Friday, January 6, 2017

Total Trump - Capture, Keep and Analyze Everything - NSA TIA Model

An excellent core idea to capture and analyze everything Trump but a failure in focus.  The failure is granular focus on all Trump says.  His networked structure of implementation linkages, is the target of Total Information that is to defeated/supported. 

This link "We draw on this material, and our experience with building the successful Political TV Ad Archive, to create a curated collection of material related to Trump, with an emphasis on fact-checked statements. The video is searchable, quotable, and shareable on social media."

It is a video archive.  That is only one category of Total Information Awareness.     The best model for collecting all information on Trump is the NSA TIA model. TIA now stands for Total Terrorism Information
"The goal of the Total Information Awareness program was to revolutionize the ability of the United States to detect, classify and identify foreign terrorists – and decipher their plans – and thereby enable the U.S. to take timely action to successfully preempt and defeat terrorist acts."

Simply change the phrase "terrorist acts" to "Trump acts".  The goal is to take "timely action to defeat".  All in the political domain of course in accordance with the Rules of Engagement of that domain.

The NSA is big. Its scope is big: Everything.  All information all the time.  All to be focused on a single individual actor.  Narrow it down to that actor and everything that everyone says and does in the world does not have to be recorded because only the relatively smallest amount of information in relationship to that actor entity needs to be collected.  When that actor is the president there is a substantial amount of linked information to be captured.

The video archive is only one small step toward Total Trump Awareness Information.

Trump links to a lot of things!

People, places, ideologies, money, actions, plans, friends, enemies, GPS time and location, what we says, what he does.

The application of all this information:  Predict and defeat (or support) what Trump will do based on all available TTIA information.  The NSA uses human analysts to detect and defeat (or support) but is increasingly using Artificial Intelligence technology.  That technology is leaking as a spin off to the private sector.

Human Analysts Intelligence  vs Artificial Intelligence Analysis of Total Trump Information.

Human vs Machine Intelligence.  Which is better to steer the course of what governance does in this Information Age based on what analysis of what governance is.

I like the approach to capture all information NSA style, NSA rules about Trump.  Make all information available for public/machine analysis.  No Privacy, nothing escapes capture.  Total Surveillance.  Total Awareness.

This blog entry and focus relates to a recent prior blog entry:

Building the Narrative Weapon is like the Manhattan Project.  The final Narrative Weapon will be.......?

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