Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Parsing Trans Pacific Partnership - Parsing

Yves does an excellent job of parsing the TPP today.

House Pushing Back on Trade Deal; More Detail on How Secret Arbitration Panels Undermine Laws and Regulations - 11/13/2013 - Yves Smith

Wikipedia description of parsing here.

Yves expresses in natural language her parsed meaning of the TPP.  She is a brilliant parser!  She does it all in her head.  Examines the complexities and interprets them accurately as a reduction in complexity to its most important and significant relationships and analyzes those relationships.  She is a master of the art.  

The art of natural language parsing is truly an art for those gifted with this exceptional ability.  To do it accurately to truly mirror the essence of input is another matter.  There is an equal flip side of parsing true input to produce obscuring output.  Fox News for example.  I trust Yves.  I can follow her logic, language and structure.  It is a thinking process that keeps it honest without switching to the feeling process in the course of objective analysis.  However after she is done thinking she expresses some absolute feelings as a conclusion.  I trust her feelings as well.

This is what I say:  Trust and confidence in accuracy is essential.  It is a tough thing to achieve in natural language.  Some experts in the art of the practice like Yves Smith, Bill Moyers, Noam Chomsky, Bill Black, and the rest of my parsing heroes do it beautifully.  The more pedestrian and less skilled in the art must achieve the same result using scientific expertise with a highly structured language.  The problem is that few are fluent in that language and as accurate as it may be, they do not understand it.  Greek to them.  No understanding of the language, no trust and confidence in what it expresses no matter how accurate the expression may be.  

We know some highly structured language very well.  In math 1+1=2.  In music we know one sour note when we hear it.  We know the language, we know the structure.  We know when the product is wrong, false, does not make music, when the structure fails to deliver its required product.  By definition math and music are intended to deliver accuracy, not to have built in bugs that deliver other than accuracy.  Social systems however are subject to intentional manipulation to introduce bugs that benefit a sub-optimized distorted result.

If we knew the Logic Language and Structure of UML as well as basic math and music we would know as accurately as Yves does what is wrong with TPP.  It does not mean we have to know a programming language.  Just the structure analysis logic, a means to express it in a  structure that we can grasp as readily as music.

This is what I would do if my intention was to subvert the honest objectives, defined as benefits to mankind, of government, religion, commerce, law, education, any social institution structured principally on natural language as the language expressing its logic and structure.

I would have to be a truly gifted film flam man.  An artist in deception.  Snake oil salesman or rabble rousing preacher.

Or, lacking that artistic skill I would have to use the skill of science to lever my lack of artistry to the level of artistic accomplishment.

To so this I would 

1.  Take the natural language expression of a system structure, written in Plain English, however not so plain as it may be, and parse it to a more highly structured language in order to understand and produce an output as an artist does by sheer virtue of their gift.  Like playing music with Garage Band.  Drawing with an art program.  Taking pictures with a phone and manipulating them with Photoshop instead of painting them.   

2. Once I had created my highly structured logic language UML model of the system expressed in I would be able to see it and present for others familiar with the language to see it more easily and clearly.  See the structural relationships .  Be able to manipulate them to a new structure for application to serve my their intentions and my intentions of getting paid.

3.  Then, I would parse the structured language model not to a computer program but back into natural language.  A "de-rating, de-tuning of my highly structured model expressed in structured language.  In the de-parsing back to natural language intentionally introducing ambiguity to the natural language structure model by use of such tools as framing the issue. Putting it in a different frame that it truly belongs.  There are formalized structured methods of doing that.

The third step must be done in absolute secrecy. No Snowdens allowed to expose what is being done.  No leaks to describe intentions or release the structured model to those that understand the fundamental logic, language and structure behind it that would reveal it, expose it clearly for the plan and associated objectives that it really is.

TPP is the conglomerate product of a hundred and some individual special interest group sectors that intend to benefit from its establishment as law.  It is my suspicion that did exactly what I describe to create a structured model and from that to repackage it in a natural language format.

Yves and others can see it for what it is.  My gratitude for their artistic ability but we should all be more capable in compensating for our lack of ability in the art with the application of an increased amount of structured analytical ability beyond or in addition to our natural language.  User interface with our Information Age systems make that possible.

I would not feel so all alone if everybody just got (stoned) a little more structured object oriented thinking and understanding.  We are progressing in that direction.  Our information age is molding us into that model.

Social Engineering structures models of society based on parsing natural language to a more structured language and then expressing that structure in a natural language program application. 

In the broadest of terms here is the game.  Examine the social logic, language and structure of the world expressed in the natural language media.  Express the structure in a highly structured logic model for comprehension, management and production of programs for intended objectives.  Write the programs in the natural language media, that is all that people understand and can implement in terms of process, even if they do not know why or how the process is a function of the highly structered object model.  Why and how is hidden in the highly structured model that produces the process.  Keep the focus of society on the process, not the object if the object model is not in the best interest of society as defined by society not the engineers that would manipulate it.

The problem may be that the "Free Press" is entirely within the Frame of natural language.  Perhaps that is why Open Source frames that operate in a more structured language domain but applicable to social systems are a threat to continuing to deceive society with natural language by those that would benefit from deception and their their foot soldiers.

I thing that Mathbabe touches on the essence of what I am saying.  She is gifted in the art of math as well as its highly scientific logic, language and structure.

Perhaps what I intend to scribe in this blot entry is the nature and power of Asymmetrical Information

Another link to Mathbabe here.  She is priceless!  She talks about big data.  Big data, of course, has its big model of the users system express in a highly structured model I am sure and are arrogantly condescending or just plain dumb or trying to hide what they know when it comes to really telling anything about what they know andy the structures they create to know it.  If they say anything it is in weasel worded nature language in the frame of their choice for ambiguity.

That lat line is funny!  An ambiguity programming language!  The exact opposite of what programming logic to reduce ambiguity.  The goal is to introduce ambiguity.  Exactly the goal of going from a structured language to a natural language when the intent is to decouple the real nature of system logic, language and structure!

Maybe only a nerd or politician or lobbyist  would get it?

The frame of ethics is: "I will not lie, cheat nor steal or tolerate those that do."

The frame of self interest to the detriment of society is "I will lie, cheat and steal and seek out and affiliate with those that do"  TPP unmasked.  Bill Black calls it control fraud.  I call it commerce adopting the banking model.

Using Abstract Language -- The Truth About Deception  has some interesting thought about using levels of abstraction to deceive.

Some Cracks in the Cult of Technocrats. "We are living in the age of the technocrats. In business, Big Data, and the Big Brains who can parse it, rule. In government, the technocrats are on top, too. From Washington to Frankfurt to Rome, technocrats have stepped in where politicians feared to tread, rescuing economies, or at least propping them up, in the process."

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