Sunday, January 8, 2017

Enemies - Foreign and Domestic

Background to “Assessing Russian Activities and Intentions in Recent US Elections”

Parsing the "Assessment":

"Trust us we know what we are doing"

"What we do is based on doing it best"

"We use only the finest ingredients"

"If we told you how we do it we would have to kill you"

"Truth is relative and subject to manipulation"

"Russia is our enemy"

If there is only 1% probability that our assessment is in fact true and correct that Russia has this capability in its possession and used it to attack our political system we cannot allow our democracy to be the site of annihilation.

The Assessment should be titled with its conclusion:  Russia is our enemy.  Russia attacked us proving that Russia is our enemy.

Good comments at Naked Capitalism:

Here is a meme that has often proved itself in application:

The enemy of my enemy is my friend!

Our two party system is a two ideological enemies system.

One wants to drown the other in a bath tub.

The common enemy is Russia.

Which party would choose Russia as the enemy of their enemy?

Which party would deny that Russia is their friend?

Which party would use the same tactics and strategy of Russia to influence the election?

Fox News it the propaganda arm of which party?

Our real enemy of democracy is domestic with  foreign friends.

Russia and Israel.

Both are friends of Trump.

Do da math!

The real enemy is us and our failure to do our own match and see the truth that we are being conned by con artists.

A Key Judgment from the report:

"Russian efforts to influence the 2016 US presidential election represent the most recent expression of Moscow’s longstanding desire to undermine the US-led liberal democratic order, but these activities demonstrated a significant escalation in directness, level of activity, and scope of effort compared to previous operations.

and who else wants to undermine liberal ideology?

Russia is the enemy!

The US must increase the size of the US Navy!

Wait, Wait, Don't tell me......we have another enemy:

Can't make this stuff up:  China will have one more ship than the USA!

We are doomed!

Double the fleet!

It is ironic that the fall of Russian and the end of  the cold war was caused by our ability to exhaust Russia economically in a war of warfare production attrition and cost of maintaining armed forces in foreign places like Afghanistan.

Afghanistan where the enemy of our enemy was our friend......we called them Freedom Fighters.  One of them was called Bin Laden.

Hold friends close and enemies closer.

Who benefits from all of this?

Who are the friends of We the People?

Who are the enemies of We the People?

Oh....Our Intelligence Community will tell us the truth....but the rule says.....??

but we would have to kill you....


You can't handle the Truth!

Yes, maybe so but who would get "Handled" if we could "Handle the Truth"?

Answer: The Foreign and Domestic Enemy of the People.

The history of the Bankster Con will repeat itself and that con was only a dress rehearsal for the "con....flict" to come.

Some die in war...others make a killing.  If that walks like truth and talks like truth then who is going to die and who is going to benefit greatly to claim the spoils of war by feasting on the biggest fat cooked goose that skinned itself for the feast to gain the most prominent and mightiest place "head place" at the table?

Its our head, our neck.  Foreign diners on one side of the table, Domestic diners on the other.  They will all join hands and praise their god for the feast at Hotel California.

Today, January 8, 2017:

The enemy of our enemy.....

The enemy within?

Moon of Alabama hangs out with barflies that make some good comments....Moon of Alabama and his/her barflies have risen substantially and full on my horizon....

Credit to this barfly:  along the lines of my "ingredients" earlier in this following blog entry:

Recipe for: Pasta Posta ala Propaganda


1 completely fabricated tale of a (target) enemy’s dastardly deeds
1 very large and prominently placed misleading headline
3-4 large dollops of heavy duty credibility desperation
6 well-rounded scoops of narrative hubris (preferably oligarchical in origin)
1 Very tiny pinch of buried at-the-end-of-story counter context
10 or more generous sprinklings of official sounding “unnamed sources”
1 appropriately sycophantic in-house stenographer

Mix all of the above ingredients into a dense mass of manipulated text (and graphs - if required), to resemble an alarming: “The Imperial empire is at risk” pseudo-investigative article. Let this mass of media (dis) information fester and ferment for several news cycles - making sure that your now very sticky stew of bubbling BS has adequately reached its intended coagulation of deep state purpose - and is now being faithfully replicated by fellow corporate infotainment compatriots - especially the cable news cabals and their local ‘big hair’ affiliates. Once this highly stupor’ed state of agreed upon manufactured “facts” and the associated mainstream media frenzy concerning them has been achieved, you can then belatedly (and quietly) throw out a faux (non)disclaimer about the actual ingredients of the entire composted dish you’ve so carefully concocted. for general consumption. Note: This last step should have little or no lasting substantive effect on the perceived validity or flavor of your original steaming pile of “Pasta Posta ala Propaganda”

Posted by: time2wakeupnow | Jan 7, 2017 2:01:06 PM | 40

These barflies at Moon of Alabama are my kind of people..... !!

Credit to Moon of Alabama barfly "nobody'

The New Red Scare:  Nothing works better on the American Public than Fear!  Be afraid!  Be scared to death!  Security will protect you....while it picks your pocket.
Government should fear the People.  (Our own government).

In this new age ruled by Intelligence Agencies and propaganda we must learn to think like spies...

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