Sunday, January 15, 2017

Winograd Schema Challenge - Artifcial Intelligence

I have 3 prior posts in this blog relating to Terry Winograd.

Terry is a pioneer in his field of expertise that captured and has held my interest since the early 1980's.  I run across his progress, or even search for it from time to time.  Today I happened on his Schema Challenge.

The next Winograd Schema Challenge will be held at the Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence (AAAI) Conference in New Orleans, La., in February of 2018.

An AI problem:
Brake for jerks?  No problem, just pass a law that allows jerks to be run over...event outcome: Injured or killed.   AI problem solved for ya!

The point:  "Accident" is an ambiguous term that would be a challenge to Artificial Intelligence.  I hope they submit this AI Challenge to test Deep AI learning in the 2018 Winograd Schema Challenge.  It deals with the most ambiguous Problem Domain:  Politics.

What is Politics?

Glad you asked that ambiguous question.

It is a challenge to common sense intelligence. 

Natural or Artificial.

New game show based on the "ask a question model" that selects either of two courses of action:
The Human Intelligence common sense action or the Artificial Intelligence (machine common sense) action.  Then ask the contestant (a human or the machine hidden behind a curtain) to explain the reasoning behind the choice.....The aggregate collective called studio audience then decides if it is a human or machine that chose the action to be taken?

Technology and Politics -- dis-ambiguation?  That is a supreme challenge for AI!

Terry talks about the heightened responsibility of the designers of AI systems for the application of the things they design.  The solution to resolving that responsibility is to be involved with all the stakeholders in the problem domain.  I see that as common sense....difficult when so many of the stakeholders have "ownership" of the stake on the foundation of money measurement terms.  Non-monetary based "ownership" interest is more difficult to support legitimate "standing" status in a problem domain dominated by money metrics as a primary decision making tool.  Social interests may have a monetary price tag or cost tag attached but what is the coin of the realm when it comes to quality of life?

Perhaps the political role of AI is to establish a social monetary unit unit of value based on reason and logic of which there is an unlimited supply that is non-debt based??  

Artificial Intelligence is driving us.  Who is doing the steering?  The navigation?

Facebook AI:

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