Saturday, November 16, 2013

Natural Language is a Beautiful Thing

Last night I joined many others to pay honor to the beauty of our language and a person that is an artist that uses the language for poetic expression.  We also paid honor with our applause to those that contributed in a collaborative effort with contributions to the art.  The drawings, the printing, the binding and beyond that to creating the physical and conceptual venues in which all this takes place.

The whole thing was a celebration on many abstract levels involving a whole universe of wonderful relationships all the Via to the Milky Way!

Our Natural Language skillfully and artfully used in the nuances of the art to create beauty will never be replaced by any machine language.  It can however be enhanced by translation or association to other forms and functions of language such as music, math, and all other languages of communication between and among conceptual and real things, individually and collectively.

Our natural language beauty may even be enhanced by a "baking" of the original product with ingredients of other natural and artificial languages.  It comes back out of the oven as a natural language expression but with baked in attributes that make it so much better.

A Thing of Beauty!

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