Monday, January 2, 2017

Anti-Trump Protests Grip Cities Nationwide - Boots on the Ground

I was inclined to add this on to the prior blog entry but it deserves to stand on its own two feet like boots on the ground.  Boots on the ground has always been the way to claim territory by standing on it.

MSNBC reported this morning:

Spontaneously and organically in the streets on day one protesting Trump.

It says that we are not getting what we want but voted for.   Another Brexit?

Spontaneous?  Must have had a cause other than created out of nothing the question is what was the agency of cause?  Maybe the power inherent the prior mass celebration of a new year and realization in the fog of a hangover the next day is seeing what that New Year will bring?

I like the word "spawning" used in the technical computing sense.  A thing is "spawned" into existence when there is a need for it to exist as an object in the system to have some attributes methods and messages to implement its functions.

The mass demonstrations are a spawning of such an object by a collective of people.

I think that Standing Rock was a precursor of this type of "spawning".  Said so about it as a microcosm indicator of what is to come nationally.  The target date was 20 Jan.  This shows how events are accelerated when their time has come independent of when they may be planned or reasonably foreseen.

The Operating System and the one now to be in charge of it is not the one we want.
governance Operating System that we want and what are to be its Application Programs?  Subsequent to We the People expressing ourselves on this need to evolve who will seize control of improved Development (or Reinforcement of the Existing System).

2.0 System Development is not a revolution but enhancement of a more refined System and its Function.  New and better based on its merits.  Old versions may continue to exist and operate until they are no longer supported.

Things that spawn come into existence with the attributes and methods to self organize into higher level structures:

Kali Akuno:
"It is critical that progressive and left forces mount as much non-compliant resistance as possible between now and inauguration day to claim as much space as possible, to set the terms of democratic struggle, to create a measure of defense against pending repression (which is where the system was/is headed regardless), and to make the system ungovernable. This is a path on the road to social transformation that must be waged. It should not be confused with the longer term work of organizing, base building, building alternative institutions and systems, developing left political alignment, and strategy development. That work is yet to be done. But, adaptation and accommodation to the worsening terms and conditions is not a path to survival, not when the stakes are so high – and the stakes are high." 
Protest map: 

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