Friday, November 24, 2017

The Market and Private Property Should Be The Slaves of Democracy

"PIKETTY: To me transparency in wealth is really the key objective because I think it's very difficult to have a serious democratic debate and a rational democratic debate with so little hard information on wealth dynamics and with so little public knowledge on who owns what where."  

Exactly.  Who owns what where?  We are an ownership society, country.  On the national level?  I give up.  We need a new system of ownership based on a new Monetary System foundation where every granular level unit of medium of exchange is uniquely identified in a Positive Money system operating on Blockchain for the Common Good.  It is impossible to have a serious democratic (We the People) debate not only because there is so little information but that so few understand the system we have.  That, of course, is the intention of the Designers of the Debt Based Monetary System.   It benefits Finance greatly and Finance is not going to give up that Golden Goose.

Picketty gets some attention.  His means to a wealth distribution problem is to make the economic system more transparent.  Yes, the problem is that there is so little public true logic and reason knowledge of anything, much less who owns what.  Maybe if the general public did know who owns what they would want to take it away from them.  The general public is so dumbed down we have a transparent moron as the smartest guy in the Whorehouse. 

The future belongs to China.  Thing are no more transparent there to the general public but the leaders are working for the People's Republic, not Wall Street and Big Business.  China will lead the world into Crypto Currency while the USA remains slaves of Democracy denominated by the Debt Based Dollar that is responsible for disparity in the distribution of wealth.

The USA will only give up its grip on Debt Based Reserve Currency not when it is pried  from its cold dead hands but when it becomes worthless in a world of Debt Free Crypto Currency. 

The last gasp of the USA will be when it goes to war to defend the US Dollar System from from CryptoCurrency System.  That is the transparent truth.  The truth that we need to see coming but do not because our system lacks transparency by design of the few that have so much disproportionate wealth as well as power to control our Democracy.

When so many have so little control of Democracy it is not a Democracy any longer even if we continue to use that term to describe the framework in which our Economic System operates.

Move along folks, there is nothing to be seen here.  It is only Democracy at work and we would rather not have you see it. 

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