Thursday, January 7, 2016

Tower of Babel, Blockchain and Ethereum

I was pleased by what I wrote about the Tower of Babel in 2013.  Pleased that I saw a unification of a universal language of expression countering the division made long ago.  Unification is a process and today it looks like blockchain is that unifier.  What was decentralized by the destruction of the centralized Tower of Babel into faction segments that could not communicate without the friction of translation is being constructed again simply by eliminating the friction of communication that inherently required a broker translator.

Dangerous progress!  I went off on a tangent in the Tower of Babel blog post to examine who might be seriously concerned by this challenging of the god that destroyed the Tower of Babel and therefore incurred his wrath.  Like Garden of Eden all over again!

Updating my browsing on this old blog entry I find that some others are concerned with how this new Tower of Babel might look to some in the modern Information Age!  Central control authority is another vested interest stakeholder in a the system de-centralization domain.

Ethereum is building the new Tower of Babel.

Ethereum update today: I like the term about reaching "Homestead Phase".  A creative use of the term which applies the concept to the conceptual landscape.  Perhaps it is related to the graphic of the open plains used at the Ethereum website page.  Looks like 160 acres to me. Maybe infinitely far to the horizon.

Each nano second of the sun setting landscape graphic at the Ethereum home page is a lockstep state of blockchain eternal now if we move fast enough across the land to always keep the setting sun in the same position and leave an immutable trail behind for anyone to follow at any point in time either backward step by step or forward to the now validity of current state.

Nicely done, Vitalik!  Vitalik.

Vitalik Buterin

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