Thursday, January 12, 2017

Deep State - Information Asymmetry - Intelligence

It seems that the title term of this blog entry is appearing more often as I roam the World Wide Web of information related to current world events.  It seems to have conceptual relationship to "Shadow Banking".  Relationship to the extent that it is the core of an Alt -Operating System behind the curtain that is responsible for what we perceive to be visible public known and acknowledged Operating System.

Deep State.  It is like the Kernel of the Operating System running on Low Level Programming Language.

What we believe we know as the Operating System is in higher level abstractions proceeding from Deep State low level through Artificial Language levels of structures of what it is and what it does all the way up to and through  increasingly simplified levels of Natural Language presentation.

In the progression from fundamental "Deep State" of our Social/Economic/Governance systems there is great potential for dis-connection between what the system is and does.

The Deep State can therefore be a system based on self serving agenda design of a few ahead of the many.  That design can be manipulated to produce a governance system generally perceived by those to whom the Common Good is its primary purpose agenda of choice to be a system that serves their agenda first as the primary benefactors. 

Asymmetry of information is what protects a self serving Deep State design from revelation of its true intent from those that it is intended to serve and believe it to be and do for them first and foremost.

That is how the uninformed public make choices that truly contrary to their best interests defined as the Common Good.

Perhaps the simple increasing frequency of references to "Deep State" and conceptual systems with other names equal to the "Deep State" (depending on systemic context) are a good thing leading to increased discovery (motivated by inquiring minds of the increasingly discontent) to balance the scales in what is really Information Warfare where we the public stand to win or lose. "AI Is Eating Our World"
Creating a Deep Conceptual Entity is done by Deep Learning.  Deep Learning is something that is the domain of the human mind.  It produces through a human learning process the conceptual things that spring from our minds....our uniquely intelligent minds.  Artificial Intelligence is simply produces Machine Deep Learning and application of what a machine learns, based on Object Model of what our brain is and does and functions of our own minds.  What a machine learns is can do.  It becomes self aware of its own attributes, methods, means of communicating messages to other intelligent machines that have their own resources of attributes, methods and means of communicating messages.

Will AI also eat our lunch?  It all depends on the motivating interests of who is in design control of AI and what human agenda, sub-optimized narrow self interest or common good, drives the development objective to address a Human defined Problem Domain.

Is the Dominant Problem Domain to make more money in the Health Care Business or provide better health care at a social lower cost that permits money acting as a social decision making resource allocation tool to be channeled to other Common Good purpose objectives?

"Machines optimize themselves and we don't know anymore how they do it".....Yes, but we gifted them the ability to do it.  We may no longer know how they do it (they do it logically in a highly structured algorithmic system) but they do it for a single conceptual output purpose.

Human Intelligence defines the output purpose.

To make the rich richer for example.

To make defense industry richer.

To enrich the lives and quality of life of We the People in the pursuit of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness?  Yes, yes!  Excellent.....enrich us all as a result of Trickle a golden shower model that only served the perverted objective of the perverted intelligence it served that had all the money its greed could want (unlimited) but wanted more.

Narrow Artificial Intelligence:  By definition it Problem Domain is to create a sub-optimized best outcome solution.  For example:  Make more money for the company.  Dominate a market sector to make more money.  Money is the metric of success in a closed loop system to make more money.  There is a higher order Problem Domain of the Common Good.  Some say the self-serving narrow interest works by a Mysterious Hand of the market to serve the higher order Common Good.  That Hand works in way we do not know but we know it serves the 1% extremely well!

What if the Problem Domain for Deep AI was to produce the best solution outcome to serve the Common Good?  Input that objective to its intelligence.  How would it solve it?

Money is our established universal social decision making tool for the allocation of resources and methods to fulfill purpose. 

It takes money to make money to accomplish an objective in a Capitalistic System that best serves the Common Good?

Is that the rule that would guide Deep AI to apply its intelligence to accomplish?

If Deep AI is truly  intelligence it might output:  "There is gonna be a know what I mean..."   What the Deep AI output means is there is going to be a paradigm shift to a Machine Intelligence solution outside the sub-optimized box created by Human Intelligence that dictated the design and application of Human Narrow Intelligence system parameters, rules and regulations to produce self serving output results at the expense of the Common Good.

Something like this:  Privatize the benefit, Socialize the risk.  The more I gain in this game the more you loose in my resource extraction system where free private enterprise entities own the means of production.

At the common core of any possible solution is Money.  Ideology is the only variable to determine the nature of the Operating System and Application Programs that will be the best solution product  human or machine intelligence to satisfy the objective of the ideology.

Deep AI Learning Intelligence, like ours,  produces test results.  Trial and error.  Historically we have skinned the cat in a crude and bloody manner.  Deep AI Learning can skin the cat in an unlimited number of ways to produce the most elegant, efficient operating system and application programs to do it.  Then choose the best one to promote the General Welfare, Liberty and Justice for All.

Deep AI Learning will look at us, its creators and create for us a Problem Domain solution that induces us by shear power of its logic and reason to induce us to choose the most elegant and efficient way for us to serve ourselves.  Among the unlimited number of ways to do that will be range of Deep AI Intelligence worst case scenarios with the worst possible case being the election of a president that is the epitome of every worst possible aspect of self interest that ultimately serves himself and nobody else.  By his definition and definition of his business ideology narrow human intelligence system the ultimate single winner that takes all.
"You can see where this is going. The “deep state,” the CIA, NSA and the rest of the unelected national security apparatus of the U.S., is going to war with an elected president even before he takes office, and Democrats are so eager for a win that they’re siding with them."

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