Tuesday, January 10, 2017



Never heard anything about it.  Didn't know what it is all about.  Yves elevated it for attention at Naked Capitalism this morning so I paid attention to it.  The link at NC is extremely informative.  The link that it presents and Yves comments on it this:

The conclusion that I come to is that this legislation creates a major change in the structure of our system of governance with the intent to undermine it to the advantage of narrow self interest at public benefit expense.

It is a specific instance of the business model: "Private Gain At Public Expense".   PrivateGain is accomplished by defunding regulatory agencies that are tasked with defending public interests based on laws that regulate business practices.  The Reins act is designed not only to reduce regulatory activity but to make the laws that do the regulating go away by the establishment of laws that make them go away as an objective of the function of the law.  That is what the REINS act is and what it does.  The way I see it.

The way I see everything is...

 What a thing is.  (What is its Operating System)
What a thing does. (What are its Application Programs)

Its the Information Age, stupid!  The age where we build Conceptual Systems like we build Physical Systems in the Industrial Age.

The REINS ACT: https://www.congress.gov/bill/115th-congress/house-bill/26
Regulations From the Executive in Need of Scrutiny Act of 2017

This is how our system of governance is corrupted for PrivateGain that extracts money and power from the public through capture of our form of Government Operating System and the Application Programs that run on that system.

Parse this:
Regulations From the Executive in Need of Scrutiny Act of 2017

What works for me is the simple analysis of anything that begins to identify it that asks two things:
Is this thing in the domain of the Operating System?
Is this thing in the domain of the Application Programs?

That is my universal approach to understand anything.  Our system of governance is tripartite.

Legislative - Operating System Domain
Executive  -  Application System Domain
Judicial      -  Quality Control with the power to modify either or both domains in accordance with
                      the  Operating System Kernel. 

The REINS title: Regulations From the Executive in Need of Scrutiny Act of 2017 is explicitly focused on the Executive Branch.  The Executive Branch has the power to create regulations that apply the Operating System to governance.

Quoted from the REINS summary: 
"The bill revises provisions relating to congressional review of agency rulemaking"

Parsing this concludes that REINS is aimed at the domain of the Executive Branch creation and execution of application programs in accordance with the conceptual structure of the Operating System but does so by institution of revisions of the Operating System that is within its domain of controlling power, authority and responsibility.

There is a middle ground Application Program Interface (API) between Operating System and Application Programs running within and on that controlling Operating System.

Withing the Operating System Domain it appears to me there is a cascade of conceptual structure leading back, or up, depending on point of view to more fundamental parent levels of both conceptual software structure and its hand in hand physical hardware structure.  As Operating Systems grew by extension they encompassed within its domain more universal conceptual sub-parts and pieces that were initially and traditionally viewed as components in the Application Domain of the Total combined system structure.

Kind of like Pac Man gobbling up pieces called application and ingesting them into its operating system.  Pac Man is game to gobble up everything.  When it does the game is over.  In the real world of the Information Age, Pac Man is a single conceptual entity that can only goggle up things that are in its own restricted domain of "Operating System".  Everything beyond that is Application Program domains of fenced and open opportunity and control.  That Application Program Domain is subject to the influence of ideology as to development resources and methods that feeds back to demands on the Operating System to satisfy the requirements of Application Program users in a domain of  Open/Closed real world environmental system where conceptual things and processes meet and serve real thing clients.

Operating Systems and Application Programs are the filed upon which turf warfare is played.  It has a referee.  The Judicial Branch.

The problem is that the entire system is coded in Natural Language expressed in narrative form.  That is exactly what REINS is as far as its coded nature goes.  Natural language is a highly ambiguous language, even when refined to more precise terms the meaning of those terms in relationship to other terms and concepts remains highly ambiguous.  That is a feature or a bug.  A feature to those whom self serving benefit is derived through advantageous use of ambiguity to hide purpose.  A bug to those that seek a rigorous unambiguous system based on a higher degree of truth to deliver the benefit of system intent.

The REINS Act fiddles with the basic Operating System of our nation to exercise power to control Application Programs by restriction of the Executive Branch domain prerogatives and powers to operate.  It is a turf war power grab.  It depends on the weakening of the Executive branch by means of public perception that it cannot do anything right in the application of governance and accordance with our Operating System of governance.

The REINS act is in my opinion subversive.  It is intended to be subversive to the benefit of those that sponsor it.

Private gain at public expense.  It is a business model.

Nothing personal....its just business.

REINS is an absolutely blatant power grab.  It does that by defining anything in the Executive Branch domain that is by definition a "Major Rule" subject to Legislative Branch review and determination to be in accordance with its domain of Operating System design and maintenance.

"A "major rule" is any rule that the Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs of the Office of Management and Budget finds results in: (1) an annual effect on the economy of $100 million or more; (2) a major increase in costs or prices for consumers, individual industries, government agencies, or geographic regions; or (3) significant adverse effects on competition, employment, investment, productivity, innovation, or the ability of U.S.-based enterprises to compete with foreign-based enterprises."

This is a real kicker:!!  OMB, an Executive Branch Agency is tasked with reporting to Congress all rules that are by definition in the ambiguous category of "Major Rules".  The self interest benefit to the power grab is hidden in plain sight:  "significant adverse effects on competition, employment, investment, productivity, innovation, or the ability of U.S.-based enterprises to compete with foreign-based enterprises."

Free private enterprise must be free of any regulatory control of the Executive Branch by virtue of the control of its Application Program power and authority by the Legislative Branch Operating System power and authority.

"Authoritarian Government"  is not so much nor exclusively the domain of the Executive Branch and its Presidential Director but the domain of the Legislative Branch network of elected officials and the self serving money interest entities that control them.

In whose hands does that place "Authoritarian Government"?

Big business.  Big money.

What is the identifying nature and term of that form of Authoritarian Government?

Most recent vote for and against: http://clerk.house.gov/evs/2017/roll023.xml


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