Saturday, January 9, 2016

Time is the Ultimate Blockchain

"Get_Crunk" beat me to first use of the subject phrase.  To him go the bragging rights and my kudos.  I wish I had coined that phrase.  Envious. 

Time is the ultimate blockchain.  Time past cannot be changed.  The eternal now is always an indelible blockchain update to the ledger.  Get as philosophical or religious as want on this.

Maybe the best way to explain the concept of the blockchain is its time base and the thing that looks most like that in terms that we can grasp is video recording.  Locking the truth (as far as the actual picture) into the record of time with a validation stamp on time and place as well as place in sequence of the video clip.

It takes some understanding of video frame rates but that is relatively simple and people understand video in general.

GPS location is a meta data element that can be associated with a video recording.  GPS satellites also broadcast a time stamp.  Is it possible to broadcast a blockchain identifier that could be locked into the video meta data like location?

How would that work?  Cryptography?

A world wide stamp?   Everybody get in step, ah one and ah two and ah three....lock step blockchain time.
"As GPS becomes modernized, further benefits await users. The addition of the second and third civilian GPS signals will increase the accuracy and reliability of GPS time, which will remain free and available to the entire world."

Could cell towers that are in sync with satellite time broadcast a meta data blockchain based on time transactions of a designated time frame like 1 second.  A tenth of a second?   Attach it to texts?  Voice messages. Conversations?

Encrypt the time signal that is recorded on video or photo or other time event related thing.  When indisputable true blockchain time evidence  is needed then apply the key.

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