Thursday, January 26, 2017

Biggest Bank Robbery Of All Time: Debt Future Based vs Debt Free Now

The purpose for the creation of this blog is to explore the nature of money.  It goes off to explore the nature of other things but from the same dominant primary approach to exploration.  That approach is from an Object Orientation to know what and object is, what are its properties, to understand first what an object is.  What an object is determines what an object does. The alternate dominant approach is to understand what an object thing does to then discover what the object is.

Money is a a strange object.  It has an abstract conceptual nature existence connected to a real time physical representation.  Maybe the best point of entry to the problem is to look at its point of creation.

In our debt based monetary system money is a conceptual object thing founded on its creation as an abstract thing existing at a future point in time as date of birth.  That date is what gives the object its first attribute.  Existence in time.  That was my first new thought occurring during a semi dream time short transition from sleep to awake this morning.  Truly new original thoughts do not come often in life.  Most of them are repetitions like a cup of coffee in the morning that I am now enjoying.

Physical natural things in the real world are all created in the past and carried forward in real time time existence as matter and energy that does something by virtue of its properties.

Creating existence of a thing at a point of time in the future is a neat trick of our minds.  Things created there have no connection to any physical attribute, only future time.  There is no body to its pure soul there! It is meta-physical there.  Beyond physical until we make it time travel to the past which is what we call and know at our real time called now (eternally!)

That is the neatness attribute of the trick.

Maybe it is our ultimate trick to play......upon seems.

Or, the ultimate trick played upon us by whomever puts that future date on a figment of their imagination and then makes real time magic beans that carry a time value forward until they meet their creation date in the future at which time they are extinguished into the past.

The life time of money is a count down to meet a future birthday.

This is a good place (point in real time) to illustrate a difference in point of entry to any given Problem Domain.  It is only one domain.  Just two or more different ways of approaching entry to it and it has an unlimited number of door but ultimately only two?

What are those two?  What the Problem Domain "Is" and what the Problem Domain "Does"

The essential Problem Domain of Money is founded in the future and what money does is the drawing of that future into the present by the assignment of a future expiration date to a numerical denoted amount.  Our current Monetary System is a IOU system.  What the present existence of money owes to the future.  The concept is called Debt.

In this Debt based Monetary system is Debt forward looking or backward looking from the real time of Now?

It all depends on a binary view point of entry of a two parties in the Debt based Monetary System.

A Party and a Counter-Party.  A Debtor and a Creditor.  They both look back and forward in Time.  The pot of gold they both look at exists in the past for one and the future for the other.  Which one has control of the creation of the money in the first place either the past or the future has control of the who the Monetary System serves first as the principal benefactor.  It serves both but by design base: Past or Future it serves one more than the other.

How much more?

By the time based rate of interest over time and associated real time based fees on future debt money.

We (call We = The People) look back to our birth day in the past as the milestone of origination of what serves our real time existence called life in the hear and now counting up to non-existence.  If we were not born in the past then we would not be here now........Natural fact of life!  It is when we came into existence in the real world.  We have a future orientation of out own creation toward and unknown but future point of non-existence

They....... (call them Bankers with whatever adjectives you wish, I like Banksters, a more elegant term since no unnecessary adjective is needed to describe them)......look forward to a money value amount entity (loan) birthday born (originating) in the future as the milestone against which to measure the passage of time in a known count down future point count down to its fixed manner of passing into non-existence......called....Debt pay off.

Like so many things it is how the issue is framed that determines how it is viewed.  "Framing" in my definition is how the the entity in control of a conceptual system chooses to frame it for their self interest benefit.

We (The People) would frame things (the Problem Domain) one way to serve ourselves (Common Good, Present and Future)

We (The Few) would frame things (The Problem Domain) a different way to serve themselves (Good for Them, Present and Future).

The Few, the Greedy, are the controlling Creators of the Operating System and Appliction Program Means to implement their future objectives by bring their future creation called money into the present with a firm fixed fixed future price and date of future payment....Their loan becomes We The People's common social decision making tool applied to enable our free present and future decision action to serve our individual and collective wants and needs.

They that have the gold rule?

No, they that have the gold mine rule!

In the case of our Debt Based Monetary System those that own the gold mine that the gold comes from is in the future and the future is ultimately the safest vault from which to mine their gold.  Their vault located in the future and protected by all past originated but presently outstanding debt based loans that cannot be robbed from long as any of their losses are covered by their ultimate debtors of last recourse....We the People...of course!

It is a rigged system!

Yes, but the only game in town!

Until the game changes from creation of Money born in future time as debt with a future time date and specified unit value of repayment in a debt based system becomes.....

Money created at a fixed real time and discretely identified lowest level of unit of value of birth that remains in existence over time.

A Positive Money designed by those we choose to create it and manage it for the Common Good must replace the Debt Based money system that serves the few so well.

That Banksters gold mine and safe vault that is protected by their absolute combination lock on the future is taken from them by simply taking the origin birth of money out of the future and count down to expiration at the end of its time terms and bringing the creation of Money into the real time now with no debt to the future counterpart.  Money that only owes its current existence as a discrete granular object with a unique identifier and value of 1 unit each to a birthday in the past that remains in existence as long as We The People need it as our individual and collective decision making tool to serve ourselves until a better conceptual tool comes along to serve as a medium of exchange.

The Debt Based Monetary system steals from us as a function the action called Loan by a  franchised and protected power entity Banking System that creates future money by bringing the future into the present as debt that has a future date of birth and unit measurement.

We take what is rightfully ours from the future protected mine and vault of the Debt Based Banking system when we take its creation birth out of the future and bring it in to the present and the past of a Positive Debt Free Monetary system based on BlockChain methodology to establish validity and trust.

Debt must become only a single application of a Positive Money BlockChain system designed to serve the Common Good by our collective right to determine the design and control of out monetary system.

We simply change the birthday of Money from a future date that places it in the frame of debt to a fixed creation of life date that becomes its documented Blockchain history that can be traced back from real time existence and ownership.

The biggest Bank Robbery of all Time!

Banksters loose it all when money becomes real time BlockChain based.

We gain it all.

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