Wednesday, January 6, 2016

The Big Data of Bad Driving--Gimme Surveillance Please, lower rates too.

This link expresses what I have commented on in prior blog entries at this site:

Self driving cars are a Trojan horse (I should develop that interesting idea) to sneak in a multitude of sensors reporting to a data collection agency for a variety of data mining purposes.

Among those purposes is Insurance.  Insurance rates.  Insurance liabilities.  There is a Trojan horse there too.  The horse is not the gift of "lower rates" that it seems to be and is advertised as such.  Lower rates are the consumer lure to hook bigger profits.  Catching the willing first and then corralling the unwilling in a walled box because they opted out to evade it but cannot opt in unless they pay the price in premiums for past bad driving record.


Insurance is not the only data mining purpose.  In prior blog entries here I looked at Oregon's plan to record mileage and charge gas tax based on reported mileage rather than at the pump.

There is an interesting social aspect to this insurance scheme.  It will meet with public approval like this thinking:

"Why should I have to pay insurance premiums that go into a no fault insurance pool?"  I want sensors that report the fact I am a careful driver not like those idiots on the road that are not and do not pay the insurance premium price directly to their driving practices.  Make them have sensor reporting "police" in their cars.  I am not going to take their irresponsibility anymore.  Driving is a privilege, if they do not deserve it then take it away from them.  Yes, I want sensor collection of driving data to document drivers violation of the privilege and reward me and punish them.  And we know what kind of people they are"

That kind of attitude would be easy to sell to the public.

The bottom line social attitude?......  :

"Make 'em pay!  I will gladly accept  surveillance in order to do that because I am a safe driver (I have nothing to hide).  If I am not then I will accept the consequences.  It is called personal responsibility!"

Trojan horse.  Swallowed hook, line and sinker.  Lock, stock and barrel. The cat skinning itself.  Not unusual in a world where citizens vote (if they do) against their own self interest.  Why do they do that?
Hit-and-Run Driver Arrested Because Car Reported Accident

allan says:

"Just imagine when this shows up in health insurance.
You will be given a discount on your AetnaCignaUnitedHealth plan
in return for allowing the company to implant a small device in your chest cavity
which will continuously upload your vitals to the cloud.
This will allow confirmation of your qualifying for the non-smoker premium,
as well as monitoring for other self-destructive behaviors.
But there will be no pressure on you to do this. None whatsoever. Promise."

fresno dan adds:
"I’m kinda thinking they’re not gonna stick it up your chest…
and medical grade lube isn’t covered."


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