Tuesday, November 7, 2017

Fiat Money. New Term? Simple: It is just Blockchain Money

J. D. Alt (J.D.Alt) scores again with an elegant design!

The elegant simplicity: Coin it the give it life by spending it in a transaction.  The transaction monetizes the coin to be spent.

The monitized coin is then spent in a Blockchain of spending that always knows the state of real time current owner of the coin in a wallet that can be spent in any future transaction that perpetuates it in the chain.

Just call it what it is:  Blockchain Money.  Then let it do what it does in action: Spend!

Its elegantly simple!

It is simply the system we already have.  It can be easily seen when the shadows on the wall are made to go away when the deceptive words used to project them are cleansed in the reduction of ambiguity waters of the Information Age and come out as Blockchain Crypto Currency.

The simple trick to deceive us and tie up with chains in the dark to only see the shadows projected on the wall?

Name a thing by what it is not and give it a function that does the opposite of what the name is defined to be and owns the method to implement methods associated with what its name knows how to do with a message.

Call the brake an accelerator.   The brake to speed things up.  Call the accelerator the brake.  The accelerator slows things down.

The naming of a thing defines its meaning.  Just make what the name does the opposite of what a rube thinks is its logical function.

A trick of the flim flam artist.

It is a challenge of the flim flam artist to turn a named thing that does what its name says into something that does what is name is not.  That however is what makes the flim flam artist rich at the expense of the mark:  The public.

Call "Real News" "Fake News" https://www.salon.com/2017/11/06/the-attack-on-fake-news-is-really-an-attack-on-alternative-media/

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