Monday, January 30, 2017

Straw Vote Clearing House 
"The idiom may allude to a straw (thin plant stalk) held up to see in what direction the wind blows, in this case, the wind of group opinion."

Prior blog entries regarding a ClearingHouse through which Charitable, Political and Non-Profit donations may be tagged by the donor had some conceptual merit that got carried off into the wild blue yonder until they could not be seen anymore.  However, like the programming of a drone to return to its point of origin and land based on Case:Lost or Case:OutOfGasSoon the idea came back to me for a fresh launch.

The idea was to create a structural system facility that would provide any donor to attach their motivating purpose (both what the donation is for and what the donation is against) to the donation.  It would go through a single Donation ClearingHouse that strips off the for/against and associated information and anonymize it for retention, analysis and micro/macro level presentation public information at a WebSite.  Like the NSA but totally Public not Secret.  Unlike the NSA not traceable back to an individual person.

The public face of the StrawPoll ClearingHouse would reflect what way the wind of public opinion is blowing as a function of PublicDonation in support/opposition.  The wind blows only two ways if by definition those that don't cast a vote in the poll don't care therefore don't vote and are undecided at any given time of testing the wind direction.

The largest ClearingHouse the general public interfaces with is the domain of CreditCard companies.

What if the "Straw" to convey the purpose of a donation is by system design attached by relationship to CreditCard?

A multitude of Things are presently attached to CreditCard for beyond its MediumOfExchange Attributes, Methods and Messages.  Points, awards, privileges, etc. to market its sale in a competitive market.  The credit card itself may be associated to a donation based type entity to which some benefit accrues to itself through holders of a credit card with their name on it.

Attaching a "Killer" marketing hook to CreditCard in a highly competitive market is the path to increased MarketShare.  This is a time of increased political and social division that carries with it an increased desire for people to express themselves on a more frequent basis on the immediate issues of the day. 

Consumers would not go for a credit card that expressed their opinion on any of the  most controversial issues of the day.  Unless they were Open Carrying.  For example:  Most people would not use a WhiteRacist CreditCard even if that was their true belief.  Fundamentally that is why voting is done in secret.

A StrawVote SubSystem could be built into the ClearinHouse:CreditCard system concept ofSingleDoor PointOfEntry concept that disburses what flows through it to various ClientEntities in a SingleServer/MultipleClientEntity relationship.

The StrawVote SubSystem would be designed to be open only to private individual credit card members, not business entity card members.

Every private credit card holder has password access to their account.  Private is a relative term.  It does not mean exclusive access.  The CreditCardCompany has official access to the account.  The NSA and other hackers have unofficial access to it.

InformationAge systems are advancing rapidly in security and cryptology.  Hacking attacks the weakest systems.  The difficulty of getting into a personal device like an iPhone is extreme.  Conceptual "DeadmanSwitch" can be built in for biometric identification based protection.  Maybe there will never be a truely absolutely secure system.

If: A credit card holder could go to their secure access to their personal CreditCard and the CreditCard system allowed for user assignment of an arbitrary user code that was cryptographically associated with a user specified for or against any Social/Political user belief choice..
Then: all transactions made with that personal user credit card would carry with it through an anonymized filter and expression of the user's most important priority values regarding Social/Political issues unrelated directly to the financial purpose and function of the credit card.

Somehow, the Twitter model "flash" public reaction to immediate instance issues as well as their higher level parental lineage could be piggy backed onto the CreditCard ClearingHouse system to express anonymized public opinion as a function of attaching it to every personal credit card transaction.

A credit card with that feature would appeal to me.  It would make my money "Talk" about more than where and how I chose to spend it but attach to a means to publicly express my private Social/Political beliefs as input to macro analysis of PublicOpinion.

Or something along the lines of this idea......

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