Wednesday, January 13, 2016

How The Blockchain Will Enable---Everything!

This link takes the concept of Blockchain and applies it broadly in time based explanations far simpler than my ramblings express.  It is not only easy reading and easy understanding it is elegantly done.  Nice touch on the birth date.

The title of the link:  How the blockchain will enable self-service government.

The title got my attention but as I got into the substance I began to think that the title was somehow not entirely appropriate.  I thought about that.  Yes, self service government.  Self service to the extent that the friction of government is removed.  The friction of the government performing official validation proof of.......of what?  

Something being official!  Maybe that is why we call people in government: Government Officials?

The government role in making things official (somehow) through documentation or approval is like the old days of data base systems that employed pointers to data.  The "pointer" system was a structured meta system "data about data" (I just made that idea up, I think it is a valid observation).  Then there was a shift to relational data bases where the data did not need (somehow) locked in pointers to the data it related to.  Data could relate and then take action to connect to other data in the data base system freely without pointers.  I think that is how it worked.  Data was free to roam out of the boundaries of a pre-designed road map that would otherwise tell it exactly where it could go and perhaps conditionally when.

That just about exhausts my perception of the tech advancement from pointer to relational data base systems.  While it may be muddled to you, but not to me, Wikipedia describes data base and the tech progression of data base models from hierarchical to networked pointers to relational.

I knew enough to bet my life savings of on Oracle in 1986 upon retirement from the navy.  I never really had to touch it since then.  It was a black/red, head/tails bet at the time.  Why diversify when there is a sure bet to be made?  The writing was logically on the wall.  It was just a matter of who would take the ball and run the fastest and farthest with it.

The writing is on the wall for Blockchain.  A conceptual structure model that not only documents things as valid but also relates them in time to a valid system.  Time by virtue of its nature is one of the best validating systems we have.  

Sounds like blockchain to me.  Time is a Blockchain.  Simple as that.

Is that an understatement?  Maybe anything said about an absolute entity is an understatement but it still has to be said.  It is like this:  If we all look at the same thing and confirm that it is true then it is true.  When an attribute of that true thing changes in time we all look at it again and all confirm that it is true....or not (not true = false).  And so on it time, again and again, over time.

Putting the link I am blogging about in the frame of government and its role as our chosen form of common good governance was a good way to present Blockchain as a point of entry to the total Problem Domain that it can and will be applied to.

Blockchain is elegantly simple.  Complexity based on simplicity.  Complexity by nature is difficult to understand but structured conceptual complexity just takes time because everything is connected.  Some might have to plod through it slowly to get it.  Others just zip along a high speed.  They shall be known as nerds.  

Blockchain is a concept that truly hangs together as a truth based model by virtue of its own self evident truth of perpetually validated granular changes in time to be true.  If changes at the granular level are all true then the aggregate level is true.  Unlike our current conceptual monetary system which fails (not true = false).  The legacy system fails to be connected by a logic and reason truth based system aimed at serving ourselves, our common good, very well as a social decision making tool.  

The legacy monetary system, like government systems, business systems, other conceptual social systems we have created are structurally pointer based model systems.  Pointers that may be rigidly structured by law to point to mandatory system paths and connections as an operating system but in application these pointers are subject to manipulation.  Call them loophole pointers making different paths.  Pointers that are bugs or features depending on who they benefit.  Either way they exist essentially on a failure to validate a chain of documented proof available for public validation.

The link is a simple explanation of the beauty of the concept.  I took what it presented and made a Monet out of it.  This is the actual link:  "Blockchain is the New Signature" might have been the original title.  True, it will enable everything with a new improved quality advancing "truth" a big step toward absolute. 

Driving a car by looking into the rear view mirror at where we have been has some blockchain aspects.  It establishes a view of historical truth on a timeline road that validates the implementation of the eternal real time present called the "perpetual instant of now" going into eternal past.   

If the future journey is bounded by the rule of staying on the road then some future forks will take us nowhere.  At the granular level of a single driver some might take a fork proved false because all the other drivers on the road are on the other fork that by consensus they proved to be true.  The false forkers quit and jump back into the true lane to join the consensus proof of truth.

The conclusion of the previous paragraph is a conundrum about where this truth based road is going.  

Maybe that is where we need a "driverless" car.  There is, of course no such thing as I have said in prior blog entries.  There is always some thing in the drivers seat. 

There is a difference between navigating and steering.  Navigating plots a course.  Steering follows it.

Navigation used to be done by human beings.  Now GPS does it.  Not entirely perfect but better than guys that don't ask for directions.  Steering is increasingly being done by intelligent machines.  More intelligent than guys not asking for directions.

In the future we may all sit looking backwards looking backwards at where we have been in our machine navigated cars steered by machine guidance control like passengers now sit facing the rear of the aircraft on military flights.  It is technically the safest seating position but takes faith in the truth of the system or in the case of a child in the car today, faith in the parent.

"Like neural networks, evolution appears to "learn" from previous experience, which may explain how natural selection can produce such apparently intelligent designs". ---January 11, 2015

Evolution is a driver steering by looking in the rear view mirror to produce intelligent designs?  It never looks beyond the "eternal now" with design plan for the future?  It is all just based on the truth of trial and error?  In that case it is a very general purpose tool object for application to establish the truth of some thing or any thing as its right now state of being in relationship to time and whatever the thing is possessing (having as a function of "ownership association") relationship in the broadest terms to another thing.  

How much is blockchain like that? Will blockchain enable ..........everything with a new object oriented attribute and methods and messages to invoke other object methods and messages?

Is that the bottom line?  Perhaps intelligence has a dividing duality base of derivation: Passive looking backward in time learning or Active forward looking knowledge applied to trial and error design and implementation.  Human Intelligence.   Is one information and the other knowledge?

Or, do I digress, because I can.  Is it was a fork diverging from the concensus blockchain or is it the main chain continuance of evolutionary.....whatever. ?  No open ledger for others to do the same work and come up with the same truth on this one!

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