Saturday, November 16, 2013

The Thing

There is a theme, a thread, a single thing that runs through all the posts in this blog.  Hard to follow for you perhaps.  I write too much volume about that thing and say too little.

There is only one thing to know:  Every thing is a thing.

There are only two parts to any thing:

1.  The object thing

2.  The action thing

Looking at all things as things, which is the simplest way to look at them,  is an object oriented view point.  All things are objects.

The hard part is to see an action as a thing.  It defies our earliest teaching that a thing is a noun and an action is a verb.  The first step in educating us about our natural language.

Now I take off in flights of fancy to the world beyond the horizon of what I even think I know but is out there somewhere waiting to become more intelligently understood when I find the pony at the bottom of a pile of stuff.  I believe it is there somewhere.  Maybe not under this particular pile but they all have to be sifted and searched.


It makes me wonder about the nature of our "native language" of perception was before we were "educated" into a "natural language" called English?  A language that then became our tool to express and communicate perception.

The "feral child" raised by wolves is the sociologist dream.  The pristine animal consciousness not socialized by anything else but nature.  What is their "native natural viewpoint of the world?  Different I suppose to the extent it is not pre-disposed by the nature of the language we learn to use that connects logic and structure.

Logic (the subject), Language (to express it) and Structure (the object of the subject expressed through language).  Is not unique to humans, only an extension of nature from inanimate things to animate things to us as the supreme animate things.  We are so supreme and self centered that we do not recognize that Logic, Language and Structure permeate everything in the fabric of our universe.

The  universal trinity   key   to   every   thing.

It is that simple.

It is not difficult for me to conclude that the animal (non-human) view point perception of the world is all structured on the thing we call action.  I think that our animal nature generally pre-disposes us to an action/function oriented language that consequently influences the  form of both our logic and structure viewpoints of the world.

Object Oriented Language is Language 2.0.  A paradigm shifting from Language 1.0 which was a Process Oriented Language.

We were a feral society of feral children raised by nature.  Learning the action/function natural language that shaped the way we think.  A mode of thinking that ,at the purest animal level, postulates that all things are actions and objects are action/function derived things.

That last thought is the structure of  the natural world.  A natural world that is the product of three things:  Subject, Time, Object.  Where Time is the action thing, Subject is the Creator/Initiator thing and Object is the function of Subject and Time.

Animals sense time as action.  That perception is action oriented.

Humans conceive of time.  We inherited an animal perception of time but have the ability to build conceptional expressions of reality into conceptual representations of reality that extend time to eternity.  Temporal time extended to eternity is an object of supremacy from which all things derive.

The higher nature of human beings is object oriented.  We have known that from the start and have created the necessary logic an structure to explain it.  Our natural animal nature however has had a controlling influence that puts us naturally in a position of chicken and egg conflict with a resolution that action precedes and determines the nature of objects.

It is a tipping point problem.  We always have been a combination of action and object orientation.  To the extent that orientation has conflicted for dominance of view to shape the other we have been in an internal conflict with our own perceptions throughout history.

The shifting from process/function orientation to object orientation either lifts us to the next level of advancement or is the high water mark from which there is retreat if we do not shift our fundamental action oriented view and structure to an object oriented controlling view point of entry to our problems.

Our primary and majority focus has always been on what a thing does to derive structure.

A shift to primary and majority focus on understanding and controlling what a thing is to derive what it should do to give us the

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