Saturday, January 21, 2017

Marching for Mom(s) and those who choose not to be

I am going to put on a pink hat and and join the local post inauguration women's march today at 11:00.

This morning I am thinking about what I intend to do.
Chris Hedges says at the 10 minute point: "....the machinery of the Deep State will be used to marginalize Trump to such an extent that they can finally get rid of him through impeachment"

A crises!  The Deep State never let a good crises go to waste.  It is the opportunity to seize more power.  Control the crises, control the result.

The Deep State wins by being an unseen third party behind the curtain that gets you and him to fight and then is the real winner of the fight regardless of either you or him being the ones standing at the end.  Little risk, great reward.  The risk factor:  Being revealed as the true instigating cause.

I wrote about Stakeholders in a recent prior blog entry.

Women are Social Stakeholders with relatively little collective standing in our society but much greater standing in the family unit.  That traditional social nature of the family unit relationships based on "Father Figure" has been fractured in many ways.  Women have gained greater Stakeholder standing rights both within the family and collectively in our society.  Is it generally true that any gain in Stakeholder rights is at the expense of other Stakeholders especially the principal Stakeholder?  How does the principal stakeholder defend against diminished control as a function of loss of rights?  By conferring privileges (not rights) that can withdrawn.

Women want rights that are declared for all by self evident Truths.  Privileges have been "given" by the traditional dominant Stakeholder.  Demands for rights must be satisfied or repressed.

The Deep State behind the curtain is the entity that holds dominant self serving Stakeholder power but does not reveal the authoritarian nature of its true dominant standing that confers power.  It is a narrow sector Father Figure with rights to hold a dominant fundamental Money Based Stake in the purpose of governance that has put a (disposable) puppet Father Figure in the chair of POTUS.

The coming crises has the potential to convey rights, power and increased Stakeholder standing to other Stakeholding entities in our American society and its governance.  Who gets that increased standing an influence depends on who claims and defends their rights.  There is always a minority Collective Stakeholder group.  The balance of power depends on who has the majority Stakeholder position.  Republican/Democrat? Liberal/Conservative?  Rich/Poor?  WeThePeople/DeepState?

Men/Women?......Maybe?  Not in gender specific terms but in conceptual the conceptual terms of George Lakoff Authoritarian/Nurturing that has general historical linage as a progression of Male/Female roles in society.  Women with balls have become a conceptual transgender thing.  A woman who would assume the conceptual identity of a male authority figure and adopt the "natural" male Stakeholding rights of standing.  Something that real gender males must repress.

We would be better off if women ran the world.  Not by growing a set of balls but....this is radical...conceptually emasculating those that have them connected to the tool of dominance through power of authoritative control and aggressive tools of domination.

Guys love their guns.  It is a guy thing buried down in our reptilian brains and physical chemical biology that enabled continued existence and evolution of our species of animal as a function of the dominant role of a male.

Why can't a woman be more like a man!

If women had majority stakeholder power in this world we would most likely advance to a better place as a function of conceptual role reversal to a dominance of nurturing care for our society and its governance.

Mother Nature, Mother Earth rule the physical domain  by natural rights....they make an excellent model for conceptual structures.

Women have always been collectively the predominantly nurturing gender.  Men have increasingly become more nurturing in nature.  Not a great number for they would be known as wimps or those that throw a ball like a girl.  However the emergence of men that have come out of the closet as tending more toward the nurturing nature, the balance of Stakeholder power has shifted to the Nurturing standing power.

When the crises fomented by the Deep State to give it more behind the scenes Stakeholding power and control influence it is the time for the Nurturing nature of human existence to seize control.

I went to Standing Rock as a veteran to stand in front of a society that had a Stakeholding System based on nurturing to the 7th generation rather than extraction.  To stand in front of those Stakeholder claiming their rights as dominant.  A society that had been corrupted by authoritarian powers of self serving economic exceptionalism expressing its rights in the face of society that must repress them with force for continued economic gain in the name of law and order.

I will be in the background of today's assertion of the rights and interests of women which to a great extent beyond the physical ones are the same interests of us all.  In the face of violent repression I would and will move non-violently and defensively to the front.

Something I read this morning gives women substantial Stakeholder standing based on their contribution to the socio-economic capitalistic control of the means of production and the resources that go into production for a profit that drives the philosophy of out country:

"In Italy in the 1970s, at the high point of class struggles between unions and capitalists as well as between workers and their unions, socialist feminists found themselves making use of the concept of social reproduction. How does a society cultivate the conditions of its future existence? Before wage workers could produce things in factories, these theorists reasoned, someone had to produce (i.e., give birth to and raise, feed and clean up for) the workforce. The people who performed this labor were, by and large, women; that they were not paid a wage only confirmed that their role came prior to, and was indispensable for, the parts of common life that official statistics recognized as “economic.” The Italian theorists who proposed the term considered it vital not because they wanted to assert the importance of gender identity over other identities but because without the insight it provided, no understanding of class struggle — and no organization of the working class — could be complete."

Women create and grow the workers.....both men and women that go into both Management and Labor.  Yes men play a role in that creation but less in the direct care and feeding nurturing growing.  

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