Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Stupidity and Money

Funny thing:  I do not like things I cannot understand but love the challenge of things that are understandable.  They are therefore attainable.  The funniness in that?   I will not even begin to study something that is an established systemic entity that at first, or second glance, with at least a small amount of effort devoted to attempting to understand it produces the conclusion that no matter how hard I try I will never understand it.  My problem solving failure?   Or:  The systemic entity failure to be a valid system based on fundamental trilogy of Logic, Language and Structure?

The fact is that I refuse even begin to understand the stupid.  To bite at the bait that says:  "If you study it long enough you will understand it".  The "have faith" model that in the end it will all be understood.  Like when I die?  No way.  If it is not understood in the first few logic steps that lay down the foundation of the conceptual structure then it is not worth any more time or effort.  A stupid concept may however have value in pointing exactly the concept that it denies as maybe worth a look.  A competing logic concept that is grasped from step one and all following steps connected by striding in the virtual world to other steps works for me.  I would follow that to the ends of the earth.  Learning, growing all the time.

I have and will walk the talk of logic.  A professional career, Ironman, love and devotion.  Giving all I have to the purpose.  Other ways I have not gone or continued when the way was no longer understandable, reasonable, logical or  transforming faith in actions to the conceptually sound structure relationship of things.  Doing that each conceptual verb step along the way connecting conceptual things in the structure.  Leaving behind and ladder or a tree.

I am not really climbing a tree to the moon here like a monkey that makes rapid initial progress then comes to an equally rapid halt.  That is only my expression of personal frustration that drives me on because I am learning, always at the top of growing tree that is slowly getting me where I want to go.  I know there is a moon up there.  I can get to it.  It is just so slow, but that is how I ever got anywhere I ever went and the best places were gotten to on a bicycle, or swimming, or running, or sailing.

I am not so smart but I am not stupid.  If stupid is as stupid does then I certainly agree that it is stupid to study the current monetary system, or any other broader conceptual systemic structure beyond the fundamental point of understanding what makes it a stupid course of study.  To seize upon that initial stupid foundation point that sets the course of anti logic and use that point of departure as the fulcrum to tip a stupid concept out of existence.

I called a class of political/religious fundamentalist stupid.  A friend corrected me as being uncharitable.  True.   I should be more precise.   The Basic Laws of Human Stupidity are logical categorization at the collective Human level that I can understand.  Like good and evil.  To apply them at the individual level is as uncharitable as abusing a helpless person.

Conceptual social structures at the macro level however can be stupid and applying the Laws of Stupidity are worth the effort to identify the key to change.

Money is a key to change.  What it is and where it fits to turn the lock to open the door.  A great metaphor since money is usually kept in a vault.  A physical safe or it virtual equivelent:  Account.

The key?  Remove Money from Account.  They are two different things.  Two different nouns.  Two different conceptual entities each with their own properties and behaviors.

Money is not "Spending" that is a gerund.  A verbalized noun masquerading as a verb but having the properties and behaviors of a noun.  The point to change that makes the entire stupid existing conceptual monetary debt money system fall apart as fast as a paradigm shift.


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