Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Transgender Conceptual Shift

There is very little ambiguity in the perceived meaning of the subject title of this blog entry!

The popular perception is related to sexual identity.  Which bathroom to use for example.  It is a binary thing with a relationship to physical properties and conceptual properties.  Physical if there is an actual sex change operation.  My mind does not want to go there to either learn more about the operation itself.  Some do it.  Relatively few I would think.  I don't know but tend to believe that most transgender shifting is conceptual related and not related to a medical sex change operation.

A purely conceptual transgender shift results in what?  Acting in a manner of the other sex?  By their actions they will be identified?  If a person of a given physical sex does not look or act like the opposite sex how would anyone know that they don't tend to internally think and feel along the stereo typical social role lines by which society generally defines the differences between men and women in our society?

Men tend to think and feel this way and therefore act like this.  Hunters.

Women tend to think and feel that way and therefore act like that.  Gatherers.

That is a common perception that seems to play out in reality.

What if a man could shift to the conceptual structure that is the nature of female thinking/feeling?

That is hard to imagine.  Harder than the simple empathy of being in another persons shoes.

The colliery is, of course:  What if a woman could shift to the conceptual structure that is the nature of male thinking/feeling.

Each nature is driven by biological determinants.  We have natural hormonal differences producing conceptual differences at the collective level.

Some say...The world would be a better place in women were in charge.  I agree.

Many say that the world is going to be a worse place with Trump, an economic hunter/killer, sexual predator, intelligence challenged man in charge that has great potential danger to us all but perhaps a greater danger to women and women's issues.  I say that and believe it.

I'll join the women interest oriented march lead by women on the 21st of Jan.  The day after Trump assumes office and a couple days before he can start to do his official damage.

Have I undergone some kind of a transgender conceptual shift in which my nurture nature dominates my hunter nature conceptual structure?

OMG! Is this a come out of the closet thing?

No, I am still an hunter killer attacker of concepts that would destroy us.

Bi-polar maybe?

Should I wear a pink hat on Saturday?

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