Thursday, January 5, 2017

Weaponized Narrative

The prior post rambled around on a free range of thought that had some foundation in the RealNatural SpaceTime physical world and its relationship to the ConceptualWorld abstraction we as human beings create based on the physical structure of the RealWorld overlaid by our ConceptualWorld abstraction that extends the domain of the RealWorld into our Conceptual World of what "Things" are and what Things do that may not or are not determined by RealWorld physical law relationship of cause and effect.

The thing called Narrative expresses our conceptual world of ideas analogous to Nature expressing the physical world we live in dominated by NaturalLaw.  We have used NaturalLaw of physical properties to create fantastic weapons.  The ultimate might be the atomic bomb.  E=MC(squared).

There must be some kind of formula to express the essence of the equivalent of the atom bomb in our ConceptualWorld...the domain of our ConceptualWorld that we dream up out of nothing...because we can...that produces some RealWorld benefit to one of us, a few of us, a majority of us or all of us.

Weaponized things cut both ways?

Weaponized Narrative is to the Information Age what the atom bomb was to the Industrial Age.

Israel got the atom bomb from us.

We are getting Weaponized Narrative from Israel.

So far, WeaponizedNarrative has been more destructive than the atom bomb!

The destructive power of a Weaponizing a ConceptualThing has exceeded the power of Weaponizing a RealThing!  Maybe a sad but enduring truth of history?

Narrative in the ConceptualDomain extracts the power of logic from its tight binding to a physical entity in the Physical Domain.  Narrative has the power to twist logic like a Mobius strip twists a physical law in the real world into something that defies natural logic.  It only has one edge.  One logical conceptual truth.

The most powerful weapon in the ConceptualWorld of Right and Wrong.  True or False.  Is the only edge of a conceptual idea True or False?  It is all a function of the Narrative.

Her is an "If-Then" proposition:

If the Narrative is premised on conceptual ideas we proclaim to be self evident truth we choose to govern our conceptual scheme of things (SelfEvidentTruth) then the Narrative logic derived from this top level is relatively true.

If there is a fork in road.....take it.

Can a fork in the road of logic present two different truths when the binary rule of conceptual logic is that only true and false apply?

The power of Weaponized  Narrative fork in the road is both True and not a binary choice.

False is True?

Can be in a conceptual world if we say it is.

What is the result of that Narrative Weapon exploding?

Same as an an atom bomb when the relationship of two things in implemented by a thing called time.

There is no fork in the road taken.

Everything goes in all directions at the same time.

Is our "Big Bang" where the RealWorld physical reality meets our ConcpetualWorld non-physical Narrative when the two separated things separated by their nature of being are so tightly compressed together back to their original state of oneness Unity that.........something big happens?

At the micro level Weaponized Narrative is an F-bomb we use against each other.

At the macro level Weaponized Narrative is the bomb that F's like the Shit hits the Fan.

New formula equation that creates the ultimate NarrativeWeapon........

S=FC (squared)

The NarrativeVersion:  Shit equals the Fan times the Speed of Conceptual Infinity squared.

Nothing is faster (even light) than our own unique human conceptual domain of thinking.  Creating figments of thought  with attributes and abilities called conceptual things out of nothing that have no relationship to the physical world or its natural laws. 

Shit = Our ConceptualThoughts with no connection to the Truth of Physical Reality other than they are False in a RealWorld Domain.

Fan = Reality

Speed of Concept = Instantaneous Wake Up to self F'd event.

Big Bang = F'd.

F'd = Too late.  Time just became Eternity.

Eternity = End of Time....for us at least.

Some think that they will escape the EndTime.

Some think that the land always was and always will be theirs.

F them and their Narrative that will get us physically dead one at a time or all at one time at the point where time meets  a purely conceptual logic thing forever detached from the physical RealWorld we live in called eternity.

Physical weapon tools put people in their grave.

Weaponized Narrative tools are what we dig our own grave with and elegantly induce ourselves to jump out of our own skins and into the grave we dig.

Irony is Ironic.

The writing on the rock:  Nothing is written in stone!

The pen, being the tool of the Narrative is conceptually mightier than the sword.

But the pen as a Narrative tool by which concepts become written into "real" expressions in our real world also cuts both ways.

Discussion at Naked Capitalism.  Fresno Dan kicks it off.

Israel meddling in the affairs of other nations for its own self interest and political gain

Israel meddles in the affairs of many other nations and a nation that it must never allow to become a nation........and Israel gets the support of our US Congress with its Weaponized Narrative!

Israel is a rogue nation and deserves the UN resolution telling the truth.

Truth is a weapon.  Narrative can carry a truth payload as well as a false payload.  The difference is that one is based in the facts of reality where the chips fall.  The other is based on whatever benefits the teller of the narrative story and rests heavily on other world conceptual fantasy and "truth" authority.

Weaponized Narrative:

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