffee cup into a real cup into which I can pour my morning coffee.  After I have finished my coffee instead of washing the physical cup I could recycle it into the 3D modeling machine in a reverse process of extracting its logic properties from its physical properties and create a tooth brush for me to use after breakfast.

Amazing what we can do when we extract physical attributes and behaviors from their logical attributes and behaviors.  That however is what our thoughts and natural language are all about.  Machine thoughts are now digital as well as their languages but they do artificially what we can do in our minds.  That takes a paradigm shift to view a computer controlled device as merely some thing that can do what we can do.  Take an abstraction of something and turn it into an abstracted model of the thing and then take that model and turn it into its physical representation where logical meets physical but in an entirely new way that did not exist in original nature.  In many cases, able to affect the structure of "original natural world" in ways not previously possible.  Not all those ways are good for the natural world.

Google maps, street view, the images on the screen you are looking at are all extracted/abstract models.  The word "abstract" is looking better as I write.  I knew it would but then I also knew that to illustrate my point I would move from a more "concrete"  word "Extract" which is a verb action to a more appropriate word "Abstract" which is a noun form "thing".

Money, like photographs is is just another example of extraction/abstraction possible in a digital world.  The problem is that Money is verb word abstraction not a noun that is actually a mirror image of something that was once physical but became conceptual as fiat money described by Wikipedia:

Fiat money has been defined variously as:

  • any money declared by a government to be legal tender.[1]
  • state-issued money which is neither convertible by law to any other thing, nor fixed in value in terms of any objective standard.[2]
  • money without intrinsic value.[3][4]
The term derives from the Latin fiat ("let it be done", "it shall be").[5]

While the word "Money" is a noun,  The abstract "Action Oriented" or "Process Oriented" properties of the noun form have been extracted from it and represented as "Money".  

Consequently what we perceive as a money object is not truly what it Money is, but what Money does.  Therefore money is as money does.  Money is defined in terms of what it does.  It has no identity other than a highly abstracted data element called "On Hand Balance in a "Account".  That "On Hand Balance" has a deceptive connection of its logical property to a physical property identity to the extent that it can be converted to a paper dollar with a unique serial number and an denomination.  That is the "nominal" connection to reality that pulls a trick on our minds that money really is something defined and dictated or even controlled to some extent by its physical properties.  In fact "Money" by design is not even an abstract "Thing" it is an abstract "Action" in our monetary system model.  The "Thingness" of money and its only abstract logical attribute of abstract reality is that it is a thing that at the base of its existence can be leveraged into more of its own existence to create actionable units of existence so far beyond and so removed from a thing called "Reserve Requirements' as to be non-existent as anything with even the remotest connection with any fundamental abstract reality of "being" it only has existence and meaning in "doing"  what it does. 

What Money does is the message passed between two objects in our current monetary system.  In my model of a monetary system Money itself is an Object that has an abstract internal behavior of its own to associate itself with a new account in response to a message sent to it by another entity object in the Object Oriented Monetary System called "Account".  Money then does its internal method and sends a message back to "Account" for "Account" to implement an internal method with a message to that method and/or send an external message to another object to implement its internal method and/or send messages to other objects in the system.

This might be my best yet description of what money is.

In the current monetary system money is.......Not!  I therefore cannot and never will discover what money "is" in the current system.  What is called money in the current system is not a noun, it is a verb action method abstraction.  A method owned and by the object: Account.

In an object oriented monetary system money "is"  an object, not simply the exclusive method message known and implemented by the object: Account.  Money is an independent object identity equal in high level system object identity to Account.

It is all so abstractly self evident that it is writing on the wall!  

What we see as Money in our current monetary system is merely the pulling of levers behind the current by a pathetic little fraudster in a suit that pulling them to puff up his own self importance and ownership of things that only exist by virtue of being the product of a continuing action method called:  "Leveraging Up" by him (has to be a man) to his advantage.  

That pathetic little man is a man, a fearful little man, one that must cling to a controlling dominating conservative idea that the old way of competitive extraction is the best way.  It perpetuates the fraud of wealth distribution it perpetrates upon us.  The fear?  An objective object oriented examination of the monetary system using the state of the art method today of looking at all high level abstract systems.  An objective system analysis where money is an object of its own identity serving higher level system objects in their operation and cooperation purpose.  

Pretty much what I have been attempting to say in all of my posts.

This post simply invokes a better method of saying the thing the "Money Thing" saying its properties and behaviors.  Saying what they are in the current monetary system and saying that it is wrong.  Saying what they might be an an object oriented design of a new monetary system that gets the fundamental object relationships "right" by making money an object, not a process action.

Do you get the picture??????

It is a snapshot of reality to me. 

Oh, how I wish I could say things like Jon Stewart says them without all the vernacular F words. .  We would all be ROFLMAO.

Then we would get up, take the "Playing Money" away from the banksters, let them continue to own Accounts and make money something that we all use as an object to serve a greater purpose of common good, not the purpose of extraction to benefit wealth redistribution to a few.

Maybe the funniest thing is how some of those who are extracted from the most defend the few who extract.  Banksters are very clever.  The other funny thing is how a few who really understand Object Oriented System Design and Implementation do not see the inherent fundamental flaw in failure in the design of our current monetary system that a key object in the system called Money is not a high level class object but a method of model dominated by Account.

Hiam Bodeck is a genius but even he did not see the flaw in the high the high level object model until he very simply mapped it out to discover how it had bit him in the ass.  All these genius object oriented thinkers are thinking at to low a level.  They should step up to take control as information system engineers.

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