Friday, January 22, 2016

IBM Watson - AlchemyLanguage and Bill Moyers

The prior blog was about Clive Crook writing sentences from which the AlchemyLanguage API could extract any Relations.  When it could extract something from a sentence and parse it to an extracted sentence that extracted sentence was often a poor correlation to the original sentence written by Clive Crook.  I expressed my opinion not only of the original sentences written by Clive Crook but also the nature of his writing.

On a skill scale of writing and communication it is my opinion that Clive Crook at one end of the spectrum.  In comparison, who might be at the other end of the skill spectrum.  I have my heroes there.

Bill Moyers.  Everything he writes is a structural beauty to me in his assembly of nouns and verbs to sentence structure.  His sentences convey meaning.  His paragraphs express complete abstract thinking that flows from his use of words in sentences, sentences in paragraphs.  Paragraphs that assemble to flow together to express in a most thoughtful effective manner what he has to say.  He says it all clearly, convincingly. 

What Bill Moyers says is beautiful.  That is my opinion of what he writes and I used the word "says".  That is a funny thing because everything I read that Bill Moyers writes I am not only reading the words but I hear him saying the words.  His delivery is as beautiful as the words he writes.  He is a great communicator.

I will test what Watson's AlchemyLanguage API delivers in the analysis of something Bill Moyers wrote.

Test the first three paragraphs input to the text analysis of Alchemy API and look at Relations.  Do your own look at the entire analysis.

Relations extracts the original sentence.  It does not extract all sentences.  It extracted none in 5 paragraphs written by Clive Crook.  Each extracted sentence is parsed for noun verb relationship.

This sentence for example from the test of what Bill wrote.  The original and the extraction are the same.  The sentence is complex in structure as well as meaning.

"What journalist, writing on deadline, could have imagined the walloping kick that Rosa Park’s tired feet would give to Jim Crow?"

It parses to a clear Subject, verb, object relationship.  So do many of Bills sentences to a ssubstantial degree.

Bill writes well.  Bill thinks well.  I think that Alchemy API would come to the same bottom line conclusion.

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