Monday, January 23, 2017

Seema Verma - Trump Health Plan

If the problem is alligators the mission objective solution is to drain the swamp.  Targeting them one at a time to hold them a bay is a tactic.  Winning strategy is draining the swamp and all the contiguous swamps they could slither off to.

Trump has frequently said the words "Drain the Swamp"

Note the next day:  This blog entry was written entirely yesterday.  The beginning links established the specific target alligator.  One that I intended to home in on, clarify then the aim and fire at with a silver bullet solution curing the source of the sickness occurring in a single instance with a cure that would be universally applicable to curing the curing all global instances of the same sickness by killing all the same categorical alligators in the specific sector of the swamp.

If what cures, like killing a cancer in one instance also cures by killing every instance of the same cancer.  It seems like an effective model.  Then I went off target to frame the nature of the swamp the alligators are turned into a case of having lost sight of my objective I re-doubled my efforts!

Going off target was not a waste of time and ammunition.  It was more like firing ideas for effect to see where they landed in relation to the target to straddle it.  Then correct and fire again.

Seems like I ran out of ammunition as well as vision and was simply making a big bang but what follows that was written yesterday did get me some results....mostly in re-orienting my resources toward tactics and strategy in draining the swamp today.  

Draining the swamp is a meme.  An ambiguous natural language expression that sounds good but has little conceptual structure object oriented design supporting it.  In the first place it is an action oriented plan to implement a metaphoric object oriented relationship between two (and more) things at top Parent Class level.

Draining the Swamp is conceptually taking a driving dominant Functional Oriented approach course of action to the the solving the Problem Domain.  It is a Top Level Action in a plan that then creates a structure of top down breakdown actions to accomplish the Top Level action.

"Draining the Swamp" establishes the frame of the Problem Domain as "Action" and the solutions as a structure of actions.

Wrong Frame!  And that is exactly why I went off course chasing Things framed in a dominant Functional Framework action decomposition "Drain the Swamp" approach of:  Do this action, then do this sub action to enable that action, etc....etc.....wash, rinse and repeat in increasingly supporting "Do this to support that sub levels.

Wrong Frame!  Old School.

New School:  (maybe only my own school in which I am the only student as well as the teacher)
1.  Identify the "hard science" physical objects in the Problem Domain and discover the truths of their Parent/Child object attributes, methods and messages.

2. Identify the "soft science" conceptual objects in the Problem Domain and discover the truths of their Parent/Child object attributes, methods and messages.

Hard Science:  The real world physical object domain of what is factually discovered to be true about existing hard real things with factually ascribed by natural law true properties

Soft Science:  The domain of human cognizance that creates conceptual things in our minds and assigns them properties through which we relate to our existence in a real world.

Some say that both Hard Science and Soft Science can relate to a Super Natural world.  I believe that is another world beyond what we perceive in real time and space that may or may not exist. Due to the fact that it may or may not exist outside of Space and Time it should have not object relationship to our real world existence of either Hard or Soft Science.  If it does not exist it is irrelevant or just a figment of the outer limits of Soft Science because other world thinking really does have influence on our real world existence values.

So I ditch the "Drain the Swamp" functional approach to solving the problem as a less effective methodology but acknowledge it as the dominant direct human nature action oriented "do some thing" inherited from the animal nature of out being.  It is a natural tendency approach that constrains our problem solving ability.
Faith is an ambiguous thing that straddles both the real and supernatural words!

 Back to where I went astray down an action oriented solution path yesterday.  It had some value to the extent that nothing changes except as a function action.  The heart of the problem is in our design of  Conceptual Object Soft Science properties by virtue of which they can implement relations with other Soft Science and Hard Science objects to do things for better Human Problem Domain solutions.

Back to what I wrote yesterday:

He is the con man chief alligator that uses lies to hide the truth.   His intention is to fill the swamp with alligators while saying he wants to drain it!  His base are a multitude of useful idiot alligators that draw attention and resources.  The big alligators are his lieutenants and generals in the swamp for the same purpose he is in it.  When he puts more of those in the swamp the game becomes "Wack a Mole" to mix my metaphors.

The swamp is never drained it becomes an environment to grow more predatory creatures and draw in prey to feed on when the only way to fight them is one at a time and that tactic becomes a fallacious strategy for winning.......Not!

Health Care is a big issue.  It is also a big unhealthy swamp.  More like a place to go to get medical care by leaches and financially eaten by alligators.

By design Health Care exists in a financial swamp environment that serves its alligators.  Health practitioners in the financial swamp are dedicated to do no harm as a way to do good for their patients.  It is a strange paradox.

Seema Verma is an alligator in the swamp.  Investigative reporting has shown a spotlight on this creature slithering in the dark.  What she is and what she does.  She is just one of so many like her existing in her problem domain sector of the swamp.  Find the cure for the disease she carries and spreads and the same cure applies to cure the general disease.

The cure?  Identification of the disease and targeted treatment to cure one instance cures all that are infected by it.  Seema Verma is only one human carrier in a conceptual genetic like structure of trait inheritance from a Conceptual Parent of her domain class sharing the same trait causing the problem.

The solution to the Health Care system is........what......???

The solution is a scientific one.

Why are there so many science deniers in the Trump domain?

Science drains the swamp of what is not true by scientific method application to everything to validate what is true from what is not in the "Hard Science" physical world.  Hard Science looks at "Soft Science" in the "Social Science" domain as......not really science but (be-grudgingly and reluctant to admit) becoming more like (walks like and quacks like) real science as technology progresses.

Where is that progress in the ambiguous world the domain of which is encompassed as "Social Science going??

What we have today as social conceptual structure today called Society is a functional result of our Human Intelligence to create a conceptual Social System that relates us to a real world environment in which we live.

In the Problem Domain of Medicine the application of Scientific Method has brought the unknown relationships of the natural physical world  into a representational accurate model of cause and effect enabling discovery of what the source cause working back from observable effect connected to action that made it observable.  The explanation is expressed in a precise least ambiguous natural language of mathematics that is our tool in discovery of the thing (discretely at the micro level, universally at higher levels approaching macro level) that causes the effect.

Human intelligence applied scientifically to our natural world to discover its relationships got us where we are today.  We applied our intelligence to create explanatory structural conceptual models composed of conceptual thing idea beliefs that had ambiguous relation to the relationship to the natural world.

Human Intelligence has brought us a "long way" (as we see and think know it in our terms) from animal intelligence over a long time. That same intelligence is taking us into a future of discovery more about the nature of our own intelligence of social cognition beyond but based on the natural world we live in.

The real world pre-existing truths expressed by the "Language of Nature" that have been scientifically discovered and expressed in what we call spoken "Natural Language" have gone beyond Natural Language ambiguity to more precise less ambiguous and more provable truth based languages of expression.

It is amusing that we call it "Artificial Language" when everyone knows that real Natural Language is American!  We are highly skilled in thinking and speaking in ambiguity to make anything mean exactly what we intend it to mean.

I give you Donald Trump.  Kelly Anne Conway. Alternate Facts.

"Artificial Intelligence" expressed in "Artificial Language" is what we are going to use to drain the swamp.

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