Friday, January 27, 2017

10 Bucks To Tulsi Gabbard! We Need A Single National Clearing House For Voluntary Contributions

I sent $10 to Tulsi via Act Blue because I read these reports: 

I fully approve of what she says and does.   My donation to Act Blue talks.  I wish it would say more.  I wish it would say something to those that disapprove of her position on issues and what she says and does.  I want my donation to be a two edge sword.  I want those that directly disapprove of her like those that express disgust to know that I support Tulsi and oppose them.

Tulsi will know that I donated.  At least statistically. I want her opposition to know that I stand with her and oppose them.  It sends them a message in a back handed manner and I want them to get name!

What we need is a consolidated single neutral non profit Clearing House entity through which funnel all donations (voluntary act of conscience payments without any expectation of material return) to the entity of choice.  Each donation through the clearing house provides the opportunity for the donator to express the reason for donation.  Each donation is an expression of monetary and conceptual support for the recipient entity.  On the flip side the donation may be in opposition (in order of priority) to some specific entity or concept which may meet the approval of support for its position.  An opposition entity that may or may not be a registered recipient of donations to them through the clearing house.

The Clearing House for all donations would be an open website record.  It would display public information about the registered recipient of the donation and anonymized information about the donator.  The amount donated speaks for itself as a proxy vote for the recipient.  The limit of each donation would be less than $10.  Each donation would publicly list the names of a limited number of entities either registered as recipients in the Clearing House system or named by the donator as conceptual entities to whom the donator wishes to express disapproval.  Cancer for example. 

The public Donation Clearing House web site would also display for each single donation transaction the past frequency of association between the anonymized donator account a and donator.  All donations would be made only by credit card.

The Clearing House would provide a wide variety of data mined anonymized summarized  and donation specific statistical summary data at its website related to all donations.  Statistical data would include association of donations to recipient entities as well as donator specified "in opposition to" entities that are either registered to receive donations or abstract conceptual or real entities named by the donator.

All politicians would be registered by definition as donation recipients in the Donation Clearing House system.  Other entity classes would also be registered by definition.  All other recipients would register by choice to receive donations.

Money talks.

Bull Shit walks!

I want my money voice to talk.  Publicly talk loud and clear about exactly what I am for and what I am against like I did when I joined the Women's March last Saturday.

I want a quick and easy way, the Clearing House I propose to throw a $Rose to anyone or entity of my choice at any time by the press of a button and sending a flip $Finger to  those I oppose.  The two do not necessarily have to be associated in any way except than my free choice of the flip side $Finger.  Let the association of the donation to its flip side speak for itself.

I like this idea.  Donations of this nature are too stove piped in the current system.  Aggregation of Information as well as Information Entities is where the inertia of the Information Age is going.

Throw that $Rose....

Throw that $Rock!

We need a Google of the Donation Clearing House world!

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